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How to Get Everyone to Quit

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On 7/20/2024 at 6:19 PM, Stone.6751 said:

I get Anet wants maps to stay fluid, and for objectives to be reasonable to capture...but they've gone way too far away from defense.

When a server is already down on players, the last thing it needs is to have its towers and keeps overrun within 30 seconds. When this happens, the already low population defenders all log off because, why bother?

How hard is this to understand? 

Epic battles are not a thing in wvw anymore the whole concept is lost now.

Heard discord cheers in a 5min blob fight like it was something epic

There was a time you could spend 7 hrs in a garri fight ...siege being used tactically on both sides. Defenders and Offenders scrambling. Now, this is just the dev Roys personal gvg blob mode of boredom.

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13 minutes ago, Safty.7326 said:

There was a time you could spend 7 hrs in a garri figh

You mean back when waypoints would uncontest every 2m and defenders could wp in again and the lord could be warrior bannered back alive? Then it all got nerfed bc anet said the wp thing was a bug?

I agree they should bring those bugs back again. Players want fights, not this 5 can hold off 20 defense against boonballs otherwise they don't play stuff.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

I agree they should bring those bugs back again. Players want fights, not this 5 can hold off 20 defense against boonballs otherwise they don't play stuff.

Would just lead to more farming, not more fights and longer sieges (which means it might actually happen ...). What lead to hour long sieges weren't just those mentioned mechanics, it was also a lot about players (on both sides!) being able and willing to utilize different stategies that go beyond just throwing bodies at the opposition until they hopefully go away eventually (keyword supply management for example).

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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On 7/20/2024 at 11:30 AM, Stone.6751 said:

Just in EBG, T3 keep with cannons, oil, mortars, arrow carts, golems, catas to defend. About 20 people inside to defend. Full supply.

Full enemy squad scouted at outer wall. Took about 2 minutes until they were on lord. We can't use wall siege because we get pulled or just killed. We can't fight them head on. They shrug off arrow carts.

Time from scouted at wall to T3 keep is gone maybe 5 minutes and that's only because they cleared siege from the walls first and the other enemy blob showed up to give them a minute of pause. We had some people to defend, supply, siege, tactics, but it's literally a minor speed bump that does nothing to slow them down. Unless you have an equal size squad to fight them when they break through, there seems to be no point in defending objectives except to give the enemies bags. No thanks.

The keep is lost in a flash. People leave the map feeling disheartened and hopeless - after all, it wasn't even a fun attempt to defend. There was no fight.

The cycle downwards continues.

This right here. I was looking forward to seeing how this patch would work, and it really worsened things. Look at the Tier 1 scores - that's insanity. 

Rall's Rest VP           333
Lagula's Kraal VP    202
Moogooloo VP      191

We were experiencing exactly what is said before. Now that swords don't pop when they are desieging** the outer walls and killing all of the guards, we don't get notice until after the gate is just about down, or they are already on the lord.  Can't hold on to anything, defense is destroyed (on purpose!!)

Maybe the devs should be forced to quit playing with Mag and see what the rest of us encounter. Or maybe, just maybe, the "new" algorithm will work, and things will be better on Friday.  

Edited to add some of my thoughts - Defense was always my favorite part of the game. Defending would lead to the epic battles we all still talk about.  I loved tower defense, but you nerfed arrow carts. I loved keep defense, you nerf waypoints, banners, etc.  I loved defending camps - and we had insane battles around them. You made the circles tiny, because you didn't like the way we defended.

WE HAD BATTLES!! You want us to fight, but you keep removing our favorite ways of fighting and trying push a very specific way of fight that most of us really don't like.  

I HATE BOONBALLS. They arent fun!! Its not epic! Its either stand there and we all cast crap over and over and no one dies or takes damage (not an epic battle), or the boonball blows over everyone and everything, and there is no fighting. There is just death.  

You guys are killing WvW.  I wish you could see that.

Edited by Kitiara.2706
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TBH there is only one solution to this clusterfest.

Outnumbered teams stop playing.

When the boonball favourites start whining that they've flipped every keep/camp/sentry/garrison to their colour on all maps and no-one fights them, then and only then might someone at Anet wake up.

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18 minutes ago, Andy.5981 said:

TBH there is only one solution to this clusterfest.

Outnumbered teams stop playing.

When the boonball favourites start whining that they've flipped every keep/camp/sentry/garrison to their colour on all maps and no-one fights them, then and only then might someone at Anet wake up.

Worlds frequently painted all of WvW their color. 

Anet woke up and added many, many more boons.

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On 7/21/2024 at 2:50 PM, Kitiara.2706 said:

This right here. I was looking forward to seeing how this patch would work, and it really worsened things. Look at the Tier 1 scores - that's insanity. 

Rall's Rest VP           333
Lagula's Kraal VP    202
Moogooloo VP      191

We were experiencing exactly what is said before. Now that swords don't pop when they are desieging** the outer walls and killing all of the guards, we don't get notice until after the gate is just about down, or they are already on the lord.  Can't hold on to anything, defense is destroyed (on purpose!!)

Maybe the devs should be forced to quit playing with Mag and see what the rest of us encounter. Or maybe, just maybe, the "new" algorithm will work, and things will be better on Friday.  

Edited to add some of my thoughts - Defense was always my favorite part of the game. Defending would lead to the epic battles we all still talk about.  I loved tower defense, but you nerfed arrow carts. I loved keep defense, you nerf waypoints, banners, etc.  I loved defending camps - and we had insane battles around them. You made the circles tiny, because you didn't like the way we defended.

WE HAD BATTLES!! You want us to fight, but you keep removing our favorite ways of fighting and trying push a very specific way of fight that most of us really don't like.  

I HATE BOONBALLS. They arent fun!! Its not epic! Its either stand there and we all cast crap over and over and no one dies or takes damage (not an epic battle), or the boonball blows over everyone and everything, and there is no fighting. There is just death.  

You guys are killing WvW.  I wish you could see that.

Lagula's Kraal has been in T1 since the launch of Restructuring. It's been six weeks. And for five of those six weeks, we've fought either Moogooloo or Domain of Torment. Among people that I spend time with, none of them want to be there anymore. It's stale. But that's not an issue with Restructuring, or with balance, it's an issue with the tier system itself. It'll be interesting to see whether the scoring changes are able to mix up which servers wind up in which tiers, because at least for Lagula's Kraal, we have an extremely active EU set of guilds in our team that heavily PPT the map during off hours, boosting score and anchoring everyone else into T1 via their good coverage, and then the NA prime groups are left fighting the same groups that they've seen every previous week.

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On 7/20/2024 at 2:19 AM, Stone.6751 said:

I get Anet wants maps to stay fluid, and for objectives to be reasonable to capture...but they've gone way too far away from defense.

When a server is already down on players, the last thing it needs is to have its towers and keeps overrun within 30 seconds. When this happens, the already low population defenders all log off because, why bother?

How hard is this to understand? 

One of my suggestions was to decrease the effectiveness of catas the closer they are to a wall(s). If they are right up against a wall, it does 1 hp of damage max. Screw the blob that can stand in front of a wall with impunity, pulling defenders off. But no, what we get is cheaper siege, crappy wall repair (50% before it closes), and other ridiculous changes. Anet has no clue how to develop WvW anymore.

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On 7/20/2024 at 9:40 AM, Codename T.2847 said:

I'm having more fun running around in PvE nowadays, something which I thought would never occur again when I started WvW, so yeah player retention is not exactly great. 

This is what happens when you balance and design an entire game mode around < 100 people who want to play a version of a game no one else wants to play.

I'll laugh if the new PvP mode is just some GvG fest made for these people, and I'm probably right..

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4 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

This is what happens when you balance and design an entire game mode around < 100 people who want to play a version of a game no one else wants to play.

I'll laugh if the new PvP mode is just some GvG fest made for these people, and I'm probably right..

Heh, better late than never. And if it's sGvG it would have taken them just a little more than a decade to implement the proposal. :)

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Second week running I 've spent like a few hours total to get the 6 weeklies done then got out again.. my favorite gamemode is wrecked and no longer feel the need to wadte time in it.

Whoever thought these changes were a good call should at the very least be made to run laps a couple of marathons  1 week to the next and put a 1000 push up in between .. maybe then they might realise what a crapshow this mode has become under their watch.

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On 7/20/2024 at 2:23 PM, RlyOsim.2497 said:

if they dont absolutely nail the relinks/matchup populations this upcoming friday the population will take a really big hit it seems.

edit, lol and they want us to buy an xpac next month!

Loads of people will quit at 100% if the next relink tomorrow is like the first. It's already impossible to have more than 20 players across all maps at prime time...2-3 players the rest of the time.

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4 hours ago, Bloodstealer.5978 said:

Second week running I 've spent like a few hours total to get the 6 weeklies done then got out again.. my favorite gamemode is wrecked and no longer feel the need to wadte time in it.

Whoever thought these changes were a good call should at the very least be made to run laps a couple of marathons  1 week to the next and put a 1000 push up in between .. maybe then they might realise what a crapshow this mode has become under their watch.

How is making someone jacked out going to help them understand the problem? How about the devs go play their own gamemode ,for longer than just a guild raid, and realize how sh*tty it is? 

Edited by Codename T.2847
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5 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

How is making someone jacked out going to help them understand the problem? How about the devs go play their own gamemode ,for longer than just a guild raid, and realize how sh*tty it is? 

WvW is on its way to become the next PvP. Those who benefit by surfing the system are the same ones who celebrated the removal of proper matchmaking and the introduction of 50?% win/loss ratio BS....the same ones who then cried when people left pvp and now cry even more because the gamemode they "loved" so much has been depopulated...same thing will happen to WvW when those celebrating will cry :" we capped everything..no fights...there is no content".

Let them laugh now and gloat....they won't do it for long

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My server is perma spawn camped in EBG and can't even play the game. Not sure how this game mode exists.

It'd be pretty hard to find a PvP game worse than WvW.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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4 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

WvW is on its way to become the next PvP. Those who benefit by surfing the system are the same ones who celebrated the removal of proper matchmaking and the introduction of 50?% win/loss ratio BS....the same ones who then cried when people left pvp and now cry even more because the gamemode they "loved" so much has been depopulated...same thing will happen to WvW when those celebrating will cry :" we capped everything..no fights...there is no content".

Let them laugh now and gloat....they won't do it for long

Exactly what I am thinking. 


10 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Loads of people will quit at 100% if the next relink tomorrow is like the first. It's already impossible to have more than 20 players across all maps at prime time...2-3 players the rest of the time.


Yep. This next relink is very important for me. I used to play WvW 90% of my gametime, since the new system, I reinstalled overwatch 2 so I have something to play..

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29 minutes ago, Chief.7143 said:

Exactly what I am thinking. 



Yep. This next relink is very important for me. I used to play WvW 90% of my gametime, since the new system, I reinstalled overwatch 2 so I have something to play..

It's more like 98% of my gameplay, and I'm over 18k hours.  Finished my tickets every week, and then just did other things.  Map completion twice, not just core but every single map.  Played a few other games, which I haven't done since launch.   None of the changes have been good for the game mode.  The scoring system change may make a tiny dent in things, but the entire system is just bad.  The algorithm keeps creating a stacked world, a medium world, and a "just kill me quick" world...and then puts one of each of those in each tier.  It takes weeks before it even remotely starts to even out, and even then it's rare because map que guilds throw matches to stay in lower tiers.  1 up 1 down is just crap and always has been.

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9 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

It's more like 98% of my gameplay, and I'm over 18k hours.  Finished my tickets every week, and then just did other things.  Map completion twice, not just core but every single map.  Played a few other games, which I haven't done since launch.   None of the changes have been good for the game mode.  The scoring system change may make a tiny dent in things, but the entire system is just bad.  The algorithm keeps creating a stacked world, a medium world, and a "just kill me quick" world...and then puts one of each of those in each tier.  It takes weeks before it even remotely starts to even out, and even then it's rare because map que guilds throw matches to stay in lower tiers.  1 up 1 down is just crap and always has been.

Guild Wars 2 is the only game that you've played since launch? Friend, you gotta take a break. You're burning yourself out.

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On 7/22/2024 at 10:35 PM, Sheff.4851 said:

Lagula's Kraal has been in T1 since the launch of Restructuring. It's been six weeks. And for five of those six weeks, we've fought either Moogooloo or Domain of Torment. Among people that I spend time with, none of them want to be there anymore. It's stale. But that's not an issue with Restructuring, or with balance, it's an issue with the tier system itself. It'll be interesting to see whether the scoring changes are able to mix up which servers wind up in which tiers, because at least for Lagula's Kraal, we have an extremely active EU set of guilds in our team that heavily PPT the map during off hours, boosting score and anchoring everyone else into T1 via their good coverage, and then the NA prime groups are left fighting the same groups that they've seen every previous week.

Agreed. I was hoping they just stopped a single non-sieging player from tapping a structure's standard waypoint. They should have stopped there.

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On 7/20/2024 at 9:40 AM, Codename T.2847 said:

I'm having more fun running around in PvE nowadays, something which I thought would never occur again when I started WvW, so yeah player retention is not exactly great. 

Same here. I log in once maybe twice a week now to pve raid for 2 hours. The old wvw won't be coming back so it's pointless to complain, just find something else you like doing. 

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