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So everyone is getting spears on land, will engineers get spear use underwater as well?

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Nothing will change with underwater weapons.  All that's changed is you're now able to equip a spear in your land slot.  So when you go from land to water, you're still switching to your water spear, and vice versa from water to land.

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1 hour ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

Nothing will change with underwater weapons.  All that's changed is you're now able to equip a spear in your land slot.  So when you go from land to water, you're still switching to your water spear, and vice versa from water to land.

Yes, and Engineers do not get spears underwater. This was not a question of whether the abilities would be the same but if Engineers will actually get to use spears underwater now.

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Posted (edited)

I don't think Engineer and Elementalist will get to use spear underwater.

Maybe there'll be an oversight that allows Engineers and Elementalists to equip spear in the underwater slot. But without actual underwater abilities for the weapon, the abilities bar would remain blank.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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5 hours ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

So everyone appears to be getting spears on land, if I am reading this correctly. Does this mean engineers will get the ability to use spears under water then giving them a second option finally for under water?

No, why are you implying that Engineer would be getting a underwater spear while this is specifically only for LAND-spears?

Answer is; No, Engineer or Elemetalist will not be getting an underwaunder spear, but will be getting LAND spear.

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Posted (edited)

Nothing like a prehistoric weapon concept for a class based on technology.


I guess they will add bells and whistles  to the spear.  It's sad that they stick to the base  weapons  no matter how incoherent  it gets probably  due to skin monetization and compensate  it with  far fetched  skill concepts.


We already had the pistol and rifle magicians, now it's time for the wild and savage low tech engis.

And when finally  classes have zero  weapon personality  they will consider gw3 i guess

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, GEGEZZ.7563 said:

Nothing like a prehistoric weapon concept for a class based on technology

Yes, because using a stick in technological endeavors is not a practice either. Always amusing some of the commentary coming on through here in this forum and this weird backlash for no reason other than to be heels I guess.

But since part of the release statement is that the weapon would not be force swapped between spear on land and underwater, graphically at least, I figure it would be a decent question to ask. But it still always proves amusing the levels some of this forum sink to in the end.

Edited by Ravenwulfe.5360
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

Yes, because using a stick in technological endeavors is not a practice either.

You're totally right. If i had the ability to get any high tech weapon i want and had spent my whole life studying technology and technological weapons as an engineer, making automated turrets, laser shooting mechs, condensed light shots and flying utility and bombing robots, the day i have to fight myself, i'd definitely go prepare my trusty spear. The spear is where it's at.

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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With today's news blog: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/straight-to-the-point-a-primer-on-spears-in-janthir-wilds/

Q: Since engineers and elementalists can use spears on land in the expansion, will they gain the ability to wield spears underwater too?

A: Professions that currently cannot use a spear underwater will continue to not be able to use a spear underwater.


So official answer is no.  Ele and Engi will not get water spears, only land spears.

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11 hours ago, GEGEZZ.7563 said:

Nothing like a prehistoric weapon concept for a class based on technology.


I guess they will add bells and whistles  to the spear.  It's sad that they stick to the base  weapons  no matter how incoherent  it gets probably  due to skin monetization and compensate  it with  far fetched  skill concepts.


We already had the pistol and rifle magicians, now it's time for the wild and savage low tech engis.

And when finally  classes have zero  weapon personality  they will consider gw3 i guess

They already announced gw3 like 2 months ago

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11 minutes ago, Assassin X.8573 said:

They announced gw3 a while ago... Like a month or two ago


10 minutes ago, Assassin X.8573 said:

They already announced gw3 like 2 months ago

Where did you see a quote for GW3? I only saw a post about a "sequel to GW2." For all I know, that could be a reference to JW.

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I don't think the shown cynicism for your post as being rooted in your subject (it would be nice for engi and ele to be able to use spear underwater as well, nothing wrong with that one bit), but seems to be a sort of venting of disappointment in lackluster reveal for new weapon(s) for new xpac. Though I admit I've noticed some people going against harpoon gun being used on land (it could be made into crossbow or something, what the heck, there are crazier things already in the game), without seemingly realizing they are eating bread crumbs themselves.

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6 hours ago, Assassin X.8573 said:

They already announced gw3 like 2 months ago

No, a suit told investors there was GW3 and it was then clarified that GW3 has been greenlit to consider maybe making if, y'know, things work out that way.  There aren't even any proposals for what it would be, and if it's in any way another MMORPG it would therefore be probably at least ten years away from now before any kind of launch.

Now as to how an Engineer might use a spear, I could see it being a shock stick that stabs, zaps, and even bludgeons with the butt end.  And doubles as a giant screwdriver for massive machines.  Possibly has a slottable vial insert to alter its damage type.  (No I don't think this is what it'll be, I'm just spitballing Tyrian engineer style).

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Engineers and elemantalists will get spear attacks on land, but can't use it underwater even after release. This is bad and lame.

Engis and eles are still missing weapon switch for underwater combat. Yet, I can't understand ANet's policy on this decision. Even revenants can use spear and trident, yet the trident was added sometime after HoT.

I strongly urge ANet to rethink this. You're talking about cool new thinks, like mechanics and animations, but don't find the will to finally add spears for every profession? LAZY!

I'm only asking for underwater spears for the last two. Please, try to add them on the same day you'll introduce the new legendary spear.

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2 hours ago, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

Engis and eles are still missing weapon switch for underwater combat.

1.) Did you recognize that JW won't be an underwater expansion?

2.) Having no weapon switch is part of the class mechanic.


2 hours ago, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

You're talking about cool new thinks, like mechanics and animations, but don't find the will to finally add spears for every profession?

But... they do add spear for every profession . . .
Have you even read the announcements?


2 hours ago, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

I'm only asking for underwater spears for the last two.

For what reason? What use will this bring?
It will create much work, but for what?

There is no significant UW content and there is none coming with JW. Why should new UW weapons be added then?
Only for the sake of "completion"?

How about saving UW weapons for an actual UW focussed expansion with actual UW content?

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13 hours ago, Assassin X.8573 said:

They announced gw3 a while ago... Like a month or two ago

It was never "announced", it was leaked. Not the same thing. As long as there is no official announcement, there is no guarantee GW3 will ever see the light of day.

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8 hours ago, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

Yet, I can't understand ANet's policy on this decision.

Really? No possible reason?

- A bunch of extra work for a part of the game that's not supported at all anymore.

- It would be a waste of dev time that would detract from skill design and balance for the land versions for all professions that are what would be used 99.9% of the time.

- It would then open up questions of other classes ALSO not getting new underwater stuff. (Which, if they did at the same time would ALSO be taking time away from skill design, balance and polish from the main land versions)

-It would start up discussions of underwater content and reworks which Anet are probably not planning or shooting for, at least not now.

It's not like they make the land kit and then it just could magically work underwater too. That's not how ANY of this works. If they ended up doing a expansion dedicated to revamping underwater combat somehow, added new underwater activities and locations and such, then maybe they would be giving everyone a new underwater weapon and you could hope for spear, but it's really not like when they made new spear skills that they were somehow 90% of the way to implementing them underwater and just don't want to do the rest.

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Definitely agree.  Both prof's only have 1 underwater weapon and its not a spear for either. 

Definitely an opportunity to make these two classes equivalent to other classes by adding a spear as both a land and underwater weapon.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It was never "announced", it was leaked. Not the same thing. As long as there is no official announcement, there is no guarantee GW3 will ever see the light of day.

Even then, it wasn't a leak about a game in active development. Those comments were made under duress by a guy whose position as a CFO was being brought into question as to why he should remain in said position. There is no GW3.

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They already said that whatever classes don't already have underwater spear will not suddenly get it. Land spear is being treated as a completely new and separate weapon archetype. Appearance is the same, but functionally it is as different as a staff is to a shield.

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