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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Give us an option to not see are bank contents in the Mystic Forge.

Give us an option to hide Virtuoso's floating particle waste already, even if it's only when our weapons are sheathed. Alternatively, if that's too hard to do, give us the option to opt out of the out-of-combat Blade generation.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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1. *Inspect Player*

I want to be able to see other player's equipment and build, like you can in WoW. Add Inspect option to right-click portrait drop-down menu. Even if I can just see current equipment, stats, and build that would be sooooo nice! What armor skin is that? Which slot skills are you using? What's your build? Etc.


     1.a. Mimic WoW's Armory (official version of Gw2efficiency's "Account" feature)

We want more data, and to be able to share it with each other!


2. More comprehensive stats and data in general!

This includes sPvP and PvE. Why do we need 3rd-party UI mods for core things like tracking DPS? Why can't I look at recaps of my performance in past PvP games to learn from? I'm not asking for a recap feature, just a data sheet! The community would like to track things like comps, spec winrates, etc. and that's fine too! The data is there, we just want to see it. 🙂


3. Let us link achievements!

It would be sooooo helpful for tracking progress, sharing progress, or even as KP!


4. Communication - Engage directly with us more often.

It really helps us know you care what we think about your game if you engage with us directly. Be responsive on the forums, maybe set up a Discord or other communication network for the community to talk with each other AND you, to ask questions and give feedback.


As always, keep up the great work!

Guild Wars 2 is an excellent game and the hard work of the team at ArenaNet shines through every aspect! 💕

Edited by Aalter.2950
ease of reading
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Two words: Craft queuing.

It doesn't need to be more than 1 new item to craft next. I don't need to be able to queue up everything I'm making, but being able to queue up 300 crafts of x while I wait for 1000 crafts of y would at least give me the ability to do something else while literally just sitting there, waiting, actual dozens of minutes, for things to craft in end game. I understand and even appreciate the point of not letting us autocraft, and not having it be instant, but I'm sure that I'm not the only one who finds babysitting crafting to finish it quickly, quite excruciating. I'm sure there are even devs who dislike it.

This shouldn't be a hard ask, especially now when research notes are required for legendaries which just adds more time spent brainlessly watching items craft, unavoidably, for QoL items. I don't need any changes to crafting beyond that. And the knowledge I don't have to babysit my toon every second while they craft 700 of a single item so that I can be ready to queue the next item to finish crafting, sooner than later, would be amazing?

If you don't craft constantly for profits, then this is more apparent when making legendaries. Not everyone crafts legendaries over time, some of us make nearly everything all at once after we have all the time-gated/account-bound items. And end game crafting is time consuming as hell. Being able to effectively have a continuous queue if one is paying attention I think is a good trade-off because they're actually paying enough attention to continuously queue. Having to pay attention specifically for the end of a craft cycle to type up the next quantity and to either mess up the amount or accidently queue the same item again in the rush to finish always feels awful. There is no involved way to guarantee being ready for the next item, instead only passively staring at a number go down until zero.

Sorry about my tone, if I sound a little aggravated, it's because making 3000+ items every day and making the aforementioned mistakes despite having constant practice attempting to avoid them tends to wear at you when you know the currently system doesn't need to really change much to nearly completely eliminate those issues. We don't even have a notifications to tell you when you're done. Not when the notification for the first of 500 items is the same as the 500th.

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The plus side of Strikes is that we don’t need instance openers like with raid wings. No more long dialogues either.


However, the downside is loading screens. 😆 We have to leave the previous strike by returning to Arborstone/EotN, then another loading screen for the next strike. This adds up when doing this daily/weekly.

It also makes it difficult for guildies with slow PCs who have 30 second to 1 minute loading screens.


Can we have an NPC to take us to the next IBS/EoD Strike — from within the current strike?


Edited by Chrysline.2317
Edited for clarity, typos
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Still would be nice to have outfits, mount skins/dyes, glider skins/dyes, headgear/shoulder/gloves/back item visibility ticks saved separately between the different gear tabs.

As it is now, my fashion is half-kittened and I don't like it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Hi, sorry for weird topic name but idk how to name it.

And yes, this is a complain topic... in a way. I was happy to see some changes to fashion in todays patch notes but I still can not believe that the most important and the biggest thing is still missing. 
Why we can not still have mounts, mount dyes, gliders, outfits, legendary accessories checkboxes AND hair styles/hair colors for each individual template?
Nothing is more annoying than switching from blue themed build to red themed build but still having blue mounts (for example).

We like fashion, majority of ppl use more than one build on each character and I am almost sure that majority of those players dont have same look on both builds unless they really love the one they have...so why?
This game was always about fashion and skins and yet its missing this one very important feature....besides dyable weapons but we know it will not happen so its alright but this, what I am asking, I know isnt impossible.

Why would anyone even buy new mount skins if they have to change it all every time they change build?

Edited by Cernoch.8524
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49 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Hi, sorry for weird topic name but idk how to name it.

And yes, this is a complain topic... in a way. I was happy to see some changes to fashion in todays patch notes but I still can not believe that the most important and the biggest thing is still missing. 
Why we can not still have mounts, mount dyes, gliders, outfits, legendary accessories checkboxes AND hair styles/hair colors for each individual template?
Nothing is more annoying than switching from blue themed build to red themed build but still having blue mounts (for example).

We like fashion, majority of ppl use more than one build on each character and I am almost sure that majority of those players dont have same look on both builds unless they really love the one they have...so why?
This game was always about fashion and skins and yet its missing this one very important feature....besides dyable weapons but we know it will not happen so its alright but this, what I am asking, I know isnt impossible.

Why would anyone even buy new mount skins if they have to change it all every time they change build?

Blue + red = purple.  So dye your mounts purple and your problem is solved 🙂

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1 hour ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Hi, sorry for weird topic name but idk how to name it.

And yes, this is a complain topic... in a way. I was happy to see some changes to fashion in todays patch notes but I still can not believe that the most important and the biggest thing is still missing. 
Why we can not still have mounts, mount dyes, gliders, outfits, legendary accessories checkboxes AND hair styles/hair colors for each individual template?
Nothing is more annoying than switching from blue themed build to red themed build but still having blue mounts (for example).

We like fashion, majority of ppl use more than one build on each character and I am almost sure that majority of those players dont have same look on both builds unless they really love the one they have...so why?
This game was always about fashion and skins and yet its missing this one very important feature....besides dyable weapons but we know it will not happen so its alright but this, what I am asking, I know isnt impossible.

Why would anyone even buy new mount skins if they have to change it all every time they change build?


3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Still would be nice to have outfits, mount skins/dyes, glider skins/dyes, headgear/shoulder/gloves/back item visibility ticks saved separately between the different gear tabs.

As it is now, my fashion is half-kittened and I don't like it.


QoL thread is there for a reason 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Would be nice, but given the mess of code the UI apparently is, it’s prob low on the priority to wedge into the game. It took years to get build templates designed and added in and that ended up a bit of a calamity.

But, I support the idea

Great reply👍

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7 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Is it? If it is we would already have it, since I am sure has been said milion times 😉 but yes, sorry, I actually didnt think about that thread.

It also has been said in separate threads/posts plenty of times, so if that's what you want to go with, this one also has no sense? 😉

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Why is there no PIRATE themed skiff, or a skiff representing the races cultures?
Steampunk clockwork mounts would be nice, Frog/hopper mounts, machine mounts
Pirate capes or a parrot shoulder piece
crowns for those RP as royalty, excalibur-themed weapons
Decorative Molten Jetpack Glider, you got the model add flames and make it glide.
Make the "How to Dance vol 1" into normal emotes without taking up novelty space, grant the ability to share and synch dances through book.
Make the "Flames of Kryta" part of a gimmick for future stories, or at least allow it to shine light as a tool.

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Why in gods name do you think it's ok to use up 3 shared slots to put in a set of 3 ori tools so you can swap out your infinite tools between characters, this is a waste of 3 shared slots, I have 46 toons an as you can imagine this becomes a pain in the rear constantly swapping between consumable to unbreakable and then back to consumable, for 4 or 5 toons this wouldn't be a problem, but 46?

yea, I have a load of toon slots, but why not? I paid for like most of them and got a couple free with the expansions..

So give us multi toon players a break, PLEASE!

Tool Armory, just like the leggy, all toons can use it, make money from the skins, you're already doing it with the jade bot, I think this is a more finacially viable option than what it is now, as when players buy 3 of the tools, that's it, they buy no more, but, if the skins were available at a cheaper price than the tools (well this is fashion wars after all)  they will sell

As Pokka would say

Edited by DrWhizbang.1630
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Suggestion: In Character Creation menu, remove the requirement that we confirm each use of the randomize button.  This is getting annoying having to confirm Yes / No that I actual want to use the button every single time I press it.

Edited by Annia.2740
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It’s a hassle to change the dyes for all 8 equipment templates.

These days I have to take screenshots of the equipment and dyes,

note the dye names (in the screenshot file name) and wardrobe names,

then manually reapply to all 8 equipment templates.



This can be a headache when finally applying newly unlocked legendary armor on 20+ toons.

Even when a legendary armor piece is copied to all 8 other tabs, the dye colors don’t carry over.

They need to be manually applied to each equipment template.


Can we have templates for fashion?

Both for wardrobe transmutes and dye choices. 

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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One quality-of-life change I'd love to see is to make the Skyscale cliffing mechanics more responsive.

There are sooo many times when you are almost on top of a cliff, your Skyscale just hanging on the edge, or there's a tiny piece of blocker and your Skyscale decides to hang on it...

What if the dev can introduce a mechanic where when the Skyscale is almost reaching the top of a cliff (like a few meters away), it can then do a small animation and "climb" on top of it? That can make the Skyscale so much better to use and since it's the mainly used mount it will make the entire game more fun to play.


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EDIT:  Not sure why this response was moved to this section; it was in reply to another suggestion and doesn't really have any context floating within this section, detached from the OP...  I would simply delete this post.


'just hanging', because you've exhausted your stamina?  Isn't that part of learning to navigate with the Skyscale? 

I feel your pain; I've been there many times... just not sure that a 'close enough' approach is warranted... easier yes, but... that limitation is part of the skyscale... You could apply the same logic to a raptor leap, bunny jump, etc... at some point you're going to reach the limit of the mechanic and simply come up short


You can also "Bond of Faith" and then "Jade Bot Glide Booster" to get you that extra burst of height... 

Edited by Garrison Storm.3046
clarity; suggest deletion
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