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worst pvp ever ?


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Hi and sorry for my bad english,

I just wanted to say that...

wow it's amazing how PvP is now really bad !!The imbalance between classes is amazing, some of them really dont need skills (thief pistol spam 3 baby !!! scourge....mesmer...,...) and i m sick of itActually this is not a funny game but a very upesting game because the skills are not rewarded, but only the most cheated class with the most cheated build.I remember that a dev said that there was not second profession in this game like in gw1 (i know these games are different) because it was very painful to balance.....but actually it was very well balanced in comparison to gw2 (can we talk about balance here ????????) !!!!

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:No I would claim seasons 1 through 3 were the worst. Smurfing, win trading and winstreaking made the situation truly awful. I find professions in GW1 very well balanced.

Agreed, with the exception of chronomancer and tentatively scourge at this time.Mist Challengers success and the hacking banwave have shown that its possible for PVP to still be engaging and enticing, as long as toxicity is handled at the door, so to speak.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@Ithilwen.1529 said:No I would claim seasons 1 through 3 were the worst. Smurfing, win trading and winstreaking made the situation truly awful. I find professions in GW1 very well balanced.

Agreed, with the exception of chronomancer and tentatively scourge at this time.Mist Challengers success and the hacking banwave have shown that its possible for PVP to still be engaging and enticing, as long as toxicity is handled at the door, so to speak.

I think if a team with a Power Reaper, Power Herald, Tempest, Dragon Hunter, and Condi Warrior won the Mist Challenger tourney then you could MAYBE make this claim. But since you basically HAD to have a mesmer, a thief, a firebrand, and a scourge... then I don't know how valid that tourney was (which had to ban a class).

I get that certain classes will always be better than others in conquest.... I just wouldn't say that one great tourney (it was great) indicates that PvP is in a great shape.

It's not as bad as most make it out to be. But it's still severely limited by poor design (worse than balance issues) and conquest only maps.

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What for me as a long time player is frustrating is that REAL OBVIOUS balance mismatches are always tackled after at least 3-6+ months. Usually more towards the latter. Kudos for that ‘mesmer hotfix though (Anets’ worlds’ first HYPE.) It’s a shame that it didn’t cut it at all. The main issue im trying to describe is playing a fun game for years, but for several months of each year it’s just plagued with ‘meta’ and/or bugs. If they could manage to adress these issues faster I think everyone in general would be more enticed to play.Now before someone comes in here and says: ‘but balance requires testing etc before it can be implemented’. Sure, valid argument however let’s take chrono for example: Wouldnt it be better to overnerf the OP class and patch it up later? Instead of having an entire community with 8 other classes suffer for multiple seasons while you find the magic/surgical precision nerf you’ve been working on for months? Tldr is this: rather fuck over 1 class and let 8 others have fun meanwhile, than let it reign OP and have all non-mesmer players annoyed as fuck for multiple seasons. Cmmon @Anet what kind of logic is that?

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Probably not worst, but the least fun. I'm personnaly done facing mesmers and scourges over and over( i've experienced games with 2 mesmers and 2 necros on both sides), it has no direct counter, and it's too complicated to have an impact on the game not playing these classes yourself. Feels like it takes 1 player or even 1 single mistake to lose the game.

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What this game needs is an individual so daring as to perfect the art of the "Off-Meta". An individual so dazzling and confident, giving his audience the most entertaining experience this game has to offer. What we as a community need is one player who's skill surmounts any potential obstacle, who's pure ability can inspire thousands to abandon their reliance on over saturated play styles. What I am saying is quite simple warriors: we need Shadow.

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@"guest.9472" said:What this game needs is an individual so daring as to perfect the art of the "Off-Meta". An individual so dazzling and confident, giving his audience the most entertaining experience this game has to offer. What we as a community need is one player who's skill surmounts any potential obstacle, who's pure ability can inspire thousands to abandon their reliance on over saturated play styles. What I am saying is quite simple warriors: we need Shadow.

Oh shit, I had completely forgotten about that guy. 1v1 God. Good times

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@Kraitan.8476 said:Kudos for that ‘mesmer hotfix though (Anets’ worlds’ first HYPE.)

This was not the first time ArenaNet hotfixed something. They've done it a few times, the last time being the hotfix nerf to choking gas CC spam. There was also the mid season changes to Well of Precognition during season 1.

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As long as they change numbers, nothing will change. By nothing I mean that there will be meta shifts from one extremity to the other. They should finally understand (or they do) that throwing stuff into PvE and hoping it will scale and implement itself to different game modes that have require a different type of skillset (as a player) will not work properly. It's not just about balancing numbers, but core issues with things such as overabundance of certain capabilities that were not scaled properly, for example mobility skills that are meant to give an advantage, but they can be used too frequently, creating an endless rinse and repeat kind of situations that would never make the cut in other mmorpgs, there are limits.This is just a tip of the iceberg that we could dwell upon for months and years but nothing will change because of above mentioned spaghetti coding. At this point it's just crippling mechanics of GW2 that won't change, or GW3 as a hope for something more balanced.

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THe game's combat never really worked for pvp, there are just too many broken combinations, the insane amount of particle effects hide what is actually going on in combat,the broken state of conditions and 1 trick pony meta builds, conquest being the only real pvp mode where bunkers just afk on a capture point and no one can take it away from them and the crazy amount of cc that stunlocks you forever and no 1 stunbreak skill wont save you

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@"guest.9472" said:What this game needs is an individual so daring as to perfect the art of the "Off-Meta". An individual so dazzling and confident, giving his audience the most entertaining experience this game has to offer. What we as a community need is one player who's skill surmounts any potential obstacle, who's pure ability can inspire thousands to abandon their reliance on over saturated play styles. What I am saying is quite simple warriors: we need Shadow.

Hi, you called?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"guest.9472" said:What this game needs is an individual so daring as to perfect the art of the "Off-Meta". An individual so dazzling and confident, giving his audience the most entertaining experience this game has to offer. What we as a community need is one player who's skill surmounts any potential obstacle, who's pure ability can inspire thousands to abandon their reliance on over saturated play styles. What I am saying is quite simple warriors: we need Shadow.

Hi, you called?

Shadow the Jedi

not you

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  • 2 months later...

@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"guest.9472" said:What this game needs is an individual so daring as to perfect the art of the "Off-Meta". An individual so dazzling and confident, giving his audience the most entertaining experience this game has to offer. What we as a community need is one player who's skill surmounts any potential obstacle, who's pure ability can inspire thousands to abandon their reliance on over saturated play styles. What I am saying is quite simple warriors: we need Shadow.

Hi, you called?

Shadow the Jedi

not you

hard pass

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"I remember that a dev said that there was not second profession in this game like in gw1 (i know these games are different) because it was very painful to balance.....but actually it was very well balanced in comparison to gw2 (can we talk about balance here ????????) !!!!"

That is what i've been saying. But i think i fund the reason. In GW1, it may've been hard to balance over 1300 skills and dual profession, but at least Anet had something something called a BALANCE TEAM, not a BALANCE PERSON aka Ben.

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@"Nuka Cola.8520" said:"I remember that a dev said that there was not second profession in this game like in gw1 (i know these games are different) because it was very painful to balance.....but actually it was very well balanced in comparison to gw2 (can we talk about balance here ????????) !!!!"

That is what i've been saying. But i think i fund the reason. In GW1, it may've been hard to balance over 1300 skills and dual profession, but at least Anet had something something called a BALANCE TEAM, not a BALANCE PERSON aka Ben.

What’s really sad is Ben isn’t even on the “Balance” Team yet gets more done Balance wise.

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

@"Nuka Cola.8520" said:"I remember that a dev said that there was not second profession in this game like in gw1 (i know these games are different) because it was very painful to balance.....but actually it was very well balanced in comparison to gw2 (can we talk about balance here ????????) !!!!"

That is what i've been saying. But i think i fund the reason. In GW1, it may've been hard to balance over 1300 skills and dual profession, but at least Anet had something something called a BALANCE TEAM, not a BALANCE PERSON aka Ben.

What’s really sad is Ben isn’t even on the “Balance” Team yet gets more done Balance wise.

What team is he on? He is on pvp streams every day. How can the only anet dev watching so much pvp not in the balance department? No wonder this game is a mess...

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It is easy to answer this question. If you're a bad player, yes, then it's the worst pvp so far. Among other things, I also count players who select their skills with a mouse pointer and click! There are many more examples! The variety of playable classes or specializations, was it ever higher than now? The problem lies in the population and the general number of poorly-playing, rather ignorant players! This, in turn, is an interesting topic in itself. The question of why. I count the playable specializations (my finding), then I come to 21 of 27. In view of the currently playable classes, the balance is more than good! This does not mean that the balance is optimal and you could or should not make any improvements here and there! So much for that, first.

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I stopped playing PvP because it isn't contest of skill any more, it's about what class you play paper/rock/scissors it is way too annoying and isn't actually fun unless you play the dominate meta builds for meta classes. It's a total and utter disgraceful sham. More importantly it just isn't fun. Their are too many things that have been added which would require rewiring PvP from the ground up to put it right again. It all started when they introduced zero counterplay moves, no visual cues for one combo-shotters, unblockables, etc. etc. We now know in order to sell expansions they are going to create even more ridiculous specs that will totally out class the previous ones...this is the very definition of power creep.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:"I remember that a dev said that there was not second profession in this game like in gw1 (i know these games are different) because it was very painful to balance.....but actually it was very well balanced in comparison to gw2 (can we talk about balance here ????????) !!!!"

That is what i've been saying. But i think i fund the reason. In GW1, it may've been hard to balance over 1300 skills and dual profession, but at least Anet had something something called a BALANCE TEAM, not a BALANCE PERSON aka Ben.

What’s really sad is Ben isn’t even on the “Balance” Team yet gets more done Balance wise.

What team is he on? He is on pvp streams every day. How can the only anet dev watching so much pvp not in the balance department? No wonder this game is a mess...

He is on the PvP and now WvW teams, the Balance Team is it’s own team

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sPVP balance is kinda fine ... there's a lot of build diversity actually. The problem is the healthyness of the game mode.

Being down 100 to 0 in 2 sec isn't a funny experience. Especially when the guy is using only one skill (AKA revenant sword 4 - DD riffle 1 full malice - Core guard Burst + proc - reaper shroud 4 + proc - ... )

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