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Roaming - How to against willbender?

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Posted (edited)

Hello, any tips on how to not die against willbender in first 0,25 second? Or is there class that counters havily the olmighty Willy? I run Rev, Engi, Thief and always I die in first 0,25-0,5 sec even if blocking etc. and on new serverlink I didnt met anything else then Willbender. Please please make my life ezier..

Edited by Catchyfx.5768
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Play core anything with 3-stat gear. Sure you'll still instantly die but now you will feel a sense of superiority as you taunt them that they needed an elite specced willbender to kill you.

You're welcome.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Catchyfx.5768 said:

Hello, any tips on how to not die against willbender in first 0,25 second? Or is there class that counters havily the olmighty Willy? I run Rev, Engi, Thief and always I die in first 0,25-0,5 sec even if blocking etc. and on new serverlink I didnt met anything else then Willbender. Please please make my life ezier..

First, build one and play it so you understand Willie. If not interested, search fighting willbender gw2 on youtube as there are content providers there.

If that is a no go on both, then it depends if you are melee or range or a mix.

Melee; stunbreaks and condi clears/transfers. Watch for their burst and time your dodges, let them burst and hold yours then return. Lockdowns if you have them after light attacks.

Range; easier, kite them, not really seen any range Willie so again breaks clears and knockback, keep them at range and time out their bursts.

In both cases watch for a them to have a battlebuddy with lockdowns and burn them first if they brought one along.

Again I would say build one if in doubt and see how players counter from the Willie view point to build your own best ideas on how to counter on the builds you run.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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First you need toughness to survive sudden burst,  second you need enough knowledge to dodge, lastly you need overwhelming condi application. Willbender is like thief...just harder to face head on due to cele gear and boon uptime but it has a harder tume getting away in return 

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55 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Range; easier, kite them, not really seen any range Willie so again breaks clears and knockback, keep them at range and time out their bursts.

They don't need to be ranged when they have the most mobility in the game....

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If you die in half a second then you are probably naked...start there.

While willbender is definitely a bit too strong, it is not unkillable and most of the classes can still beat bad willbender. Like someone said, learn how the class works to understand.
It really depends what you play.

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Have some instant application of Resistance, the moment you get immobilize use it and then dodge, after that they'll use rest of their busted burst so dodge again. After they burn all of their low iq burst they'll probably use F3 so you can slowly start pressuring their overinflated ego while also using WSAD around them, optionally use again dodge against 3 from GS and stab against their 5 and after they run out of stab, go full pressure on them so they'll use elite to reset fight so wait it out and heal yourself and then blast them to crisps, since they'll be more likely to run away.
Should work on 99% of willbenders. The biggest problem will be always that immobilize, either you dodge or remove it. Beyond that it's like fighting Berserker with more steroids.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Catchyfx.5768 said:

Hello, any tips on how to not die against willbender in first 0,25 second? Or is there class that counters havily the olmighty Willy? I run Rev, Engi, Thief and always I die in first 0,25-0,5 sec even if blocking etc. and on new serverlink I didnt met anything else then Willbender. Please please make my life ezier..


Cele Harb, Cele dagger spam mirage, chrono, deadeye, cele berserker, vindicator,  cele catalyst, condi druid. Literally every class has a roaming build that deals with basic willbender . . .


Edit: ALSO, If you chase a willbender across a map, wasting your movement skills or escapes and they turn around and burst you, you deserve that death.

Chasing a willbender, like a thief or mesmer, is stupid.

Edited by Solori.6025
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When you saw a WB port to you.. dodge/dash/port out their upcoming damage unload.. don't try to tank it.. once they are done... a good WB will use the rest of their mobility skill to get out and reset. A bad WB will stay there and waiting for you to slaughter him/her. You have no idea how fast you can kill a full berserker WB when their skills are on CD. The play style is pretty much like a thief but without the stealth and have huge aoe damage. A WB is way more predictable than a thief.

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Posted (edited)

Honestly, I usually don't bother though I feel every roaming build these days is kitten to play against.


In general, the best way to fight any guardian is to move perpendicular to them because all their major attacks basically are PBAOEs. In the case of Willbender you also want to keep moving because if you stand in the flames you keep proccing their virtues and you'd probably die. Their weapons are also balanced around symbol damage so if you don't stand in them, you'll not die as fast. The key point here is to not get CC'd in their dots.

The typical WIllbender build has only 2 ccs to it, one of them is an immoblize with offhand sword, and the other is the greatsword pull. The greatsword pull is rather whatever, just the lone stunbreak and don't panic. However, the immobilize by sword offhand is the main issue. Not only is harder to detect you've been immobilized, immobilize is just a bunch of crap. Also this advancing strike comes barreling down at you at a rapid pace, and this is the most important thing.

Most of the other stuff can only kill you at point blank, with the noticable exception of greatsword 3 (that gs leap) and rushing justice (f1). Of that I have no real solution besides try to disrupt their LOS. Another thing to know is the spinning kick thing has weakness to it, and you should really get that off you.

Fortunately, most bad Willies will do the Judge's intervention ---> downed rotation.  In this case you handle it like those kitten thieves,  essentially dodge once--> move, and then probably dodge again while they're finishing dancing around. Unfortunately, there aren't too many that can really hurt them when Crashing Courage (F3) is active) so don't even bother. Being mobile yourself helps. Giving yourself protection or some kind of damage mitigation during this would help.

Because of how this works, you want to open with Soft CC near the start (but they may have resistance so watch that), as they will most likely be immune to hard CC when they start. Them wasting the cleanses is kinda what you want anyways. Hard CC is pretty good when they're backing off or trying to run, soft CC is unlikely to work because f2 cleanses it so easily. Also a lot of Willbenders insist on not bringing more than 1 stunbreak besides judges which they pop early. These may be very killable.

A few degenerates are afraid of dying despite being Usain Bolt so they run Cele.; these are actually easier to deal with  because they can't unga bunga you but unfortunately it is hard to actually kill them because again they will run and I have no solution to that. These will utterly cover you in burning and weakness and whatever degeneracy they have on their relics so you better bring cleanses because they also usually don't fight alone.

Builds with unblockable attacks are very strong against Willbenders as well as anything that can interrupt their heal with strips or something. Problem is running specialized builds just to counter a certain other build is kinda annoying.

Also in general please don't chase them if they're on full; turbo mode. They usually have friends around that corner. Just let them come at you; there's no need to hurry them.

Unfortunately, like with all bursty gank builds, sometimes you will be caught unawares and it becomes a coin flip even if they're just bashing their keyboard. And that is their strategy, to make every encounter one.

I really do think a good player will probably just run away if you get them low unless you are fast to it, but fortunately your garden variety ganker isn't very good, and for some reason isn't good at running away either maybe because they went 100% offense. I can kill these sometimes on Firebrand simply because off hand sword is really just that good, but ymmv.


10 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Play core anything with 3-stat gear. Sure you'll still instantly die but now you will feel a sense of superiority as you taunt them that they needed an elite specced willbender to kill you.

You're welcome.

Hey don't give away the meta strategy!

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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11 hours ago, Catchyfx.5768 said:

Rev, Engi, Thief and always I die in first 0,25

Cele Vindi with shortbow / gs or staff - Condi (trailblazer) dual pistol or pistol + shield mechanist - Just swap a stealth build (deadeye is anti of any class) but don't use stealth attacks, until they low.

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Posted (edited)

Great advices! Thank you

I was using Marauder for DD p/d thief( but I played it like for 2-3 days so no pro) grenade scrapper (im bad with nades) and power vindicator and power herald(yes i want to die soon). I was roaming a lot years back and I tought power builds are still great but I tried beat celestial with celestial and it kinda works shortbow rev. Now i can eat almost full burst and im still standing doing counter dmg so they back up. But it feels like Im cheating so I will try to get better and return to Powerbuilds, because of internal suffering. THANKS GUYS!


one edit:
I tried run away but it have same mobility as DD thief!! O_O
Nevermind now I foundout that druid does confusion with permastun x_X
This will be long year 😄

Edited by Catchyfx.5768
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4 minutes ago, Solori.6025 said:

.....Now I feel dirty for contributing to another cele player in wvw :I.....

Shame on you, it's getting harder and harder to run around on curses/SR Reaper and FA Ele with each passing day : /

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4 hours ago, Catchyfx.5768 said:

Great advices! Thank you

I was using Marauder for DD p/d thief( but I played it like for 2-3 days so no pro) grenade scrapper (im bad with nades) and power vindicator and power herald(yes i want to die soon). I was roaming a lot years back and I tought power builds are still great but I tried beat celestial with celestial and it kinda works shortbow rev. Now i can eat almost full burst and im still standing doing counter dmg so they back up. But it feels like Im cheating so I will try to get better and return to Powerbuilds, because of internal suffering. THANKS GUYS!


one edit:
I tried run away but it have same mobility as DD thief!! O_O
Nevermind now I foundout that druid does confusion with permastun x_X
This will be long year 😄

Cele shortbow vindi is legit busted, I don't blame you for feeling shame in using it to counter willbenders. I got so mad losing to Cele shortbow vindis on marauder willbender that I made one myself and realized just how much damage mitigation they pack in their traits that it's nuts.

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10 hours ago, Solori.6025 said:

.....Now I feel dirty for contributing to another cele player in wvw :I.....

it's only temporary 😄 but have to say it's like play on ez mode, still can't believe you get 100% more stats on cele then Zerker. Stats should have some digit of what they can offer and then split it into variation. Not this

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15 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

They don't need to be ranged when they have the most mobility in the game....

Yeah, I admit wasn't joking there Willi and Harbi I have found to fall much faster to my range builds versus my melee builds having issues with the same players. So bring a battlebuddy, or if they are running to many at the time, swap and come back. 

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11 hours ago, Catchyfx.5768 said:

I was using Marauder for DD p/d thief

You should easily beat WB as a shadow arts D/P DD. Just dodge when he ports on you, go stealth, let him waste his burst and then slowly wear him down with backstabs and restealthing. You also have a daze you can spam to really ruin his day. 

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36 minutes ago, Gazrul.3086 said:

You should easily beat WB as a shadow arts D/P DD. Just dodge when he ports on you, go stealth, let him waste his burst and then slowly wear him down with backstabs and restealthing. You also have a daze you can spam to really ruin his day. 

Yes I admit on DD it is skill issue, Im just trying getting used to this.

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Posted (edited)

On my FA core Ele, I don't find them that dangerous in a vacuum.* Yeah they have a lot of (probably a bit too much) individual weapon skills that can hit for 5k+, not to mention the F1, but if I manage to dodge the initial sword 5 (which has a very distinct *fwoosh* audio que too) and kite long enough while they have stabi/aegis/resistance from F3, I'm usually good after that to start wasting their stunbreaks and eventually kill them. 

Something similar you can do on your Engi too, holosmith to be more specific, as you can equip flashbang trait + all the self proc passive stuff from Tools + you have shield or that photon wall skill to have active blocks to survive their stuff, while hindering their damage, and doing pretty good damage yourself. 

* note: that does NOT mean willbender is underperforming and needs buffs, it just means people got used to fighting them after kitten near 3 years - on the off chance an Anet dev reads threads like these xD

Edited by Codename T.2847
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