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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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On 5/8/2024 at 8:06 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

So we saving gold for Guild Wars 3?

If something like a legendary isn't worth the gold, I just don't see why people are stressing so much over them.

First off, there is no GW3. Second, it's not that we are saving our gold for anything in particular, we just don't want to give our gold to other players. We'd rather convert our gold to gems to buy stuff in the store that we want.

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On 5/9/2024 at 5:13 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Okay, my characters are almost exclusively male. And armor designs on female characters are one of the reasons why. 😉

Armor always looks better on male characters, but not the Obsidian Armor - see my previously linked screenshot to compare its cool design with the actual thing.  No other armor set shrinks the head like that, reduces the torso size while bloating the chest, and gives you elephant legs and an anorexic waist on male human character models.

I've seen it, like a hundred times since you include it in basically every single post you make. Envoy armor does the same thing with the torso. That's all I was pointing out.

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Can the map restriction be lifted on FTT Turrets?
I love these things, and my engineer would Deffo have some on hand to help his warband, but its locked to kourna only.
and they arent as game changing as say the portable waystation from drizzlewood.
Please consider this request :3

Thank you and have a nice day :3

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• Legendary Items:

Coalessence - add an alternative option to obtain it, as you did with the Skyscale. Majority of people really struggle to achieve it, everyday it's getting harder and harder to find a proper raiding group above Wing 5, especially as a "new" or "casual" player. Or simple consider adding a brand new entirely PvE oriented Legendary ring. 

Legendary Aquatic Headgear - I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to finally get this item.

Gathering Tools - Unlimited Gathering Tools are account bound items and should be added to the legendary armory, so we can equip them on all of our characters without the need to go to the bank or fill our shared slots every time we need them. Also add an option to swap our already unlocked glyphs, just as runes / sigils etc.

• UI:

Additional Quickbars - let us have something like a quick or floating bars on screen. A place where we can put our banners, food & utility items etc. so we can use them without having to open our inventory every time we need something. 

Preview windows - add an option to zoom in details and preview infusions.

Chat panel - update the general chat panel, add some additional features. 

• Currencies:

Baubles - allow us to finally being able to store them into our bank.

Kryptis Essences - instead of overflowing our material storage, bank tabs and character with thousands of them, simply make them a Wallet currency.

• Meta events:

Rewards - upgrade / add some extra rewards for majoriry of the META EVENTS. We have tons of awesome and varied meta events but unfortunately most of them along with the maps they are held on are pretty much dead, simply because they're not worth the time.

• Titles:

Achievement Points - make the titles for reaching certain APs (5K, 10K, 20K..) colorful.

• Wizard Vault:

Black Lion Keys - add an option to purchase 1 - 3 keys per season.

Equipment Templates - add an option to purchase 1 - 2 expansions per season.

Mystic Forge Stones - add an option to purchase at lease 5 - 10 pcs. per season. 

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On 5/11/2024 at 12:40 PM, Kinurak.5307 said:

Can the map restriction be lifted on FTT Turrets?
I love these things, and my engineer would Deffo have some on hand to help his warband, but its locked to kourna only.
and they arent as game changing as say the portable waystation from drizzlewood.
Please consider this request :3

Thank you and have a nice day :3

Absolutely seconded. I have so many stacks of tech parts and a bunch of turret kits, just nowhere to use them. I know it would probably be ultra low on their priority list but it doesn't hurt to hope.

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Lil Squad overhaul

- Add ability to set icon for squad subgroups, in same manner as commanders can set icons(blue square, green star, etc) on the map:

Each subgroup gain their own icon. Members of subgroups can see this icon above their characters, but their subgroup one only(or optional to see all icons/their own only)

Each subgroup also change their apperiance on the map from current blue dots to their icon.


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Posted (edited)

Would love a Salvage O Matic that can be used on Ascended Rings, armour, weapons etc.

Failing that adding ascended salvage kits to the Wizard Vault would be good as well.

Glider Skins for Hellfire and Radient Back pieces as well. It takes 38K AP to unlock just one of them, the least we could get is a glider skin out of it.

Edited by TDC.1627
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Could an option be added  to disable pop ups and large UI game messages  that are meant to explain game mechanics to new players? They are too intrusive, obstructive and entirely not needed for veteran players. Maybe an icon on each pop up with the option to not show this again and an option in settings to disable alerts for being dismounted etc.

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Individual colored titles for crafting all weights of the PVP, WVW, or Raid leggy armor sets to be more in line with "Wow, That's Quality Armor". I know unlocking all the Raid skins has a normal colored title but I don't know about the other two. If they don't, they ought to.

Then they could go full ham and make a super shiny title for making all four legendary sets like they did for the Aurene variants! 😆


Also, this is a long shot, but can Warclaws in PVE please get the ability to damage structures with Chain Pull? It's a really cool animation first of all, and there's a fair number of Player Vs. Door opportunities in openworld. And hey, it might even get new people interested in the warkitty and engaging in wvw as a result.

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Posted (edited)

Hello and well met!

This is a list of some of the things i've come across in the game over the years  and that i think would be welcomed changes. these are suggestions on various ingame mechanics/features and also some QoL's. Some might have been mentioned elsewhere. Some are yet to be added. A work in progress, like mentioned in the title :).

Their order which i personally would like to see them prioritized is from top to bottom. here it goes.

* ability to disable the sounds of jade bot skins. some of them are really loud and have the most obnoxious sound to them, especially the chonky dragon jade bot. in the light of every other sound option introduced over the years to help those of us that can be extremely annoyed by various sounds, i think it would be a welcomed addition. Also tuning down its loudness would be a welcomed second addition. Hearing it from 2500 range away is a bit excessive.

* visual cue whenever you enable/disable a game setting using a configured keybind. for instance, autotarget or "snap ground target to current target".*  make it so that activation of all of these types of game functions that can be toggled on or off using a keybind comes with onscreen text or yellow text in chat window (or both), so you can with a quick glance determine if the setting is being enabled or disabled.

* merchant window sometimes disappears if you talk to merchant while mounted (because you jump up too high when youre dismounted, which means you'll have to talk to merchant twice.) annoying when youre buying pact scout mapping materials, for instance. solution could be to let people access merchants and npc dialogue without automatically dismounting them in the process. And while were speaking about pact scout mapping materials, some of the merchants have them listed in another order (for instance third from top instead of second from top.) easy to buy the wrong item. normalize the order in which they appear.

* re-work of the raven shrines that are used to remove essence chest walls in Bjora Marches.* relying on projectiles to hit a target area to remove these walls often results in having to spam the raven shrines many times before wall is finally removed. this probably have to do with autotarget settings, the direction you're facing or your lag, or all of the above. just make it function like a normal non-projectile dependent switch.

* option to hide (or possibly change) the location of the scroll list for received items when you're looking at the world map at the same time.*  for instance right after youve received a lot of items,  the item scroll list text obscures world map buttons in the lower right corner of screen when you also have moved the minimap to top right corner of screen, which makes it next to impossible to click the world map buttons down in that corner until the item recieved text has cleared (which can take quite a long time depending on how many items you have recieved)

* keep refining the crafting system.*  is it really necessary to make people wait around for upgrading/refining things like Luck (which does not have an immediate value attached to it).  make some materials craft instantly at the set amount you want to craft. refining 2500 worth of various materials will take a very long time. (even after Anet sped it up).

* general overhaul of the targeting system and its various settings like "snap ground target to current target" *.  many  skills which are meant to be applied on you or your allies will snap on to enemies instead if one is selected automatically with Autotarget (Thief's Shadow Refuge comes to mind). Even activating Shadow Refuge with no enemy selected prior, will trigger autotarget and select an enemy for you, and then snap said skill on to said enemy.  If you also have the setting to instantly cast skills, you've pretty much wasted that Shadow's Refuge (or any other skill for that matter that is intended for party but will snap on to an enemy instead). This is also a request to refine and go over all the current skills in game and how they behave/interact with settings like the ones mentioned above and what the skill's intended uses are. Making some skills exempt from settings like "snap ground target to current target" all together is a viable solution, for instance. This is for instance one of the changes that were made when fighting Sabetha in Wing 1 and you need to throw a bomb.

* rework autotarget so it doesnt target and select enemies behind you*.  That way you're actually able to use certain skills to break away from enemies like warrior GS rush skill #5 for instance more easily,  instead of what normally happens when you try it: rushing back the way you came from...This would also fix the glitch/abuse you can use with weapon kits like grenades (which enables you to run away from targets at full speed and facing away yet still hit them behind you).
Also make the area in which auto target selects enemies more narrow so it only selects targets in front of you at a set angle, say 130 degrees (just an example).  optimally, make these things actually configurable options so people can decide for themselves what they want. whether it should select targets behind you or not (we all love freedom of choice), what size the angle of the area in front of your character which it will use to select targets should have. Making it more narrow will allow you to break away even if you have targets in front of you, but to the sides and that you do not wish to attack.

* level-up knockback. do we really need this feature 12 years in? it does more harm than good. (it pushes back carefully pulled and grouped up blobs of enemies as soon as someone levels up). its an ancient relic of a mechanic from a game much different to what it is today where your survivability was much lesser. long before we had leggy armors, weps, trinkets , elite specs and powercreep.

* autotarget activates when youre mining salvage nodes in Drizzlewood.
as soon as you start mining, it will target and select any enemy (even ambient creatures) and prevent you from receiving war supply for as long as you have the target selected which means you have to either disable auto target when mining  or try and face another direction so no target is selected while you gather said material.

* make an achievement/reward for aquiring the heroic dragonsblood weapon set OR make the visions really cheap to re-purchase, as right now there's very little incentive to make the weapons as they do not have anything going for them in terms of achievments or rewards yet they are quite expensive to craft, and erasing the visions to clear up bank space could come and bite you in the butt should you decide to craft the weapons at a later stage.
seeing as how re-purchasing the visions costs 50g and 100 branded masses EACH. give people an incentive to craft them (other than just the looks), or allow them to put it on hold while still keeping their bank space un-clogged by items that cost a fortune to re-aquire.

Thanks for a lovely game!

to be continued. 🙂

Edited by Phraen.6054
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On 5/10/2024 at 11:11 PM, Zera.9435 said:

A little hard to see the red against the orange of the shield, but the same general shape is there.

You need your eyes checked. 😂 Also, that's not the chest on your screenshot but the waist. 😉 

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More privacy tools please:

Friends Only Whispers

Disallow Blocked interacting with you via: group invites, join requests, guild invites, PMs, Mail, joining your groups and then removing your own group from LFG, stalking you in your Followers list etc.

You can currently only prevent some of these by going into Offline mode, which disables features such as Guild Chat, it's not an option.


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Posted (edited)

Crafting progression (sub-400): Most crafting disciplines have bad tiers where nothing of value can be crafted to progress to the next tier. Currently the typical progression looks like [new material tier w/ half of the blue item prefixes] -> [same material w/ other half of blue prefixes] -> [same material w/ all green or better prefixes] -> [new material tier] and so on. Each crafting tier lasts for 25 crafting levels (after which the items cease to give useful progress). This also generally corresponds to item level increases of 5 per subtier. This is how it typically goes:

  • Reaching the new material tier (first subtier) gives you some "free" progress via basic refinement, but not through the whole sub-tier, the end of which starts to become like the next tier.
  • In the middle subtier, there are no freebies for advancement, and you still only have access to blue crafts which are worthless. Here you are required to expend large quantities of materials just to level up, and the material value is simply discarded. Blue items are also resellable after unlocking the skin, leading to an infinite supply glut.
  • In the final subtier you have access to usable items and more importantly some unique skins. There is usually not much trouble getting through these tiers.

In most cases the player simply loses the material value, recovering only a small fraction of the material value from selling the item. Even in cases where they can make the value back, it often involves an opportunity cost, as the same materials could be used to make more profitable endgame items.

Some possible solutions:

  • Reduce the material cost of mid-level blue insignias.
  • Improve the yield of research notes on mid-level blue items.
  • Collapse the subtiers or redistribute higher-quality items and unique skins throughout the subtiers so that some can be crafted throughout the tier.
  • Add crafting recipes for existing karma skins (e.g. Dry Bones) to the first and second subtiers. The resulting item should be bind on use (green+).
  • Add components (e.g. hilts, staves) to crafting vendors that can be purchased for a discounted price in other currencies like karma.
  • Add vendors (similar to provisioners) that take blue crafts in exchange for older timegate workarounds, for example funerary incense.
Edited by Leablo.2651
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Result-oriented LFG categories: Despite a revamp already having been done, it seems to have missed the main points that would have led to improvement. As the name implies, an LFG tool should maximally:

  1. Present contextually relevant groups for players to join
  2. Allow players to start groups in a straightforward manner without confusion over where they should list it
  3. Give players some freedom in the type of groups they list (e.g. party or squad) and restrictions they want (level, etc.)

I don't think I have to tell Anet how ineffective most LFG categories are. I'm sure you have logs to tell you which groups are overpopulated (either over time or at specific times) and others that are barely used (again either all the time or at specific times). Let's start with the expansion categories. Almost all of the LFG in these categories are dictated by scheduled metas. The metas are, by design, scheduled not to overlap in most cases. Which means that you have 4-5 subcategories, of which only one, or at most 2 during transitions, is going to have any significant activity. The subcategories are therefore unnecessary because they don't really filter anything, as the active meta is the only one likely to have any groups at all. Additionally, for maps like Gyala Delve, which are not scheduled and not popular destinations, it would help to be listed alongside the scheduled metas for increased visibility.

Another problem are category locks, which I believe exist for dungeons and fractals, perhaps others. This prevents players or specific characters from seeing or joining groups until they've met the arbitrary progression requirement of the LFG interface, rather than allowing players to exercise their own discretion. This is counter to the purpose of the tool. In fractals for example, most players are either going to be in T1 (the casuals/fast dailies) or in T4 for the veteran grinders. Finding groups to progress in T2 and T3 is much harder to do, and this is unnecessary, as long as one has the AR to cope with the levels they are going to play in. Without the progression lock, a T2/T3 player with 150 AR could use T4 groups to progress their personal fractal level, thus making groups easier to assemble for everyone.

Still another issue are overlapping areas of interest. You have area-based categories for the most part, but you also have a Story Journal and Achievements category. Well, story instances have lots of achievements. And both take place somewhere or in some expansion. So if I'm trying to get achievements, in a story instance, in the Auric Basin part of the HoT campaign, which of these three applicable groups should I be listing or looking for groups in? Well, part of the question can be resolved by the fact that you can't create party LFGs in Auric Basin. So I can't list there, which is also a problem since that is by far a more active category than the other two.

My general suggestions for improving LFG:

  1. Do not create additional categories without a clear need to separate listings. For example, the festival category was created in response to Mad King's Lab overwhelming the Central Tyria squad list in years past. That's legitimate. Separating every map of an expansion just because there aren't that many maps, is still more categories than necessary, and counterproductive. The currently scheduled meta map groups and other types of groups can easily coexist and improve cross-visibility.
  2. When creating new categories, consider whether that proposed category is the most natural destination both for people listing and looking for related groups. If it isn't, ask yourself what would be.
  3. Make all restrictions on group type and progression an option for the group creator. It is for players to decide who they want to play with, not the LFG panel.
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Bonus Weeks: I've enjoyed the events so far, but I think 2 things would help improve them:

  1. Explicit announcements. It would be helpful to know that a bonus week is going to happen before it starts, and not have that information buried in some other update. Preferably Anet could publish a timetable as soon as they've decided on one. Otherwise, even a week of advance notice would help with planning my time around a bonus week. It would also give an opportunity for people to set their Wizard Vault categories for the bonus week when they usually don't have the relevant category enabled.
  2. Consistent pacing. While it doesn't have to be spaced exactly the same all the time, I think it was a little strange that we went some weeks with no events, and other weeks we had events back to back overlapping with a festival. Overall, I'd like to see at least one week off in between bonus weeks, and there shouldn't be a bonus week during the first week of a festival (which is when most people are trying to crank out their annuals).
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59 minutes ago, Leablo.2651 said:

Bonus Weeks: I've enjoyed the events so far, but I think 2 things would help improve them:

  1. Explicit announcements. It would be helpful to know that a bonus week is going to happen before it starts, and not have that information buried in some other update. Preferably Anet could publish a timetable as soon as they've decided on one. Otherwise, even a week of advance notice would help with planning my time around a bonus week. It would also give an opportunity for people to set their Wizard Vault categories for the bonus week when they usually don't have the relevant category enabled.
  2. Consistent pacing. While it doesn't have to be spaced exactly the same all the time, I think it was a little strange that we went some weeks with no events, and other weeks we had events back to back overlapping with a festival. Overall, I'd like to see at least one week off in between bonus weeks, and there shouldn't be a bonus week during the first week of a festival (which is when most people are trying to crank out their annuals).

It is supposed to be posted here in advance sadly they have forgot about it.


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  • Skins for eng's turrets and mech in cash shop
  • backpacks and weapons with dye channels in cash shop

Also can we get some moderation in this thread and actually remove comments which have nothing to do with QoL or suggestions for game improvement?

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Change scribe queue system.

Let me queue up as many items as i have/want in a single slot. (ex. i have 200 guild catapult blueprints, let those 200 occupy a single slot, not unlike the normal crafting version of "craft all")

Additionally increase the maximum capacity of crafted consumable items to 2500 or more.

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On 5/12/2024 at 1:44 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

You need your eyes checked. 😂 Also, that's not the chest on your screenshot but the waist. 😉 

Yes, the waist. You mentioned somewhere that the waist looks anorexic on obby and I just wanted to show you that envoy does the same thing to the waist.

I'll get my eyes checked when you develop an understanding that nothing in the history of anything has ever looked exactly like its concept art. I guarantee you the envoy armor does not look exactly like its concept art.

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[Accessibility Issue] Hello, just putting in another request for you to change Thief Axe's throwing sound effect, and/or to add some sort of quality of life feature to deal with these sort of sound issues; like giving weapon-skills their own volume slider separate from other sound effects. Thief Axe is way too loud and sounds like rusty metal scraping together. It's very painful to the ears even at low volume due to the 'nails on chalkboard' effect is has and it prevents me from being able to use it since I'd have to mute every sound effect in game at once to get rid of it.

Unless there's a way I can modify/edit my game files to change the sound effect in a way Anet would allow? If so, could a GM/CM please let me know?

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