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A Proposal for a Subscription Model in Guild Wars 2

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On 8/25/2024 at 6:18 AM, Zebulous.2934 said:

Because Gw2 saw that there is a market where regular people with low paying jobs are tired of being destroyed by wealthy people who don't even have to use skill to win. 

I don't think that is the case. I can afford the pay to win nonsense but choose not to play those games because I enjoy the challenge of a relatively fair fight. 

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1 hour ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

 Not play it? If people dislike games with sub fees and would rather play a game without sub then.. the answer is obvious. Then again, I wonder which generation they're aiming at with AoC considering that thing has been in development for almost a decade now...

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2 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

When or if it gets released, I won't play it. Does it even have a release date yet? How about the Riot MMO?

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5 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

Not play it?

Seems pretty obvious to me.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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5 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

Same thing as for every other MMO that has a sub... Skip it and play one that doesn't (i.e., GW2)

Why exactly will the "next generation of MMORPGs" with sub fees be any different than the older ones with sub fees? I see no difference.

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Why on earth would you want to make a game that works exceptionally well on its current set up and slap a recurring fee in it just to play it.

Have played games that have "access all content" for a fee and honestly its not a great feeling to be in a game that you like and cant afford said fee and to be locked out of a lot of  it arbitrarily because those type of accesses always will nickle and dime the most basic QoL. Its recurring income is Gems, which are not a requirement to play the game only to access the optional gem store. 

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On 8/23/2024 at 10:51 PM, Drew The Geek.9613 said:

As a long-time MMO player since the 1990s, I've witnessed the evolution of the genre, from the early days of World of Warcraft to the more recent years with Guild Wars 2. Over the years, I've seen many games come and go, but Guild Wars 2 stands out to me as a game crafted with genuine passion. The development team has consistently shown their commitment to making the game the best it can be—squashing bugs, addressing issues, and continually adding new content. They do all this while managing a budget dependent on the community's support through in-game purchases. It's evident that Guild Wars 2 has grown and evolved over the years, thanks to a dedicated team that never gives up. My following thoughts are not a criticism but rather a suggestion to help further support this incredible game.

**Why a Subscription Model Makes Sense**

I’ve never been one to purchase virtual items frequently. For me, it’s only worth it if it enhances my game-play experience. I’m more interested in storage, gear, and overall enjoyment rather than how my character looks. However, I've noticed some challenges in these areas that could be alleviated with a subscription model.

**Storage Concerns**

In Guild Wars 2, storage is a significant concern. Ironically, it's often cheaper to buy another character slot and use that character for storage rather than upgrading storage areas. I've even created a guild for the sole purpose of accessing a guild vault, only to realize the extensive effort required to get one. Additionally, storage upgrades can be frustrating. For example, purchasing a stack upgrade to store 750 items instead of 250 only applies to the material vault, not to the bank or personal bags. These limitations can be frustrating and detract from the overall experience.

**Gear Frustrations**

When it comes to gear, I’m less concerned with appearance and more with functionality. While I appreciate the freedom that legendary gear offers in allowing players to switch stats, the process of crafting legendary items is incredibly long and complex. It wasn't until I found a third-party website that I was able to craft a few pieces. I’ve always believed that crafted items should either be superior to or at least more cost-effective than those available for purchase. The introduction of Secrets of the Obscure has been a step in the right direction, offering legendary components more accessible to players. However, the current system still favors those willing to spend money, which, while understandable, creates a barrier for players like me who prefer to earn their way.

**The Case for a Subscription Model**

Given these challenges, I propose that Guild Wars 2 considers introducing a subscription model. I’m aware that the topic of subscriptions can be divisive, and I’m sure the Guild Wars 2 team has weighed this option before. However, I believe a well-balanced subscription model could enhance the game’s experience for players while providing a more stable revenue stream for the developers.

Here’s what I propose for a $15.00/month subscription:

1. **All Storage Unlocked for All Characters**: This would immediately solve the storage limitations many players face and make the game more enjoyable.

2. **Unlimited Character Slots**: Players could experiment with different builds and professions without worrying about the cost of additional slots.

3. **$5.00 Worth of Gems Per Month**: A small but meaningful bonus that allows players to purchase in-game items without needing to spend extra money.

4. **Access to All Expansion Content**: This would ensure that all players can enjoy the full scope of what Guild Wars 2 has to offer, regardless of their financial situation.

**What Happens if the Subscription Expires?**

If a player lets their subscription expire or cancels, they would lose access to the features unlocked by the subscription. However, I propose that certain unlocks, like character slots, be available at a discounted rate during the subscription period. This way, players who value permanent unlocks can still benefit from the subscription without feeling penalized for unsubscribing. Additionally, players would retain any unspent gems and would lose access to any expansion content they hadn’t purchased outright.

**Balancing Revenue Streams**

I understand that introducing a subscription model could potentially reduce revenue from gem sales. However, I believe that many players who are hesitant to invest in digital items might see a subscription as a more valuable option, potentially offsetting any loss in gem sales. The subscription model would also provide a more predictable and steady revenue stream, which could be beneficial for planning and development. Offering multiple subscription tiers (An example would be: month-to-month for $20.00/month, six months at $108, or one year at $180) could also encourage longer-term commitments and boost revenue.


Guild Wars 2 has thrived thanks to a dedicated team and a passionate community. Introducing a subscription model could provide the game with a more consistent revenue stream, allowing the developers to continue enhancing and expanding the game we all love. It would also offer players like me a way to support the game while gaining meaningful benefits that improve the overall experience. With the right balance, a subscription model could be a win-win for both the developers and the players.

Thank you for considering this proposal, and I hope it sparks a conversation about how we can continue to support the future of Guild Wars 2.


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18 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

Oh, you mean that game that has been in development limbo for several years, that is leeching thousands of dollars from its players, despite it having little to show for it? That Ashes of Creation? Hasn't left alpha yet...



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19 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

@Smart College Boy.3249 GW2  does not have sub fees so no-one is complaining about anything, people are debating if subs could add value as an additional non intrusive option.

That aside, Anet were considered brave at the time but they have been proven right, a non greedy or divisive no sub model with no pay to win does work well, and respect due to them for committing to that model.  I think the only argument for a sub would be of it offered a package deal, e.g instead of paying £x a month on gems, optionally subscribe for £x and you will get the same value of gems + a little something extra that's a non critical bonus as a thank you for giving a more predictable income stream for Anet. 

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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23 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

All these players complaining about sub fees, I can't wait to see what they do when the next generation of MMORPGs like Ashes of Creation release with a sub fee.

I won't play it. Chances are other players disliking it also won't play it. Glad I could solve that mystery. 😉 

e: oops, I'm late, other people already solved it too.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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