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You need to increase map capacity if the meta event DPS checks will stay this tight.

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11 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

Exactly, that's why big open world events are the training ground. 

i torture myself onto dragonstorm private or public. that really helps learn rotation, i mean seriouslly. mess up one dodge and u got cleaved by boss in ur harbingers shroud etc. give it a try, its fun especially since mechanic lacks of blocks exception u use shield skill to block letting it cast

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18 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:

You pretty much need to land on the map 20+ minutes fully organized before the meta event is even announced or you stand no chance at even making it through the queue for the meta maps.

For now I joined the meta twice, neither of those were in a fully organized squad. First time I just happened to be on the map, so that "20+ minutes on the map" rule might (although not sure about it) apply. Second time I joined the map after the meta started. Neither of those maps failed, so for now what you said seems to be false.
Also if that's considered "tight dps check" then... oof. People need to stop trying to keep dumbing down the game any time they manage to fail something. There's no need to increase the player cap.


32 minutes ago, HanYanrou.8629 said:

you do realise that you can dodge and if healers lets say scourge makes mistake with his f4-transfusion he will pull the player back into puddle?

Pretty sure transfusion teleports players who are already downed, so... no?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The thing might be that there also are people (since the game advertises the latest expansions to totally new players) that might think it it is fun to play  "healer" or "support" when basically everyone can heal themselves and such stuff is not needed. (At least not outside groups where you use the lfg or other means to gather players - for 5 or 10-man content.)

Also open world means that you might run in casual-mixed build. I used to swap more to damage but in the past I kept way more (before EoD) stuff like vit/toughness - to be sturdy and do a lot of stuff solo without having to change the build.

And keyboard acrobatics to do some "rotation" is not something I'd want to learn (at least nor for playing most of the time - in open world ... to do that exhausting stuff every now and then in a group content once per week for 1-2 hours ... could be an option in the future ... not sure if I want that yet or if I want that at all).

I still prefer bosses that are stong cause of the damage they do (+ mechanics to avoid damage) - not because of a timer + need to DPS them fast. That at least is more fun than purely being a keyoard master acrobatist. (They should make a title for that lol.) Have not played the boss yet. Still on map 1 will progress to the 2nd one in the next days. Maybe trying it in 1-2 days the first time.

I already see the fun of people complaining about others ignoring mechanics - when it is just barely a week since release and they expect everyone to have played it at day 1 already to know the mechanics perfectly by now. 😄


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This needs better rewards. It's more efficients to spend the time zooming around the map, harvesting, sniffing treasure and doing fast to complete events. I ignore it, except to drop in for the last minute if the effort looks te be succeeding. Lucky for me, the bosses's health can be seen anywhere on the map.

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9 hours ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

I like this comment, I think it was on point.

lol, that comment sounds familiar. That poster must be a great one. Just kidding; I just recognize my own posts.

Granted I haven't started the new content yet, though it depends on context. As far as I'm concerned the game doesn't actually have any dps checks though it may have some body checks. Usually stuff fails just because people die and don't respawn and you just don't do any dps when floor pov-- literal deadweight.

The real truth is that most events are not dragged down by people running bad builds or missing rotations, but rather because people are half afk autoattacking  trying to leech, and it just happens to be easy to hide from any kind of accountability. It's not that they're playing badly; it's because they''re barely playing the game at all and expecting to get rewarded. So people should not be that harsh on themselves; they are not the ones to cause the meta to fail-- unless they're one of the aforementioned types. Now maybe they could have helped the event succeed more, but that's a different story.

So it's not really about even doing the best meta rotations because nobody cares about that. even in difficult content. Even someone that just runs around ressing people can be of great help.

I don't really speak in terms of right or wrong. Everyone has a right to decide how much they want to commit to the game.  But if you play in a manner that is 1.) dependent on others 2.) Also makes others not want to play with, then you just have to bear the consequences of your actions.

That being said, I've never really been a fan of strict dps checks. If you want to have a timer, imo soft enrages as opposed to  immediate fails is better as it just makes it tougher to win as opposed to just disqualifying them. Also the game as a whole has trended towards damage sponge bosses which no doubt is annoying.

Unfortunately, I have this feeling people are considering enemies having a hp bar at all, to be a damage check. And what can you do?

I really really really don't want to force people in open world to use specific builds. But there can be improvements. I remember a thread where I "uipgraded" a poster's build using dire/rabid (so massively tanky) to do some 20k dps. Not exactly superstar material,  and not everyone will approve, but who cares? It's their game. but extremely usable in most of the game. And as it turns out, doing twice the damage and surviving twice as long made them game more fun to them, and they'd never go back. And they're certainly not going to drag everyone down; may even be carrying in some cases.

Like really, that's what I really ask to people. Heck, most of my characters are wvw, and thus don't even have pve builds.  Would the game be any less fun if you actually did damage? Would it be any less fun if you didn't die every 5 seconds? These are only questions people can answer themselves.

And let's admit it. People can say they play for fun all they want. Except at the end of the day, failing isn't fun for many of them, sooo.....

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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24 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I don't really speak in terms of right or wrong. Everyone has a right to decide how much they want to commit to the game.  But if you play in a manner that is 1.) dependent on others 2.) Also makes others not want to play with, then you just have to bear the consequences of your actions.

That is not entirely about dps (not even about 5k vs 25. or 50k) - person with the pots above yours mentioned an issue (and I also like to to the same stuff sometimes): Depending on the events it is possible to just join at the end. This of course can be a thing you describe at #2 - it will be harder/slower (making even more people wanna just wait somewhere afk to join close to the end).

I sometimes did it for fractals - took just a bit longer (no real fail at the start) - but joined at the end fight for the full fight (since that one can fail). Amnytas meta - on weekly vault: I did that ... tried to get as much participation as possible (though that one does not matter too much for the heroic chest). The small pop ups in between (a bit stardust - the currency ... nice to get additional one) are nice though. Keepy you motivated. ArenaNet might consider adding such system for future metas.

A single lengthy boss fight? That should be avoided (not too long and if ... then making fun phases. Soo-Won is actually fun. Though hard to see anything at times when too many people on just one platform. Gyala Delve ... no just not. Same bad stuff as Eparch later. The missing interesting phases even were a complaint at the new fractal - before health of the boss got nerfed where health was an issue as well.)

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23 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

That is not entirely about dps (not even about 5k vs 25. or 50k) - person with the pots above yours mentioned an issue (and I also like to to the same stuff sometimes): Depending on the events it is possible to just join at the end. This of course can be a thing you describe at #2 - it will be harder/slower (making even more people wanna just wait somewhere afk to join close to the end).

It's only natural for people to be opportunistic, and of course not everyone knows the schedule. But I feel there's a difference between hitching a free ride every now and then by chance , and just always doing it w/o giving anything back. And even that's whatever. The only problem is when people complain about it not being easy enough to hitch said free ride.

But hey at least you didn't scale things up or clutter up the map for being dead. and not releasing.

If people as a group start late, well it is what it is. Not anyone's fault, but it will just be harder to succeed.  There is an argument for better notifications. I don't have a clue when most stuff happens without looking at the wiki.

23 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

A single lengthy boss fight? That should be avoided (not too long and if ... then making fun phases. Soo-Won is actually fun. Though hard to see anything at times when too many people on just one platform. Gyala Delve ... no just not. Same bad stuff as Eparch later. The missing interesting phases even were a complaint at the new fractal - before health of the boss got nerfed where health was an issue as well.)

Suu-won is good but I feel like the boss has an annoying tendency of becoming untargetable and running down the timer. I hate stuff like that but maybe I just didn't know the fight. Gyala Delve I'm just not going to talk about. I don't even have a filter so my use was mostly ressing/healing people. I went full minstrels to survive the gas.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

For now I joined the meta twice, neither of those were in a fully organized squad. First time I just happened to be on the map, so that "20+ minutes on the map" rule might (although not sure about it) apply. Second time I joined the map after the meta started. Neither of those maps failed, so for now what you said seems to be false.
Also if that's considered "tight dps check" then... oof. People need to stop trying to keep dumbing down the game any time they manage to fail something. There's no need to increase the player cap.


Pretty sure transfusion teleports players who are already downed, so... no?

yes thats why i said the player had low hp already so it ended up the dude's downstated while dodging and heal scourge pulled him back in instead XD

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2 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

@zeyeti.8347 I tested that LI build (daredevil, I know not the tankies, but it was the lowest apm I could find) in the crown pavilion, so I had a good mix of group events and being on my own. Group events were fine, on my own I was toast. In the open world you are going to be on your own a lot. Low Intensity builds are ment to do as much damage with as little apm and as few different buttons as possible. They sacrifice everything for that! Survivability, boons and even a chunk of damage. I am not talking about solo open world builds. A lot of the boons in open world blobs come from random builds, just spewing out random boons. Most people don't run intentional support builds. If everyone switched to LI builds, the boon uptime would go down probably quite significantly, reducing the survivability of everyone. Which means that failing a mechanic will be much more devastating. So yes, I stand by my statement: Low Intensity builds are way too glassy to consider them low effort in the open world, and therefore 25k are not casual.


But just having a good build will only get you sofar anyway. I copied a snow crows build for my main (condi DPS mech), that got me from 2k to about 7k DPS. The rest is learning when to press which button and building up speed in doing so. I am now at around 10k +/- and slowly improving. But that takes time and effort. And a lot of people might not be able to spare that time and effort. You also have to stay focused on what you are doing, especially when you're still learning. So again, no, that's not casual.  

And you think basic snowcrom meta build have built in survivability ? Li is low intensity and survivability is pretty much the same if u used the high apm version of the build.

The rest is matter of the class , their are way more classes easy to play than you think , the pew pew mech still being the easiest , with some changes you can have fury 100% uptime and a lot of might with quickness +- 50% uptime.

sometimes you have to look at the meta builds and change a bit to adapt , for example i play with shouts as necro instead of pits , give me dmg reduction , a condi cleanse and the basic weakness apllication who really diminish damage of trash mobs , it heals me and if used on melee it burst a lot. Sometimes small changes is all you need to survive and you loose minimum dps. For this expac enemies are clearly focused on boon corrupting so it adapted and took another condi cleanse , but while on meta i stick to the double pits and "you are all weaklings".

25k is ofc not casual , i was talking about 10k minimum... and even that is weak but if every casual was able to achieve that i am pretty sure all metas would go smoothly.

3 hours ago, HanYanrou.8629 said:

to actually be honest, i've had over the past ~4days since meta release and after the bug fix that made it fail 3 or 4 meta failures. i needed 8tries that were failure to clear it on my ninth attempt for ONCE. maybe i was unlucky, but honestly. that was huge misfortune bumping up into players with attitudes that under 10k DPS is enough, happened i crashed into angry kittyon chat few times seeing meta failed. tried offer some builds while beeing angered but they did everything to refuse. as if toxic elitists builds arent needed for us(refusing any kind of help). what was more funny in 40+ men squad on one of the bosses ive seen two people bumping 34-45k DPS while few others did about 20k. and the rest 30+ were on healer level or below 6-8k as willbenders, reapers and such. Fairly said, i couldnt handle frustration knowing i wasted time multiple metas having failed.

Ninth attempt ? you clearly unlucky mate , for me it was 4 attempts and same as you i  saw ppl doing 3-4k on the bottom feeder ... and i don't even try explaining anymore , i feel like i am talking to rocks who have no emotion and no thoughts at all , my best part was saying to someone to use the dodge and his answer was dodge = less damage while doing 5k , ok ... i am done. And can't stop counting how many ppl say they have disabilities and cannot do even a simple rotation like half of the population of gw 2 are disabled ppl ? what the heck is that for a sorry excuse for lazyness , "i have no arms , i am blind" how the hell or u using your keyboard so easily then ? no answer ofc.




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Yea it is indeed allowed to take a build and change it for your needs.

For example, I took the lazy rifle mechanist build.


As the guide says, you can take rifle, so I just did.

And then I was like screw the throw mine; that's too much work. Instead I'll take Barrier Signet for -10% damage reduction. If you're feeling really generous, you can even give people around yourself barrier.

Then I was like, meh, screw the Jade Mortar; I'm just going to take the trait to keep my signet passives. Now I can heal myself and keep regenerating health.

I mean it's ok to be lazy; just gotta plan around it. I just happened to exclude stuff I wasn't using anyways. 🤣

And then I just chill and there are no issues. I suppose if things went downhill I'd change to an alac support build, but cross that bridge when you get there

One thing I really like with this mechanist build is just hanging around HoT skill points and killing the champions for people that pass by. One day I helped around a dozen people get their skill points while also browsing the internet so it's pretty fun really..

Some may be like this sucks, or I have no skill. And you know what? Well that's the point, dear friends.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

And you think basic snowcrom meta build have built in survivability ?

No I don't and that's my point.


1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

25k is ofc not casual , i was talking about 10k minimum.

Well, but DanAlcedo did talk about 25k. So we can agree on something. I also think that 10k is achievable for casuals, but the game design needs to offer a bit more guidance and find a way to show people how much of a difference it can make to just spend an evening or two working out a build that makes sense for them. Just pointing open world explorers to the special forces training area, maybe with a little story instance that shows how to use it, would go a long way, I think. And maybe add the option to try stuff before you have it unlocked, so people could figure out what they needed to focus on getting first. 

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Well do you see old gg ?

They say that the majority to get good or there should be hardcore ow content(and like Soon Won and Marrionete tell us later that people are doing because they don't offer gold).


How about we proceed with 1x raid + optional ow bosses in the next expansion , if even convergence don't allure people ?

We cut even more brighes and money needed down.

(I am still waiting for wording that has "stillness" , and move one with copying other games to stagnate the market for GW3 . 1st map that is funny and the 2nd that is dark affected by the story as prelude , can work as model.

Edit: I am just saying that now GW3 is greenlighted and the stars aligned , we shouldn't waste such oprotunity 😛)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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32 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:



Well, but DanAlcedo did talk about 25k. So we can agree on something. I also think that 10k is achievable for casuals, but the game design needs to offer a bit more guidance and find a way to show people how much of a difference it can make to just spend an evening or two working out a build that makes sense for them. Just pointing open world explorers to the special forces training area, maybe with a little story instance that shows how to use it, would go a long way, I think. And maybe add the option to try stuff before you have it unlocked, so people could figure out what they needed to focus on getting first. 

For some casuals, making a build that "makes sense" doesn't always equate to high level game play.  I know that I use a lot of sub-par weapons with some of my characters because I like them, not because they are the most efficient. 

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18 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

For some casuals, making a build that "makes sense" doesn't always equate to high level game play.  I know that I use a lot of sub-par weapons with some of my characters because I like them, not because they are the most efficient. 

Absolutely. I still can't get myself to use half the ranger pets, that are considered meta. You're not going to catch me dead with a rock gazelle. But I was lucky. My favorite weapon set, engi double pistol/ granade kit, is actually meta for my favorite elite spec. However just properly matching traits and gear to your playstyle can do a lot. Simply switching from berserker gear to viper doubled my damage and it didn't affect my playstyle at all. 

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I would claim higher level play is also recognizing your limits and being realistic too. Like sometimes the rotation to achieve benchmark damage is too clunky or unforgettable, or you get penalized heavily for making mistakes.

When it comes to farming and not going for world records, you generally would prefer a weapon you can consistently use instead of something that may fail very badly.

I find that "high intensity" builds tend to not be good for farming because it can be tiresome especially if you really want to do some serious grinding.  And it's overkill a lot of the time.

To me, an example is Guardian offhand pistol; that thing has been showing up on meta sites all around and I admit that it is more damage. But I also know that using it wrong results in very large loss of damage to the point where it was better just to have nothing in that slot.

Now obviously for those that want to improve, it's a good idea not to make these concessions and yes doing so will make you a better player. But I don't want to be failing events for the sake of self improvement; or at least the other people on the map don't care about me and that.

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I commanded the meta on my second try and succeeded during non-peak hours, with a squad I put together like 5 minutes before the meta started, on an overflow map. (No time for boon/dps/heal checks). If I can do that, then meta isn't all that tough, just needs more time for players to adjust to it.

If I had to guess why people are avoiding it, its probably due to the lack of good rewards for the time put in. It took my squad until one minute left on the timer to finish the whole thing. Only thing we got was the hero choice chest, which was garbage.

Edited by Aravind.9610
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11 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

No, I am not asking who's more involved with the lore. I am asking who spends more time listening to more or less random NPCs.

I listen to all dialogue when playing content for the first time. Now check my kp.

Edited by Radiancee.6537
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17 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Who would have thought that somebody would be advocating for requirements to do meta events in open world. Even the boss in Jinthir Wilds is doable with enough people (8). It's not just dps that's needed there a need for a balance approach which most glass cannons don't have. If you are listening to the narration real good it can be done.

Of course that's if no one manipulate the anything in game that requires high level access.

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Most classes in the game can be built to generate 8 to 12k DPS using either just it's autoattack or perhaps AA + 1 other skill. This doesn't require deep build craft, just some reading of traits and matching gear to damage type. I say "most classes" because I've only done this on most rather than all because there are classes I just don't play often enough to bother with. But it's possible that this option exists for all classes.

I personally would not want anyone to feel the need to not play their favorite character in order to contribute meaningfully to group content. As much as I am usually willing to switch based on group needs or the situation at hand, I do prefer to focus on playing my main. My suggestion is not to try to play a Snowcrows build, learn a 32 step rotation, or anything of the sort. Just read your traits, your weapon skills, and your utilities and match your stat selection accordingly. I prefer simple builds myself where my attention can be on adapting to the foe/situation rather than on remembering whether I am supposed to be on step 18 or 19 of a rotation whose output falls off if I am wrong.

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Like Dragon's End I don't think DPS is an issue here. 5k DPS is more than enough. This meta just forces you to actually play the game and not afk while you watch your second monitor. I've seen more people just stand still and not move for a single mechanic than ever before. I don't think it's even on the devs to put more tutorials in the game at this point. Green good. Red/Orange bad. By the time you get to the second map you should know as well that the purple goop fields are going to kill you.

Do the mechanics. Hit the boss. Easy win.

Edited by merliora.9214
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13 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

These events (Soo Won, Eparch) don't even fail because of low dps (well that is the consequence but not the main reason). They fail because people stand in red circles and avoid green circles and don't look and listen to surroundings. Getting downed or worse killed is by far the biggest dps loss. Trippel trouble is probably still the hardest ow boss just because awareness and communication is mandatory. And even in the most organised runs you get a few players that just don't do what's needed even if the commanders go to great length to organise and explain everything (maybe sometimes language is a barrier though).

You don't need to do homework to do this. You just need a little focus and sometimes communicate with fellow players.  You can clear a lot of content including raids and such in this game just by having players that can read and sometimes even respond when asked (gasp! I know). 

Another thing and this goes for all content. How much are you running around? If you find yourself constantly running around the place, you're probably doing something very wrong. Most encounters require very little movement. Oh a red circle under my feet, bad, move 200 units to the left. No need to stop attacking. Not run away like headless chicken into another group of mobs and another bad circle getting downed 900 units from everyone being a big pain in a for getting help which usually snowballs in a bad way. One of the main rules of group encounters and very common mistake players make in any game; when in trouble run towards the healer, not away from him.

Nowadays in meta events everyone has pretty much full boon coverage. 

Ah yeah Soo Won very first attack who puts down half of the squad , a red aoe with a clear telegraphed attack and a big wind up who takes 5 secondes to drop.... that tells you how slow the brain is for those ppl or how afk they are or maybe the commodore 64 they use as a pc to see everything with a 5 sec delay late.

7 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

No I don't and that's my point.


Well, but DanAlcedo did talk about 25k. So we can agree on something. I also think that 10k is achievable for casuals, but the game design needs to offer a bit more guidance and find a way to show people how much of a difference it can make to just spend an evening or two working out a build that makes sense for them. Just pointing open world explorers to the special forces training area, maybe with a little story instance that shows how to use it, would go a long way, I think. And maybe add the option to try stuff before you have it unlocked, so people could figure out what they needed to focus on getting first. 

You are right on that point , the lvl 80 boost should allow you to try e-specs at least , but some ppl even with guidance are stubborn , they feel like they play the right way and don't want to hear from anybody suggestions or ideas , like thief 2x pistol thinking that spamming skill 3 is one of the best dps build in the entire game...

A way to know there is a golem special training area , explanation and how to use the two consoles. Even Anet should do hyperlinks to snowcrow , meta battle and all sorts of very good gw 2 builds sites who explain very well how to do stuff and why you take this and this.

The base game and maps are also super easy , so it endorse ppl to think they are good at the game as they find little to no struggle leveling and exploring vanilla, and then they enter heart of thorns and get one shoted by a frog sniper or an angry mushroom sumo.

I am also amazed at the number of lvl 80 who don't even know they have a dodge roll.... guidance is ok , taking player by the hand like a toddler who just is able to walk ... no ! we all grown up adults !




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3 hours ago, merliora.9214 said:

Like Dragon's End I don't think DPS is an issue here. 5k DPS is more than enough. This meta just forces you to actually play the game and not afk while you watch your second monitor. I've seen more people just stand still and not move for a single mechanic than ever before. I don't think it's even on the devs to put more tutorials in the game at this point. Green good. Red/Orange bad. By the time you get to the second map you should know as well that the purple goop fields are going to kill you.

Do the mechanics. Hit the boss. Easy win.

let ne put like this refering to some comments that people fail mechanics and ignore in some sample situations:

1.player guy does 5-6k dps and does ignore ignore mechanics-outcomes he keep downstating and dying, tries to so dodges and side step afterwards but damage stays the same

2. does 5-6k dps- fails mechanics then stops this acting up and dps skyrockets to 14-20k.

3. plays with glass cannon build and dies from failing mechanics by ignoring them and does 12k dps-as he soon changes the approach his nunbers  skyrockets to 30k.

4. the guy does mechanics assisting the group and does relatively low but still decent 13-16k dps in order to successfully complete meta.

who of those dps players has a highest chance to contribute to the successful completion?

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26 minutes ago, HanYanrou.8629 said:

let ne put like this refering to some comments that people fail mechanics and ignore in some sample situations:

1.player guy does 5-6k dps and does ignore ignore mechanics-outcomes he keep downstating and dying, tries to so dodges and side step afterwards but damage stays the same

2. does 5-6k dps- fails mechanics then stops this acting up and dps skyrockets to 14-20k.

3. plays with glass cannon build and dies from failing mechanics by ignoring them and does 12k dps-as he soon changes the approach his nunbers  skyrockets to 30k.

4. the guy does mechanics assisting the group and does relatively low but still decent 13-16k dps in order to successfully complete meta.

who of those dps players has a highest chance to contribute to the successful completion?

You are reaching so far you've left the universe.
1. This player is trying his best by the sounds of it, no one and I mean no one has to right to say this type of player is at fault. If a player is doing that sort of DPS but is actively trying to do mechanics then that is all anyone needs to ask for.
2. Same as 1. People make mistakes. Failing mechanics is not the same as ignoring mechanics.
3. Builds do mean something. If you want to do great in open world a build will get you there. Playing the game how you want to play is also important. We again though go back to my point. No matter what sort of player you are, if you are ignoring mechanics just to be lazy, you are the problem. I don't care if you were pumping 25-30k just sat there but down stating constantly. You are creating issues for the other players around you.
4. No comment needed.

As a frequent commander I will take players who are willing to play the game even if they have some homemade build and does 5k DPS. If they are actively trying to do mechanics and not sit there AFK or leeching then I will never have a problem with it.

Quality over quantity just about sums this up.

Edit: To add as well to the main point of the topic, the DPS check, I have yet to see this fail with 'low' DPS. What I have seen this fail on is players refusing to play the game as intended or go AFK and stay dead in the fight (leech).

Edited by merliora.9214
Added some more words
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