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This new system is absolutely trash....fights are one sided

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It’s going to be funny if a vast majority of complaints isn’t going to be about the actual WR as a system but rather how good the meta players are.

The forum basically calling everyone else kittens, lol.

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What I'm reading here is the same thing I've seen from every beta prior. Some players made an effort to form up alliance guilds that would be strong, others did nothing at all and now they reap what they sow. We all know what the meta is at this point. WR or servers makes no difference. Either you change with the times or you get chewed up and spit out.

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Nah but expecially in EU with now 6 Tiers some Teams  have much lesser peoples it seems. There is something very odd with the population/timezone balance. We have now like max 10 peoples fighting against 50+ reds.  That is not fun. And even more worse with this awful boonblob spamm meta where u can do literally nothing against it.

edit: This is now going on for hours.

Edited by Burial.1958
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5 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

What I'm reading here is the same thing I've seen from every beta prior. Some players made an effort to form up alliance guilds that would be strong, others did nothing at all and now they reap what they sow. We all know what the meta is at this point. WR or servers makes no difference. Either you change with the times or you get chewed up and spit out.

Yes and no. I would hope some considered that the game is 24x7. I choose to float with my tiny guild to see what was what. After playing a couple of time-zones, and skipping sleep I might regret in a few hours, I was seeing more stacking of time-zones and less actually playing smart so far. But mileage will vary.

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I don't understand, did you think skill was taken into the equation of balancing?

Other than that, it's the same as with relink, need to settle.

And more than likely a lot of players burnt the candle in both ends getting as much time with their old server as possible, or even doing server events, so it'll take a few days before they're back.

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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You shouldn't expect an balanced distribution of skill, numbers, coverage and organization in several playstyles, in this current year.

The old system had set active player populations, which changed due to transfers and server relinks.

Most Guilds put together for this aren't  maxed out, so you see different guilds of sizes, merged into one world. Activity is mixed and also world will be matched against, world's with different activity.

Some of the results are awful in some ways, with the amount of dedicated commanders, ppt oriented and open field commanders and players.  Also t6 is only needed if they ran 4 weeks of bonus events, at the same time.

Maybe,  unless there is a new algorithm, which adjusts itself. Or we end up with opium, like how server links, ended up fragmented most communities .


Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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5 hours ago, Burial.1958 said:

Nah but expecially in EU with now 6 Tiers some Teams  have much lesser peoples it seems. There is something very odd with the population/timezone balance. We have now like max 10 peoples fighting against 50+ reds.  That is not fun. And even more worse with this awful boonblob spamm meta where u can do literally nothing against it.

edit: This is now going on for hours.

This pretty much. Our side is very much outnumbered so people wont even try to def. So far this update has been awful. I guess it helps to drop to bottom tier, maybe its better then.

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Coming from a player that was just about to get back in to WVW (I used to play a lot) I logged in and had no idea about this. I never received any messages to pick a guild, no in game notification. So I just got thrown in with a group I don't know, and that's not doing well. On top of it my husband and I play together. Luckily when he logged in I told him and he joined the trash server I'm stuck on. I miss the people I played with on the same server for years. We shouldn't have to join a guild and make any kind of commitment, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun and casual. Talk about a huge mess.

Edited by SnowPumpkin.1809
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There's not a whole lot they can do for matchmaking in the first round as there is limited data to work with, though raw numbers seem more even than before (in my limited experience).  I think they probably should be reshuffling sooner at first so things can even out, but there's also going to be a bunch of people returning since this is the biggest update in memory.

And, of course, there are all of the perennial issues with WvW that weren't mitigated at all by this update.

It was never going to be a magic pill, but it was necessary to move forward.  Very little clue on what moving forward means because, well, Anet doesn't talk about that...but hopefully we can finally start addressing the herd of elephants in the room.

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Like I said... there's no actual change inside the matches, they just basically allowed the organized to stack, and shuffled the singles around to fatten up the feeding farms for the organized. 🤷‍♂️

As long as boon balls exist and the balance team is catering towards that, don't expect anything different inside wvw. I wonder if the time zone sorting is even working.


Just now, Sviel.7493 said:

There's not a whole lot they can do for matchmaking in the first round as there is limited data to work with, though raw numbers seem more even than before (in my limited experience).  I think they probably should be reshuffling sooner at first so things can even out, but there's also going to be a bunch of people returning since this is the biggest update in memory.

And, of course, there are all of the perennial issues with WvW that weren't mitigated at all by this update.

It was never going to be a magic pill, but it was necessary to move forward.  Very little clue on what moving forward means because, well, Anet doesn't talk about that...but hopefully we can finally start addressing the herd of elephants in the room.

Yeah I was thinking the first reshuffle should be sooner like 2 weeks or 4 weeks, not 6 weeks, save that reshuffle for the phase after to correct the schedule, but use the first phase to fix any potential left over problems, or deal with the population growth or shrinking quickly. But oh well, anet doesn't really care anyways, they just want this project over with.

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I mean reset night after a relink has always been a clusterkitten because it takes time to adjust. If you didn't pick a guild, then you're rolling dice made by ANet, and lol.

That being said I did always question the addition of a new tier. They expected more players.... yet barely any promotion outside of the WvW circle, and not much within.  Hope this will be fixed in the next set of links. Making the first one extra long because they are too lazy to resync their calendars is another issue because there are bound to be extra  problems with the first trial. I mean I feel like most of the problems with the game are just because it goes along with what's more convenient for them and not the players.  Just like all balance patches.

My server seems pretty stacked. I also see an anet dev on it, coincidentially running with a guild called boon ball. Hmm, if you really have to know by now. Btw I siege bury devs when they die btw; it's really the only way of giving feedback.

Now if you excuse me I'm at 92% map compleition.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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14 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Yes and no. I would hope some considered that the game is 24x7. I choose to float with my tiny guild to see what was what. After playing a couple of time-zones, and skipping sleep I might regret in a few hours, I was seeing more stacking of time-zones and less actually playing smart so far. But mileage will vary.

But that's just it Grimm. You CHOSE to do that. So many people who are coming here to complain are the same ones who sat back and did nothing while others on their servers were preparing for this. And now that they've gotten the short end of the stick they want to whine about it.

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Skrittsburgh v Mirror of Lyssa v Frost Citadel:
So far Mirror of Lyssa has more numbers 24/7 than the other two sides put together regardless of the time of day - I thought WR was meant to give parity in numbers?
Sort it out or roll us back to Servers because I haven't seen such a numerically unbalanced MU for years.

So, 3 hours after my initial post and Mirror of Lyssa now have 10 times as many on than both Skrittsburgh and Frost Citadel combined. This is far beyond a joke. There is obviously something wrong with the team allocation algorithms to create teams with such population disparity.

Edited by Nidome.1365
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4 hours ago, Nidome.1365 said:

Skrittsburgh v Mirror of Lyssa v Frost Citadel:
So far Mirror of Lyssa has more numbers 24/7 than the other two sides put together - I thought WR was meant to give parity in numbers?
Sort it out or roll us back to Servers because I haven't seen such a numerically unbalanced MU for years.

We're not even 48hrs into the match!!! A lot of players skip reset due to the excessive lag that often occurs that night, and sadly there are a lot of players who get 1-pushed and give up immediately thereafter. Unless Anet starts requiring mandatory time for every player in WvW, wait until the end of the first week before you complain about parity.

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2 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

We're not even 48hrs into the match!!! A lot of players skip reset due to the excessive lag that often occurs that night, and sadly there are a lot of players who get 1-pushed and give up immediately thereafter. Unless Anet starts requiring mandatory time for every player in WvW, wait until the end of the first week before you complain about parity.

If what you suggest is true, but then it would be true for all servers that MIGHT count for a slight population disparity, but this level of disparity is massive. I have never seen a population disparity so big in the near 11.75 years I have been playing WvW, and speaking to other players at least two other MU also have massive population disparity.
What did changes did Anet make to the team allocation algorithm since the last beta? And why didn't they test it before launching a permanent beta?

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Just now, Nidome.1365 said:

If what you suggest is true, but then it would be true for all servers that MIGHT count for a slight population disparity, but this level of disparity is massive. I have never seen a population disparity so big in the near 11.75 years I have been playing WvW, and speaking to other players at least two other MU also have massive population disparity.
What did changes did Anet make to the team allocation algorithm since the last beta? And why didn't they test it before launching a permanent beta?

It could be very possible that you're on a server that stacked one particular time zone at the expense of other time zones, or that players on your particular server simply chose not to play the first few days of the beta (as there are no bonus rewards that are usually associated with these betas). Unfortunately Anet has never taken the time zones players usually play in into account when managing population (and I'm not sure they truly could as some players don't always play during the same hours from week to week). As for testing the beta, that's what a beta is. They're testing out the new WR right now.

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just checked on an alt account that i didnt really use since HoT times, if you did not select a team it seems you can just select whatever team you want.
however the popup also says you will then be placed automatically in the next world creations, so it should get better - maybe?

Edited by bq pd.2148
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4 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

It could be very possible that you're on a server that stacked one particular time zone at the expense of other time zones.

No, Red have superior numbers 24 hours per day over green and blue combined. From 5 hours ago to 2 hours ago when the guild I chose for WvW is most active we were still outnumbered. 2.5 hours ago red logged in en-masse and had 6 groups running, the smallest of which was still bigger that green and blue combined.
This is not the only MU with large population disparities. While in theory your suggestions could happen, the odds of that causing this level of disparity on multiple MU? I'd say you have more chance of Putin admitting his crimes, withdrawing his forces from all regions of Ukraine and surrendering himself to the ICC.

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