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A First Look at Homesteads: Exclusive Preview from PC Gamer [Merged]

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VERY NICELY DONE! If I bought the game for only the three maps, "Homesteading" (+the guild hall carryover/upgrade), underwater to Land weapons, and possibility of open world raids in "convergence system" then to me this was well worth the purchase! Looking forward to it.

Now if we could also have another highly requested item added to the Homestead: Library

I know a few, and I am sure there are more, of us lore players who painstakingly collected books, completed achievements, spent gold, and searched the crevasses for those bits of story/lore expansion that just didn't quite make it into the game save a text note. At one point in time it took up two whole bank tabs. I literally, just a couple days ago, deleted  10 or more books taking up valuable bank tab space giving in to the belief there would be no Library!  My hopes soared with the announcement of a homestead. "Oh we're getting  a library THIS time!" So our🤞this little "Easter egg" is one for the launch day.

Another pet I would greatly enjoy seeing in my home instance is my husky, I have always wanted a husky but life fitted me with shepherds. Thanks to Guild Wars 2 I have a virtual husky. While the cats were an actual achievement, I would also very much enjoy my Dogs running around in my home instance and better yet my homestead! I'm up for a dog collection achievement to gain that ability. I'm not suggesting mini's be placed in the homestead given the recent addition of "Randomization" for enjoying my minis while I play. It's a little joy wondering what mini will show up the next time.😍 

Other  great additions to flesh out the grandiose Homestead👇understanding that Trade Contracts also provide some EoD and previous seasonal resources. 


7 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

and this is how you introduce feature which can drain any mats from the trading post.

It would be nice to have trophy case and bookshelves. One for all the trophies be it raid bosses or other in game bosses and other for all the books in the game.

@Rubi Bayer.8493 any chance to get "bookshelves" in homestead? So we can read any book we collected in the game.

12 hours ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

Btw @Rubi Bayer.8493 Some new home gathering nodes for JW, SotO and EoD? 


Thank you😍

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I'm really happy about this homestead (despite being indifferent when it was announced) as the video looks great!  The homesteads are going to be fantastic.

It will be interesting to see how this impacts the Glyph of Reaping, which I now use to gather quickly from my home instance.  It costs over 200g on the TP right now, but will become entirely worthless (except in some of the open world farming patches like the strawberry field) when we can gather all resources with the click of the button.  How about offering players who own the glyph a chance to exchange it for something, like perhaps a volatile magic glyph?

Also - I'd love some new home resource nodes please as there was nothing in EOD and SOTO.  

Can't wait to enjoy this new content!

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i was super pleased to find the PC Gamers' article in my newsfeed. Even more pleased when I read the details.

I hope there will be more nodes for the new and missing areas in future. 

I also hope there will be some explanation coming, dedicated to how visitor access will work (even if some of it looks like [???])

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I still fear if we'll need to advance in expansion to get it and how far if that's the case. Think in new players that still purchased it. I'm just starting HoT and I won't enter JW for a long time, but I want housing. In worst case I hope it's like SoTo weaponmaster and I can just start expansion in german with another character, skip skip a single quest, I don't read stuff, got it. And accessible from anywhere, of course.

Edited by DarkK.7368
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@Rubi Bayer.8493 Okay my cats will be there, but can Webby come? (And M.O.X. too of course) [and my turtle and any other thing I've earned for my home instance].

And on that thought, PLEASE let me bring the tiger cubs and their toys/cat tree too. That stuff was expensive to make and I never visit the tiger den.

Edited by FortnitemareCourt.8354
adding another suggestion.
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I'm really looking forward to be able to step inside my own homestead, so far from what I've seen I'm impressed and it looks totally awesome.
Way better than I had expected. I'm happy to hear that the new decoration tools will also be applied to Guild Halls, that will be a game changer as well for those who love to decorate their guild halls and to make even better jumping / racing puzzles. (Hopefully the maximum of items in on location limit will be (e)raised?)

I do wonder about a couple of things, which in time will be answered I bet, but.. my wonders are:
Chairs: Will there be more sitting options? Will we be able to scale up or down their size to make them match our character's size?
Total of visitors: How many of our friends would be able to visit our homestead at once? 5, like the usual instances, 10, like raid squads? or will it be a surprise number? I at least hope it will be more than 1.
Nodes & Cats: Will we be able to decide where we want to place the gathering nodes and the locations for our cats?
Mounts: Will we be able to select which mounts we want in our stables? Like for example, if someone only wanted to show off their raptor and not any of the other mounts, will this be possible?

I'm looking forward to learn more about the homestead system but mostly, I'm looking forward to have my characters move in.

Edited by Mystflower.7319
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I love the new article about housing in Pc gamer what is there not to love.  It looks amazing, but I would love it if they added the housing to a lobby instance with houses so it feels like you are a part of a Neighborhood even if it's a instances if feels more cozy that you chose to enter your house from several others even if it's just an illusion. Or if the entrance looks like there are a lot of different houses but you enter the house you own. So far we don't know how it will be from what I know, So these are just my thoughts about housing.  The housing looks like a mix of several things with its own twist. And so far it seems to even beat my favorite game in housing which no longer exists Wildstar.  I really looking forward to this and I think this will be an amazing game feature that will probably attract players from other games. And make Guildwars 2 even more lovely than it is today.😄


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15 hours ago, motoii.1835 said:

Sweeet, this looks amazing, now I only need friends to show off my homestead to 😞 

If they are smart, they will do showcases on a site or the forum and monthly competitions. Lotro do this with their exceptional housing system and it's great at bringing the community together

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27 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

If they are smart, they will do showcases on a site or the forum and monthly competitions.

Only, if the same will be done for Guild Halls!  😉 I can't imagine investing another load of my gold and time into decorating my new Homestead after spending years at decorating my GH. It would be too much, and my GH looks fantastic. 😁

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1 minute ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Only, if the same will be done for Guild Halls!  😉 I can't imagine investing another load of my gold and time into decorating my new Homestead after spending years at decorating my GH. It would be too much, and my GH looks fantastic. 😁

I agree. 

Well with the first bit. I could not possibly comment on a GH unseen you understand 😉

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@Rubi Bayer.8493

Just wanted to say compliments to the chefs, Super impressed that this is not a reuse of guild halls and looks like a lot of thought and effort has gone into this.  Time and time again the Anet devs take a classic aspect of MMORPGs and produce a slick variation and this is no exception.  I would also add personally, over the years I have flipped between ESO (for housing) and GW2 (pretty much everything else) and now I can finally abandon ESO. More cash for you in Gem shop!

To anyone who feared or predicted GW2 was in containment - this is clear evidence that the game is thriving.

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Very impressive and excited for this!

Some random comments:

1.  I am assuming that any item placed in the instance is a "decoration"?  It's hard to understand how robust the 1000 decoration limit is... sounds like a lot, but I can also imagine that with the breadth of available items (like bowls and plants), and the potential size of the instance, this could add up quickly... Particularly if  those architectural constructs represent a decoration for each element... How many items were in that lighthouse, would you guess?  And on that note, is there a vertical limit to these instances, with respect to how tall you can go on constructs?  Anyway, it will be interesting to see how impactful that decoration limit is... and whether this is something that can be increased (if needed) over time (even with gemstones, or whatever)

2.  Any love for Ranger pets?  Would be great to have those critters roaming around the instance... and the aquatic ones swimming in the river!

3.  I'm guessing that with respect those character statues... in theory you could log in for each alt, and then create statues for each of them?  Or have multiple statues of the same character in different poses, or wearing different skins?  And with the associated permission, a friend could access with his character and also add a statue of themselves?

4.  Do we presume that decorations are dyable?  Seems that I saw "red bowl" on a list, which would make me suspect not.. but would be great to be able to 'paint' walls, rugs, etc.

5.  What difficulty level are we guessing the Fishing holes?  Will they create a new set of fish... Presumably there will be a new set with the expansion itself...

6.  FISH TANK decoration!!!!  🙂 

All in all I'm pretty stoked for this... and crossing my fingers that much of the content is reasonably accessible with respect to time and resource investment... A subjective perspective I realize, but while I fully expect, and understandably so, that there will be substantial content behind the gem store, BL vendor, lengthy quests, etc., it will be interesting to see how many hours it will take to acquire resources to convert/build/acquire basic items...    

Fantastic Anet... Cheers!

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This all looks really great and pretty far beyond what I was expecting, to be honest. The alt parking looks amazing and being able to auto gather will be such a great QoL improvement.

Really this is very reassuring. I had a hunch that SotO was so relatively feature light because the focus was on smoothly transitioning to the new yearly model and background work like cleaning up the code that would allow for future features like this; it's nice to have that validated. It would be easy to assume that the game was going into maintenance mode after EoD, but JW so far looks like a real return to form and the best expac since PoF.

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First off - amazing Homestead/Housing system reveal!! So happy 😁🥰🤗

Here's the idea:

- Small apartments (or medium or lofts/penthouses with pools in them and terraces) - sold on Gemstore. 
- Each major city eventually has a spot where you can purchase a small Apartment you can decorate
- Key-Chain - for each apartment you own, click your key chain, and TP to that apartment. This would allow you to obtain free TP to a major city of your choice.

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Ok Anet, you got me excited and I am usually "Gotta see to believe" kinda person.
I watched the video and pleasantly suprised. Loved it! I am so looking forward to this feature!

I just wonder a few things...
- Can I invite friends over that do not own Janthir Wilds?
- Can we put our characters in there using a novelty? For example park one of my characters near the beach in his/her beachwear on the beachchair?

30 of your characters? Hmm... I would not be suprised if I am not the only one that think "I can make my own NPCs!!"

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On 6/25/2024 at 11:08 PM, notebene.3190 said:

It's very cool, very excited.

On small thing I hope they change some day: Irrespective of resting experience, or caring about that, it would be nice to be able to select 1-to-many of your alts and place them where you want in the instance "regardless" of where they are in the world. It seems like a bit of a quality demotion to move alts away from being parked at monies for moar chicken to get to hang out with them at home.

Or stage a big beach party down by the dock. I'm not saying "I" would do that...but some people.

yea good point......its nice to come home and see all alts...............but cmon....im not gona move 20 of them from alt parking money............hmmm too bad.....y not have option to jus see thm at home, like we all having a break together without moving them all of them from parked spots

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