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Obsidian Legendary Armor Tier 2 Preview

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5 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

So what's the problem here? You think it's better looking than the existing legendary armor but not by a large enough margine?

It's not about what I find more beautiful or not, it's about appreciating the work people put into crafting the item and seeing the same effort that raid armor took. It's this kind of blindness like yours that turns a poorly done job into something completely distorted. An example is isolating a sentence of mine and trying to validate your point, which is weak.

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7 hours ago, Therac.6431 said:

It's not about what I find more beautiful or not, it's about appreciating the work people put into crafting the item and seeing the same effort that raid armor took. It's this kind of blindness like yours that turns a poorly done job into something completely distorted. An example is isolating a sentence of mine and trying to validate your point, which is weak.

What does it matter how it was done if it looks good? You seem to be under the delusion that the important thing is how hard Anet worked on it rather than how good the skin looks. I can't show off the work process in game.

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45 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Only that it doesn't.

The person he quoted said:
"I personally crafted the Heavy armor because I found it prettier than the Raid armor"
...and then:
"It's not about what I find more beautiful or not, it's about appreciating the work people put into crafting"
...so that's exactly what's being responded to. Whether or not you want to argue* that subjectively it doesn't look good for you is irrelevant to the response you quoted.



*although what you did here is less "arguing it" and more "stating your subjective feeling as an objective fact" so... Well, wrong.

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17 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The person he quoted said:
"I personally crafted the Heavy armor because I found it prettier than the Raid armor"
...and then:
"It's not about what I find more beautiful or not, it's about appreciating the work people put into crafting"
...so that's exactly what's being responded to. Whether or not you want to argue* that subjectively it doesn't look good for you is irrelevant to the response you quoted.



*although what you did here is less "arguing it" and more "stating your subjective feeling as an objective fact" so... Well, wrong.

Dude just ignore that guy when it comes to obby armor. He's a broken record regurgitating the same thing over and over and over about how he doesn't like the obby armor, sharing the exact same screenshot because it doesn't look exactly like the concept art. The guy can't understand that nothing ever looks exactly like its concept art. You're talking to a brick wall.

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Posted (edited)

T1 had me hyped....t2 is like they slapped school glue then glitter on it and said it's now a Van Gough painting essentially. Not worth my personal effort into dipping into t2. T1 I can handle and accept but t2 is just.....why?!


Come on, I said personal...I can get my own macaroni and glitter with infusions

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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14 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

"if". This whole thread is because a number of players seem to think that it does not, in fact, look good.

Let me just quote the explainer someone already posted 😉

15 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The person he quoted said:
"I personally crafted the Heavy armor because I found it prettier than the Raid armor"
...and then:
"It's not about what I find more beautiful or not, it's about appreciating the work people put into crafting"
...so that's exactly what's being responded to. Whether or not you want to argue* that subjectively it doesn't look good for you is irrelevant to the response you quoted.


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21 minutes ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

Oh look at that: tier 2 HAS TWO VERSIONS one is what they showed off and the other has



Surely both versions were shown in the preview video?

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I've took a peak at final version of Obsidian armor and I must say I'm underwhelemed.
It feels like a good (and perfecly doable) potential was wasted.

1. Glowing runes do not fit everywhere.

It may look solid on heavy armor (looks enchanted) and clothes (mages be magical),
but looks totally nonsensical on thieves, rangers and engies. Especially the last ones
who are supposed to be by design the non-magical profession.

2. Concept art vs actual version.

Soldier professions - looks as advertised.
Mages - looks as advertised.
Explorers... - where are the white glowing eyes and totally menacing full face mask?

3. Feels uninspired

I'm not asking for transformations cause we've been there, done that and agreed we're not going back.
But there was certainly a lot more in terms of creativity that could be done.
For example having effects matching profession that uses it.

Imagine guards getting a blue/holy like effects on the obsidian armor.
Imagine warriors having runes not glow at all, but getting sounds effects of actual suit of heavy armor when moving and getting cc'd.
Imagine revs getting small mist trails emanating from cracks in armor when running.

Stuff like that... you know - creative!

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Posted (edited)


The released 3D armors is a spot on conversion of the Concept Art.

(before they released, i did  joke about it; what if the armors was a series of low poly cubes with the concept art merely stuck to them as a texture)

Creativity(having fantastic ideas) is one thing.... building all those elements into a functional thing is another. There could be various factors why they chose todo it like this. For us a guess and for them to know. (lower Priority, Finite Resources/Time/workforce, other obligations,etc .... who can say)  

At the very least these armor are alot more easier to craft... its straight up farming with some "easy" time gated stuff; Its THE answer for the PVE player in general, to get their hands on some Legend armors. without the need for raids or pvp/wvw. This armor is also pretty much unisex; not only on male / female body type but also their effects/animations. To be honest it reminded me alot of an "Ancient Exo-suit outfit" with some holographic runes attached to it, so with how it is designed, it most likely be reskinned by alot of people. The only thing you could do to personalize it a bit is playing with a color scheme...  But the overal theme of these set is obviously SotO... its mysterious/magical, just like how the raid armor clearly went the Elder Dragon route. Pvp and wvw armors are more grounded/less fantasy(though the Energy that courses through those armor pieces is ofcourse supernatural aswell)

Primarily you should get it for the QoL features anyway.

I made 2 weight types(LV 1) but reskinned them straight away for a very simple reason; the material shaders used on those sets prevents them from blending proper with other armor sets... wich in turn obstructs the creation of interesting combinations that have a uniform/slick/one piece attire/appearance in mind. During day /night cycle it becomes more obvious... especially when you dye all armor pieces with the same dye. In most cases the best bet is using dark dyes, as using light dye can result in either oversaturated/too bright  or dark/bland armor pieces depending on the material shaders used for an armor piece. ( using light dye on laced pants shows this imbalance perfectly at night)  

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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On 5/17/2024 at 4:43 AM, Chyro.1462 said:

It may be less extreme than it looks on in the trailer, cause there you have 3 particle explosions next to each other which kinda combines them to look more intense than a single.one would. Also if they listen to feedback and link the color of the unsheath effect to the glow color of the runes, you could cusomize how blinding it is by taking not too bright colors.

The white light does not look like a color choice. It obscures what is happening around you too much. The runes floating everywhere is just fine.

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Would request you to make the glyphs on tier 2 obsidian legendary armor a bit more glowy even when not wielding weapons. Right now it glows only when wielding a weapon and then the glow slowly disappears. Would request atleast to keep basic glow or some kind of aura to differentiate from Tier 1 even when not wielding a weapon. 

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Can confirm it's just the chest that gives the draw effect. Wearing any other pieces will not trigger it if you don't have the chest piece equipped. And you cannot dye the draw effect, it's white and comes with a sound effect that other players can also hear. It's the same sound you hear when you get credit for the t2 achievement. You get a 4th dye channel for the jewels and enchantment/inscription effect floating on the armor after you draw your weapon.

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7 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I notice it doesn't track each things you need to do for suffision. Is that correct? Eg doesn't show how many events in a map done 

You have to be sure to have the rune in your inventory and that the rune icon is appearing on your buff bar. As you work on achievements tasks, the rune icons on your bar will tell you your progress, so check there.  The achievement panel itself does not update until the task is done.

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1 hour ago, Meridian.4983 said:

I put the rune in a shared inventory slot and it all tracked on the buff bar across different characters, made it really easy

So progress isn't per character? That's good. (The wiki says that it is per character which seems like a strange decision.)

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9 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

So progress isn't per character? That's good. (The wiki says that it is per character which seems like a strange decision.)

Where does the wiki say that? It says: 

“Progress on each objective of Tier 2 Legendary Armor: Suffused Obsidian achievement is separate and tracked per character. Progress is across the account but buff/counter will not display correctly.”


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