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Do you like the new sPvP lobby or Do you hate it?


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Personally I really dislike the new sPvP lobby, its too constricting and too much of a jumping puzzle at the moment. The target golems are too close to each other and there isn't too many of them, making anyone come and interrupt your secret test build. To be honest is feels like HoT map where verticality plays a major role, I just want to be able to move about freely without having to watch my step in case I fall off the edge.

I would actually vote to bring back the old lobby, the only downside to the previous map was too much empty space that had nothing in it.

Please vote below if you want a change or keep the current lobby.

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I like the new lobby, but I would like there to be more open space. The lobby is in the sky, surely there is more they could do with it than a few small platforms, that's how I feel. The only space that is really open is the arena area. And as nice as that is, it'd be sweet if they made an area above and below what there is currently.

I feel like they could make a sort of city out of it or something possibly. Or at least an extra training and maybe a gathering area too for everyone to chat. In certain times of the day it feels like there is a queue to use the training dummies or AI, I don't really try to hide builds or anything but sometimes I want a dummy to myself.

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Personally, I prefer the old lobby. Better organization. Didn't have to WP to different places. Plenty of room to wander around, though I'd prefer it to be bigger.

The new one feels too constricting and linear. It feels too much like Edge of the Mists... bridges and falls. Not something I enjoy. But even EotM had interconnectivity. The lobby just dead-ends. I much prefer openness like PvE or Alpine maps.

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I like this lobby more than the old one, but I do actually miss the empty space that the old one had. If Anet was going to change the PvP lobby again (though I don't think they need to), I would just like some more empty space back again. And some more practice golems

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I would like for all of the islands to be connected with a bridge. Right now, to go from one to another, you need to use glider and updrafts, and I would like the updrafts to disappear and for there to be bridges instead. Also, add another island that's just a wide training zone similar to the one in the old lobby. Also update the trebuchet to reflect the mechanics of Battle of Kylho

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Keep same but bigger open spaces with bigger gaps to fly between!

I want bigger or more arenas doting the map, more training areas! An little gated room where two people click a button on either of two sides of the room, and throws next 4 people in a small queue into that arena for a public lunch viewed 2v2.

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@Chilli.2976 said:I didn't get to finish my poll and I can't edit the polls - I wanted to add;

  • Revert to prior lobby
  • Revert to prior lobby - but change a few things (explain)
  • Make a completly new lobby (explain your suggestion)

@ArenaNet @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 if you could please add these into the poll, thank you.

THIS..i like the old one.. had my place above the stairway next to the merchant

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@"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:Old lobby, what was wrong with walking? Why we have to glide and WP everywhere now???

I can't even glide. I have to use waypoints because I don't have HoT :-(

Maybe they can take the current map and just add "valleys" between the islands instead of having nothingness? So instead of floating islands, they would be like hilltops? There's so much wasted space, it's sad. You could almost have a mini-WvW in between the islands. Maybe even Party-v-Party-v-Party (everyone in a party are allies against everyone else, party or individual). There wouldn't be any purpose of it other than practice and fun... just like the current FFA arena.

One other thing I would like to have... golems with boons so I can test boon-stealing builds. Or golems that only apply conditions so I can practice condition removal builds or test condition survival.

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I really don't like it that much. The sky was the limit when revamping it, and we got a rather stale implementation.

Floating chunks of land hold infinite possibilities, but anet settled for very simple choices. The main disappointment is the arena and how basic it is.

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I don’t hate it, it looks visually better. But it could use a bunch of tweaks.Imo mosty of the flying space between islands should be filled with ground. While it looks really cool that its a bunch of flying islands in the mists, I want more space to walk and jump around damn it.They kind of confirmed they’re working on the arena, so i’ll skip that one.The champion’s rest area should be gold imo, like glided hollow. Then it’d actually look different and be realy cool.

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Perhaps it's important to consider that this is just a lobby after all. It had a major overhaul since the old one and the addition of the FFA area was a great idea IMO.

Whether it's minor or major changes you are looking for, you have to take into account that the PvP dev team is not huge and if anything I would prefer them to focus on the development of other arenas, working on PvP balance and matchmaking, maybe introduce more variety to rewards rather than making the "waiting room" look prettier or a few % more convenient.

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