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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 3/8/2024 at 9:30 PM, Veryl.1923 said:


Dear most greatest, and most awesome developers hopefully reading this message.
I would really like to see a few things different, hence I made a list... I have a couple more ideas but they might be too daring.
Please take these ten ideas in your mind while you are busy making the game (like always) more attractive and the best game in the world!

  • Show backpacks in character selection-screen
  • Show backpacks while using emotes
  • Add an option to wear tails as cosmetics (demon tail, Shrine Guardian tail, etc)
  • New emotes you can use together (/hug /kiss)
  • Emotes during walking
  • Option to use emotes on chairs
  • A flying mount to hold up to two players
  • Flying an Airship
  • Option to be able to use instruments on tonics
  • Remove portals and create one big map

(A note on the last idea, I just really want to explore Tyria with my friends and get out Queensdale having more to do than fast travel wasting pocket money. People are so used wasting their gold!)

With kind regards,

I really hope this is being read.
Is there any way I can get a conformation that this is taken in all sincerity?

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17 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

@Raskol.3014 And what do you think would happen to Bitterfrost Frontier if you don't need winterberries for anything? The reason for items needing map-specific currency is to populate the map.

Winterberries are super easy to farm and would still be farmed since you would still need a lot of unbound magic to buy what you need

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15 minutes ago, Veryl.1923 said:

I really hope this is being read.
Is there any way I can get a conformation that this is taken in all sincerity?

some of my suggestions or elements of them have been actually implemented past few months....0.0 ❤️ I'm pretty sure they read it ALL. What they implement is of course their decision. some of ideas I think we need to repeat so they know we really really want them...


(besides there's an idea that my husband introduced me to a few years ago: games co-created by the players themselves, as online games are growing and maturing and there's demand for more various content a bit faster, players involvement is becoming quite unavoidable, like its a community-created game in part, or in a big chunk, depends on how it goes 😛 )


Edited by Avelione.6075
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On 3/15/2024 at 7:58 PM, Avelione.6075 said:

ALSO: What are we supposed to do with all this luck(😂), except it being used to buy stuff during festivals sometimes, and some crafting I only vaguely am aware of, what is it used for?? If I cannot have any use of it, can u make it so maxed out players can disable to get it from salvaging?

If you have an Artificer you can convert it into Essences of Exotic Luck and then use that for either Gift of Research, or save it up for Lunar New Year and then buy a gorillion small, gift envelopes for them.

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Content guide only works when you get close to the event on the map.  Occasionally when you open your map you will see an orange marker to show where an event is on the map even when you are not close to it, I would like to see this available for every event that is happening on the map so I could just open my map and go straight to that event rather than running around and hoping something shows up in the content guide.  



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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The Content Guide has an arrow that points you in the direction of the nearest event.  Just follow it. 

Only if sth is near. And if you've done all hearts.

In the old daily system, I also often had the problem that I couldn't find new/other events after the current one had been completed. I had to rely on other people pointing them out on the map. Like mentors. So those events existed but where too far away to be pointed at.

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On 3/17/2024 at 2:19 AM, Epic Unicorn.8456 said:

With the change to wizard vault weekly to be the same for everyone and not dependent on what expansions are owned I am having to do the 'complete 15 events' in areas because the easy 'do one meta' is in expansions I don't own.  This is fine but can you please make event markers show up on the map for all events that are up?  Once in a while I see an orange event marker when I look at the map but not very often and I am spending a lot of time just running around looking for events.  Can these markers on the map be shown for every event not just a select few?


If I understand you right, the answer is no.

I THINK what you're trying to ask is for events to be visible on the world map. And that's not possible because all maps are kinda instanced. You can't see it, but there's three or four Gendarren Fields, two or three Queensdales, and so on. So when it comes to showing events on the world map, that's just just impossible because which map do you show? As for your own map, you already have that. it might not show all the events, but it does show most of them, particularly those that are already close to you, though meta events usually appear for everyone already. So I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but if it's the world map, there's just no way.

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I might be in the extremely niche opinion corner here, but as a recent Deadeye player, it'd be great if there was some kind of more visible stealth indicator beyond the character just turning invisible. I'm thinking a window border of some sort (maybe smokey border effect? Though other classes' stealth works differently, so I'm not sure if this would translate well into other classes).

I suggest this because, in the middle of zerg or 10-man content, amidst all the flashy effects, it becomes a bit hard to confirm you properly stealthed (specially considering there's a grace period between stealth applications).

Naturally, I understand if there are technical constraints to this, but given a border effect is applied, for example, during the frost events in Bjora Marches, I was thinking this might be feasible.

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I love books. I love books in real life and also in Guild Wars 2. I like them so much that I have every book I find in the game in my bank. There are more and more of them every year.
I have a suggestion: Please make a shelf for the game books in the home instance or at least in the wardrobe storage.
The introduction of the library could be accompanied by a challenge and achievement to collect them and the opportunity to obtain a title - e.g. Bookcholic.
I think there would be a lot of players who would be happy with such a solution.

My library at the Bank: My Library 


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That would be a fine solution.  I always want a bookshelf in my home instance, but I'd be very happy with a storage tab.  I've long been puzzled why there are not more book achievements for collecting....it seems like a missed opportunity, though I know that's not going to change at this point.  

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Let me use double or even quadruple stacking sigils.

Reduce the cooldown on sigil of frenzy, blood, draining, fire, water etc. to 1 second, or why not 0 seconds?

Make luck sigil have 100% chance for a boon.

Whats more important, balance or fun? I think the answer is obvious here.

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3 hours ago, Carmenta.4819 said:


I love books. I love books in real life and also in Guild Wars 2. I like them so much that I have every book I find in the game in my bank. There are more and more of them every year.
I have a suggestion: Please make a shelf for the game books in the home instance or at least in the wardrobe storage.
The introduction of the library could be accompanied by a challenge and achievement to collect them and the opportunity to obtain a title - e.g. Bookcholic.
I think there would be a lot of players who would be happy with such a solution.

My library at the Bank: My Library

Seconded. This is something community has been asking for years, and (as example bookshelves in Eye of the North and Sunspear Refuge show) is not beyond Anet's capability to implement. The ability to somehow store all the books we gathered over the years would be greatly appreciated.

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21 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

If I understand you right, the answer is no.

I THINK what you're trying to ask is for events to be visible on the world map. And that's not possible because all maps are kinda instanced. You can't see it, but there's three or four Gendarren Fields, two or three Queensdales, and so on. So when it comes to showing events on the world map, that's just just impossible because which map do you show? As for your own map, you already have that. it might not show all the events, but it does show most of them, particularly those that are already close to you, though meta events usually appear for everyone already. So I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but if it's the world map, there's just no way.

No I was just looking for it to be available for the current map I am in.  So if I press M I can see events that are up in the map I am in to get to them easily


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On 3/18/2024 at 4:01 PM, Malus.2184 said:

If you have an Artificer you can convert it into Essences of Exotic Luck and then use that for either Gift of Research, or save it up for Lunar New Year and then buy a gorillion small, gift envelopes for them.

thank you, yes I know that but alas, it takes space, time and is a tad annoying having to gather and process it all, especially on characters that aren't artificers.. not the worst option tho....

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I've played a lot of MMOs, FFXIV for example I've played every job in it and there isn't a single skill in entire game or any other MMO that is annoyingly loud and abnoxious. The sound team in GW2 on the other hand loves designing very loud and/or annoying weapons/weaponskills and spamming them nonstop. There's no care for ear health here, unfortunately. Guardian Scepter/Quip/Dreamer/Thief Axe & Scepter/Aurene Guns/Ranger Staff/Even Default Guns to name some

They even recently added an ear splitting screeching metal noise to Thief Axe that makes it unplayable for me as it's currently the loudest unpleasant sound in game and I can't even change it with a leggy skin. Could at least add a "weaponskill" volume slider at this point so I don't have to kill off every single sound effect at once just to reduce 1 specific one. Or just make better sounds.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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The unique sound effects are one of the aspects that set legendary skins apart from regular skins. For me it's the opposite - regular pistol sound was loud and irritating, Aurene pistols (+ variants) are much more interesting and less irritating.
Each of the elder dragon variants have a slightly different thematic sound effect. Maybe check some of Lord Hizen's showcase videos to see if other variants are more tolerable for you. For example; Kralkatorrik's Argument is deeper and more echo-y, Soo-Won's is more subdued and has splashing sounds, etc.

Otherwise you can play around with the sound settings or just use regular skins over the legendary if it's that much of an issue for you 🤷‍♂️

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Here is my problem, and one of the mayor problems I have with SotO.

The sheer amount of tip popups. They are so frequently that its becoming a clown show.

The main issue?

You can only rid them by clicking them away with the mouse. The mouse that is (in my case) locked for movement. 
I heavily rely on action cam to make sure I have to press mouse buttons as few times as humanly possible. This all has to do with my Athritis. 
I managed to play easely in the entire game this way, without stress or pain. But then came SotO...

And here came the ridiculous amounts of popups giving you "useful tips" but popups that are SO massively big, they obscure your screen and break immersion.

For someone that is focussed on action cam... can ONLY move with action cam enabled and uses for 99.9% of all other actions the keyboard... the sheer fact that this is a mouseclick - a frequent mouseclick - is an absolute horror. I want to pop out of Action cam as little as possible, preferably that means Never. Each mouse click is 1 too many for me... and here is Amnytas Meta... with Dozens of them, how many tips do we need? It only means Pain to me to dismiss them... and the next pops up... and the next... and the next... you get the idea.

Please ad something like a keybind to remove this. Or better "Don't show" option. If I have to choose between the tips and clicking them away vs 1 less mouseclick... I 100% choose the latter.

I am posting this now, because I want ArenaNet to be aware, how much of a problem these popups in these sheer amounts are for some players like me. If these are coming to the game in higher quantities even, without a more workable way to dismiss them... I would not even want to think about that.

Think of us limited players please.

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