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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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You can also dismiss them with escape, but that can have other side-effects (like closing windows, dropping targeting, opening the game menu, etc).  But ya, it's ridiculous how many pop-ups there are, and that there's no way to tell them not to show up again.


  • yOu hAvE fOuNd a lEy lInE, tRaIn tHe aSsOcIaTeD mAsTeRy
  • tRaIn tHe rIfT rEpAiR mAsTeRy
  • yOuR sCyScAlE cAn'T mAiNtAiN tHiS aLtItUdE
  • yOu gOt a nEw aBiLiTy, uSe iT tO <blah>
  • tHe tArGeT iS pRoTeCtEd wItH dEmOn aRmOr


Ya, I got it. I got the last THOUSAND times that exact same message popped up as well.  Let me just permanently dismiss these kthnx.  And that especially goes for those ones I can't mastery train to escape, though even those should have a permanent dismiss option.

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We’ve been feeding it back relentlessly since September. It has however been acknowledge in the last couple of weeks and been fed back to the team.

Fingers crossed by the time the next major patch hits, this tooltip problem is a gonna. It’s not good for my rage..

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Please add a volume slider that only affects Weaponskills so I can turn down unusually loud weapon sounds like "Thief Axe" without it affecting all my other sound effects.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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3 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

Please add a volume slider that only affects Weaponskills so I can turn down unusually loud weapon sounds like "Thief Axe" without it affecting all my other sound effects.

Yep.  Deadeye rifle goes PEWPEWPEW at maximum volume, while my ranger's maces just sorta lightly go "whump".

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14 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:

thank you, yes I know that but alas, it takes space, time and is a tad annoying having to gather and process it all, especially on characters that aren't artificers.. not the worst option tho....

I put the smaller luck in shared inventory slots, then just use an Artificer to make it Exotic. You can do the same just by throwing it in the bank since you can craft directly from that. It would be nice if there was a material storage slot for it, and difficult to gather? You get it passively for salvaging blues and greens.

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5 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

I put the smaller luck in shared inventory slots, then just use an Artificer to make it Exotic. You can do the same just by throwing it in the bank since you can craft directly from that. It would be nice if there was a material storage slot for it, and difficult to gather? You get it passively for salvaging blues and greens.

all my inventory slots are already taken with other stuff that's much more necessary and I'm not spending gems just to get them for luck that has very limited use now ;-; throwing it into bank every time is a pain too- my bank is almost completely full at all times and my characters, even one with 124 slots is also often overflowing with the amount of loot I get (what a problem to have :)) I don't like having luck taking my space in char slots 😕  I guess half-assed solution is more storage space...

but I think mess with storage space is a WHOLE other topic. I have expanded my bank tabs  and character tabs but it's an infinite story of expanding them I guess. I hope devs will come up with some kind of better solutions. Esp that many mats still have no slots in the bank (but they keep on addinh them as they go, so that works)

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21 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

Could at least add a "weaponskill" volume slider at this point so I don't have to kill off every single sound effect at once just to reduce 1 specific one. Or just make better sounds.

If it's possible for anet to do this then that would be good. But considering that many people have complained about certain weapon sound affects in the part cough dreamer cough I guess its not possible (can't break the spaghetti code).

Best alternative we have atm is skin change and the sound affects bar.

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21 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I've played a lot of MMOs, FFXIV for example I've played every job in it and there isn't a single skill in entire game or any other MMO that is annoyingly loud and abnoxious. The sound team in GW2 on the other hand loves designing very loud and/or annoying weapons/weaponskills and spamming them nonstop. There's no care for ear health here, unfortunately. Guardian Scepter/Quip/Dreamer/Thief Axe & Scepter/Aurene Guns/Ranger Staff/Even Default Guns to name some

They even recently added an ear splitting screeching metal noise to Thief Axe that makes it unplayable for me as it's currently the loudest unpleasant sound in game and I can't even change it with a leggy skin. Could at least add a "weaponskill" volume slider at this point so I don't have to kill off every single sound effect at once just to reduce 1 specific one. Or just make better sounds.

so other games have boring sound.   good to know

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29 minutes ago, Zexion.7348 said:

Ah yes. Just play without sound or the legendary, which cost me a pretty penny, and don't forget the legendary variant, which also doesn't come cheap.

Just don't play with it, because *now* anet decides to add a useless sound to it that makes it far worse.

You can easily reskin them to change the sound and have zero affect on functionality. 

The choice seems obvious.  I don’t get why so many have to push a false dichotomy just to pretend they are a victim. You spent that much effort and gold, but didn’t think to research each weapons special effects? 

Edited by starlinvf.1358
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21 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I've played a lot of MMOs, FFXIV for example I've played every job in it and there isn't a single skill in entire game or any other MMO that is annoyingly loud and abnoxious.

Just off the top of my head -

White mage: Holy

Enjoy listening to that being spammed. It's unnaturally loud and annoying and obnoxious, and I hated using that skill because it's so grating, but I'd get raged at if I didn't use that skill (not unexpected nor do I blame anyone for that; AOE damage is AOE damage).

There were other ones, too, but that is the big one I can immediately think of.

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21 minutes ago, Dibit.6259 said:

If it's possible for anet to do this then that would be good. But considering that many people have complained about certain weapon sound affects in the part cough dreamer cough I guess its not possible (can't break the spaghetti code).

Best alternative we have atm is skin change and the sound affects bar.

Too many sliders makes a game too complicated for many. I’ve seen it happen. “How am I supposed to know what this descriptive word means?”.  

I feel bad for modern UI designers. Even when a UI is good at the start, its never enough. And you get blamed for not thinking about this obscure edge case months before it trends on the forums. 

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Specifically the predator. The aura/footfall effects are barely even noticeable at night, and completely invisible during the day. However, I know that some other gen 1 weapon effects seem a bit lacking in comparison these days as well.

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I would love to have legendary weapon fx infusions ..or something like that. Would be cool, you can farm one that dials the fx up or down to taste! Maybe change colors! Something within reason for dialing it up thou lol

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6 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:

but I think mess with storage space is a WHOLE other topic. I have expanded my bank tabs  and character tabs but it's an infinite story of expanding them I guess. I hope devs will come up with some kind of better solutions. Esp that many mats still have no slots in the bank (but they keep on addinh them as they go, so that works)

Given that storage space costs gems, I suspect that storage space always feeling insufficient is more or less intentional.  It provides pressure for players to spend gems on more bag slots and bank slots and storage expanders.  I highly doubt Anet is particularly inclined to alleviate that issue, and their continuous addition of new items that you want to keep around for various purposes is also probably similarly something they're not especially inclined to "fix".  It's right up there with gold being such a significant commodity at end-game (especially for legendaries), it ties directly back to the currency converter.

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So in the last patch, we got a 32-slot version of the Pillager's Pack (the WvW-exclusive bag). Curiously, however, no equivalent 32-slot version of the other WvW-exclusive bag, the Siegemaster's Satchel (which auto-sorts consumable items into it) was added. Would it be possible to get a 32-slot version of the latter as well? (And 32-slot versions for the Fractal bags too, while we're at it.) I love the added functionality of these special bags, and would love to get 32-slot versions of them too.

P.S. Would also love a way to get additional copies of the 32-slot Trusty Hero's Backpack that we can acquire from the Return achieves too! Maybe put it in the Laurel Vendor for Laurels + Supreme Runes?

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14 hours ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

so other games have boring sound.   good to know

Nah stuff like hearing FFXIV Samurai and Reaper's blades tearing through enemies is quite beautiful, you likely wont find better sound effects (and music) elsewhere in MMOs.

There's just a handful of really unpleasant weapon sound effects spammed in this game, unlike anything I've experienced elsewhere. But it's not like Anet adding a volume slider dedicated to Weaponskills is going to hurt you, just leave it max and let people who don't want our ears murdered use it. 

The screeching rusty metal of Thief Axe I'm not sure how it even got OK'd for live outside of Anet seemingly wanting Thief weapons to be excessively loud on purpose as a poor way of telegraphing them in PvP and they're willing to sacrifice quality for it~ the Scepter and Rifle are also scaled louder than most weapons. The Axe hurts my ears so much more than anything else in game though which is crossing the line to where I'm now requesting some additional volume options to remedy it since they'll probably never change it.

I've got no clue how they designed the sound to Guardian Scepter, it doesn't suit it's light magic theme very well like the staff does. It just sounds like loud buzzing noises randomly edited into something that sounds like a dying machine. I've always disliked using it since the beginning solely cuz of the sound.

They didn't bother making a sound for Druid staff and just copied over a literal Submarine radar~ the Submarine in Draconis Mons uses it so guess they built that a while prior. I'm not sure what Submarines have to do with outer space or nature magic since they're technology themed. It's just a really bizarre choice. This was common feedback since it's addition though and it was never changed which is why I feel like I'm just SOL with Thief Axe if it's not done by now.

Dreamer and Quip had trolling pretty much part of the design philosophy so it's annoying on purpose. 

Most of the Guns are just.. realistic apparently... needs ear protection to muffle the noise just like RL guns but our characters are likely already deaf from using them by now. 

Bonus: Sound team still hasn't sync'd the tempo of Ele Water Scepter 2 with the animation so that's annoying on an OCD level, lol.


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I love that there are collections to acquire a T1 precursor. But maybe it's time to rework the quantities of the required materials to complete some of those collections. In many cases, it can cost 3-4 times MORE to acquire the precursor from the collection than to just buy it on the TP.

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