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Fractal Random Mistlock Instabilities

Gaile Gray.6029

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@Quarktastic.1027 said:Last laugh+toxic trail+Amala grenth phase (minions)=hardest boss in the game.

There's always the special action key in T.O. so I'm not that worried there. Plus, Last laugh was never an issue for me. Been playing on my Soulbeast for fracs recently and using Moa Stance + Dolyak Stance vs Last Laugh helps. Looking forward to see if Toxic Trail will repeatedly trigger Afflicted tho :sweat_smile:

:love: the videos, think it was yesterday's swamp daily? Had no idea it was the lower tier T4 which had T.Trail + L.Laugh (was a pug group and they made the pick). It went well, but had one party member died at the final phase burn. Mainly I think it's because the boss's stomp (giant dark orange circle) overlap and covered all of L.Laugh indicators (lighter red circles). The player probably got knocked down right before the stomp and due to that couldn't dodge....that and no one tried to pick him up...probably :tongue:

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@Eramonster.2718 said:

@Quarktastic.1027 said:Last laugh+toxic trail+Amala grenth phase (minions)=hardest boss in the game.

There's always the special action key in T.O. so I'm not that worried there. Plus, Last laugh was never an issue for me. Been playing on my Soulbeast for fracs recently and using Moa Stance + Dolyak Stance vs Last Laugh helps. Looking forward to see if Toxic Trail will repeatedly trigger Afflicted tho :sweat_smile:

:love: the videos, think it was yesterday's swamp daily? Had no idea it was the lower tier T4 which had T.Trail + L.Laugh (was a pug group and they made the pick). It went well, but had one party member died at the final phase burn. Mainly I think it's because the
boss's stomp (giant dark orange circle) overlap and covered all of L.Laugh indicators (lighter red circles)
. The player probably got knocked down right before the stomp and due to that couldn't dodge....
that and no one tried to pick him up...probably

I'm pretty sure if we hv group carry on from cm will be fine but the pug I was in was random pug for t4 only. So it's pretty much representing typical average pug group not from carry on from cm. Our chrono don't pull mobs and kept dying we were basically 4 men .. was tempting to go back to try with diff team but too lazyUr group was from cm?

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@squallaus.8321 said:

@Benjamin Arnold.3457 said:When I forget my MMO mouse when going to a play session I turn into a skill clicker cause my keys are bound too far away (usually on mouse side buttons).

Any chance you can get Anet and say Corsair to work together to release mmo mouse (schimitar based) and keyboard (RGB based) with gw2 logo on them? Wouldn't mind getting a pair!

I did spend $ on an mmo mouse very pretty with 12 buttons on the side .. unfortunately, I hv small hobbit hands (not hairy type) and the mouse is too big for my hand kept slipping out and I couldn't grip it at all. So I went back to the basic small mouse which is the cheapest in the market $10 lol. I hv everything set at default since start :p there was once I tried to set skills to shift 12345 but its only pve it doesnt need to be too hardcore to play.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

:P my style hard to change and i am average player, not highly skilled player which represent most of the payer base in the game :)

And if i understand correctly u can clear raids and the cms(lag excluded). Ppl should take something from this...

The game is made such that it doesnt panalise players .. it allows enough breathing time generally for average player to take part. We see group with low men clearing bosses etc.. those are the hardcore skilled players xD. If dev made the game only cater for those players.. we won't be having the number of players we see today. Gw2 pve shouldn't be too hard esp fractal.

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@Talindra.4958 said:

@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

:P my style hard to change and i am average player, not highly skilled player which represent most of the payer base in the game :)

And if i understand correctly u can clear raids and the cms(lag excluded). Ppl should take something from this...

The game is made such that it doesnt panalise players .. it allows enough breathing time generally for average player to take part. We see group with low men clearing bosses etc.. those are the hardcore skilled players xD. If dev made the game only cater for those players.. we won't be having the number of players we see today. Gw2 pve shouldn't be too hard esp fractal.

U missed my point but w/e

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Was a random pick-up PuG for T4 (mes, dh, sb, druid and berserker). Went with the same strat :smile: moved clockwise slowly during minions phase (not sure if it was intended but it's a good thing the mobs was routed/came from 1 direction).

The mesmer in the video went (dodged?) anti-clock, got seperated from your group and unable to reunite afterwards cause of toxic trails :skull: RIP.

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@Eramonster.2718 said:Was a random pick-up PuG for T4 (mes, dh, sb, druid and berserker). Went with the same strat :smile: moved clockwise slowly during minions phase (not sure if it was intended but it's a good thing the mobs was routed/came from 1 direction).

The mesmer in the video went (dodged?) anti-clock, got seperated from your group and unable to reunite afterwards cause of toxic trails :skull: RIP.

ya hehehe.. :) i do think it will be fun if the group can work well together. tht was why i picked the lower level to test it out ..@zealex i know what u mean i think but i thought better to divert ppl attention somewhere else heh.

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@Talindra.4958 said:

@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

:P my style hard to change and i am average player, not highly skilled player which represent most of the payer base in the game :)

I'm pretty sure clicking your skills has nothing to do with your skill level. Get it!

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@dontlook.1823 said:

@"Tarasicodissa.7084" said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

:P my style hard to change and i am average player, not highly skilled player which represent most of the payer base in the game :)

I'm pretty sure clicking your skills has nothing to do with your skill level. Get it!

A friend once said this quote to me. Which I kinda liked ; "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."

Need to do the extreme, to be recognised :tongue: Clicker is fine imo, but I must admit it's much more interesting say if Talindra.4958 plays the game using her feet like a DDR!

On another note, even a small fix on Last Laugh making it harder to break stability or making stability more effective will be helpful. Helps in making stability viable on the PvE content table just like reflects.

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@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

No. Fractals are not raids. T4s are not supposed to be faceroll but outside of CMs they should offer fair but beatable challenge for people on medium skill level.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

No. Fractals are not raids. T4s are not supposed to be faceroll but outside of CMs they should offer fair but beatable challenge for people on medium skill level.

I think he meant cms.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Tarasicodissa.7084" said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

No. Fractals are not raids. T4s are not supposed to be faceroll but outside of CMs they should offer fair but beatable challenge for people on medium skill level.

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@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

No. Fractals are not raids. T4s are not supposed to be faceroll but outside of CMs they should offer fair but beatable challenge for people on medium skill level.

Are we using flavour texts as design goals now? Because my story Journal says I went through epic fight with Zhaitan.

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@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Tarasicodissa.7084 said:Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

No. Fractals are not raids. T4s are not supposed to be faceroll but outside of CMs they should offer fair but beatable challenge for people on medium skill level.

Are we using flavour texts as design goals now? Because my story Journal says I went through epic fight with Zhaitan.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:I guess those were originally intended to be design goals. Again why have 100 levels divided into 4 tiers if even the highest tier is easy mode? It is just that fractals get watered down again and again with almost every update.

Easy is subjective. Recently Ben confirmed that only fractals that are supposed to be raid-like experience are CMs.

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@Vinceman.4572 said:Ye, many raid bosses are actually easier than fractal cms. For example Escort, Cairn, Mursaat Overseer, Samarog, Deimos Safe Strat (at least for 7-8 players out of 10), Trio, VG (maybe not if you are the tank) and Gorseval no updraft too.Some easy bosses were added so people can farm easy LI every week even if they do not deserve any LI. W4 was probably an accident. My guess is the CMs were supposed to be baseline but playtesters found it too hard and then they dumbed it down too much.Gorseval is in a strange spot, where the intended strategy with updrafts takes more effort and skill than just maxing dps. But that is a general problem of fractals and raids. You can achieve so much DPS that many mechanics become skipped or obsolete. That is why a lot of pugs who do not have the luxury of high DPS statics are actually superior in doing mechanics, they are just used to do them while the pros rarely experience them.A general DPS nerf across the board would make many encounters more difficult again just by having to do more mechanics again. Sadly Anet loves power creep.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Vinceman.4572 said:Ye, many raid bosses are actually easier than fractal cms. For example Escort, Cairn, Mursaat Overseer, Samarog, Deimos Safe Strat (at least for 7-8 players out of 10), Trio, VG (maybe not if you are the tank) and Gorseval no updraft too.Some easy bosses were added so people can farm easy LI every week even if they do not deserve any LI. W4 was probably an accident. My guess is the CMs were supposed to be baseline but playtesters found it too hard and then they dumbed it down too much.Gorseval is in a strange spot, where the intended strategy with updrafts takes more effort and skill than just maxing dps. But that is a general problem of fractals and raids. You can achieve so much DPS that many mechanics become skipped or obsolete. That is why a lot of pugs who do not have the luxury of high DPS statics are actually superior in doing mechanics, they are just used to do them while the pros rarely experience them.A general DPS nerf across the board would make many encounters more difficult again just by having to do more mechanics again. Sadly Anet loves power creep.

The introductory bosses are harder than half he bosses in the first raid... And not really pulling off no updraft gorse is easier than not.

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@Talindra.4958 said:Yesterday cms t4 & rec were smooooooth ?? \o/ it was new mistlocks too ^.^*. pugway

=) Agree. There was a massive surge in LFG for 100cm too which got me wondering at first. Think I :smirk: when I ran through of the instabilities.

@Malediktus.9250 said:I guess those were originally intended to be design goals. Again why have 100 levels divided into 4 tiers if even the highest tier is easy mode? It is just that fractals get watered down again and again with almost every update.

:+1: +1

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