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What are the classes the devs dont play so i can avoid wasting my time.


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I'm not going to pretend knowing what Anet mains. But I can tell you one thing, their team has no idea how to play Engineer and their spec. And I mean it's clear when looking at all the balance patch they did regarding the class:

-Rifle pre rework was forgettable, it was then rework into an actual powerfull weapon. But rifle Mechanist was too strong so Anet just completely killed both the weapon and Mechanist power damage. Rifle as of right now is pretty much in the same poor state in PvE and is in a much worse state in WvW / PvP.

-Anet wanted to rework gyro into your average static wells when the whole point of Scrapper and gyro is to have moving wells. At one point Scrapper was about to become another boring class with classic place and forget 900 wells on top of all other aoe target skill we have.

-Anet said they wanted to buff underused skill for PvE but ended up buffing skill that were already being used a lot (and some skill in a kit that is already meta)

-Anet decided to give Holosmith the ability to be played as a condi DPS despite the spec already being a solid power DPS...Only to later nerf Holosmith because it ended up doing too much damage.

-Anet decided to buff off hand pistol to fit both condi and power dps playstyle...Only to nerf it later because Engineer was doing too much damage according to them (I think it was in the Holosmith nerf to be fair but whatever)


This is just a non exhaustive list I can think of but that is enough for me to not expect anything anymore from this team, at least when it comes to Engineer as a class. We still have tools that needs some massive overhaul, some more than other on certain gamemode. We still have turret that needs a rework, some more than other on certain gamemode. Some kits could use some love, mortar kits still have a placeholder skin after I dont know how many years now. The class is not bad, but if you decide to play Engineer, dont expect much from the team (in fact dont expect anything ) and be glad when they leave your toys untouched or surprised when something gets an actual buff that matters.

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4 hours ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

Everyone can unanimously agree that no one loves Warrior, devs or players. 

I love warrior and really want it to be good.

The entire warrior community is giving their pain points with the profession numerous times along with solutions and fixes. Meanwhile the devs just seem to change random inconsequential traits and skills with complete disregard to any feedback provided.

I mean for Grenth sake, look at Bladesworn. Its fallen out of play on every level of content. We have multiple threads of solution fixes and suggestions to ,at the very least, alleviate some of the crushing issues the Elite spec.
But for months its been left in a frankly pitiful state. Its despair inducing at this point.

And at the same time, Spellbreaker might be on of the most bloated and overpowered builds available on the PvP scene. Its so strong you cant buff any core traitlines for warrior and help build variety in PvP since it would indirectly buff SPB even more.

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2 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

-Anet said they wanted to buff underused skill for PvE but ended up buffing skill that were already being used a lot (and some skill in a kit that is already meta)

Under slogan underused skills they buffed grenade kit (instead of bomb kit). At this point its so sad its even funny and tbh better them leave things as it is because I fear what they decide to do next 😄

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5 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

'm not going to pretend knowing what Anet mains. But I can tell you one thing, their team has no idea how to play Engineer and their spec. And I mean it's clear when looking at all the balance patch they did regarding the class

Not only that, they don't know how to develop Engineer elite specs as well, scrapper, holo and mech seems 3 different classes

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13 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

there's a lot of complaints from mesmers about how core/mirage/chrono are handled, even though Virtuoso is ripping the PVE scenery up.

Virtuoso performing as good as it does actually shows off exactly why core/chrono/mirage need improvement. The vast majority of Mesmer complaints are about how the clone mechanic works… the simple fact that our clones die if the target they were summoned on dies, seriously hampers the class in most group content. Virtuoso performs so well precisely because it doesn’t have that issue.

9 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

The entire warrior community is giving their pain points with the profession numerous times along with solutions and fixes. Meanwhile the devs just seem to change random inconsequential traits and skills with complete disregard to any feedback provided.

The Engineer and Mesmer communities are in the exact same boat… and have been since the game launched… mesmer clones need to persist through combat, not die every time an enemy dies resulting in our DPS tanking… Engineer… well engineer has a list a mile long of issues and suggested fixes….

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2 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

Virtuoso performing as good as it does actually shows off exactly why core/chrono/mirage need improvement. The vast majority of Mesmer complaints are about how the clone mechanic works… the simple fact that our clones die if the target they were summoned on dies, seriously hampers the class in most group content. Virtuoso performs so well precisely because it doesn’t have that issue.

Err, Chronos are infesting everywhere at the moment, what are you even talking about? Clones dying only hinders us from pre-booning in Fractal, but otherwise Chrono performs exceptionally well in any support roles in any group content. There's not a single pug group nowadays without a Chrono somewhere in there lol.

And while Mirage can use some improvement for instanced PvE content, it's never a bad choice. It's still a good choice for PvP and solo roaming. But I never view it as a bad thing, it still fills a niche in the Mesmer kit and not everything has to be a DPS simulator.

Also I don't understand why core needs any improvement. Any buff to core is a direct buff to all especs altogether, and unless you want to buff Chrono/Virtuoso even further then it's not a wise choice.

We could use QoL sure, but we aren't a convincing top choice to anyone when it comes to classes that are neglected. 

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On 8/14/2024 at 6:48 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Trig very obviously plays Ranger, and CMC is an ele main who plays Necro on the side. Roy is a guardian main if I recall. That is the balance team, so there you have it. 

   I think that CmC mains ele; He was the one which brough to us the PvP meta with 10 eles in the MATs finals (5 in each team) which was obviously perfectly balanced and also the most varied meta ever (since eles do use more skills than anyone). 

   I will tell you which aren't mained by the balance designers: Warrior, Revenant. And not because those professions aren't strong in some areas, but because when they release new stuff (as weapons or specs) they usually doesn't care a flying pig about if thenew thing is playable or makes any sense.

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17 hours ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

Under slogan underused skills they buffed grenade kit (instead of bomb kit). At this point its so sad its even funny and tbh better them leave things as it is because I fear what they decide to do next 😄

Ah, but see, there was an engineer DPS build that didn't use grenades! And one that had grenades in the highest benchmark rotation, but could just about get away with using throw mine instead! That's underused by grenade kit standards!

(insert meme where grenade kit is being held up while other kits are struggling to keep their head above water or a skeleton chained to the bottom...)

Honestly, I really think one of the best things for engineer would be for grenades to be returned to only throwing one at a time (with the base effects per grenade increased to suit, obviously). Not only would this make more sense than literally chucking grenades out by the handful, it would also mean that explosion traits could be rebalanced without having to account for grenades generating three explosions per throw.

13 hours ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

Not only that, they don't know how to develop Engineer elite specs as well, scrapper, holo and mech seems 3 different classes

I'm not sure that's strictly a bad thing? Certainly better than elite specs that feel like they're doing the same thing in slightly different ways (looks pointedly at elementalist and to a lesser extent warrior). I know that mechanist wasn't really something a lot of the established engineer player base really wanted, and it's a bit unfortunate that some things are hard to do without mechanist (although they are trying to make condi holosmith a thing...), but outside of that edge case that possibly strayed a bit too far away from the core of the profession, I'd consider elite specialisations feeling distinct to be a good thing.

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10 hours ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

Err, Chronos are infesting everywhere at the moment, what are you even talking about? Clones dying only hinders us from pre-booning in Fractal, but otherwise Chrono performs exceptionally well in any support roles in any group content. There's not a single pug group nowadays without a Chrono somewhere in there lol.

And while Mirage can use some improvement for instanced PvE content, it's never a bad choice. It's still a good choice for PvP and solo roaming. But I never view it as a bad thing, it still fills a niche in the Mesmer kit and not everything has to be a DPS simulator.

Also I don't understand why core needs any improvement. Any buff to core is a direct buff to all especs altogether, and unless you want to buff Chrono/Virtuoso even further then it's not a wise choice.

We could use QoL sure, but we aren't a convincing top choice to anyone when it comes to classes that are neglected. 

Think about what you just said…

only SUPPORT CHRONO finds use in groups… do you know why? Because the clone mechanic doesn’t hinder them beyond pre-booning as you so astutely noted. Try playing a DPS chrono in group content… it is hell… more than half your damage just disappears because a party member killed the target of your clones. You only do damage at bosses and are a near zero contribution everywhere else. Doing open world events you just deal chip damage and can’t ever get a clone to live long enough to even do a single clone shatter.

QoL is exactly what we’ve been asking for and exactly what a rework Of the clone mechanic is… and guess what, they absolutely can buff core, chrono, and mirage without buffing virtuoso at all. Want to know how? By making the QoL changes we’ve been asking for to clones, that is how. Virtuoso would not benefit in any way shape or form to changing how clones function because virtuoso’s espec mechanic already changes the entire clone mechanic.

No one is asking for any major buffs to core traits or weapons… we’ve been asking for a simple QoL fix to the clone mechanic… simply making it so your clones don’t die just because their target died… instead just let them persist as long as you remain in combat… it still keeps us from pre-booning, which I have seen brought up as a major concern many times… but making this change fixes our constant loss of damage output by letting us build up clones and shatter them more consistently.

Edited by Panda.1967
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42 minutes ago, Jobber.6348 said:


Gets nothing but back to back to back nerfs until there's a very loud unanimous riot about something absolutely sucking to the point it could lose them money (Like Spear for JW) 

Quickherald is still possibly the best quickness provider in the game, which is part of the reason I didn't put it in the same category as warrior and elementalist... but if current trends continue, I can certainly see it ending up there.

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I don't think Rev is necessarily unplayed, I think they're just unsure what to do with it, which is why Vindi's gone untouched so long in competitive, Herald's got the 600 range relatively passive boons while others are more involved/smaller, Renegade was one of the worst elites in pvp for like 8 years, and a handful of other things like all 3 elites being stuck with essentially one function (power hammer) in pvp now.

Throw in Scepter and Spear as wacky weapons outta left field meant to represent a "wow cool" idea rather than actively function well and it makes a lot more sense.
Not sure if they'll manage to rescue spear but scepter's still not super enjoyed which is a pretty big bummer. I'm not a support player so I didn't expect to use it but it doesn't seem like support players like it very much either lol


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On 8/14/2024 at 1:51 PM, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

I'm a guard main and I won't say they don't give attention to guard. You'd have to be not playing the game to think that.

Next theory.

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You probably shouldn't aim for one of the professions the devs use. After all, they are the only one that have access to the cheat codes needed to make them work.

[Enable cheat code: No Cool Down]

Dev: "Look how well it work! Everything is awesome on this weapon!"

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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20 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

After all, they are the only one that have access to the cheat codes needed to make them work.

[Enable cheat code: No Cool Down]

Dev: "Look how well it work! Everything is awesome on this weapon!"

Just once I would like for them to showcase new weapons WITHOUT using that cheat… it is far more informative and useful to see how long abilities remain on CD… especially when a new weapon has CD reduction mechanics (Rev spear, necro spear, ranger spear) or CD dependent mechanics (Ele spear, necro spear, guard spear)

Edited by Panda.1967
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On 8/15/2024 at 2:27 PM, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

Not only that, they don't know how to develop Engineer elite specs as well, scrapper, holo and mech seems 3 different classes

I agree but to be fair, that seems to be a more general quirk of Anet. They keep adding mechanics from other classes to specs as if that's what players want. It apparently hasn't crossed their minds that if mesmers wanted to play ranger that's what they'd play. Or if thiefs wanted to play necro that's what they'd do. Class identity has been slowly eroded for years now.

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On 8/14/2024 at 12:51 PM, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!


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On 8/14/2024 at 12:51 PM, SeTect.5918 said:

Here we go again


The warrior mains will say warrior. The guardian mains will say guardian. The revenant mains will say revenant. The ranger mains will say ranger. The thief mains will say thief. The engi mains will say engi. The ele mains will say ele. The necro mains will say necro. The mesmer mains will say mesmer.

So if we go by the specific subforums for the classes. The devs dont play this game at all.

You have to avoid every class. Good luck!

Nobody will say ranger, ranger is just a bloated and absurdly stuffed profession. All classes are more or less the same favored except for ranger, ranger is for some reason getting stuff other classes are lacking for years. Like qol mechanics as using stealth skills while revealed. 

so if you want your treats every balance or expac, play ranger. Its the easiest class in the game and has a truckload of viable builds. 

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