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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Your skills are tied to the weapon itself. You can't have a sword equipped and then have a separate skill bar with all your other skills that you can use. It seems like you want to be able to use the skills of your other weapons without actually having said weapons equipped. That's not how they designed the skill system, unfortunately for you. The best you can do is customize your utility skills (unless you're a revenant). A hot bar for utility skills might be the only remote possibility, but they probably won't implement that. They don't want players to have access to more than 10 skills on their bar (excluding profession unique skills/abilities) at one time. It's done both for simplicity and ease of balance.

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24 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

Your skills are tied to the weapon itself. You can't have a sword equipped and then have a separate skill bar with all your other skills that you can use. It seems like you want to be able to use the skills of your other weapons without actually having said weapons equipped. That's not how they designed the skill system, unfortunately for you. The best you can do is customize your utility skills (unless you're a revenant). A hot bar for utility skills might be the only remote possibility, but they probably won't implement that. They don't want players to have access to more than 10 skills on their bar (excluding profession unique skills/abilities) at one time. It's done both for simplicity and ease of balance.

I know and that's not what I meant, they could give you hotbars and a book of all the skills that are available to you theoretically, so if my current weapon is a GS and my subset a sword+pistol they could still let me bind those skills but as unavailable until I swap, or at the very least allow repositioning skills within their own UI, so I can put skills that crudely resemble the same things on the same buttons.

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This game DESPERATELY needs a limited form of weak auras built into the game. You shouldn't have to look at your buff bar that's filled with 90 different exp boosting effects or whatever else to know when your, say, untamed ambush is off cd. Not to mention for untamed your pet unleash skill cds are literally hidden from you and the band-aid is that their cool downs come up roughly around the time you have to go in and out of pet unleash for ambush skills.

Honestly now that I'm thinking about it this would only be a band-aid in it's self. The player's hud is just out dated desperately needs to be overhauled for gameplay clarity and a degree of customization in regards to where things are displayed.

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2 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

this isn't WoW or any of its billion clones with meme UIs featuring a bazillion skill bars covering 90% of the screen because 'I'm so pro, I have no need to see the game at all.' GW2 was literally made not to be that.

It's literally only about allowing to reposition the weapon skills on the built-in bar like they already allow with the right-side one. So I can have skills that accomplish the same things on the same button after a swap or build change. No one is talking about leet addons.

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4 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

What is Weakauras?

its a wow addon that lets you make bars and screen effects and the like for whenever you or the target has a specific buff/debuff.

Example: Make a big bar that appears when you have Swiftness and it slowly depletes/refills as the buff wears off or refreshes

For the topic though. I wouldn't mind something like that as a UI option for "Filtered buffs" that could fit in the bottom left right next to elite skill and the map or something, but eh, outside of small endgame spots it wouldn't make a huge difference. For things like the untames cooldowns.... I only really play ENG/Mesmer so wouldn't know about untames problems, but i imagine its a bit like swapping to flamethrower only to find CDs but having a CD on being able to check it.

Edited by Hypnotic.9605
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The UI definitely needs an overhaul. They are trying to cram way too much into it, that it is packed and messy.

I used to use the glowing cursor effect so I could find my cursor in big battles. But then I realized how hard it is to click on those tiny little up-arrow menus to access my heart, fishing, novelties, etc. I always end up clicking my mastery bar or the button itself instead of the up-arrow menu. It's just so small and smashed in there. Had to turn the cursor glow off so I could click on stuff, and even then, with my old eyes, it is hard clicking on that tiny up-arrow menu.

Like WeakAuras, having a buff tracker of sorts would be ideal as well. I don't want to constantly have to keep highlighting my buffs to see the timers on them, especially when they keep jumping around and are mixed with the debuffs as well. It's not fun. Separate the debuffs and buffs at least, but a tracking system would be better that actually shows the timers on them.

Honestly overall, I just want the UI to be customizable. Allow us to move things and scale them to our liking. This would solve a ton of UI issues to just let us customize it.

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1 minute ago, Hypnotic.9605 said:

its a wow addon that lets you make bars and screen effects and the like for whenever you or the target has a specific buff/debuff.

Example: Make a big bar that appears when you have Swiftness and it slowly depletes/refills as the buff wears off or refreshes

Interesting. Not a huge fan of onscreen UI clutter, but also not a fan of the current buff/boon/condi bar either.  The ability to add, selectively, better means of tracking those buffs/debuffs that matter most to me could be nice.

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Hello ANET.   Please consider adding an option(checkbox) to disable the camera spin when using "About Face".   As it is today when you "about face", the camera spins too, unless you hold left mouse button. 

Since a "no camera spin about face" is very  useful in sPvP and WvW, i think making it simpler to achieve(no need to hold left mouse button) is a win for all.

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Hello ANET. Can we have see/unsee options for armor pieces (shoulders, helm, backpack) be remembered on the equipment template rather than on the character? I have many characters with different templates wearing different stuff and when equipping one template or the other the choices for see/unsee carry over and I need to open the character window in order to check the alternative option each time.
Sure, it's minor, but would be a nice QoL upgrade.

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On 11/23/2023 at 12:31 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You will find many players have posted about the CS Team replacing items they have inadvertently destroyed, lost, etc.   Of course, it is up to you.  🤷‍♂️

recently? I've asked them about it as recently as two weeks ago and got told they can't revert items or modify account. maybe I just got someone useless.

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50 minutes ago, Aezen.3086 said:

recently? I've asked them about it as recently as two weeks ago and got told they can't revert items or modify account. maybe I just got someone useless.

This is usually the response when there is an in-game way to "fix" it. Like, in this case, you can't afford the infusions anymore, but they do exist in game to get again if you did. Had it been a 1-time account bound item, you may have gotten somewhere.

It is even the response when the game obviously and provably bugs on something that can only be done once a day. Like, if you try crafting an item that can only be obtained once per day, but the game does not give it to you...nope, sorry, can't do anything, submit a bug report, thanks.

Which, I have no problem with the people who are telling me these things. They are doing the job they are allowed to do with the tools they are given. I just don't think they should be called Game Masters anymore. That title made sense back in the day. Now they are just Customer Service Reps.

Edited by Tanek.5983
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I'm not sure if this thread is the right place to put my comments/ideas... I'm doing this out of love for Guild Wars 2 and hope for it's long and lasting future... It's my favorite and only mmo. Also, I'm not backtracking all comments to see if my ideas are mentioned already... Don't need a direct response from devs also... So feel free to read and take into consideration if you like.

Things I'd love to see in the game (regardless if it's viable or not I'll post my thoughts and feedback)

1. Shared Story between characters through and if u get/craft an specific item (like a tome or something) or grind to an item to obtain it. Giving that opportunity would improve/allow old time users experience to switch characters throughout the whole story.... I know we got chapters and we can do different chapters with different characters but it's crazy to back track which character did what and wouldn't be that clean.

2. Make Dungeon Viable again... They are ready, but no point in doing them now due to lack of connection or reward balancing. You could link dungeon to legendary crafting/reward/daily-vault system. If u do a dungeon it can give you better rewards or complete the vault thing or give as reward something towards building your legendary / home instance, or even getting a new mount or skin... go crazy with reward ideas, but please make dungeon viable, they are a whole mechanic to the game and it's not used at all.

3. WVW MAPS... I mean, all expansions give more pve maps, why not creating/updating wvw maps also? I'd say create more WVW maps and make it bigger... Edge of The Mists could be more viable... used to be more populated... now at least for me seems irrelevant to wvw scenario.

4. New Fractals Dungeons balancing... not sure if it's on everybody's mind but the new fractals aren't that great for me... Don't try to play safe here... Creativity is key...

5. Underwater worlds/chapters of story... I know lots of people hate underwater combat... I don't, in fact, lore and game-wise, I think water maps can bring lots of beauty and GW2 is unique in that sense and I particularly LOVE THAT... I wish to see more maps focusing only on that...

6. Guild Missions balance for little guilds... You could be more creative here.... like 5 players fishing together to get X amount of fish in 30 min or so... Skyscale and Griffon obstacle runs (you could borrow a mount from an NPC if you dont have yours)... anyway, Different and new missions would be nice...

Thanks for taking the time to read my post... Don't worry about responding to me, this is just for feedback and with NO INTENTION ON CAUSING PROBLEMS OR ARGUMENTS.


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Suggestion for Beta events: Unlock Legendary Gear for Beta Characters

Instead of giving multiple "Demo Gear Loot Box" it would be so much easier if Beta characters had all legendary gear unlocked.

Especially when trying out multiple classes or builds it's really cumbersome to select stats on every single piece of gear, exchange upgrades and so on.

It would be sooo much easier if we just had legendary gear equipped and could use the "apply stats to all x" checkbox.

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On 11/29/2023 at 10:01 PM, das Keks.5403 said:

Suggestion for Beta events: Unlock Legendary Gear for Beta Characters

Instead of giving multiple "Demo Gear Loot Box" it would be so much easier if Beta characters had all legendary gear unlocked.

Especially when trying out multiple classes or builds it's really cumbersome to select stats on every single piece of gear, exchange upgrades and so on.

It would be sooo much easier if we just had legendary gear equipped and could use the "apply stats to all x" checkbox.

I am absolutely in favor of this, extending it to weapons, runes and sigils too. A complete legendary setup so to have chance to try everything. This would increase also the will of the player to have legendary items and try multiple style of games mode.

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