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I identify as Commander

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I would first like to say I love the new  expansion!

When the astral ward started calling us “Wayfinder” I didn’t care too much, if they prefer that, fine.

However I’m feeling an uncomfortable dissociation, when my character is asked, if they prefer commander or wayfinder? And my character just says they prefer wayfinder, without our input, while I’m just sitting there hoping that this is the moment we get to choose to drop that meaningless title.

It might be nitpicky or unreasonable, but I’d love having the option to choose.

The wayfinder title means nothing to me, the commander title means ALOT.

Again, love the new expansion, but I just felt sidelined after that 😞

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I don't think they could actually let us choose because then they'd have to record 2 versions of all the dialogue where the player is mentioned, and voice acting is expensive and adds a lot to the game's file size.

Personally I don't mind which title the NPCs use. If most of my characters were genuinely given a choice they'd want to be called by their first name (which is not always the first word in their name) or a nickname rather than a formal title. I realise that's impractical in a game like this, but it means anything they're called isn't quite right, and they're all equally 'wrong' so it doesn't matter much.

I suppose it should really be the title that's relevant to the job they're doing at the time, so in this case are they in Janthir and involved in current events because they're a Wayfinder for the Astral Ward or because they're a (former) Commander of the Pact, or something else? I'm not entirely clear on that situation, so I don't know what the correct title would be.

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Posted (edited)

I’m not too bothered what the npc’s call us, what’s rubbing me wrong is that our character themselves says they prefer wayfinder, without our input.

AN could have changed the dialog to be something like “I go by commander” If they wanted to go with commander voice overs/text, or “I prefer commander, but I’m here mostly on behalf of the astral ward, so wayfinder might be more apropriate” if they wanted the story to pan in that direction.

Edited by Justi.6243
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5 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

I still think they told us a new correct title in the intro: Emissary. Why they didn't use that is beyond me.

This would also be fine, and not invalidate any personal preferances.

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I have to say i agree. Wayfinder just doesn't feel right. We've been the commander since the end of personal story, all throughout all expansions until SoTO... and it doesn't sound right to not be called that anymore. Be as it may, just a title without any significance at this point but it feels right. Comfortable.

Edited by Arc.8247
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2 minutes ago, Arc.8247 said:

Wayfinder just doesn't feel right.

Always reminds me of "Pathfinder" from a certain trainwreck of a game (except the combat system, I love that) that's sadly a part of my beloved Mass Effect franchise...

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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I'm missing something, when do that question happens?

Because I remember at the begining of Janthir Wilds, before enter to the portal to the Moon Camp. Countess Anise ask my character if prefer Commander or Wayfinder, and my character said Commander, so Anise joked about the old habbits. Yesterday I played with a 2nd character, and the dialogue was similar.

Are you refering to the same dialogue? Has it got an alternative version where the hero asks to be called "Wayfinder"?

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They should just mix it up, depending on the person and culture. The lowland kodan should be calling us "outlander," since they don't know our accomplishments. The Astral Ward and demons should be calling us "Wayfinder." Most of Tyria should be calling us "Commander." The Inquest should be calling us "bookah."

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That's an interesting take. To me "commander" has felt wrong ever since the beginning of season 3, since that is the moment we leave that position. Everytime I get addressed as "commander" I feel a bit like an imposter, even though Almorra assured us, it was fine to keep the title. I am much more comfortable with "wayfinder" and had the opposite feeling when my wayfinder told Anise anything other than "commander" from her would feel wrong. Like, no, it's the other way around for me. 

I do agree though, hearing that question and the PCs answer to it feels really weird. It does give me brief moments of cognitive dissonance. And it's the only thing in this expansions so far that pull me out of the story. Heck, I got so immersed, I cried over that feral warclaw champion.

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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

They should just mix it up, depending on the person and culture. The lowland kodan should be calling us "outlander," since they don't know our accomplishments. The Astral Ward and demons should be calling us "Wayfinder." Most of Tyria should be calling us "Commander." The Inquest should be calling us "bookah."

It is kinda mixed. The Ward and bearfolks use Wayfinder while the "old pals" call my toon Commander. Here and there someone throws a joke about it. So I'm pretty fine although I'm on the "Commander forever" team.

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6 hours ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

Always reminds me of "Pathfinder" from a certain trainwreck of a game (except the combat system, I love that) that's sadly a part of my beloved Mass Effect franchise...

Actyally Pathfinder, would have been a better title tbh. And I am on the same train too, aside of "my face is tired" and that meh story, the combat was 10/10 the tech/biotic combos were *cheff kiss*, that was the only thing who made me continue the game and finishing it, the combat.

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Being called a name that I do not like is generally taken as an insult leading to a negative perception of those choosing to be antagonistic. It can be very anti-immersion to have my character respond positively to people who choose to insult him by calling him names such as "Wayfinder."

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7 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't think they could actually let us choose because then they'd have to record 2 versions of all the dialogue where the player is mentioned, and voice acting is expensive and adds a lot to the game's file size.

Not to be the AI person, but for a simple word replacement, surely it can be done well enough and automatically with some existing tool...

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If they start changing title's; they could at least have given players a "Commander" title in remembrance. 

This new "wayfinder" seems more empathic/docile like.... the "wayfinder" is uncertain themselves and need to "find the way" in this hostile, dangerous world... 

Juuuuuust the type of new hero profile that wouldn't mind listening to other npc's long elaborate stories without skipping any detail *wink wink*

Cause a "commander" would say: Ok, enough talk! Its time to take action! Move out!



Personally would pick the title "adventurer / hero" over "wayfinder" as an alternative for "commander";  

"wayfinder" sounds like one of those title's some ethnic / indigent  tribe would dub specific (not so)exceptional individuals.

For instance: If you are a Charr that has its origins in the industrial streets of the Black citadel and you are suddenly given a "ethnic/indigent label"; Wouldn't "adventurer/hero" be a more neutral choice? 

Not that it matters what anyone would think; Anet has decided to call the character "Wayfinder".    

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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