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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Minor quality of life change, could the TP be updated so it isn't possible to request items at less than their minimum value? It's such a random nuisance when trying to sell an item and the offered price is less than the minimum. Then I can't sell my item, and the person asking for it will never receive it, and it's just annoying for everyone. 

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1.  Recharging Teleport To Friend Stone:  The recharge time only processes while logged into that character.  This means using it for alts that you use for farming/niche goals is not very useful.  Please make it so that the cooldown time processes while not logged into that character, or at most slow it down so that it will regenerate its use after ~12 hours or something. 

2. Rested EXP:  Right now when you log in and are at Arborstone the rested EXP timer starts ticking immediately.  Please pause rested EXP duration while in Arborstone.

3. Fishing Equipment:  So this one is a bit more in depth for me to explain.  For the first part, I would like to say that the current system is very limiting.

* The 'Fishing Rod' is unlocked account-wide, and does not formally take up an inventory slot similar to other gathering tools.  This part is fine.

* The 'Lure' and 'Bait' however, are individual to the character.  This means that fishing is usually very specifically done on one character that you've designated as your fisher, so fishing is not likely to happen when playing on non-fishing-mains.  It is quite inconveniently different from the other gathering professions that people will do on any character that has tools on them at a moments notice.

* Fishing requires substantially more inventory space.  For reference I keep 15+ of each type of bait package on my character, not including the baits that have been opened and not used up (so up to 14 slots just for opened baits not in use), ~5 stacks of fishing lures, and a stack of fishing-exclusive buff food.  This is a lot of inventory used up.  It also further emphasizes why we don't fish on our other characters.


All of this is to say that the Fishing system in the game could use a huge quality-of-life overhaul.  I have a list of suggestions, some of which work together and some that might be overkill if all utilized at the same time.

  1. The 'Fishing' section of the Hero Panel becomes its own container for all of the 'baits'.  This also becomes account-wide so that your baits are accessible for all of your characters.  Probably not for lures since those are the equivalent of our gathering tools, and having one infinite use tool be usable account-wide would not be fair with the current state of the rest of the game.
  2. If #1 is dreaming too big, then perhaps make it so that bait is stored in the material storage and can be exclusively accessed via the Fishing-5 skill.


4. Expand the Fishing UI:  It is very clunky going into the Hero panel every time we want to check the status on our remaining bait and lures, or see what our fishing power is at.  Please either add these details to the fishing-in-progress-window or a separate UI widget specifically for showing them while we have fishing rods out.  It could be right above the fishing minigame bar;  [Bait-name + remaining] [Lure Name + remaining] [Fishing Power Total] or something like that.  There isn't a lot going on that it would be too UI-flooding to see them.

5. Fishing Party Stacks:  Right now we lose all of our fishing stacks if we're off our boat for ~20 seconds or if we're forced to change instances.  This makes it so that if we're fishing and go to join the fight against a Leviathan, we lose our stacks - or if we're in a big fishing group and change from Seitung to Kaineng to chase more Leviathans, we lose our stacks, or if the instance is determined to not be full enough it threatens to close on us in an hour and when that time comes we lose our fishing stacks.  It's kind of a pain in the butt to lose your fishing stacks is what I'm saying.  Please make it so that Fishing Stacks persist through map changes, that we do not lose our fishing stacks when we're off our boats for even up to 2 minutes (which will help with map changes and loading times), and that we do not lose our fishing stacks when we change instances.


I think thats all I have to say on this topic for now.  Thank you for reading.

Edited by LoreChief.8391
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3 hours ago, LoreChief.8391 said:


2. Rested EXP:  Right now when you log in and are at Arborstone the rested EXP timer starts ticking immediately.  Please pause rested EXP duration while in Arborstone.


"If you are already Well Rested, any elapsed time will be returned to you when you leave the inn unless you log out."



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I have an idea regarding resurrecting another player.

I always like to thank people who resurrect me, but in the heat of battle, like a boss fight, it is difficult to type and the player wouldn't likely be reading it anyway.

My idea should be simple to add. I suggest a system like War Thunder uses. When your vehicle is damaged and another player helps you repair it, a hotkey appears on the screen, by default [T], and if you simply press that key, not only does it type "Thank you!" into chat, but also speaks it aloud in the game.

How cool would it be in GW2 to have your character thank another player in their voice by pressing only a single key?

Edited by TESLA.7415
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Can we have friend list with note feature, like what WoW have on friend list.

Right now, we can only set nickname. The issue is, it not possible to have non alphabet character, and because it feature for nickname. Writing long note feel wrong, and also because nickname will replace their real name.

Having note will help player to track their friend list. to remember who he is, why we meet, when we meet. It's will improve the social aspect of player who never go to discord and just playing game and meet in game friend.


Edited by Gharuda.7805
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So i just crafted my first piece of the medium leggy pve armor, more specifically the chest piece . It looks really good and has some cool animation with huge wings when entering combat. But why the kitten does that really nice piece of armor grow into something to horrendous. it legit just becomes another kitten coat and medium armor already has way to many of them.The other pieces dont bother me as much since they look pretty kitten all the time and not just in combat. Anet please make it so you can toggle it off/on

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14 hours ago, TESLA.7415 said:

I have an idea regarding resurrecting another player.

I always like to thank people who resurrect me, but in the heat of battle, like a boss fight, it is difficult to type and the player wouldn't likely be reading it anyway.

My idea should be simple to add. I suggest a system like War Thunder uses. When your vehicle is damaged and another player helps you repair it, a hotkey appears on the screen, by default [T], and if you simply press that key, not only does it type "Thank you!" into chat, but also speaks it aloud in the game.

How cool would it be in GW2 to have your character thank another player in their voice by pressing only a single key?

My sylvari usually says "oh thank you" after being revived without me pressing any key.

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...or make an actual running animation for the male sylvari. I've seen my fair share of heavy-bottomed people run, but this guy takes the cake, thin as he is.
Obviously just personal preference for the running. But it's not how anybody who's ever moved by more than a meter would run, not to mention a power fantasy of a hands-on world savior.

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Please consider opening up zone borders the length of one Griffon.

You've bordered most zones in these amazing mountains, but the invisible wall often starts just before their tops. If we could have just enough space to get up there and summon our Griffons, it'd open up a lot more opportunity for riding the best mount in the game.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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  • Gibson.4036 changed the title to Can we get zone borders pushed out the length of one Griffon?

So I would like to see buildcraft/theorycrafting be more accessible to people who don't have full legendaries and my thought is if the Special Forces Training Area was given a mode where it allows you to use "dummy" gear and build in place of your "real" gear and build. The "dummy" version would be like legendary in that you can set the stats to anything, same with build even if you don't have the spec unlocked on the character (provided you have the related expansion). This way you can try different stuff out, check the numbers, and then make a decision on what kind of stats you want to go for or specialization you want to go unlock on that character without needing to do that part first, or rely solely on a build guide.

I think the PvP lobby setup is kind of like this? But that's limited to PvP version of abilities, if I'm not mistaken? So can't buildcraft for non-PvP with it. That is kind of the inspiration for the design of it that I have in mind tho.

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How about your update forgotten content like Dragon Response Missions (DRM), Prismaticite Crystal and Ghost Peppers?

We can't even sell Prismaticite Crystal and Ghost Peppers to vendors. Not to mention that the Ghost Pepper is the only currency you can't consume for volatile magic. Prismaticite Crystal is useless and you even gave us an option to buy a home node for it ☠️

DRM are even less played than dungeons and they are in the Eye of the North where lots of players gather 😨 

Edited by corwin.3495
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Lets start this by saying the content i mainly play is raids, the rewards for raids is a radom exotic per boss and cm. If you clear the bosses and cm's on one char you get so many unique unstackable items in your inventory. 2 per boss because of the chest. Yes there is a bank in the aerodrome and yes you could just salvage/sell everytime you get one but hear me out.


Unidentified Exotic Gear.


Suddely you have a reward that is exactly the same as what the bosses drop, as well as some meta's and ot stacks.


Less inventory clutter and a better reward than an unidentified rare, which seems to be the go-to reward anet hands out. If a meta needs a better reward instead of just giving another unid rare, swap it to an unid exotic. This seems so simple to me, why do we not have it?

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Over the years many things that were soulbound have become account bound. You've added shared inventory slots. Now you have announced the Legendary Armory so legendary items become shared. Now, I think it's time to make gathering tools shared as well. My idea is three shared slots for Gathering Tools with the ability to choose different skins for each character.

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