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Please nerf Twilight Oasis!

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@lawrenceCG.3896 said:

@"Mikeskies.1536" said:She's not that difficult. Even when she has Adrenaline Rush on T4. Practice dodging mechanics.

HAhahhaha =) , that moment when you run out of endurance and all you can see around is giant yellow circles and you say in your mind "Oh S
t, I'm ****
" not to mention your best friend the best hugging buddy Flux Bomb. At the end when you are dead all you can say is fml :') why am I doing this!

Run out of endurance??? In Twilight Oasis???OK, here's the solution to all your problems: learn to use your Special Action Key. Just like in Shattered Observatory, it is overpowered. It's a free evade on a short cooldown and it doesn't even break your cast. It is the universal answer to all the "oh shit" moments in this fractal.

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Tbh: This whole frac, even on T4 needs only at least one good DPS (Support as e.g. Boon Chrono obv helps there) and knowledge about the special action key.

The amount of needed CC is pretty low, the between phases (where you go up) are easy and the boss itself has only like one seriously harmful spell per transformation.As soon you know that attack and when to dodge it (e.g. with the Special Action Key if needed) you are fine. As always: Learning by doing failing.

Nevertheless I agree, this fractal is most likely the hardest one out there currently - not taking CMs into account.(Do not really know about Shattered Observatory and Nightmare Fractal, because I only run them at CM.)I think a lot of people just panic about the effect clutter - specially in the last phase, even tho it is fastly over and only need like two dodges. Maybe nerfing the effects of less harmful spells and increasing the ones of harmful spells with additional AoE circles for them would help, not sure.

Generally I guess A-Net should not focus on making single more challenging fractals as Twilight Oasis, but instead make ones similar hard to former ones and give the people more access to CMs.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:If anything, it just needs less rando adds. That fractal has an awful lot of rando adds.

@"lawrenceCG.3896" said:Today I was in Twilight Oasis for 1 hour because of the last boss. She is soo hard in Tier 3 that we couldn't bring her health down to 6% and as soon as we reach that threshold she goes berserk eventually I had to quit. Tell me I am not the only person facing this issue! It's challenging but if we get the same outcome, again and again, that means there is something wrong.

That fractal is so damn annoying, I just can't stand it. However the problem is not the difficulty per se, in my opinion. The problem is that its mechanics are a "let's just spam red areas on top of player's heads". That, and those annoying moving circles. If anet had designed the fractal to be mechanically complex, not an aoe spam, it would be fine. I would not want a nerf, I'd want a redesign.

But honestly I think that if you can't kill her in t3 there is some problem with your group. Being no or bad heals, bad dps, bad dodging, I don't know. Even if it's annoying, the fractal is doable.

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If anything, this topic might actually be highlighting that the problem is with players in T3 fractals.Having only started fractals towards the end of 2017, I still remember the journey from T1 to T4.T1 is as it should be, beginner level, very forgiving, many people don't know what they are doing but they spam skills and just bundle through the encounters.T2 is only slightly harder, some additional mechanics but really most can facetank, people dodge better and mobs and bosses melt quickly.T3 is where you get some issues relating to lack of experience. T1 and T2 you can ignore so many mechanics and take damage with little risk but at T3 things begin to hurt if you ignore warning and fail to dodge certain attacks. This is probably the 1st tier where attacks can 100-to-0 one-shot you. Because players rise through T1 &2 so quickly, they get to T3 and still don't know many mechanics. DPS classes still think they can dump bursts and kill bosses before they need to dodge or deal with encounter mechanics (subject 6 is an example).Once you get to T4s, these problems go away as there are lots of experienced players who can to a degree carry 1 -2 less knowledgeable players..With regards to this fractal (TO), I personally find it very fun, it's far from the snore-fests which are Solid Ocean or Aquatic. Knowing the timing of AOEs is important for it however - there are some you can just walk out of and not waste your dodge and some where you can still be in the red circle but if you dodge at the correct time, the damage will be "evaded". I'd say having permanent vigor is good for the boss encounter. The skills are telegraphed very clearly and the "special action" has a low cooldown so once you get into the swing of things, it's a breeze.Having said all this, I'd still recommend having a dedicated healer - maybe even for T3 if you're sloppy with dodging..My only gripe with the whole fractal is - why do the "spinning vortex" attacks not get negated by having stability?

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The main problem I see in this fractal is the same I see in swampland, snowblind or Mai Trin: SPAM OF CIRCLES all the time. And even more if LL, FB or TT are among the instabilities. Circles, circles and more circles. Not a difficult fight, just a matter of dodging all the time. And yes, you cannot be dodging all the time, which makes it so annoying.

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@Pirindolo.9427 said:The main problem I see in this fractal is the same I see in swampland or Mai Trin: SPAM OF CIRCLES all the time. And even more if LL, FB or TT are among the instabilities. Circles, circles and more circles. Not a difficult fight, just a matter of dodging all the time. And yes, you cannot be dodging all the time, which makes it so annoying.^That is something most people do wrong. It should be side-stepping all the time, with the occasional dodge / special action key mixed in.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:If anything, it just needs less rando adds. That fractal has an awful lot of rando adds.

Emphasis on the awful. :(Some amount of trash can be fun, especially if it's an easy choice to skip or fight. I think Underground has an okay mix: there are at least two groups that can be ignored or fought for mats, and the required fights don't interrupt the flow of a good group. I don't feel that's true in TO or the new Molten Boss.

Still, the bigger fights (both in TO and Molten-B) seem fair. A group that divvies up the mechanics/buffs/dps won't have much trouble; the ones that don't will.

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@spiritualabyss.7016 said:

@Pirindolo.9427 said:The main problem I see in this fractal is the same I see in swampland or Mai Trin: SPAM OF CIRCLES all the time. And even more if LL, FB or TT are among the instabilities. Circles, circles and more circles. Not a difficult fight, just a matter of dodging all the time. And yes, you cannot be dodging all the time, which makes it so annoying.^That is something most people do wrong. It should be side-stepping all the time, with the occasional dodge / special action key mixed in.

That you say is something that works when you have 1 circle. In those fractals I said you don't have 1 circle to sidestep, the whole area around you is full of circles

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@Pirindolo.9427 said:

@Pirindolo.9427 said:The main problem I see in this fractal is the same I see in swampland or Mai Trin: SPAM OF CIRCLES all the time. And even more if LL, FB or TT are among the instabilities. Circles, circles and more circles. Not a difficult fight, just a matter of dodging all the time. And yes, you cannot be dodging all the time, which makes it so annoying.^That is something most people do wrong. It should be side-stepping all the time, with the occasional dodge / special action key mixed in.

That you say is something that works when you have 1 circle. In those fractals I said you don't have 1 circle to sidestep, the whole area around you is full of circlesArea-covering circles happen with a such a low frequency that dodge/special action key are more than enough to deal with them.
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Fighting one boss for 1 hour and not completing it??? Not the boss, but your team, bro.

Amala is one of the most challenging bosses in fractals (something like Viirastra), and I hope she won't be nerfed.

Also feeling the power of the Gods is something soo epic.

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@"lawrenceCG.3896" said:HAhahhaha =) , that moment when you run out of endurance and all you can see around is giant yellow circles and you say in your mind "Oh St, I'm **** " not to mention your best friend the best hugging buddy Flux Bomb. At the end when you are dead all you can say is fml :') why am I doing this!

@Pirindolo.9427 said:

@Pirindolo.9427 said:The main problem I see in this fractal is the same I see in swampland or Mai Trin: SPAM OF CIRCLES all the time. And even more if LL, FB or TT are among the instabilities. Circles, circles and more circles. Not a difficult fight, just a matter of dodging all the time. And yes, you cannot be dodging all the time, which makes it so annoying.^That is something most people do wrong. It should be side-stepping all the time, with the occasional dodge / special action key mixed in.

That you say is something that works when you have 1 circle. In those fractals I said you don't have 1 circle to sidestep, the whole area around you is full of circles

Anticipate where the circles will be. It's PVE, it's scripted. In time you will find the mechanics easier, don't give up on it. On t4 where people you go with are more experienced, you'll find TO actually more enjoyable than the older fractals (looking at you solid ocean). The problem is people dodge enemy aoes on sight even though they can position/side step away from it and then complain their endurance is empty. Another problem is they don't dodge at all/use the super jump that is bound on the special action key at all when amala does the shockwave. I've seen it too many times specially on people that were carried to t4. Learn to use it 'cause it's a real life saver.

Please don't ask to dumb down the fractals to the ground. Step your pussy game up.

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@Dante.1763 said:I see alot of people talking about check points, but she only seems to have one and thats at 65% HP, having one at the Balth stage would be nice to see...

When I mentioned checkpoints I meant the 65% hp + every time you go up in the alcoves to kill a priest.Because after killing a priest, everyone in your party that is down or dead gets revived.

This essentially allows you to revive your whole team by simply killing a priest on your own. I'd consider that as soft-checkpoints.They have been introduced as an answer to people struggling with this fractal, as originally the resurrection only happened after you killed the grenth-priest.

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:

@"Dante.1763" said:I see alot of people talking about check points, but she only seems to have one and thats at 65% HP, having one at the Balth stage would be nice to see...

Srsly? A checkpoint at the balthazar phase, where you'd just need to burst down the last few percent? Why not simply a loot box?

TBH i dont have issues with the boss. Personally wiped a few times, but once you learn the attacks its not so bad. And yes. Instead of nerfing the mechanics and the boss fight further, id rather see them add a checkpoint at that phase, you may not like it, and i know the "pro"/ "getgud" crowd wont either, but it seems to me to be a decent middle ground.

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I have only tackled this particular Fractal a handful of times and I completed it on T4 the first time I had even attempted it. While it is noticeably more difficult than many of the other Fractals it is far from impossible. Similarly to Chaos Isles and Shattered Observatory, you are given an extra evade on a short cooldown, you should be making use of this. Each phase is simply an exercise in evasion before a break-bar and then DPS burst.Keep at it and try to explain the sequence of events to your team so everyone is pulling their weight. It does help to have someone on a dedicated support build to keep up the health of the team.

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Btw, the special action button can be used while youre channeling a skill, provided you also dont move while using the special action button. The skill will be still fully cast (eg it youre an ele and start casting meteor shower, you can press the special action button to Jump straight up and avoid damage while the meteor will be fully cast).Hope that helps

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I'm a 40 hr a week worker so i can dedicate myself to a static etc.In my experience with PUGs, some of these are just not worth doing / can take a 1-2 hrs with people leaving/joining/retrying

  1. Shattered observatory 2nd boss. this one is just too difficult with pugs, they just keep dying. all groups thats fine with 2nd boss is fine with last. I just don't bother doing this one anymore, not worth the time/effort.

  2. Twilight oasis last boss. not as bad as SO, but can still take an hour. good thing is there is usually a LFG for @ final boss. but then again the LFG is there because the group has a hard time staying alive.

  3. Thaum reactor first room ooze. This one is more about rhythm unless you have a maxed out dps group that can kill in almost one cc stun. usually takes PUG groups a couple of tries, but that's because people need to tone down DPS and kill the blue+greens.

  4. Final boss in Chaos and Nightmare, usually fine but sometimes a wipe or 2 before killing.

  5. and 4. aren't really a problem generally, they are just there because they can take a couple of tries every other time doing them with PUGs.

oh, this is all regular T4 btw, no CM.SO as a rec just isn't worth the time except maybe 25.and i see people giving advice on how to do better, but in T4 you really should know your stuff by then.

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No issue with the boss. Just that it takes too long to get there. Simply way too much trash, that people usually run skip by. So easy to get lost in there.But personally I dont find t4 fractals very fun to play, very obnoxious, gave up at 85. At least i got done with ad infinitum.

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@Fishae.2503 said:and i see people giving advice on how to do better, but in T4 you really should know your stuff by then.And that's the problem, there are too many people in normal T4s that have no clue what to do. Probably got carried that high, or whatever else. In the last months, the average quality of pugs in normal T4s has taken a deep dive. It almost feels as if all competent people have gone into the CM groups.

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:

@Fishae.2503 said:and i see people giving advice on how to do better, but in T4 you really should know your stuff by then.And that's the problem, there are too many people in normal T4s that have no clue what to do. Probably got carried that high, or whatever else. In the last months, the average quality of pugs in normal T4s has taken a deep dive. It almost feels as if all competent people have gone into the CM groups.

Or left. Not saying game is dead, but a lot of people have certainly just stopped playing nearly as regularly as they used to.

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