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12 year bday gift sucks

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:



You confuse anniversary rewards with rewards for playing the game. These two things are not the same. In this case you'd be rewarded for creating account near the release.

Playtime in itself is a worthless statistic to estimate whether or not someone plays the game. You can leave characters standing in LA/DR and clock large amounts of time while doing nothing.
Age of the account, again, is nothing more than confirmation of you creating an account at certain time. It has nothing to do with playing or supporting the game.
Achievement points already have their own rewards. Coincidentally, they're at least partially what you were asking for in that post: skins unavailable in any other way.

I dont care how its implemented, they just need to reward gw1 and gw2 veterans more than what they currently reward in my opinion, because its not enough compared to what other games reward to their veterans under similar circumstances.  In other games they also didnt stop developing their previous game and basically make everyone migrate over to the new game if they wanted new content.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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23 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:


In other games they also didnt stop developing their previous game and basically make everyone migrate over to the new game if they wanted new content.

Other then path of exile and path of exile 2 do you have some examples of said games?

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2 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

do I really need to find examples, there's lots out there, i dont feel like looking them up.  Its not like what im suggesting is outlandish.  Also as a guild wars player why would you challenge me in favor of receiving less rewards on this issue?


update: I found one - world of warcraft they wanted to make wow 2 but enough players complained that they overhauled the entire graphics engine and kept it as is (something gw2 should do as well), ffxiv - they still update ffxi and make content for it.  there's 2 right off the bat, also Path of exile isnt an mmo, if you want to get really nitpicky

Im not challengeing you about receiving less rewards.

My question was what game company release a game then a sequel and keep updating and running both.

Neither of the ones you mentioned in your update work since wow dont have a sequel and I dont see sony updating ff11 their first mmo now when they have ff14.

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3 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I dont care how its implemented, they just need to reward gw1 and gw2 veterans more than what they currently reward in my opinion, because its not enough compared to what other games reward to their veterans under similar circumstances.  In other games they also didnt stop developing their previous game and basically make everyone migrate over to the new game if they wanted new content.

So I didn't have to buy WoW? I could just log in using my Warcraft credentials?

Darn it.

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Im not challengeing you about receiving less rewards.

My question was what game company release a game then a sequel and keep updating and running both.

Neither of the ones you mentioned in your update work since wow dont have a sequel and I dont see sony updating ff11 their first mmo now when they have ff14.

 what I said before my post dissapeared(??) ffxi is updated with new content so you should look into that a little harder.  blizzard  was going to make wow2, they had definitive plans to do just that in 2011 and then the playerbase said they didnt want their accounts to go away so they overhauled the graphics engine starting in cataclysm around 2012. A lesson to be learned by anet I think, or I guess they could ignore it.

also everquest made everquest 2 and they still make new expansions for both everquest and everquest 2.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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On 8/24/2024 at 8:16 AM, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

Not even a title, it's sad really... 😥

We got a package of these eye souring neon colours that looks hideous anyway but of course people with no taste will wear them to be unique and the main character with their disco inferno infusion x-mas flying balls and vomit.

Not everyone uses those colors for evil my dude:

gw661 — Postimages (postimg.cc)

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3 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

They're commenting that indeed there was another game that stopped development and made you go to the new one.

that example, warcraft was a real time strategy game and not an mmo, and world of warcraft is an mmo but of course has no sequel and the playerbase didnt want to make a new one, not a very good comparison,.  Thats like saying i bought final fantasy 1 so therefore i should get ffxiv, its rediculous.  path of exile is also a terrible example, since its also not an mmo, and not comparable to this conversation at all.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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Don't care much about the gift, but rather disappointed if this is all they're doing for the Anniversary.

No expansion sales? Nothing special in the gemstore? No big anniversary announcement on the website?

That week long buff is .. something I guess. But it feels very weak compared to previous anniversaries, if I don't remember them wrong.

Also been hanging out in a bunch of new-player streams that just started into the game with the JW hype, and often seen the recommendation in chat for new people to wait for the anniversary that's just around the corner since its likely to have expansion sales. Well.. guess they gonna be disappointed.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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I see it like this. 

When I am buying a fridge or new headphones or whatever, I do not expect the company to sent me a gift every year, just becouse I am using their product. It is always nice to be gifted with something, but demanding a gift is entitlement for me. Especially when I look back and see how many freebies beside Birthday Gifts ANet already gave to their playerbase. All this Living Story episodes that we grebbed for free, bundle them together and You would have at least expansion or two, all the freebies from gemstore, all the special events that are popping every now and than.

ANet could have not done any of that, and They could charge for everything from the beginning, They didn't, so thats enough a gift for me.

And as far as just asking politely for something to be included in a Birthday Gift is not necceserly wrong (Even tho I am personally of opinion that stuff should be avaialble for everyone, but locked behind some fun achiv or content), but "demanding" freebies becouse You spent x time in a game, or (even more hilarous) becouse You played other game of the same company, is simply entitled and repulsive in my opinion.

It kinda reminds me of this wierd restaurants in US when eighter the restaurent or the waiters, go out of their way to force You to tip them, despite the service being garbage. If someone from the devs see that kind of complains like this as well, I will just say that I personally enjoyed the gift, and I am glad I got anything at all. (Especially that wardrobe unlock got me 400 gem item, one I won't probably use but nice nontherless, and it would be nice even without this lucky accident).

It's a game, a product You bought and are enjoying. If You want to be "rewarded" get out of Your home (or not), and work hard to actually achive something, do something for other peoples. Playing a game in Your free time is not hard work, it's just a selfish, little pleasure, and we are in no right to demand anything for it.

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lol @Jumpin Lumpix.6108 I wouldn't site Blizzard as a sterling example for treating players well.  Overwatch and Overwatch 2 come to mind.  From the accounts I have read OW2 is a worse game.  They had promised players pve and then couldn't find the resources to implement it.  They sold all of those game passes but couldn't find the funds to keep their promise? The sheer amount of player negativity just from searching Overwatch 2 on reddit, YouTube, or Steam is considerable.

Comparing any studio to the current version of Blizzard is an insult to the other studio.

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5 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Also been hanging out in a bunch of new-player streams that just started into the game with the JW hype, and often seen the recommendation in chat for new people to wait for the anniversary that's just around the corner since its likely to have expansion sales. Well.. guess they gonna be disappointed.

Of course they can be disappointed if they just... made up something that doesn't usually happen. 😄 

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7 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

lol @Jumpin Lumpix.6108 I wouldn't site Blizzard as a sterling example for treating players well.  Overwatch and Overwatch 2 come to mind.  From the accounts I have read OW2 is a worse game.  They had promised players pve and then couldn't find the resources to implement it.  They sold all of those game passes but couldn't find the funds to keep their promise? The sheer amount of player negativity just from searching Overwatch 2 on reddit, YouTube, or Steam is considerable.

Comparing any studio to the current version of Blizzard is an insult to the other studio.

thats why I listed final fantasy and everquest, theyre just examples which people asked for.

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4 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

advocating for less rewards as a guild wars 2 player seems highly suspicious to me, especially in regard to veteran player status.  Unlike the refrigerator the game expects you to pay more money over time with new content releases.

I'm still waiting for my refrigerator to release some new gatcha skins or content but alas, they arent available still.  Not a very good example is it.

You are keep throwing the phrase "advocating for less rewards" at anyone that do not agree with You in the matter of the topic. What You fail to grasp is that the gamer main goal is "playing" the game, not "reciving" free rewards. What use I have for a free stuff, I'll see it, ok looks nice, thats it. It's meaningless.

New content, fights, adventures, and as a cherry on the top to crown this cake of excitment, a nice reward. I'd rather ANet focus on baking this beautiful cake, instead of throwing at us a handful of cherries. But to each their own.

You really seem to take pride in playing GW1 and achiving "heavens door" in GW2 for whatever reason, regardless of the truth, imagine You are the one of the few chosen ones to get... whatever it is You want, a skin? Let it be a skin. You get it handed for free, or for this so called "Dedication". What is so important, and exciting about this "skin". That You can flash out in front of other players that will not be able to get it in the next 12 years? Thats just petty. Plus it would be stupid thing to do as it would demotivate new players that would see cool stuff locked behing the barrier of time and GW1.

Or maybe it is money that You want, shiny shiny gold. But it couldn't be, if You are as dedicated as You claim to be, I can imagine You are sleeping on a gold pile bigger than a kitten Kralkatorrik.

If it is some cool utility that You want than see point one, it would too alienate the newer players, and Devs should avoid it at all cost.

In my opinion all this stuff should be available for everyone, gated not by time, but by fun and engaging content, becouse (as I said before) games are for playing, not receving. Birthday gifts are a cute little addition to show appreciation, (and it's not like new peoples are not already complaining about having to wait to get birthday skins, but thats beside the topic) I am glad for it, but I am also aware that davs can't go overboard with it to not alienate and demotivate the players that are just starting their journey in Tyria.

Would I want to recive more of this free birthday stuff? The answer is nighter yes or no, becouse I COULDN'T CARE LESS. I log in to talk with my friends, to work on my fashion, to do some map breaking that I love, but most importantly, I log in to PLAY the game, soar through skies with my griffon, let Cerus mop the Nayos floors with my face, judging other ppls fashion choices, trapping innocent peoples with Lady Wisteria. This are the things I want more of.

This are the things You should want more of, if all You want are free rewards exclusive to You and handful of other players, than sorry, but even after playing Guild Wars form when it sprouted, You just don't understand what this game is about.

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18 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

that example, warcraft was a real time strategy game and not an mmo, and world of warcraft is an mmo but of course has no sequel and the playerbase didnt want to make a new one, not a very good comparison,.  Thats like saying i bought final fantasy 1 so therefore i should get ffxiv, its rediculous.  path of exile is also a terrible example, since its also not an mmo, and not comparable to this conversation at all.

I didn't say I was agreeing, or disagreeing, merely giving the context that seemed to have confused someone.  Providing a translation, as it were.

For the 12th Anniversary, I agree it feels lackluster.  I've just shrugged at it, finally nabbed the pink dye, and spent my time enjoying the heck out of JW.

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On 8/26/2024 at 2:03 PM, Meridian.4983 said:

To all my 12 year old toons: you’re all tweens now so this is all you need, none of the unnecessary inventory-clogging repeat extras. If you make it to 18 I might get you your own airship*

*don’t know how many are being produced in Tyria since Heart of Thorns, so, ya know, pending availability 🤣

Especially Sylvari since they were literally born 12 years ago.

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