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Obsidian Legendary Armor Tier 2 Preview

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I'm just so confused by this "tier 2." Its just glowing runes...but I'll try to give constructive feedback.

-the time investment for this legendary armor doesn't seem worth it if this is all we get.

-the white explosion is a little much but it would be cool to have the color tied to your rune color I suppose?

-raid legendary armor has unique movements and forms but all this one gets is glowing runes so it doesn't seem equivalent.

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Posted (edited)

So since we haven't information about if we can dye glow visual, if we will have other variant (but since it's a little bit different from weapon eod (for eod, we got dragons to apply a variant to leg weapon, with soto i don't see what could bring a variation in leg pve armor), i guess that we will haven't other variant than just this one in preview).

My opinion about the best visual in combat effect between the pve/raid leg armor with this preview video.

Light armor - My vote go to the raid armor for transformation.

Medium armor - My vote go to pve armor (well the choice is obvious).

Heavy armor - I would say equal, they are both good in my opinion.

Edited by Valaraukar.7652
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, DrWhizbang.1630 said:

I was hoping for some animation upgrade as someone above suggested, a bit like the other leggy sets and subtle flashy bits, a bit like ad infinitum, this for me is just underwhelming to say the least.


For something called obsidian...there isn't any but it would have been cool to have a sexy liquid reflective surface on certain bits, the astral ward runes come in and solidify around you, maybe some subtle moving parts and sure a little dyable explosion...  

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

-the time investment for this legendary armor doesn't seem worth it if this is all we get.

What you're getting is a legendary item, if you think it's not worth it then not doing it is an easy option.

2 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

-the white explosion is a little much but it would be cool to have the color tied to your rune color I suppose?

Agreed. Looks like that part could be a bit toned down (but maybe it just looks like it at closeup) and it should have the same dye slot as the runes (armor/coat part, I'm guessing).

2 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

-raid legendary armor has unique movements and forms but all this one gets is glowing runes so it doesn't seem equivalent.

Then make that one, not sure who said everything needs to be "what you consider equivalent".


2 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Will tier 2 be the final tier or is there another coming? Just asking cause maybe the animated parts like in envoy armor will follow then with the final tier.

As far as we know t2 is the final one (check the soto content table).

1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

How many variants

It's t1 and t2. Pretty sure no variants were mentioned (at least not in the context you seem to remember it at). So... 1 variant, because that's what t2 is.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

As far as we know t2 is the final one (check the soto content table).

It's t1 and t2. Pretty sure no variants were mentioned (at least not in the context you seem to remember it at). So... 1 variant, because that's what t2 is.

Well, its Tier 2, but that doesn't mean Tier 2 itself doesn't have variations, like with the Aurene Legendaries.

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Well, its Tier 2, but that doesn't mean Tier 2 itself doesn't have variations, like with the Aurene Legendaries.

But where did you see anything about this armor having variants other than t1+t2?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But where did you see anything about this armor having variants other than t1+t2?

That's why I'm asking. Aurene's set was the original Gen3 and then all the variants came after. Rubi clarified in the past that T2 would work like the Aurene variants. So, does that mean just one new skin per weight tier, or multiple?

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That's why I'm asking. Aurene's set was the original Gen3 and then all the variants came after.

They told us gen3 will have variants. If armor had variants, not putting that in the "soto content/patch table" would make no sense since it would be cutting on announcing the content that expansion would have.

5 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Rubi clarified in the past that T2 would work like the Aurene variants.

34 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Pretty sure no variants were mentioned (at least not in the context you seem to remember it at)

Ruby didn't say "t2 would work like the aurene variants", she said the acquisition of t2 could be compared to gen3 variants acquisition and it was a response to the question about "is t1 still a legendary item" and "will t1 be needed to craft t2". Pretty sure she didn't say what you apparently think she did.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But where did you see anything about this armor having variants other than t1+t2?

The video literally has 2 variants of it, one called Slumbering Suffused (more pronounced runes than T1 but no combat effects) and Suffused which is the same as Slumbering Suffused but has the combat glow effects and draw animation. (I actually missed this fact myself the first few times I watched the preview until someone on reddit caught the "Slumbering" on the first variant)

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Posted (edited)

Looks like it's two actual things to get: first upgrade obby to slumbering, then upgrade slumbering to suffused. I'm guessing it's to keep us engaged for a while, which is fine because it gives me something to work on over the summer. As others have said, I really hope the glowing effects have their own dye channel.

I must say I am disappointed that there are no obsidian accents, but meh what's done is done.  I'm fine with it not having a transformation animation like envoy does. In the grand scheme of things it's not something I would really notice, just like I don't even really notice the animation effects of my legendary weapons anymore.

The overall 'static' appearance is what I notice most, and this is fine. Could have been better, sure, but I'll take it. However, given the slightly underwhelming result (it's not terrible, just less than I was hoping for) I sincerely hope the 'grind' to get it to this point isn't as intense/expensive as a gen 3 weapon variant.

Thanks for the preview. Looking forward to seeing how I can make this look better than the video did.

Edited by Zera.9435
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8 minutes ago, Mor The Thief.9135 said:

The video literally has 2 variants of it, one called Slumbering Suffused (more pronounced runes than T1 but no combat effects) and Suffused which is the same as Slumbering Suffused but has the combat glow effects and draw animation. (I actually missed this fact myself the first few times I watched the preview until someone on reddit caught the "Slumbering" on the first variant)

So 3d glow on and off, I missed that too, ty 😉 

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I feel like this should have been the baseline… and also wish that initial flash would match the aura color. Idk, I really liked the concept art of the heavy set, and was hoping for a more obsidian based upgrade to that. I hope the acquisition isn’t ridiculous…

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I liked the T1 quite a lot, so I am satisfied. However, this step-wise T2 is underwhelming - more lazy busywork than quality content - this needs more work.

On the other hand, I hope this concept of PvE "play as you like" legendary equipment permeates to future expansions, lowering the barrier of entry for players who cannot experience multiple classes and builds to their full potential. Well done - and thanks for - adding new legendary options to the game, I look forward to the next batch 🙂

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1 hour ago, Mor The Thief.9135 said:

The video literally has 2 variants of it, one called Slumbering Suffused (more pronounced runes than T1 but no combat effects) and Suffused which is the same as Slumbering Suffused but has the combat glow effects and draw animation. (I actually missed this fact myself the first few times I watched the preview until someone on reddit caught the "Slumbering" on the first variant)

I think the slumbering is just the unsheathed version.

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At first I wasn't a big fan but I'm warming up to it. I was hoping for an obsidian shine on the armor but it's not the end of the world.  I think if it had a slight glowing aura like in the picture for the video it would look a lot better. All in all I would give it a 7/10 not amazing but definitely not bad either!  Plus since the color of the glyph's can be changed it makes it much more appealing,

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