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With Landspears confirmed, what you want it to be?

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I don't think they were super popular but paragon/war builds using the offensive spear skills rather than being a support build were always a ton of fun to me, would be neat to see warrior use it for the 900 range wep niche

I would really like to be able to play war in teamfights or something

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18 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

I don't think they were super popular but paragon/war builds using the offensive spear skills rather than being a support build were always a ton of fun to me, would be neat to see warrior use it for the 900 range wep niche

I would really like to be able to play war in teamfights or something

Man I loved playing that on gw1. Still do sometimes 

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..again warrior gets the least interesting skills, because spear share skill with gs and harpoon is just a rifle..

while you look at rev spear is basically a super beefed up flashy warrior spear

and trident is literally the coolest weapon in the game with god tier level of animation

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18 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Please, no more ranged weapons for Thief. No more projectiles as main source of damage. 3 out of 4 expansions brought us ranged-only weapons. I want spear to be 100% melee weapon.

This is the warrior forum though? 

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I'm thinking melee condi weapon. 

This is largely a matter of aesthetic and theme for me, but I'd be devastated if after all this time we finally get land spear on warrior and it ends up being a thrown weapon. Let guardian fulfill the Paragon fantasy.

Don't give me a spear just so that I can throw it away.


With that said, IF it's going to be a thrown weapon, I hope it's a one-hander.

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3 minutes ago, Arewn.2368 said:

I'm thinking melee condi weapon. 

This is largely a matter of aesthetic and theme for me, but I'd be devastated if after all this time we finally get land spear on warrior and it ends up being a thrown weapon. Let guardian fulfill the Paragon fantasy.

Don't give me a spear just so that I can throw it away.


With that said, IF it's going to be a thrown weapon, I hope it's a one-hander.

There is a lot of desire for a 1H 900 range weapon. Especially if it had some support to it so that it could be paired with Warhorn. But with some of the changes they are making to Tactics we may be able to get away from needing that MH support weapon.

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So they CAN make spear on land huh? Honestly they should've done it when EOD release and give a class theme based on that, this is kind of way too late.

Anyway for warrior maybe 2h spear dragoon style is nice, The 1hand and shield is cool if you want to look like a spartan but sadly our shield skill kind of bad, and we all know they will never update old weapon skill for warrior *cough* the 100B *cough*

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16 minutes ago, Mikali.9651 said:

it seems like spear will be just a 2hand weapon. 
I really wanted it to be 1-hand range weapon, but we shall see how it's gonna playout

It looks like all the classes are getting a 2H spear from what the trailer was showing. I saw rev, thief (it was Caithe leaping, so thief unless they changed her to a ranger), guardian, and elementalist (Sorry Dan, that was the ele getting the cool explosion) shown. I also saw a very generic melee swing at the 1:03-1:04 mark. Clearly that was the warrior.

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Posted (edited)

ANet has introduced some unique mechanics with weapons in SotO so they could add just about anything with the spear.

It'd be a nice nod to the Paragon Spear/Shield if Warriors generated Aegis frequently while using a spear.

2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

thief (it was Caithe leaping, so thief unless they changed her to a ranger),

If you pause the video it's just a Sylvari wearing the Primeval Dervish outfit. It's highly unlikely this is a bait-and-switch for Thief given the green effects with the attack. Sylvari hound can go either way as the Racial or as a Pet

Edited by Geoff Fey.1035
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5 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

ANet has introduced some unique mechanics with weapons in SotO so they could add just about anything with the spear.

It'd be a nice nod to the Paragon Spear/Shield if Warriors generated Aegis frequently while using a spear.

If you pause the video it's just a Sylvari wearing the Primeval Dervish outfit. It's highly unlikely this is a bait-and-switch for Thief given the green effects with the attack. Sylvari hound can go either way as the Racial or as a Pet

Yeah, but Caithe in LWS2 when you get her skill set had some effects like that, but thanks for point that out though. It looked like Caithe since they just showed her on screen prior to that skill being used. Still, wouldn't be weird for them to change an NPC's profession, they did that with Rytlock.

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37 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Still, wouldn't be weird for them to change an NPC's profession, they did that with Rytlock.

That's fair, it's just unlikely they'd have Caithe wearing the Dervish outfit rather than either her current Branded look or something new.

Plus, it would be really weird to have the Thief have a skill with green effects and having a giant ghostly fox appear as opposed to the Ranger that has Snakes/Birds/Bears/etc already. Caithe having the Snake with her skill in LWS2 was kind of a one-off since they made an entire unique skillbar for her.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It looks like all the classes are getting a 2H spear from what the trailer was showing. I saw rev, thief (it was Caithe leaping, so thief unless they changed her to a ranger), guardian, and elementalist (Sorry Dan, that was the ele getting the cool explosion) shown. I also saw a very generic melee swing at the 1:03-1:04 mark. Clearly that was the warrior.

Im sad.

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Making spears for everyone doesn't make me feel any better or repair the damage done to our Profession Class along the years that have passed.I think we will end in another stupid corner forgotten and nothing special to come to .... in the end.This is the real truth.Looking forward for that right changes on the core of each specializations then we can talk new weapon changes, etc.

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1 hour ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

Hi sad I'm Red.


29 minutes ago, Bris.7984 said:

Making spears for everyone doesn't make me feel any better or repair the damage done to our Profession Class along the years that have passed.I think we will end in another stupid corner forgotten and nothing special to come to .... in the end.This is the real truth.Looking forward for that right changes on the core of each specializations then we can talk new weapon changes, etc.

Hi Red and Dad.

Im spearless Dan. And i am sad.

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I was beginning to think that the warrior's underwater spear skills could really work well on land... And here it is, the devs shatter what little expectations I had with promises of new skillsets. 

On a side note, now I really think that necromancer can get an endurance cost on using his spear skills...

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9 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

I was beginning to think that the warrior's underwater spear skills could really work well on land... And here it is, the devs shatter what little expectations I had with promises of new skillsets.

Having expectations, especially if it's something positive for Warrior, is a mistake.

The generic pool noodle slap they showed of in the trailer was enough to throw out the little interest I had in Greatsword 3.0.

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