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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Dear ANet,

I come to you today with a futuristic and revolutionary idea to implement in the game for gathering/farm.


A GPS system. 


You can place a star on the map to guide you through the best and/or fastest way to travel.


The gps also includes filters for gathering.

Say you want to gather wood in a certain map.

The gps will guide you to the wood nodes, from nearest, to next.

Since nodes spawn at random around maps, it is hard to know where they are.


The gps system would make the player's life a lot easier in such tasks.


Thank you.


By the way.

There is a passage between Sparkfly Fen and Southsun Cove.

It is clear that initially they were meant to lead to one another.

Would it be possible for you to add that passage there please?


Would be nice to have access to Southsun other than through Lion's Arch.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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The new EoD character selection screen background is, well, not for me. It's a bit too bright and colorful but I expect I will be stuck with it for years. How about giving us the ability to select from a couple of different backgrounds.

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Can the fishing UI move to show up near the bob instead of the bottom of the screen? It would help feel a little less like “playing the UI instead of the world.”

I’ve seen this suggestion buried deep in a couple fishing threads, and wanted to put it here since it’s my understanding this thread is watched by ANet.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Can we have an option with salvage kits to "salvage masterwork and only equipment only", "salvage rare equipment only"?

So we can bulk salvage masterwork/rare without salvaging unid gear or food by accident?


As iti s I have to do it manaully T_T.....

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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The new Canthan themed character select screen is awesome! I really do enjoy it. A nice option for us and to give some QoL would be to have a toggle button we can change to select each of the releases. So when this one gets old I can change back to gw2 release screen or to HoT screen or to Po screen or to what ever the next one will be.


Just saying it would be nice.

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Heya people! Gamers, Devs and more! 


Just a question that popped in mind! 

Now with EoD there's a Vinyl released of the soundtracks and songs... 

But will there also be a CD release..?? 

Cause I personally would really love love LOOOOOOVE(!) to have a CD of the most epic songs and sounds that bring me ingame with every second of them songs! <3 


Just a suggest/idea question ^^ :D

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Suggestions (These are Rare from me and you've listened to me before (I take credit for capes in game lol)):


1. Please add a section so we can choose our own buttons for Jade Bot functions. I've been flying with C as down on Mounts for so long now "riding" the Bot it wants me to hit V and it is just weird to learn something new for the same basic function as another game mode.


2. Please add a place in Control Options to keybind Skiff launching with a single key so we don't have to use mouse clicks please.


In short the less I have to click anything and can just hit a button, the happier I will be, and I'm sure I am not the only one that would want this.

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Would be nice to see a recap option for missed living world seasons, like what you'd see in a TV show (previously on...). As I understand it, there's one for s1 because it was a "you had to be there" experience (literally), but it would be nice to have that kind of thing for the rest of it too. Some may not want to play through all the living world seasons they've missed (plus the way you gate it with gems if they weren't there), but still want to know what's going on so they aren't feeling totally lost going into a new expansion. I imagine there are prob let's plays on youtube or something, but I'm just thinking of short recap kind of thing, not watching the whole thing unfold. Like here are the most important things you need to know, so you can go into the next expansion informed. I don't think this would detract from the experience of being there for it to unfold and getting the unlock for free if you're there, as a recap wouldn't be giving you the actual gameplay and rewards, just bringing you up to speed on the most critical story details.

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1- i feel that more things need to be shared across characters, one example: I have 100% unlocked all maps, vistas/POI's etc of the main game (not the expansions) so it would be nice when i go on another character, everything should be shared but not teleports/portals and skill points, unless you skip to lvl 80 then they should all be shared.

2- this one is a lot to ask for a suggestion, but one item in particular, i will use this one for the example, the material storage to expand it you need to spend 800 gems, so my suggestion is, make the first one cost gold instead, then make it cost gems, let us buy atleast one with ingame money before making have to pay with gems. it could also go for other things to, like an extra bag slot etc. (not played in years so cant remember if you could or not already)

3- Crafting should be another thing that is shared, make it so you can Craft everything on one character, and it shares across them all.

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I think the extra menus for mounts, novelties and now skiffs/fishing rods are kind of dumb. Why aren't they all in one place and completely configurable for the player? If I don't care about mounts I feel like I should be able to just place different novelties (even of the same type) in something like a skillbar.  Want two different skins of the same mount available? Just drag and drop them from the mount page. This gives a lot more control to the player, reduce the necessity to create new menus for all of those features.

I also think that this will reduce menu fatigue in general.


I know that combat is designed around weapon skills and even though I would like the ability to reorganise those weapon skills, I have accepted it as good enough. The configurability of the novelties/mounts and possibly items (like teleport Scrolls) is unfortunately not. Please reconsider these UI elements.

(I assume I'm going to get so much flak for saying these things)

Edit: If not what I just said, at least split the keybind for the skiff and fishing rod. Yeah I get it j looks like a hook haha funny. Please seperate them. I have to open the mastery menu, click on the skiff, spawn it and board it move to a decent spot and then again open the mastery menu and click on my fishing rod. I'm a very keyboard driven player and I don't mind setting up some parts visually if that means dragging things about. But once I'm playing the actual game I'd like to reduce as much menu crud as possible.

Edited by Lander G.6071
added an alternative idea
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When EoD was announced i was a little bit annoyed by the thought of how the game would deal with having one extra mount, skiffs and fishing in terms of UI. The expansion is finally here and my fears have become an annoying reality.

You guys need to find a better way to deal with mounts, novelties and mastery abilities in terms of UI and keybinds. I believe that radial menus could be the best solution with optional keybinds for everything.

I managed to deal with mounts not only because the game has optional keybinds for them, but also because i use a MMO gaming mouse with a bunch of buttons and even then i never had exclusive keybinds for my skyscale or warclaw because they are the 'default' mount and i don't have more buttons left that i can use on a comfortable way... and that affects the turtle too.

Fishing and skiff are on a different menu and we get ONE single keybind, being forced to mouseclick to use the other on a very tiny menu. That's a problem. The fact that they keybind is out of hand (J) is not much of an issue since we can change it, even to something that doesn't look like a hook (it was a fun reasoning though), but not having the option to keybind them separately is annoying.


So summing up: i suggest that you guys start thinking about some UI improvements and even a small overhaul for mounts, novelties and mastery abilities. But meanwhile, more like something to patch ASAP, we need an optional keybind for skiffs.



Edited by Geckoo.6018
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18 hours ago, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

Can we have an option with salvage kits to "salvage masterwork and only equipment only", "salvage rare equipment only"?

So we can bulk salvage masterwork/rare without salvaging unid gear or food by accident?


As iti s I have to do it manaully T_T.....

Until ArenaNet implements your suggestion, here’s what a lot of other players do:

Equip an invisible bag in the last bag slot. Always keep one unid yellow, blue, and green in there so that new ones automatically stack there.

Now you can safely “salvage all” without salvaging any unid gear.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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5 hours ago, Geckoo.6018 said:

we need an optional keybind for skiffs

My first reaction to unlocking the skiff was to immediately go into my settings to make a keybind for it. I'm extremely disappointed. I don't want to have to choose between fishing or my skiff as the default for a single keybind.

+1 to the novelties/mounts/masteries overhaul. It was tacked on to a system that didn't seem to welcome it, and it was done poorly.

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Can we have the following Sigils please?

● Apply Blind, Cripple.

Also, I've been meaning to ask this for years, but always seem to forget.

How about giving us title benefits just like in GW1 too?

For instance, Norn titles gives you extra armour when in Norn teritories.

Asura titles extra energy.

In GW2 could be endurance or Alacrity. 

So on so forth.


Thanks people.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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QoL Request


A new Jade Bot mastery that increases the duration of the Jade Tech Offense & Defense Protocol buffs. 

I love that we can stack these buffs up to 90 mins, but needing 18 jade charges to get both of them topped off is a bit too much busy work. A new mastery that increases it from 10mins per charge to 20 or 30 would be greatly appreciated

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"Customize All Stats" option for legendary armory. Let's you quickly swap stats on all of your legendary gear to the same set of stats. Probably would be more helpful if there were also sub-options like "Customize All Armor/Weapon/Trinket Stats". But I believe that ANet wants people to buy Equipment Templates, so just the first one is a nice compromise, for the people who are willing to use the same template and click repeatedly for the same set of stats across all their gear anyway.

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