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Harvest Shore Salmon Run is TOO TOUGH

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4 minutes ago, difens.1326 said:

Adventures should be purely skill based. Gear and traits should play no role. Masteries probably should be allowed though.

^ this


Few things I noticed, that should be fixed imo:

- pressing the jump skill while inside the water often only catapults you to the top of the water and requires at leas one additional charge to jump out of the water

- the boost Skill is very much dependent on the current camera angle. If you for some reason are out of the water with the camera the skill often just does nothing, but still uses endurance.

-  the Gates often don't recognize you unless you swimm quite close to the middle of the circle.

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Ok so finally got gold yesterday.  I did it during the race, with concentration stats, speed runes and relic, food that increases duration, the whole works.  But it absolutely should not be required, it needs to adjusted a bit.  

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17 hours ago, lare.5129 said:

But GW2 is chill game for ppl like us, so do not worry.

I hope they remember that when they design encounters going forward, especially seeing how the whole difficulty fetish in MMOs and games in general is peaking lately... And they're already going on with the whole legendary mode thing...

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20 hours ago, difens.1326 said:

Adventures should be purely skill based. Gear and traits should play no role. Masteries probably should be allowed though.

Then they need to change this one's requirements for Gold, outside of the public race version of course.

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On 8/21/2024 at 6:01 PM, McMarc.1276 said:

First off I love the salmon races. I spent so long trying to get the gold and finally did it! It didnt feel great though, because for how janky the terrain and route is in many parts, I think 2:30 is way too tight! 2:45 seems more fair, considering only about 300 people managed to get under 2:30 since launch! 

I used full Concentration gear, Relic of Speed, and Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew. I used the speed boost whenever I could on an optimised route and my best time was gold with 0.28 seconds to spare.

Having to do this kind of effort is utterly nuts and apparently, if you do the race you have 3m30s for Gold rather than 2m30s. This will also give you time achievement for the overall Salmon Run Achievement.

Edited by Malus.2184
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About these adventures... they're great IDEAS, but if the dev team continues to insist on putting these into every map, they need to (ideally) be as polished as the rest of the game. The cannons and the skills should work reliably if they're the core mechanics we need to complete this. And if that's not possible, then at least just make them more forgiving.

I just did the RACE event, and I was able to get the gold achievement even with a few mistakes. It seems like the threshold for gold during the race is around 3:00, which would be more than reasonable, especially if we need to use special equipment. Gold for the solo adventure is 2:30. Hopefully this is just some mistake on their part rather than some game design philosophy of "I'm proud of being a Hardcore Gamer™". The other adventures I've done so far seem to be more reasonable.

btw people, Relic of Speed doesn't do anything for you here; it only helps if you're in combat. Out of combat, Swiftness already puts you at the movement speed cap. Instead, Relic of the Wayfinder gives you permanent 33% speed out of combat, so I think this replaces any need for concentration gear... assuming you have access to the Wayfinder relic. Only thing aside from that to help would be use endurance food. Also, when you first reach the river, it might be faster staying on the left on land, instead of fighting the river current.

If you want to knock this out before if/when they fix this, my advice is to practice with the adventure with a steady and reliable strategy, and just wait for the race event.

The ironic part of these salmon races is that the intro splash screen says "Get through the Salmon Run as quickly as possible without cheating". I don't think we should have to use special equipment to do this. And real-life salmon jump up fish ladders, so why does jumping actually seem to slow me down?


Edited by tanpopo.9102
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I had an almost perfect run, 3rd try after changing stats and relic. Every jump worked and got me to the cannons while going up, saves a second or more compared to jumping over and hitting them on the way down. There's a useful beehive on the dry land  path after the first cannon. No issue with hitting the surface. Four seconds to spare. Not sure how this would've gone without concentration gear.

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I agree that it should not rely on gear. Probably an oversight - they had this for older stuff in the past as well. Where things got changed. Gear should not count. If needed the time adjusted to people can do it without gear.

The thing that I noticed as well: The gates are not lenient enough - needs you really to swim close to the middle sometimes. Instead of it being enough to touch it barely.

I now did this in the race. There really seems to be more time. After a small part I checked the gold indicator buff ... showed like a bit more than 3 minutes. Did not check at the start - maybe it is about 4 mins there lol. Just not sure when you get the buffs (and eligibility) - when joining at a running event close the the end (would not have been enough ... just a few secs left) the gold/silver/bronze boon icons did not appear. It is either fixed at the start of the event (allowing to slightly join late as long as you can make it) or needs you to be in the starting area signed up before the whole thing starts.

Not sure what they wanted to do here - since it counted for the overall achievement as well as for the other one only ticking for gold. Maybe they planned to give credit for the (more lenient timer) race event for the achievement with the mastery point. And the other single one tracking just gold ... with a more strict timer. But not related to the mastery point.

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I'm done with the adventures (did them daily for exp) and the salmon ones definitely stand out. Some adventures you finish in 2/3 of the time (less, even), some you finish with 5-15 sec to spare. The salmon ones... You mess up once, you might as well restart.

Overall I dont see any consistency between the gold difficulties of the new adventures. So might as well up the salmon timers.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Same experience as everyone else: cannons not working (even if landing right on top), being forced to the surface, skills not firing... I managed to get silver and now my dominant hand hurts. Not going to try again, sorry, but this is a GAME, if it starts hurting, it's doing things wrong.

Incidentally, the whole idea of needing special gear to get gold is insane. I remember this game being advertised as somthing for casual gamers. How is this casual???

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I got gold on my 5th ish try on my reaper with zero extra speed nor food etc. The key is getting the glowy balls to refresh your stuff so you can speed almost the entire time through.

The two issues I did have were:

1. Cannons not firing you when they should (game issue)

2. The jumping out of water used when not at the surface 'jumps' to surface instead of out of water (skill issue on my end)

I absolutely love this adventure! Had a good laugh when I first discovered it and am looking forward to getting the floppy fish tonic.

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5 hours ago, Broom.2561 said:

Incidentally, the whole idea of needing special gear to get gold is insane. I remember this game being advertised as somthing for casual gamers. How is this casual???

Your equipment and build is disabled while transformed, so that's just a placebo. Food still works though. You don't really need anything to beat this, you just have to avoid the bugs.

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On 8/23/2024 at 7:05 AM, Tharan.9085 said:

I got gold for it without any gear/food/outside buffs in roughly 20minutes, its definetly doable. The main problem is the jump sometimes not working. First person is a must to stay under water and having an easier time to aim for the boosts later.

I'd love to know how you're doing this without any concentration boosts, or do you have natural speed?  Video?

On 8/23/2024 at 8:08 AM, Jabba.8392 said:

If you do the race (not the adventurer) it's enough to finish first in order to get the achievement done!
My best time is 3:00 and I still got my mastery point 🙂

Didn't work for me, but I think there are multiple achievements attached to this, so...

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On 8/21/2024 at 2:05 PM, Ralen.1986 said:

how are people getting gold on this race? i spent more than 2 hours and i still cant get gold it always feels like theres not enough time

I got gold on both of them in two tries each.  I dunno what you think is so hard.

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On 8/21/2024 at 12:01 PM, McMarc.1276 said:

First off I love the salmon races. I spent so long trying to get the gold and finally did it! It didnt feel great though, because for how janky the terrain and route is in many parts, I think 2:30 is way too tight! 2:45 seems more fair, considering only about 300 people managed to get under 2:30 since launch! 

It's got some problems.

The timer is too tight, and in general when utilizing/trying to find the cannons for waterfall climbing, it's kind of janky mechanically.

I'm also not a fan of incorporating JP like puzzle elements into what is supposed to be a race. When I first tried the salmon run, I was actually pleasantly surprised at how fun it was, until I got to the big rockface waterfall. Then finding the cannon jumps near the little hidden blue bubbles was in no way intuitive, and even when I did learn where they were, they were buggy and would sometimes just launch you at a wall and make you fall, or you end up having to JP style jump your own way up the mountain. Even after learning "how to do it to get a gold" I still will vouch that "a race" should be something fast paced. It really takes the fun & feel out of the idea of a race, when you come to a point where you essentially have to stop and figure out a JP. Also, even when you do know how to make the run and get gold, the mechanics are janky and sometimes those cannons just throw you into a weird place and ruin your time.

They need to refine those cannon jumps and just set them to immediately toss the salmon to the top of the water fall. That would fix the problems.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I am really glad to read that the issues with the Salmon Run have been addressed.   One of the best things about ANet is that they learn from their mistakes and this time they fixed things really quick, thanks Devs!    

When I first did the Salmon Runs I thought they were amusing and clever mini-games.  Then I saw that an MP was connected with them so I kept trying to get 1:30 on the Moon Camp run to the point where it stopped being fun and turned into a tediously annoying chore before I got a run done in 1:30.  And 0.28 seconds.  1:30.28 will not finish on gold.   The feeling wasn't "I got so close" but rather "*** this waste of time" and I decided to never touch the things again because I prefer to have fun when I play games.  (Had no idea the race had more reasonable timers because *nothing* in the game says you can do the race rather than the time trial for the achievement).  The changes ANet has done make it sound like getting gold on the Salmon Runs will now be fun rather than a chore, which is a good goal for a game to have.    

Also have we heard any confirmation that gear is disabled in these races?  The idea that gear would still have an effect when you're transformed sounds....fishy?  (Extreme apologies)

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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