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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@"Yigameir.6073" you know, it really feels like that. i mean Anet didn't even update the "lunar new year" bags to give WXP as well. every single freaking XP booster there says "NOT USABLE IN WVW" specifically even. i mean, c'mon, why? that baby one hour boost won't even do thaat much.

and to fin this, another #allianceswhen :)

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eSports is possible with this game mode...imho

I want competitive tournaments that are healthy to participate in.

Real Life Sporting Events already provide good examples that we can learn from:i.e. - SuperBowl, World Series, FIFA World Cup, IIHF World Championship, etc.

This game mode needs a stable & complete road map to keep it going in the right direction.

Example road map:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89449/wvg-world-vs-globes/p1

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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well, from kinda environment Wvw is ages away tho. the whole format would need a overhaul. you'd need to make like ~3 hours at a predicted "prime time" to "tournament time", then you'd need to lock it for people that didn't sign up before and at least can show some kinda killproof, otherwise you'll have the maps full with afkers and kittens to sabotage the enemy teams (alt accounts)

alone tournaments would be a great re-introduction... but currently, also due to the uncomfy link system, situation gets rather worse. the amount of times u get something to really fight against is quite limited on many servers. the amount of dedicated competitive guilds isn't too high.

like, in an utopian perfection, every map had space for three 20ish or two 25-30 ppl guilds. that'd be around 8-12 guilds, and i honestly know not a single server, not even with adding link guilds into, who can field the max amount of 12 coordinated running guilds.

the expansion will be kinda revival impulse for Wvw as well. the question and critical point is, will Anet use this to boost the mode, refresh and update it.

and maybe finally drop the nasty link system. who knows #allianceswhen

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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:well, from kinda environment Wvw is ages away tho. the whole format would need a overhaul.Snip 8<WvW needs an ovehaul

World Restructuring is a novel idea to use Team Creation mechanics to solve only certain problems while ignoring everything else about this game mode...imho

World Restructuring would be like a Chapter 2 in fixing WvW if we had a bigger road map to follow.

Chapter 1 would be about What to do now to help with problems in the short term.

Chapter 2 would then begin the process of fixing the problems in the long term.

I'd like to see a road map from ANet that details where this World Restructuring "fits" into the larger scheme of things on where this game mode is headed.

I'm hoping this game mode will evolve into an annual eSport SuperBowl event with corporate sponsors that's designed to be the END GAME Content to PvE in perhaps a CHAPTER 6.

We're never going to get a chance to evolve with only one solution & no road map to guide us...imho

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@"Tonko.4802" said:Is anyone even working in this company anymore or whatyou got like 20 people to write the tumblr fanfic of a story and you're trying to convince us that "the 5 people who would usually work on wvw are too busy with the expansion"

is anyone left in here I swear if I could reach down into the Anet headquarters there would be 50 layers of dust on everything and tumbleweeds rolling across the lobbyyou write a 2000 page essay detailing the development of cooking recipes for the game yet you won't acknowledge even the existence of the wvw playerbase for 3 yearsIs this an indie company with 5 devs in total or what is going on here manYou leave this awful relinking system up and try to convince us the server populations or relinks are managed by an algorithm which I flat out don't believe, you've got 1 intern who does it on his coffee breaks and sometimes he also forgets about it for a week or two

oh who am I kidding Anet devs don't read this section of the forum anywaymaybe some janitor does and I'll get an infraction for this post


Okay great, let's blast them for what little involvement they have on these threads. Is it not already silent enough for you?!

I am sure they will listen to us.

Do you know what; #AlliamcesWhen

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i mean, nothing's as trolly as #allianceswhen

funnily people really make thread now to ask "would Alliances really change anything" and "could Alliances really work"...let us say as much, the current system totally works not, it's really bad. and that for years, therefore either removing links to create a new everyone-unlinked system or just bringing the full planned and on enough pages discussed Alliances simply on the table.

outside of that, other quality of life changes might be an idea as well. objectives are still worth nothing but the possibility of a good farm or just annoying the others. i think what those people, who say too much competitiveness would just lead to stacking, miss is: it never was that alive than when the tournaments been around i guess. there was real rewards, like those u can get in the spvp monthly (btw spvp had app in 2016 still a worldcupt tournament?) ... and if all people are stacked, then those "tryhards"wouldn't interfere with the casual players' "funny pirateshipping"

even with a good link, i'm just very sick of this current format. it just repeats itself, and plays russian roulette... every once in a while another server dies and their guilds emigrate. often they go to promising server, means the "oh noes stacking" always happened, for years now. without the limitations of Alliances system to keep that controlled.

the guilds sorta know each other anyways. the more weeks u play, the more guilds u get to know, be it on good or bad terms. servers lost their identity anyways. the desolation of 2-3 years ago is spread to 4-5 servers, WSR is since some links now not on the host bc the farm on the "holidayserver" is app better


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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:the guilds sorta know each other anyways. the more weeks u play, the more guilds u get to know, be it on good or bad terms. servers lost their identity anyways. the desolation of 2-3 years ago is spread to 4-5 servers, WSR is since some links now not on the host bc the farm on the "holidayserver" is app better

I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said, but whether your name is Deso, WSR or Gandara, the reason guilds leave servers is because servers go full, unlinked and maps go full so they can not play with their friends. That is the same and chief reason for everyone.

Why is the Deso of 3 years ago scattered? Perhaps because they got full, unlinked and their guilds either died or moved. WSR transfered off WSR and back again because they were full and unlinked, their two core guilds had players locked out. Then they got full and unlinked again so they left again so they could play together. Last relink Gandara was full and unlinked again which is nothing new for them but what was new for them was that their core guilds and community leaders now had players locked out, so they've just spent two weeks playing alts, mainly on RoS. You could fault them for ruining RoS eco system or you can aknowledge that the system causes these problems, not the players. The players just want to play the game with their friends and the developer is in no hurry to make sure that fundamental piece of their game actually works.

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it wasn't really in our case. or at least, only partly. the 2-years ago exodus of the guilds was bc it was overstacked and ppl got bored - since other servers mostly lacked opposition and we been stuck in t1 due to ppt people bandwagoning to link to ppt 24/7.

then yes, two times unlinked with a fake-full status. since over 1 year we had nearly no guilds (no raid guilds) at all.

so neither the fullness nor the unlinked been in the end the reason... but the system is messed up. i agree with you that the system is the issue tho. we need a change, and we'd need it asap. either full unlinks with few servers dissolving if too small, or just the #allianceswhen

imo we'd also really need more rewards for ppl to play serious. i'm feeling and hearing also from others that it just gets boring now and then.

and, a full map with half of the people never joining groups during primetime... that is in fact a player-problem only. where the #allianceswhen system could maybe fix that, by making dedicated "Wvw-guilds" more important.

the 40 different 1-2man guilds per map just aren't healthy for a group-based largescale combat format.

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