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June 25 Balance Update Preview

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37 minutes ago, Aurawind.8429 said:

When will Quick Catalyst not feel terrible to use in PvE? 🤔


Yeah, feels like they really overlook or ignore Catalyst for balance. It could really use some QoL regarding energy/spheres to make it more fun and less rigid to play. Really happy with the rest of the ele changes especially for Tempest. But am always hoping for some Catalyst changes cause I think I could really like the spec if it didn't feel so anti-fun to play.

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Spectral Armor would see more usage if it converted all incoming strike damage into life force, on a longer cooldown. It's unfortunate that necromancer still doesn't have an invulnerability skill, when there are constantly new fights introduced where having such a skill is often incorporated into strategy. Especially since some classes have those skills available on a short cooldown or multiple uses.

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would loveto see more swiftness and might on some healbuilds, chrono and scourge have bad group swiftness and might. Also give some more stability tomore classes would be nice for so much content like DS,Chak Meta, KO CM etc

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I'm still hoping for an improvement for providing quickness as firebrand.

Could you consider increase the cone (make it larger) and also increase the radius area effect (from180) to something like 220 or 240.

Kind regards

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Posted (edited)

More nerf to power scepter weaver? Why don't you just ban power gears on elementalist at this point huh?! What was the reason for removing damages on Earthen synergy? Simply because it does stun? Tell that to hammer warriors and thieves.

And what do you know, no nerfs to willbender and harbinger yet again. Oh look, harbinger even gets a small buff.

Edited by Lalary.3561
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2 hours ago, RagingRube.2540 said:

Just remove the splash effectiveness reduction altogether you cowards!

In all seriousness, specter would be so nice to play if the scepter just gave aoe boons and barrier full stop. It wouldn't break the game, it wouldn't be OP, and it would actually be enjoyable to play, unlike trying to juggle all your allies and hope they get good prot uptime

Having Thief Scepter skills Splash AoE damage and Healing regardless of if you're smacking ally or enemy would be a nice change. But that was requested Day 1 by many. It went to Druid Staff for the most part.

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You guys could had actually gave some buffing to Deadeye which is the spec nobody asking for or excited to have on their groups, parties even as BoonsDPS... Pure thematically should be the strongest DPS spec yet is nowhere near close to the beloved Virtuoso which doesn't get any nerfs btw. You guys have already tuned down to hell out of  DE on PvP and WvW which was very fun to play in btw and whatever changes were made to PvE were never enough compensation for the nerfs to stealth which tbh nowdays casting last longer than our stealth itself so i always say if you want stealth on party rather call a scrapper and so most classes can provide whatever else  DE can but better. If want DPS easily can get stronger DPS from other specs, if want boonDPS rather have any other which can offer more than just the Quickness even if QuicknessDE has proper DPS, it's full DPS counterpart doesnt stand a chance on meta groups and let's be honest too; Who in the hell even ask for thieves on their parties?? Deadeye was meant to be a glasscannon and surely it's a glass but definitely doesn't hit like a cannon, at least doesn't compare to top meta specs and has been like that for years. Tbf whenever someones DPS is below mine i know for sure something is wrong with their build and that's not saying enough but anyways, it's cool you want to somehow improve condi thief, pretty fun to play but it's gonna suck if planning on leaving PowerDPS thieves builds behind to just stick on condi. I mean; only change you did to DE was revert kneeling change from last time lol and like come on, mesmer has more specs you know? Not only virtuoso but also many frustrated mirage players awaiting for actual buffs, to be equals and so far most reason folks playing chrono asides from the ones who really like and enjoy is the high utility it has with boons. Mirage rulz, Virtuosos never shower jsjsjs

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Posted (edited)
  • Still no healingball meta nerf, healers that are tanks at the same time is really a bad design. I am so sick of fighting against groups with 50% healers and 30% cele builds lol.
  • Still no solid conterplay in WvW for thiefs. Non-interactive gameplay is really unhealthy. 
  • Still no removal of all those damage reduction modifiers. You are even adding more, stop this kitten! It's such a joke how insanely high some classes can stack those modifiers and face tank others. 
  • Still no Engi Kit Reworks.
  • Still no piercing on ranger bows per default. 
  • Still no Sneak Gyro Adjustment, its still such a kittening joke.
  • No outdated weapons are reworked. You started with such good changes to hammer guardian for example, you should keep such changes up.
  • At least Heal Turret is viable again. The cooldown increase to 30sec should have been reevaluated way quicker.
  • At least more needed condi cleanse on engi is back
  • Magnet Change is good, actions without visable indicator are always garbage. Tho the skill really needs buffs, cast time is crappy. And it could also pull everyone around that target.
  • Why keep the randomness in Elexier X? when all other elexiers were changed back then to be more reliable. At least change it in a way that we know what we will get before pressing. and randomize it afterwards.
  • Moa nerf in WvW was really needed 6 sec was a huge downer, but nerfing it to 2 sec seems like a huge overkill. Go to 4 seconds, than reevaluate, and if needed reduce it to 3.  Core Engi has now a better AoE Moa lol. 
  • Why are you always overnerfing and overbuffing stuff. Make slight adjustments and reevaluate after. Such drastic changes to durations, damage or cooldown always leaves the impression that have no clue what you are doing. I just say sneak gyro. 
Edited by Nero.7369
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  • Unleash Pet: The unleashed visual effect will now fade out over time when applied to the pet as it does on the player.

    couldnt this have been an option instead? some of us rely on the visual cues amongst other things for fast decision making. and the effect fading away removes that opportunity
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41 minutes ago, Nero.7369 said:

Still no healingball meta nerf, healers that are tanks at the same time is really a bad design. I am so sick of fighting against groups with 50% healers and 30% cele builds lol.

you clearly ahve not encountered proper bombs, where healers can do nothing. And to add insult to injury, you can now even find zergs, that do nice proper damage with burning ticks, despite cleanse in every party. The nerfs to healing and cleansing were substantial and are being felt.
Maybe the problem is even exactly with the healing and cleanse nerfs that we had: Since certain conditions work quite well (like burning) and cleanses with just one healer cannot quite keep up, you need two. So you end up with exactly this healzerg. Nerfing healers even further willl probably ruin support altogether, so that's ntor eally feasible either.

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Posted (edited)

Given the massive nerf to Signet of Humility, it should at leat have a lower cooldown now. 90 Second cooldown for a skill that is guaranteed to be dodged is a massive rip off. 

Decoy PVE is a great improvement tho I am unsure if it will ever be used in PVE. It could use the some love in competetive modes too - lower the cooldown to 30-35 so it can compete with Signet of Midnight.

Sand Through Glass - Please bring back the old animation of the skill,  when changing the cooldown PLEASE. Other than that great change. Maybe lower the coolodown in competetive modes too.

On the subject of Mirage skills, Mirage Advance is a skill that hardly ever gets used. I think a Unique interesting change would be changing to to you and all of your clones shadow step making it a great skill to set up shatters.


Other under utilized or performing skills and traits:
Phantasmal Defender
Signet of Inspiration
Furious Interruption
Master of Manipulation
Chaotic Interruption
Warden's Feedback
Danger Time
Speed of Sand Big Time, make that thing base line and give us an actual trait....


Edited by Gesbo.6420
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Posted (edited)

What we don't get:

  • Condi spellbreaker
  • Condi dragonhunter
  • Power specter
  • Shortbow that grant fury for engineer
  • Heal staff for necromancers
  • Sand Shade duration to 15 seconds for scourges again (managing shades is pain actually)
  • Heal toolbelt skill for mechanists (so 5 F-Skills finally)
  • Untamed mechanic rework with an energy bar instead of an simple ambush buff symbol
  • Catalyst mechanic rework (for more fun and better quickness)
  • Bladesworn traits rework (adept and master traits are for 90% of the builds the same)
  • Soulbeast traits rework (adept and master traits are for 90% of the builds the same)
  • Specter minor traits rework (too specific for build creations)
  • Engineer elixir skills and their toolbelt skills
  • Engineer tools traitline (why not simple improving kits and gadgets more?)
  • Nerf to willbenders and thiefs for WvW (burst dmg ambushes)
  • Nerf to harbingers and druids for WvW (Condi bunker gods)


What we get: 

  • Buffs to heal tempest
  • Buffs to heal warrior
  • Some good improvements to skills and traits
  • Many recharge reductions to defensive skills
  • Many damage modifications to power skills


We get many new numbers for skills and traits, but no (or not many) changes for low used skills and traits. The whole meta builds don't change much and build diversity for pve endgame content is nearly not existing. 

Edited by Iustitian.9176
Better formating
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Ele buffs seem nice i like how they are looking at dagger its very out dated at this point. Is pistol usable in any game type but say single target pve?

I love to see the on use cc for lines effect carry over to wvw and spvp.

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3 hours ago, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Citadel Bombardment should NOT be reduced to "120" but instead the missiles should be BUFFED to 240 radius explosions. 120 is a pitiful radius for the skill especially considering how long the cast time is

Agreed it'd be preferable to make the missiles more effective - the only thing I currently use it for is large AoE splash, which is situationally useful in WvW for applying pressure on wall siege. Maybe it could find another purpose, but for me, I'm not sure removing its only use case is helpful.

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1 hour ago, Iustitian.9176 said:

What we don't get:

  • Condi spellbreaker
  • Condi dragonhunter
  • Power specter
  • Shortbow that grant fury for engineer
  • Heal staff for necromancers
  • Sand Shade duration to 15 seconds for scourges again (managing shades is pain actually)
  • Heal toolbelt skill for mechanists (so 5 F-Skills finally)
  • Untamed mechanic rework with an energy bar instead of an simple ambush buff symbol
  • Catalyst mechanic rework (for more fun and better quickness)
  • Bladesworn traits rework (adept and master traits are for 90% of the builds the same)
  • Soulbeast traits rework (adept and master traits are for 90% of the builds the same)
  • Specter minor traits rework (too specific for build creations)
  • Engineer elixir skills and their toolbelt skills
  • Engineer tools traitline (why not simple improving kits and gadgets more?)
  • Nerf to willbenders and thiefs for WvW (burst dmg ambushes)
  • Nerf to harbingers and druids for WvW (Condi bunker gods)


What we get: 

  • Buffs to heal warrior
  • Some good improvements to skills and traits
  • Many recharge reductions to defensive skills
  • Many damage modifications to power skills


We get many new numbers for skills and traits, but no (or not many) changes for low used skills and traits. The whole meta builds don't change much and build diversity for pve endgame content is nearly not existing. 

You'll get your Untamed green pet fade-away visual update and LIKE IT!

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Kjubi.2694 said:

would loveto see more swiftness and might on some healbuilds, chrono and scourge have bad group swiftness and might. Also give some more stability tomore classes would be nice for so much content like DS,Chak Meta, KO CM etc

heal chrono does okay swiftness with staff and doesnt at all struggle on might, if you know what youre doing. it can easily output 30+ stacks of might consistently

Edited by leinsle.3019
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