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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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44 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please improve the salvage drops from ascended crafted weapons and armour. 

It feels such a waste to just get dark energy balls and little else from ascended gear, after you spent 50+ gold in crafting one.


Research notes takes too long of a process, involving many steps to get some gold out of it.


We should get... after using an ascended salvage kit, the following (Sellable) materials:

. 1 Piece of ascended crafting material.

. 1-3 globs of ectoplasm.

. The inscription

. The infusions

. 1 sigil

Non sellable:

. 1-3 globs of dark matter


I feel this would be fair and we'd get at least some of what we invested.


Please consider, and thank you.

Well Im all for it get me something to do with all the fractal and raid drops.

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I came back after a very long time away from the game, but unfortunately, I am leaving already.  The reason is forced group content. For example, having to do bounties and kill legendary mobs to get the griffon mount.  There is no one around doing this content and no one likes begging strangers to help you with something they did years and years ago. Nearly every zone I go to, I always get the pop up asking me to transfer to a more populated copy.  I do that... then the same message pops up again.  I enjoyed catching up with the game to this point, but I reckon the content is no longer doable, generally speaking.

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1 hour ago, sonicsix.5713 said:

I came back after a very long time away from the game, but unfortunately, I am leaving already.  The reason is forced group content. For example, having to do bounties and kill legendary mobs to get the griffon mount.  There is no one around doing this content and no one likes begging strangers to help you with something they did years and years ago. Nearly every zone I go to, I always get the pop up asking me to transfer to a more populated copy.  I do that... then the same message pops up again.  I enjoyed catching up with the game to this point, but I reckon the content is no longer doable, generally speaking.

Sorry this was your experience. In my experience, it is generally the opposite. People have usually been more than happy to assist with content you need. Bounties are beign run all the time. Sure, there are some parts of older content that may take a little while to do, but most people in the community, even if they got their mounts or achievements long ago, understand what it is like running through for the first time.

You may not *like* asking for help, but there are people who *will* help when asked.

You are correct in one thing, though. If you want to do all the content and get all the rewards all on your own, it is going to be a rough time. If that is the game you are looking for, I hope you find it. Otherwise, if you choose to stay around in GW2, I encourage you to find a guild where you can help them and they can help you. That might make it easier than trying to ask in map chat for assistence.

Either way, good luck.

Edited by Tanek.5983
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15 minutes ago, sonicsix.5713 said:

I came back after a very long time away from the game, but unfortunately, I am leaving already.  The reason is forced group content. For example, having to do bounties and kill legendary mobs to get the griffon mount.  There is no one around doing this content and no one likes begging strangers to help you with something they did years and years ago. Nearly every zone I go to, I always get the pop up asking me to transfer to a more populated copy.  I do that... then the same message pops up again.  I enjoyed catching up with the game to this point, but I reckon the content is no longer doable, generally speaking.

I am primarily a solo player. Not because I am elite or anything, but because I generally play at hours when my group of fellow GW2 players are otherwise busy..... so I fully get your frustration. I have done nearly all of the quests and achievements solo, or not knowing those who I am playing alongside.

When it comes to the bounties type content there are two approaches that I have found work rather well....

1) Keep an eye on the Wizard's Vault weekly tasks. Chances are that at some point, there will be a weekly to complete X# of bounties in the map you need, and you can easily assist in a group. Look for the commander tags.

2) Throw up a mentor tag (apple tag) and take the bounty yourself. Get close to the area where the fight happens, but do not actually trigger the fight till other players arrive so you do not run down the timer for no reason.

You would be surprised how may players are either still doing their first time though, are new to the game, or are running alternate accounts through.

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6 hours ago, sonicsix.5713 said:

I came back after a very long time away from the game, but unfortunately, I am leaving already.  The reason is forced group content. For example, having to do bounties and kill legendary mobs to get the griffon mount.  There is no one around doing this content and no one likes begging strangers to help you with something they did years and years ago. Nearly every zone I go to, I always get the pop up asking me to transfer to a more populated copy.  I do that... then the same message pops up again.  I enjoyed catching up with the game to this point, but I reckon the content is no longer doable, generally speaking.

I'm a guild leader with close to 400 members, and most of the time I forget it's there.

The only time I call upon my guild members is to do a guild missions for favour, if I cannot first solo it.

My solo nature is always there, and I admit that I hate to have to ask people to help me with something. 

Not out of egotistical pride, it's just I grew up on Snes, Mega Drive, then Saturn, Ps1, 2 and so on... and offcourse Guild Wars one, which has heroes and mercenaries, and why I have requested this here countless times for GW2.

Even my first PC games were single player, such as C&C.

Then, I tried Renegade, which I really loved the PvP aspect of it... and so my interest for more multi-player games started to grow.

Combat Arms was awesome back in its early years.

However, despite all the fun, I always give in to my very strong urge to go back to solo things.

Point is, that I understand you perfectly.


I think that you should stick around though.

There's a lot of solo-able content, and besides; I too once said that I would never get the gryphon. 

I proved myself wrong.

Then, the same thing with Skyscale. 

I laughed at myself saying: "I'm better than you; my past self"

I can't say the same for fractals at the moment, because of various factors that does not let me do jumping.

An old'ish computer and lag makes me hate jumping in this game.

There are no options to grab ledges, shimmy, climb, etc. You just pure jump.

But yet, I did it again to get the Great Sword Eclipse.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: Don't give up that easily.

This game can offer you so many hours of fun if only you challenge yourself.

Even if you occasionally have to "bite the bullet."

Give it another chance.

If you are in EU and need help, you can always join my guild.

It's not exactly one of the most popular, but I'm sure you'll find people willing to give a hand.

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I have played for thousands of hours over the last 10+ years.
and there are a few things I find very frustrating, and I think it's about time Anet would do something about it.
I believe you'll agree with me!

  • We really need a "preview" option on infusions.
    It's so hard trying to guess how it will look on you, buying it for a fortune and then realizing the colour/effect does not fit your look.
  • We have up to 8 tabs of equipment tabs that can have wardrobe skins on them, it's time to make glider skin follow the wardrobe change.
    It's so annoying swapping from one tab to another and having the glider still match the first tab.
    (I hope you get what I'm trying to point out)
  • Having the ability to link the equipment tab just like a build template.
Edited by DanielKitchka.4709
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Caan we have a rework for defensive siege weapons in WvW?!

Weapons like mortars and cannons had their functionality, when the game came out.
10 years ago the game was much, much slower:
- commanders built trebuchets from a distance
- more people were needed because the quantity of supply that the individual could bring was very limited and for this very reason at the time it was very common to have to assign 4.5 people to do the so-called "supply runs" during sieges.

Today everything has changed. Commanders rarely use trebuchets, a player can carry up to 25 supplies, and especially for this reason the typical scenario is the following:
A commander arrives with his zerg of 50 people, builds 5,6,7 catapults on that pixel of grass closest to your keep/tower wall and within a few seconds the wall is down.

The problem imo is that after several expansions, a lot of changes and additions, siege weapons like mortars and cannons have fallen too far behind.
10 years ago it made sense that a mortar took 10 seconds to turn, because it took the enemy x amount of time to build that "very far away" trebuchet. It made sense that the mortar was very slow to load and shot because the enemy also had to charge the shot, aiming, calculating the right distance with test shots...

But nowdays it's a matter of seconds to build 5,6 catapults under your wall, and by the time I turn a mortar, those catapults have already hit the wall 2,3 times. Today catapults have bubbles and precisely because they are built point blank facing your wall people don't even need to charge the shot.
Also mortars have a deadzone. So if the minimum firing distance is (let's say) 700 meters, and the enemy build catapults below 400 meters because that's where the wall is, the mortar is totally useless. So what do you do? So you go from mortar to mortar in the hope of finding the one at the correct distance that allows you to shoot in the deadzones of the other 4. 

Furthermore, very often you are forced to exit the tower that is under attack to use the mortar from another tower. And the whole process starts again with the only difference that you shoot blindly because you are somewhere else entirely and have no way of seeing where you're shooting: 10,15 seconds to turn the mortar, another 10,15 seconds to take test shots in the hope of seeing some damage numbers so you can calculate/guess the right distance, and there you're ,finding yourself trying to hit 5, 6 catapults that are protected by 5,6 bubbles...good luck.

Cannons have a different problem: basically if you are using a cannon there's a good chance of being dead 10 seconds later by aoe spam on walls from the ground or from 10+ differents pulls...


Edited by ilMasa.2546
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Is there anyone that can telle me how this thread works?
everybody that has an idea can respond here and then what?
Do the devs check and read this from time to time?
Do we get feedback from Anet or is this just an endless post that keeps going?
The fist post got updated last... 5y ago and stuff on there is not added while some of them seem really good to me.
So I do wonder if its any use to make a post with suggestions if the right ppl will not look at it and provide me feedback why they will not implement it.

There 366 pages, i kinda don't want to browse them all to know if the stuff I'm thinking about is already been asked.

I have ocd issues, so it's a me problem (and for all other ocd ppl).. still I think the stuff I'm asking is just base logic and wrong of Anet...
Stuff that triggers my ocd (like expensive COLLECTIONS in story achievements instead of listing it under collections... WHERE THEY BELONG).
"Story achievements" should not be behind dropluck or money grind ( luxon energized ) , this is so wrong.
Moneygrind or mapgrinding collections should be listed in collections.
There is nothing to achieve, just grinding gold to get STORY achievements.

As I like doing achievements, I like to see everything "done" in each chapter. so those repeatable ones are like cranberry saus on a brand new with sweater
I'd really really like Anet to adres the way repeatable achievements look, pls make it look like its finished, and add the text that its repeatable instead of not showing that it s done.

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I believe that the description in Relic of Nourys is wrong.

It states that some of your "outgoing" damage is converted into healing.

So, you heal enemies? 

If that is the case...

Please either:

1. Change the description to "incoming" damage is converted into healing, not "outgoing". If you get healed.

2. If it is the case that you do heal enemies; can this be change to heal yourself?

This makes no sense, why you would heal foes you're trying to defeat.


Also, a few skills, traits, runes, sigils, and other relics have the same issue. 

Please get someone to review all this and make changes according; such as if you also get boons aswell as your allies, just your allies, just you, your pet, your girlfriend, or your next door neighbour.

Your foes, how many, don pachy, the martians, the venusians, or just one specific target.


This would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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27 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I believe that the description in Relic of Nourys is wrong.

It states that some of your "outgoing" damage is converted into healing.

So, you heal enemies? 

If that is the case...

Please either:

1. Change the description to "incoming" damage is converted into healing, not "outgoing". If you get healed.

2. If it is the case that you do heal enemies; can this be change to heal yourself?

This makes no sense, why you would heal foes you're trying to defeat.


Also, a few skills, traits, runes, sigils, and other relics have the same issue. 

Please get someone to review all this and make changes according; such as if you also get boons aswell as your allies, just your allies, just you, your pet, your girlfriend, or your next door neighbour.

Your foes, how many, don pachy, the martians, the venusians, or just one specific target.


This would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks.

No its some of the out going damage you do to enemies heal you aint it?

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UI Active Effects Monitor Rework: The Active Effects part of the UI is being rendered almost useless due to the amount of bloat and badly needs a revision. A lot of the time I can't even hover over an effect long enough to see its duration or impact before something else is added/removed/expires.

  • Splitting boons & conditions into separate bars apart from active effects (traits, food, map effects, etc.) and having them always visible (greyed out when not active) would go a long way to being able to tell what is active at what time.
  • The GW2skills.net design for showing Conditions and Boons would be a good starting point, although I think having them stacked would be better so you can tell what gets converted into what at a glance
  • This would also cut down on bloat for Active Effects (traits, food, map effects, auras, etc) as those are typically longer-lasting (barring traits/auras) so you could review them more leisurely outside of combat

Remove Reinforced Armor Entirely: The benefit of this is incredibly small to the point where if it runs out you often don't notice it due to the Condi/Boon UI bloat. The Canisters really only seem to exist to diffuse loot chances on Black Lion boxes (and possibly as a purchase trap for new players). Repair used to be a facet of the game but after it was revised to be free and then removed to just provide Vitality and % defense, there really isn't a point to it anymore especially when Jade Offense/Defense exists.

  • Alternatively, provide a module/mastery that allows Jade Bots to generate Charges and have all anvils throughout the game provide the option for Jade Offense/Defense Overcharge.

Crafting all components: If you have all of the materials to craft X item, it would be nice to only need to go to that item instead of going to each individual sub-item. Have a notification popup (similar to "research output") informing the player that "this will craft all necessary sub-items, do you want to proceed?" so they have a chance to back out of it before clicking "craft". Then when the timer is finished you get the completed item and an experience packet from all the sub-items; scaling based on what provides experience from the lowest level of the item crafting up to the highest level.

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On 12/4/2023 at 4:43 PM, kitemay.1327 said:

please revert the forage pets, the only 4 pets we had for those of us who love randomness >.>

do the forage pets not pick up improvised or found weapons anymore?

rather than this they should just make the weapons better. it was a nice idea, just need to compete with regular weapons. 

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24 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

do the forage pets not pick up improvised or found weapons anymore?

rather than this they should just make the weapons better. it was a nice idea, just need to compete with regular weapons. 

Forage (Boar): This skill now only forages a rock. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Forage (Warthog): This skill now only forages a scale. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Reduced the weakness duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds. Increased the bleeding and poison stacks from 1 to 3. Reduced the poison duration from 20 seconds to 6 seconds and the bleeding duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.

Forage (Siamoth): This skill now only forages feathers. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Forage (Pig): This skill now only forages a greatsword. The greatsword can be thrown at enemies. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.


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56 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Forage (Boar): This skill now only forages a rock. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Forage (Warthog): This skill now only forages a scale. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Reduced the weakness duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds. Increased the bleeding and poison stacks from 1 to 3. Reduced the poison duration from 20 seconds to 6 seconds and the bleeding duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.

Forage (Siamoth): This skill now only forages feathers. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Forage (Pig): This skill now only forages a greatsword. The greatsword can be thrown at enemies. Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.


oh right, thank you. 

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On 12/4/2023 at 5:08 PM, ugrakarma.9416 said:

anyone else than me is always having sanctum sprint on LA as activity when the dailies have "do a activity"?

It's just you the LA activity lady always gives me crabs. I don't think I've gotten keg brawl a single time yet and only gotten sprint like twice. 

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This has probably been suggested a million times , but i want to just say it again.

Some of these are probably already possible , i just dont find the UI clear if they are!
As a player i want to have the needed tools to join and manage groups of people with the same goal in the game.

  • Make it so you can monitor multiple categories: raids , strikes , fractals , ... not just 1!
  • Make it so you can tag your groups: Training, FC, Practice, ...
  • Make the Tags filterable: show me all Raids , strikes and fractals with Practice tags
  • Make it so you can HIDE groups ( raid sellers etc )
  • Make it so you can apply to a group with a message ( i.e "HiDPS" or "Hi , alac healer 999 Li" )
  • In case of a raid group , have the leader approve these applications
    • in case of a party , vote? idk , i didnt really think this one through.
  • The most wonderful thing you can add is to add roles for people joining
    • i know we dont really have set dps/tank/healer roles in this game for all fights , so make this configurable?

I think these changes will engage more players to participate in more raids/strikes/fractals/...  So we all stay , play and have fun in this great game!

There are many more ways to make this ui better , but i think these should not require large refactoring of code to be implemented.

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For a lot of players, getting a new build can be a matter of frustration: without trying it out, how do you know you don't like it? And without having the appropriate gear for that build, how can you try it out? Even when you do get everything set up, maybe you don't want to waste valuable food on a training session, but that means your numbers are inaccurate. And, of course, training golems aren't really a good way to tell how well a build does in a fight; they're completely immobile and don't attack, so you don't need to worry about avoiding attacks or chasing a mobile enemy. Golem benchmarks have their place, but I find that getting everything ready to try a golem benchmark can take a while!

What I believe would help would be to take the Special Forces Training Area and expand on it. As it stands, that area is tucked into a little nook of Lion's Arch and is very easy to miss. Sure, you could go to the PVP Lobby and test on the golems there: but PVP stats and gear aren't the same as PVE stats and gear at all. As it stands, the Special Forces Training Area feels like it's meant only for raiders... but there's so many more types of players in Guild Wars 2 who could benefit from it doing more! 

  • Add an Equipment NPC to the Training Area. By talking to them, you can 'buy' boxes of exotic stat-selectable gear and weapons like the ones beta characters got -- or of specific stat sets, as containers like this already exist -- for free. Your character state is 'saved' when you enter the area and is reverted to that when you leave, so this gear can't be taken out of the instance & you don't have to worry about reequipping all your gear. They could also offer runes and sigils: again, we know the mechanics for this sort of container already exist, because weapon beta test characters got these. As previously stated, none of this gear is retained once you leave the area.
    This would allow players to try out new builds in optimal conditions without having to fully commit first to gearing their character for it: many builds can be expensive to fully equip, and utility and food effects can have surprisingly large impacts on how a build plays.
  • Add the option to spawn up to nine allied NPC dummies (like the golem, they do not move or act) at certain health percentages into the Training Area. Many builds play substantially differently when dealing with multiple targets: it's difficult to test a healing Druid on the golem in the Training Area, because in practice they charge up their Celestial Avatar by healing their allies... and with no allies to heal, their Avatar charges much slower.
    This is especially relevant now that the weapon beta weekend introduced some weapons with substantially different effects on Ally Target: if nothing changes, when those weapons are added to the game for real, there would be no place to test their Ally Target abilities. 
  • Add the option to spawn actual enemies into the Training Area. It's different fighting a real enemy, one that moves around and makes you move to avoid attacks, than it is wailing on a golem who does nothing about it and doesn't make you move at all. None of these enemies would drop loot, so you couldn't try out anything for free. Ideally this would exist in a few tiers - a group of weak enemies, a Veteran enemy, an Elite enemy, a Champion enemy, and a Legendary enemy. I'm not saying 'give us dev console spawns', but having enemies that actually attack you would make testing out builds a much easier process when it comes to 'so how does this actually do in a fight where there's other things going on'. 
  • Add an underwater area to the Training Area with an underwater dummy & the same options as above. Underwater combat does exist, and we all have to do it eventually, but sometimes it happens so infrequently it's hard to remember what any of your abilities do: especially when some things just don't work underwater at all. Mechanist mechs cannot go underwater, and multiple Revenant legends have no underwater skills.

In my ideal world there would also be NPCs who explain the three main basic build types - pure damage, mixed damage/support, & pure support. (& probably a NPC explaining what CC/Crowd Control is: 'defiance break' is one thing, but players call it CC and assume you know they mean defiance break, and soft crowd control is never really explained at all.) I know a lot of new players struggle to understand why all the random Exotic 80 gear they find on the ground would be bad to just equip, as the game doesn't do a good job of explaining how impactful your equipment stats are to your play: a Warrior with a Greatsword is going to do a lot more damage in Berserker's gear and similar attribute combos than they would wearing a mix of Giver's and Carrion, even if absolutely nothing else changes.

A common question for new players asking on out-of-game resources is 'what's good to play?', because the game doesn't give them much indication of if they're playing badly or their build is bad; having it established in-game that 'Weapons like your Greatsword do Strike damage, meaning they do damage only when they actually hit the enemy. Increasing your Power stat would make this weapon do more damage, increasing your Precision stat would make you get critical hits more often, and increasing your Ferocity stat would make those critical hits do more damage.', or "Weapons like your Longbow apply a lot of Conditions, which do damage over time even if you're not currently hitting the enemy; increasing your X stat would do X' - you get the idea. Having this actively stated ingame somewhere would make a load of difference, especially if it's in an area you're advised to go to after hitting 80 -- unlocking it the same way you do Fractals, maybe.

I acknowledge this is objectively two different requests - 'Improve and expand the Special Forces Training Area so it can be a more useful way for players to test out builds without having to get all the equipment first', and 'Add explanations of the three basic types of builds and the stats that are going to help how those builds play, so that new players don't end up floundering if they don't look out-of-game for help' - but I feel as if both of them could be combined into one update to the Training Area. There's the End of Dragons Seitung Province heart that tries to explain combo fields and defiance to you... but it doesn't do a fantastic job, and that's three expansions in. Players who only have access to the core game deserve to have the game explain how things work. As it stands, it doesn't, and understanding why and how equipment and stats work would be wildly valuable to expanding the enjoyment people can get out of the game.

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Bonus Events Idea: Regular events promo

I think doing a variety of regular events with other players in event focused maps is one of the highlights of this game. Unfortunately, for majority of the maps, only the meta is worth repeating, rewards wise. There are few maps where regular events are done on a regular basis. Dragon's Stand is a really good one. There are many players doing events together as the map requires players to do all the pre-events leading up to Mordremoth. My only complaint is that it's a bit too linear. Dragon's End is another really good map. While the pre-events are not required for the meta, raising map preparations and gaining rewards buff is worth it, so you regularly see players in the map doing events with you. My only gripe is that the map is too big, so you often have to wander around for events, and you may not encounter too many other players. Inner Nayos is another really good map for events. You have to complete regular events for the meta to trigger. Currently, the map is incomplete and small, which I think is a positive for doing events with other players since it puts players in a more condensed area, making the events more crowded.

Unfortunately, in majority of the event focused maps, regular events are not worth doing due to poor rewards. In HoT, you have Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, and Tangled Depths. In SotO, you have Skywatch Archipelagos and Amnytas. All of these maps have a lot of fun and varied events, but poor rewards, so few people do them. While outdated, Straits of Devastation, Malchor's Leap, and Cursed Shore are also event focused maps that are now dead (no pun intended). They used to be done when they were the dailies in the old system (do 4 events in specific maps), but with the Wizard's Vault, that's out the window.

How about bonus events that promote doing regular events in these maps. The rewards don't have to be unique rewards. A good quantity of existing rewards should be more than enough to draw players in. Rewards like map currencies (Case of Captured Lightning, Pouch of Stardust, etc.), extra keys (Pact Crowbars, Exalted Keys, etc.), essences (Essence of Despair, Essence of Greed, etc.), Provisioner Tokens, Mystic Coins/Clovers, Amalgamated Gemstones, Amalgamated Draconic Lodestones, guild banners, boosters, Tomes of Knowledge, etc.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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