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About the Griffon mount...

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Another voice to the chorus. The 250 gold was nothing. I did what it took to get the gold. The other things were a mixed bag. Getting the Legendary Corrupted Facet active at the same time I was in the Crystal Oasis was a bit of a bother, and so was the House of the Dead, but I stuck with it, flapped my way around using the borrowed griffons, and in the end, Griffy was mine!

And it was Time Well Spent, I can tell you. Getting six of the nine HoT specialization collection weapons has been a much more chore-ish task than getting Griffy, but once I got off my duff and ran down the Dragon's Stand lanes opening Noxious Pods for the last parts of the Machined Weapons, even that wasn't too bad.

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Do the daily every day for a month and in four months, just a third of a year, you'll have your Griffon. There are any number of other ways to make money in the game, but that one is also reliable. The Griffon Mount changes everything about the game. It's definitely worth it, it's pretty much the only mount I use across all characters.

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If you do your dailies every day, that is 2g. Simple math: it takes no longer than 125days to earn the 250g to buy a mount...and frankly, it's impossible to earn ONLY 2g per day. I've only been playing for a few months, but I had 250g before I was even finished HoT, and that was after plunking down lots of gold on mats to level up a crafting profession.

It seems like a lot of gold, but really, it isn't given what you are getting from it in the end. I just wish I didn't have to finish PoF before I can get it, since I'm still in LS3 and I want to do it in order =(

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@"Trismegistos.3046" said:OK, this is really my fault, because i didnt check the Wiki first, to get a complete picture.Silly me, i thought there was only one "Open Skies" achievment. In Crystal Oasis.

But then i went to check on the Wiki, and it takes 250 gold! That's obsurd.wth guys! That's all the gold i have. It's crazy.

At first i thought 50g was worth it, but 250? No way.

So i basically lost 50g for nothing. I could have spent that on a nice skin :(

Is there any way i could get those back? By contacting a GM or something?I doubt it, but you never know.

Thanks for your time.

It is really worth it, believe me. Much more than any skin or legendary weapon.

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@OriOri.8724 said:This is kind of an absurd argument. Do you honestly expect players to research every part of the game before completing it?

Whenever I am doing a collection achievement, I always research what I will need to get and where I will need to go to get it, just so I can make sure I have the resources to complete it.

This doesnt apply to self-driven content like Living World or World Bosses in most cases, but for collection events like Mawdrey and the Karka Hatchlings in LA, absolutely. That's kind of the base requirement for it. You think people would just happen onto all of the griffon eggs by chance?

@Trismegistos.3046 said:

At first i thought 50g was worth it, but 250? No way.

So i basically lost 50g for nothing. I could have spent that on a nice skin :(

Thanks for your time.

The griffon is worth more than 250g. It will make your travels in the entire game more efficient, and you will recoup that gold cost in enjoyment very quickly. Not to mention waypoints will take less silver out of your pocket.

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I agree with what almost everyone here is saying. The griffon is more than worth the 250g. And AFAIC, the quest chain to get it was a fair amount of fun. As others have said 250g is easily attainable, and the griffon mount is big fun. Do it...you won't regret it. And...you've already got 20% of the gold you need invested.

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Its really very simple. When you are out in the world how many Griffons do you see?

Whether you get a Griffon because you simply have 250g, you need to have the next hot ticket item, you are a completionist and must collect them all, or just because you actually find it useful (me) and love the available skins (fashion wars) the gold and time spent is 100% worth it. Chip away at it if you have to, but no one who has a Griffon (that I know of) regrets the cost. You'll wonder how you ever got on without it :)

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This is kind of an absurd argument. Do you honestly expect players to research every part of the game before completing it?

Whenever I am doing a collection achievement, I always research what I will need to get and where I will need to go to get it, just so I can make sure I have the resources to complete it.

This doesnt apply to self-driven content like Living World or World Bosses in most cases, but for collection events like Mawdrey and the Karka Hatchlings in LA,
That's kind of the base requirement for it. You think people would just happen onto all of the griffon eggs by chance?

Well, yes. How do you think the very first few people got it?

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This is kind of an absurd argument. Do you honestly expect players to research every part of the game before completing it?

Whenever I am doing a collection achievement, I always research what I will need to get and where I will need to go to get it, just so I can make sure I have the resources to complete it.

This doesnt apply to self-driven content like Living World or World Bosses in most cases, but for collection events like Mawdrey and the Karka Hatchlings in LA,
That's kind of the base requirement for it. You think people would just happen onto all of the griffon eggs by chance?

Certainly. That's how I got my griffon. I was working on it when there were no guides around.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This is kind of an absurd argument. Do you honestly expect players to research every part of the game before completing it?

Whenever I am doing a collection achievement, I always research what I will need to get and where I will need to go to get it, just so I can make sure I have the resources to complete it.

This doesnt apply to self-driven content like Living World or World Bosses in most cases, but for collection events like Mawdrey and the Karka Hatchlings in LA,
That's kind of the base requirement for it. You think people would just happen onto all of the griffon eggs by chance?

Well, yes. How do you think the very first few people got it?

I always assumed they used the walkthrough book they purchased with the game.

(Those large textbook type books people used for the original Prince of Persia to be playable, though I didn't use it).

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@DarthFurby.3970 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This is kind of an absurd argument. Do you honestly expect players to research every part of the game before completing it?

Whenever I am doing a collection achievement, I always research what I will need to get and where I will need to go to get it, just so I can make sure I have the resources to complete it.

This doesnt apply to self-driven content like Living World or World Bosses in most cases, but for collection events like Mawdrey and the Karka Hatchlings in LA,
That's kind of the base requirement for it. You think people would just happen onto all of the griffon eggs by chance?

Well, yes. How do you think the very first few people got it?

I always assumed they used the walkthrough book they purchased with the game.

(Those large textbook type books people used for the original Prince of Persia to be playable, though I didn't use it).

I'm not sure there is a guide book for Path of Fire. There was one for the base game but so much has changed since then I'm not sure it'd be any use these days.

But the griffon collection does include hints, built into the game. The initial items you find prompt you to find NPCs who will direct you to the Sunspear Sanctuary and there's a clue to find each item in the collections which usually includes the area of the map it's in and a rough description of the location so, especially if you know the PoF maps, it can be pretty clear where to look. So it's not like people were just roaming around the maps at random hoping to stumble across an egg.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This is kind of an absurd argument. Do you honestly expect players to research every part of the game before completing it?

Whenever I am doing a collection achievement, I always research what I will need to get and where I will need to go to get it, just so I can make sure I have the resources to complete it.

This doesnt apply to self-driven content like Living World or World Bosses in most cases, but for collection events like Mawdrey and the Karka Hatchlings in LA,
That's kind of the base requirement for it. You think people would just happen onto all of the griffon eggs by chance?

Well, yes. How do you think the very first few people got it?

I always assumed they used the walkthrough book they purchased with the game.

(Those large textbook type books people used for the original Prince of Persia to be playable, though I didn't use it).

I'm not sure there is a guide book for Path of Fire. There was one for the base game but so much has changed since then I'm not sure it'd be any use these days.

But the griffon collection does include hints, built into the game. The initial items you find prompt you to find NPCs who will direct you to the Sunspear Sanctuary and there's a clue to find each item in the collections which usually includes the area of the map it's in and a rough description of the location so, especially if you know the PoF maps, it can be pretty clear where to look. So it's not like people were just roaming around the maps at random hoping to stumble across an egg.

My apologies, I really want to go back to the time where we don't have to flag the comment as sarcastic when it is. Rather just leave it to interpretation. Not sure if you had this experience but when I used to buy games maybe like a decade ago they always tried throwing in a giant guide book to help me through it. Specifically they claimed Prince of Persia can't be done without it, ironically I did buy the book and it was quite helpful.

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When I started the collections, I realized that - for me personally - the Griffon is nice to fly high and cross over safely long distances, but I can absolutely not manage to be precise with it at landing. I then stopped using it and did everything with raptor/springer/normal gliding. It worked a lot better for me, meaning that I had no real need for Griffon. I therefore postponed the invest: I did the collections up to missing the items to be purchased only. After that, I have played for months without Griffon. Some weeks ago, as I had no need to invest gold in anything urgent, I finally invested and got the Griffon.All that to say: Even if you like using Griffon (like most payers. I know I am an exception not to feel good at using it), there is no real hurry to get one because everything can be done with raptor/springer/skimmer/jackal and normal gliding. The Griffon is mandatory for very few things and none of those are a roadblock to progressing/playing PoF. This can let the time necessary to build up the gold. :)

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Griffon does need practice to improve accuracy. I'm quite comfortable now, but it took some time.The alternative of using the other pets is always there, but IMO, the griffon is the best for most content, since it allows you to do most things without dancing between different mounts for specific situations.Also it quasi-flyes. It is just great.

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