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WvW but without other players?

WvW but without other players?!  

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  1. 1. Would you play WvW more if there was version without enemy players?

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There could be instanced maps where enemy NPCs automaticly balance team sizes.

There would be predicable attacks/defence of structures . Some like camps could still be soloable however for bigger structures would requre squad coordination.

No roaming players relying on stealth, shadowsteping, hit and run tactics or generally unfun tactics that rely on killing you before you notice them. Far less deaths unexpected deaths leading you to need to travel the full length of the map to get back to where you was. No having to deal with other players using bot assists or hacks or having spies on your side tell the other teams where you are and lead you into ambushes.

It would be far easyer to balance and generally more fun and give players an alternative way to get WvW rewards like Gifts of Battle without having to punish them having to deal with other players and all the toxic stuff that goes with that.


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This is a troll post, right?

In what other MMO do players ask for easy mode rewards like this?  You want to avoid "toxic stuff" yet this kind of thing is toxic too, trying to insert yourself into a PvP game mode and demand your own way.

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Just now, Chaba.5410 said:

In what other MMO do players ask for easy mode rewards like this?  You want to avoid "toxic stuff" yet this kind of thing is toxic too, trying to insert yourself into a PvP game mode and demand your own way.

I mean, if I where to answer that, then it would be every single one I've seen or heard of yet, players asking for easy mode rewards is a sign that rewards works actually. And for the PvP part, well in every single game I've seen that has had ANY PvP rewards of any type.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

There would be predicable attacks/defence of structures .

Isn't that what pve and map meta events basically already serve as?

You might as well ask them to drop gift of battle in drizzlewood.....

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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55 minutes ago, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

There could be instanced maps where enemy NPCs automaticly balance team sizes.

There would be predicable attacks/defence of structures . Some like camps could still be soloable however for bigger structures would requre squad coordination.

No roaming players relying on stealth, shadowsteping, hit and run tactics or generally unfun tactics that rely on killing you before you notice them. Far less deaths unexpected deaths leading you to need to travel the full length of the map to get back to where you was. No having to deal with other players using bot assists or hacks or having spies on your side tell the other teams where you are and lead you into ambushes.

It would be far easyer to balance and generally more fun and give players an alternative way to get WvW rewards like Gifts of Battle without having to punish them having to deal with other players and all the toxic stuff that goes with that.


Simply put no. 

The reason that WvW is end game and ever changing without actually getting any real dev time over all these years is the players. Without there is no reason to change tactics, times, numbers, ways to do things, habits, roles, goals and everything else. NPCs add context, not content. Never believe WvW will be balanced, part of it being end game is that there never will be balance and that is part of what makes it end game. There will be times you will have to 1 v 6, or 20 v 60 v 60, you need to figure out how to handle that and play thru it. That's part of the challenge of the game mode. You need to figure out how to counter that and change your tactics to deal with it.

The whole bit in the middle about dieing and running back.......its called pvp so I won't go into that. Hit and run tactics are again a part of the bigger game, its also the same when 50 run over 5 as in when it a 1 v 1. Alot of WvW players liked the original HoT since it was challenging where as a lot of PvE is, just stand here and do these things. Once you figure out the pattern where is the challenge?

As far as making GoB easier, it's simple now, that shouldn't impact the game mode to be quite honest. Getting Gift of 'Inset the types' is simple as well and just take times even if players don't want to put that time in, again that doesn't mean a change to the game modes. 

We don't need more simplified WvW, we need more complexity. Even WR which I am not for but will reply that you need to get ready for it will create more challenges as players slowly group into more and more complex masses and drama and complaints, but in the end it will add more challenge as players will need to change to handle players impacts to the game mode and how they form up. We still need more dev time and changes but I wouldn't say in ways that make it simply more NPC driven so players can have an easier time trying to figure out if I stand here and spam 2 then I get my shiny. If we had more NPC coding it should be in tools that players can employee to use against other players so that there are tactics and counter tactics to be used in making each fight different, each week different, each matchup different. 

One of the reasons I will miss servers is even though a server wasn't a guild or guilds but a mass of players and different servers had different styles, feels, tactics and that was even more present once we did the linkings and you could see these things from both your own side when facing and then when working with them. That will be gone, so now the new thing to find and explore will be going a level deeper and see the different nuances at smaller scale and how they intermix and change and adjust and added complexity and more of the unknown. All it will cost is our pubs, places where we could just login in and hangout in and tip back a pint while we checked out what the night was looking like and find fun in the trouble we might make.

So no, we don't want to trade that for just easier, these are not the same at all.


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51 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

This is a troll post, right?

In what other MMO do players ask for easy mode rewards like this?  You want to avoid "toxic stuff" yet this kind of thing is toxic too, trying to insert yourself into a PvP game mode and demand your own way.

"You have to hard commit to a game mode to even choose that game mode as an option. There is no flexibility to do some things from one game mode and some things from another how you feel. You can't choose to just do the PvE based WvW rewards. You can't opt in to do PvP without being forced to do PvP and have less PvE rewards for it. It's going to do a good job at getting people to pick one game mode to commit to (PvE)..."

I don't think so, I may not agree with the OP but I don't think troll post, but take a look at posting history and don't take my quick look as correct either. 

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10 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Isn't that what pve and map meta events basically already serve as?

You might as well ask them to drop gift of battle in drizzlewood.....

Can I get my Gift of Skritt there too? lol. If I PvX that is a fun map, but it just reminds me that there are players that need killed while I waste time in PvE. That's before we get any reason to actually win. 

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Sounds like you just want GIft of Battle , so just run WvW reward track boosters and get the daily completed in EoTM. Some of the WvW dailies do not even require player interaction such as camp capture , dolyak escort/slayer, or sentry cap.

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11 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

"You have to hard commit to a game mode to even choose that game mode as an option. There is no flexibility to do some things from one game mode and some things from another how you feel. You can't choose to just do the PvE based WvW rewards. You can't opt in to do PvP without being forced to do PvP and have less PvE rewards for it. It's going to do a good job at getting people to pick one game mode to commit to (PvE)..."

I don't think so, I may not agree with the OP but I don't think troll post, but take a look at posting history and don't take my quick look as correct either. 

What does this mean "PvE based WvW rewards"?

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Just now, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

*in the past*

What about now? Every time I go there for giggles it's pretty empty.

It is and the only time I go is when waiting on maps to open, but I don't think that is an issue with the map but more its not attached to scoring nor has the players to fight even before you go the rewards. 

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25 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Sounds like you just want GIft of Battle , so just run WvW reward track boosters and get the daily completed in EoTM. Some of the WvW dailies do not even require player interaction such as camp capture , dolyak escort/slayer, or sentry cap.

Yeah, those are the best bits of WvW. It's just annoying when you meet other players and they get in the way. Best case scenario you win the fight and you've still wasted your time and are worse off for it.
At least in sPvP it doesn't feel like your being punished for fighting other players and if you die you get right back into the match without a long walk.

+ a sPvP map is less the 15mins

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19 minutes ago, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

Yeah, those are the best bits of WvW. It's just annoying when you meet other players and they get in the way. Best case scenario you win the fight and you've still wasted your time and are worse off for it.
At least in sPvP it doesn't feel like your being punished for fighting other players and if you die you get right back into the match without a long walk.

+ a sPvP map is less the 15mins

I used to sPvP more but they removed too many options. It used to be a good training ground for WvW, now not so much. WvW is more about the long game, losing has more of an impact which is why I found it funny when sPvP players would complain about having to respawn versus actually fight a fight.

Long walks are avoided with mounts and giving more people reasons to defend keeps so we have waypoints versus those long runs. Double edged sword are the nerfs to defense. 

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Posted (edited)

Lol this is the logical conclusion of GoB reward threads.

No point, cut to next week and those players will complain the NPCs are also farming them.

As always, farm gold in desired content ---> buy legendary. Account bound legendaries are mostly pointless gold sinks. Although technically you could pay commanders for participation. Then you wouldn't have to fight any enemies at all.

If you can't convince a commander, you could ask 4 friends/guildies  with at least 1 commander tag to help you in exchange for something (maybe gold). With a squad of 5 they can share partcipation with you. Again, no fighting.

Gold can't solve all problems, but it can solve most of them.

Yesterday I just bought a Moot (legendary mace) for 1569g42s. No complaining, no walls of text defending my playstyle, no gift of battle even that I mostly WvW'd  or trying to water down the game mode for the people that actually play it.  Only legendary. My only regret is that I mistyped-- should have been 1569g 4s20c, but it is what it is.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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7 hours ago, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

There could be instanced maps where enemy NPCs automaticly balance team sizes.

There would be predicable attacks/defence of structures . Some like camps could still be soloable however for bigger structures would requre squad coordination.

No roaming players relying on stealth, shadowsteping, hit and run tactics or generally unfun tactics that rely on killing you before you notice them. Far less deaths unexpected deaths leading you to need to travel the full length of the map to get back to where you was. No having to deal with other players using bot assists or hacks or having spies on your side tell the other teams where you are and lead you into ambushes.

It would be far easyer to balance and generally more fun and give players an alternative way to get WvW rewards like Gifts of Battle without having to punish them having to deal with other players and all the toxic stuff that goes with that.


U have drizzle map

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