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The strongest roaming specs are the ones that didn't suffer the 2020 big balance patch

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Because these 2 didn't were there when that balance patch happened.

Willbender and Harbinger are just the strongest roamers right now, both specs are on almost the same status as they were launched in PvP and everybody and their nan was playing willy + harb in pvp, but since devs keeps ignoring the roaming part of WvW, these 2 specs are still really strong roamers.

"But thief" yeah, thief is really annoying and unfun to face, but now you got a boon heavy stab spam assassin that hits like a truck with insane mobility and a necro that REALLY abuses cele stats.

I'm not saying that they should do roam oriented balances, but put a stop to the abuse of certain builds that makes the experience bad for everybody that isn't playing SA thief, Willy or Harb.

Roaming is ALSO an important part of WvW.

That thing that zerg-only players do to reach their zerg is also roaming, WvW is not just zergs.

Edited by Zekent.3652
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  • Zekent.3652 changed the title to The strongest roaming specs are the ones that didn't suffered the 2020 big balance patch
  • Zekent.3652 changed the title to The strongest roaming specs are the ones that didn't suffer the 2020 big balance patch

Harbinger numbers dropped when players realized all it takes to beat it is baiting and then kiting the elite elixir. Since every class now has plenty of mobility that's very easy. Harbinger had its moment in roaming when everyone facetanked the elixier.

Willbender is still common because hit and run is a playstyle that the average skill level player can't deal with. The spec is really just a skill level test for its opponent. It is not that good. Some well known gank squads here in EU already switched back to teef recently.

I am suprised how few axe thieves there are in WvW. This build is the new kitten. Guess it takes a few more weeks until everyone noticed.

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17 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Harbinger numbers dropped when players realized all it takes to beat it is baiting and then kiting the elite elixir. Since every class now has plenty of mobility that's very easy. Harbinger had its moment in roaming when everyone facetanked the elixier.

Willbender is still common because hit and run is a playstyle that the average skill level player can't deal with. The spec is really just a skill level test for its opponent. It is not that good. Some well known gank squads here in EU already switched back to teef recently.

I am suprised how few axe thieves there are in WvW. This build is the new kitten. Guess it takes a few more weeks until everyone noticed.

I see plenty of, and play, the axe build, both as condition and power.  It's more like the thief version of willbender, kills people who don't know what it is, but not skilled players.  There is a reason you don't see most good thieves switching to it, cause they don't need to.

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7 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

The majority of willbenders ( the average joes) are funny in WvW. They go in unload their combo the target doesnt die then try to get away and well PHASE TRAVERSAL and they be like im in danger. 

A good willbender tho...

I admit, I'm one of those willbenders XD

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Willbenders, unless they surprise me with their 1st burst are rarely an issue for me. Thieves and mesmers are much more annoying. Harbs hit hard and are very tanky but its ez to run away from them 😛

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1 hour ago, manu.7539 said:

Yeah, condi builds are ruined, I just went back to a power build, so much more efficient

Okay but in the end, where is the issue.

if you get deleted, unable to counter, it doesn’t matter if you get cheesed by X or Y.

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20 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

There is a reason you don't see most good thieves switching to it, cause they don't need to.

lol na they to busy playing shadow arts perma stealth deadeye builds, you never see really skilled thiefs anymore period, none can pull off dagger/pistol or sword/dagger dd anymore, its 90% cheese.

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11 hours ago, DivineDreaming.7206 said:

lol na they to busy playing shadow arts perma stealth deadeye builds, you never see really skilled thiefs anymore period, none can pull off dagger/pistol or sword/dagger dd anymore, its 90% cheese.

Cheese working as intended, maybe game is meant for players to focus on cheese? And everything else is just cannon fodder.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 7/16/2024 at 6:52 AM, DivineDreaming.7206 said:

lol na they to busy playing shadow arts perma stealth deadeye builds, you never see really skilled thiefs anymore period, none can pull off dagger/pistol or sword/dagger dd anymore, its 90% cheese.

Most degenerate thing I have the displeasure of meeting are Cele Specters and Cele Deadeye. Just makes me change map or take a break for a few hours cos I'm not interested in playing against this sort of build which already has difficult counterplay but now backs it up with degenerate levels of Condition and soft CC spam. 

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Harbringer is bad in outnumbered fights due no invuls.

Roaming is dead due to balancing around 100 vs 100 only.


On 7/15/2024 at 7:46 AM, cryorion.9532 said:

Balance in WvW pre-february 2020 was so much better than today, change my mind.

It wasn't, you were either invul or dead.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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5 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Harbringer is bad in outnumbered fights due no invuls.

Roaming is dead due to balancing around 100 vs 100 only.


It wasn't, you were either invul or dead.

It was more skill based than today. Everyone could do insane damages and evading/dodging it was really important. Now people can tank full zerker double gunflame in celestial builds and pretend they are good at the game. Roaming was better than today. Boonballs weren't as kittenous as today. Of course there were disgusting things like trailblazer/dire builds and more, but I did not say that the balance pre-february 2020 was perfect.

To add: The powercreep nowadays is undoubtedly higher, both offensive and defensive wise than pre-feb 2020. With exception that nowadays not everyone can do insane damages while having overtuned defensive kit available to them, like e.g. virtuoso with their invulnerabilities, willbender with their absurdly protected engage and mobility, harbinger having every boon on elite skill (how the kitten is having every boon on elite skill considered ok in competetive mode is beyond my comprehension) and so on. Plus celestial builds are simply too potent and "low risk/high reward". Isn't this all obvious, though? Do people really think that current fotm/celestial builds are good in competetive environment and healthy for the gameplay?

Edited by cryorion.9532
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Anet just dont seem to understand that actions have to have consequences if you fail at them.


take Willbender, it can jump in an burst people....thats fine. I have no issue with that. The problem comes in when that burst fails to kill someone, what good design would have would be a willbender at a disadvantage now, exposed, and vulnerable....what we actually have is an almost invulnerable willbender who just jumps away and is uncatchable.....

again, that may be fine if that involved a time sink, burning big CDs, so now they can to anything for a couple of mins...but no, the willbender we have can immediately re-engage and try again.....endlessly.

the willbender has minimal risk and a lot of reward, the person they are jumping has to respond well each time...or die.

the risk/reward balance is totally out of whack.

now put 5 willbenders together as a ganking squad and you see why roaming is dead on matches with organised teams playing.

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15 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Harbringer is bad in outnumbered fights due no invuls.

Roaming is dead due to balancing around 100 vs 100 only.


It wasn't, you were either invul or dead.

yh no extra evades, no blocks. Also you'll get more projectile hate in bigger fights, not a great time for a harb. 

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17 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Harbringer is bad in outnumbered fights due no invuls.

Roaming is dead due to balancing around 100 vs 100 only.


It wasn't, you were either invul or dead.

NGL, I refused to run double Endure Pain back then and was more successful then when I did run double EP. Turned out nuking kitten faster and harder was the better way to go.

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