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Guild Wars 3 vs Living World Season 5

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We're more likely to see a GW2.5 than we are a GW3. And IF there is ever a GW3, you can bet there will be a huge jump in years again, and maybe even a new world. Tyria is already borderline doomed, and nobody says we have to win in the end. Survivors could flee to a new world right before Tyria falls, destroying Cantha before we ever get a chance to go back. (And that would allow them to run with new ideas that just don't work on Tyria.)

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@Palador.2170 said:We're more likely to see a GW2.5 than we are a GW3. And IF there is ever a GW3, you can bet there will be a huge jump in years again, and maybe even a new world. Tyria is already borderline doomed, and nobody says we have to win in the end. Survivors could flee to a new world right before Tyria falls, destroying Cantha before we ever get a chance to go back. (And that would allow them to run with new ideas that just don't work on Tyria.)

I would cry if we don’t go back to Cantha. ?

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@Tyson.5160 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

Sure, I would always ask for brand new things too, just not realistic.

GW2 has been out for almost six years. The game is running on DX9. WvW is dead. SPVP is dead. Everything is so unbalanced, its a mess that will take em years of reworking. New player experience is atrocious.

I think its time. The state of GW1 is 2012 (pre gw2 launch) was much better than GW2 in 2018. With the gem store, of course they're making money, but the game is a wrecked car, good luck fixing it.

Woah now partner, I hate it when people say this. You know what dead means yeah? Devoid of life as in nothing is happening. Like absolute nothing. If I went into pvp and wvw and literally no matches were being played or no people were in the map, then I would agree with it being dead. What you are doing is hyper exaggerating.

You're right, by "dead mmo" standards, GW2 isn't fully dead, its in its zombie state.

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Who's to say they aren't already developing GW3 as we speak?!? So the years in future everyone is talking about could have started in 2017 and roll-out in 2020.

I don't know what ANET's business model is, but I do know that once a company reaches a certain size it needs to branch out, reinvent itself, adapt to new technologies, or risk being left behind.

I brought up the question to see whether people were wanting more of the same or a new platform.

Funding will come from people buying the game, keeping the "gem store atomsphere," and making things intermittently that people want to buy.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

First of all, what makes you think that Season 5 will be "the last chapter"? Second, how do you expect to keep your characters when at the same time you are asking for a new GW?

And last but not least, I sincerely hope that, if there ever is to be a GW3, it would take place in Tyria's past (before GW1), not its future; I don't need any more sci-fi skin designs or crazy magi-tech to ruin my fantasy game experience. ;)

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They pretty much stated that there was no plans for a 3. That if things go (sell) well, they will make additional living world stories and expansions. The picture that was out before PoF had at least 2 more living seasons and expansions as the goal. And, they said they would just add more if everyone still liked the game.

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New does not automatically mean better. I'd say improve on GW2 before starting something new. With MMOs there's also the fact that companies usually lose a big part of a very enthusiastic playerbase when the transition isn't done right.Sure, new players come in and start off, but you always have to weigh one against the other. I've sunken thousands of hours in this game and would probably not do so with a new one.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

First of all, what makes you think that Season 5 will be "the last chapter"? Second, how do you expect to keep your characters when at the same time you are asking for a new GW?

And last but not least, I sincerely hope that, if there ever is to be a GW3, it would take place in Tyria's past (before GW1), not its future; I don't need any more sci-fi skin designs or crazy magi-tech to ruin my fantasy game experience. ;)

First of all I didn't say that Season 5 would be the last chapter. I said that I would like the last chapter of GW2 to roll into GW3.

Second, if there is a cataclysmic event that "ends" GW2, it would open the door to a whole new system, much like what happened prior to GW2. Only the PC are there to pick up the pieces.

Third, I think going back before GW1 would be good as a Bonus Pack or optional game.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

Or would you rather just see a continuation of map expansion in GW2?

personally i'd rather see GW3 just because i like starting fresh and anew in MMOs. i like the feeling of experiencing a mmo for the first time. and knowing it's guild wars would just make it even better. could you imagine if blizzard made world of warcraft 2? people would go nuts. well, that would be me with guild wars 3.

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@"lokh.2695" said:New does not automatically mean better. I'd say improve on GW2 before starting something new. With MMOs there's also the fact that companies usually lose a big part of a very enthusiastic playerbase when the transition isn't done right.Sure, new players come in and start off, but you always have to weigh one against the other. I've sunken thousands of hours in this game and would probably not do so with a new one.

This is why I think we're more likely to see a "GW2.5" revamp of this game than a whole new game. ANet may not have it in them to make a whole new engine for the game, but I'm sure they're at least keeping an eye on what's out there and considering the costs of replacing at least part of the game engine with something new. It wouldn't be cheap, but it would cost a lot less than making a whole new game and wouldn't lose them as much playerbase.

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@"wrathmagik.3518" said:I can't believe how many people here are dumb enough to think GW3 is even a possibility. You have no idea how game development and MMO's work.

Just because some people "have no idea" doesn't make them "dumb". Uninformed <> unintelligent.

@Ubi.4136 said:They pretty much stated that there was no plans for a 3.

It would make no sense at all, since GW2 is doing well. Not at this point, and not in the near future (ask again 10-15 years from now ;) ).

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

One of the choices makes you abandon everything you invested in GW2 so far (because there's no way the potential new game would let you keep your characters, like OP wanted), for uncertain faraway future that for sure will turn out to be far less bright than some people hope. One doesn't.

The choice indeed is clear.

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I still don't get why anyone would ever want a GW3. What kind of expectations do you have? Nothing much will change, if they make it just an improved version of GW2 then it will be boring as hell and if they make it a new game with an entirely new concept then they'll have an entirely new clientel just like they did with the transition from GW to GW2, not nearly every GW player transitioned to GW2 but they've gained many new players, a similar thing would be expected for a GW3 except, as with every change, you never know for sure how people will like it, maybe they'll just loose all their players and noone will like GW3? It would be an unneccessary risk.

And if GW3 would be just an improved version of GW2 then they could (and should) just take some time to give GW2 a huge engine overhaul, go over the code and polish it, make a graphics upgrade like Blizzard had done with WoW a while ago and just polish the game before proceeding to add more new content.

Creating a new game is a lot of effort and I can't imagine that it'd pay off more than a GW2 overhaul.A huge GW2 update would bring back lot's of players that're curious to see new graphics and play the game on an improved engine.

I hope we'll never see a GW3, I can't imagine any way in which GW3 would be better than a GW2 upgrade.

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  • 5 months later...

@"Nuka Cola.8520" said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

your severely undermining LW and the sacrifices required to make a new GW.lets go over what you just said. in a more realistic context:

One choice (LWS5) gives you another story mode, a potential couple new maps, a small extra mechanic, and a build up to the new xpac. and would require at most a bundle of gems from the player to buy it.

GW3 on the other hand, would mean a new or completely changed map, a whole new personal story, and new proffessions. which isn't a bad thing, but that requires the player to sacrifice everything they did in GW2. and would cost Anet a shat ton of money. which would also take years to develop. and if GW2 really was as stale as you said it is, then making GW3 would stop GW2 development entirely. and what would long time players do in the meantime?

and you're acting like GW3 would bring GW as a whole back from it's supposedly zombie like state. it won't. it will do the exact same thing. people aren't going to come to GW3 simply because it's "new" or even because it's better. and where did this "unbalanced" gameplay complaint come from?

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"lukebytes.4358" said:"unbalanced" gameplay complaint come from?

To this last bit, the game has had sever power creep from both expansions, PVP and WvW are both a mess balance wise as well, and PVE is just barely better.

but the elite specs are simply extensions to your character, not overpowered overhauls. I know this from having a renegade; it's not better, it's just extra.and if your talking about the exploits players use to dominate other players/enemies, that's always going to happen no matter what the devs do. that's not exactly a problem you can fix even if a new game was created.

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@lukebytes.4358 said:

@lukebytes.4358 said:"unbalanced" gameplay complaint come from?

To this last bit, the game has had sever power creep from both expansions, PVP and WvW are both a mess balance wise as well, and PVE is just barely better.

but the elite specs are simply extensions to your character, not overpowered overhauls. I know this from having a renegade; it's not better, it's just extra.and if your talking about the exploits players use to dominate other players/enemies, that's always going to happen no matter what the devs do. that's not exactly a problem you can fix even if a new game was created.

Soulbeast is 100% an upgrade to damage on regular Ranger to the point that you cannot run base ranger in group content, you either do druid or SB.Weaver is required for eles to even be considered for group content these days due to the nerfs that base ele has obtained.

Mirage is idiotically more powerful than base Mesmers.DD/DE is an upgrade on base thief.Holosmith is a massive upgrade to engineer.

Almost all builds that are mainstream /require/ an elite spec due to the amount of damage, or utility they offer over the base spec, outside of players who "play how i want" very few people use base classes due to them being underpowered by themselves.

Elite specs have made core content idiotically easy to the point that i cant recall ever dying in level 80 maps(core) on any of my characters running "meta" builds, and dungeons(Yes they are abandoned) can easily be be three manned where even after the nerfs they got before HoT and PoF went live they could not.

The games balance needs to be looked at, across the board, two expansions in and with the third being held off till the end of season 5 this is probably the best time to do it.

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