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Is it ok to lock the Gryphon mount behind a gold sink collection.


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I'm a big believer in multiple ways to doing things; buy/farm mats, long easier challenges/short epic level challenges, real $/gems/in-game gold it would allow everyone to play to their strengths and abilities.When things are truly locked behind a single aspect of the game that you don't accel (Jumping Puzzles, Raids, Fractals), you really can't go further.

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@GreyWolf.8670 said:I think it's a bad idea considering there is a way to buy gold with real money. It's essentially selling the mounts.

Do no work? It requires playing quite a bit to unlock the mounts!

But the gold is just one of the requirements. You'd still have to do all the other stuff even if you did buy gold.

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I agree it's a reasonable amount but i wish they would let us unlock the masteries when we unlock the collection instead of when we get the mount. That way, the people who are going for it just for the levels wouldn't need to spend gold to do so.I know most people don't really care about mastery level, but I like to be at level cap in MMOs. I'm working to get the mount but if the mastery wasn't involved I probably wouldn't.I know gold isn't terribly hard to get, but if I want to grind gold for something pretty I would go for any of the legendary weapons (and it's currently an annoyance since I was devoting all my gold into making Astralaria).However, this is not a complaint, just my opinion :)

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It's boring and lazy.

They could've made it a far more interesting collection, but instead they went with a dull gold sink. I typically feel the same way about Legendaries. It's not a journey, it's not an undertaking, it's foremost a gold grind. Which i think is dull, far to many things are already basicly just a gold grind.

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@Terrahero.9358 said:It's boring and lazy.

They could've made it a far more interesting collection, but instead they went with a dull gold sink. I typically feel the same way about Legendaries. It's not a journey, it's not an undertaking, it's foremost a gold grind. Which i think is dull, far to many things are already basicly just a gold grind.

Have you read the full list of requirements to get the griffon mount? There's a lot more to it than getting the gold: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffon_(mount)

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@Pifil.5193 said:Is fine, a 250g sink is fine for this, most vets probably have far more than this (I've sank a lot more gold into cultural armour and got much less out of it) and those that don't have that much gold can make it over a few weeks or months and treat it as a longer term goal.

That's a fair point; but the achievement and title for cultural armor doesn't have an effect on game-play, the Griffon does. It replaces the glider as a more effective version of it that also travels fast - additionally, it locks mastery experience behind gold (or real life $$) which has not been done before and in my mind sets a dangerous precedent. ONE time is OK, but when people are all like whatever, it's fine, that's when in the third expansion, we're potentially paying 500 gold just to progress.

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Had 190g and managed to scrounge up the last 60g needed. I aquired the gryphon earlier today and spent a couple hours training it to max. Its well worth the time and goldinvestment. For one its much faster than gliders, plus you can actually gain height and remain airborne for longer times with a combo of flapping and swoop diving and soaring upwards. Also, doing the swoop maneuver correctly, grants you a 2 min swiftness boon that is refreshable. Plus it can be mounted in the air while you are falling! Only minus is that you cant use updrafts, so that remains a perk of gliders, but i do think this mount has killed any urges to buy new gliders on the gemstore, with how much less use they are going to get now.

Now just to finish exping for skimmer 4 and im done with masteries for now. Pof is extremely generous with mastery points unlike Hot.

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@Daniel.5428 said:

@Draknar.5748 said:This really only affects new players. If you don't have 250g at this stage in the game, especially considering you get 2g for 10min of playing every day, then that's your own fault. This isn't vanilla GW2 where it was tedious to make money. You can make money very easy in this game now. For 250g you might have to actually save instead of spend, maybe clean out your collectibles tab if you're really desperate. But really it shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

I have full legendary set, both pistols, rifle, harpoon gun, fractal back and Aurora (my engi likes purple, I know). Believe me, I had worst days farming than 250g XD. I was just scared they may get an idea of locking normal things behind high priced collections.

I think the most they can really ever expect someone to save up for an awesome item is 6 months. Newer gamers used to instant gratification will think that's absurd, no doubt, but for a really exclusive top of the line item, 6 mos is totally reasonable. So 180 days x 2g = 360g. Asking more than that (of direct gold) would be tough for many to swallow.

As we all know, every legendary item blows those amounts out of the water when it comes to the mats required, and tons of people have legendaries. So really, this is something that only should affect new players unfamiliar with the game and how to make money.

For any veteran player, there's no excuse not to be able to make 250g in fairly short order (couple of weeks if you're flat broke) if you put actual effort into it.

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FYI If you're really desperate to get a griffon and don't think you can make much gold normally both Halloween (end of October) and Wintersday (end of December) are great opportunities to farm gold easily.

It would mean not getting some/all the festival items, because you'll be farming festival materials and then selling them to people who are willing to spend gold to get those items. But it's an option.

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Yes it is ok, because its a pure Prestige Mount.It is meant for the people as a symbol to express that you have played through PoF, its also a good gold sink.The gryphon is nowhere required for the story progress, nor do you need it anywhere for any other content of PoF to be successful in the map.Even the jackal is already a kind of optional mount, which you basically need only for some mastery points, but it is for the story completely irrelevant.

250 Gold is quickly earned nowadays, if you really put on focus on collecting that amount of gold tother by just doing daily some very simple things

  • Do dailies = 2 G /Day
  • Do Dungeons Daily = 5G
  • Do Fractals daily = easy another 5+G
  • Salvage all rare items you get while you play for their Ectos and sell the Ectos = 35s to like 1G per salvaged rare item
  • Salvage all the unidentified loot you get for materials and sell materialx you gret from this, especially the valuable leather will bring in cash quickly, Leather Farm in the LS3 Maps wil lbe profitable for this alot
  • Buy with Laurels you get every few days T6 materials and sell them
  • Make daily the big World Boss Kills like Tequatl, Shatterer, Claw, ect oce, that will net it again some Gold and lots of rares to salvage again and if you are lucky even ascended chests, which if you r lucky with an armor chest, can be salvaged for some great money income items

If you do these things each day, you quickly wil lhave the 250 G together in no time,...I'd understand an uproar, for the costs, if Anet would want of us to play instead of 250 G like 500 or 1000 G, that would be absurd of a price for a mount, but 250G is basically in the border of being doable in a normal amount of time, that you can call this Mount not cheap, but prestigious and its 100% optional.Nobody forces you ever to get it and you neither will ever get it anyway, if you don't own any of the expansions, so non expansion owners don't have to worry here themself at all anyways and need not to care, as logn they are not planning on buyign the expansions.

Just look, even you just do even only the first 3 things on this list, without calculating even in your money income from loot sales, it would basicalyl need you only to do this cycle of 12G income a day by daily achievement, fractal, dungeons like 21 Days, so 3 Weeks of constant farming for gold if you want to look at it that way.

You should expect, that an expansion like PoF, with its size and quality of content should easily keep you busy for far more, than just only 3 weeks of playing the game, don't you think? So making the 250 Gold while just playing normally the game as you would do so anyways is just CALCULATED INTO THE PLAYTIME OF THE PLAYERS, while exploring the expansion and doing all kinds of things in it normally over time.

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This game needs gold sinks that are creative, not just straight up "buy this item for 10g" and so on. It is one of the incredibly non-innovative points about GW2 that hold it back from being a really great game. There are far to many things that have gold sinks which are nothing but gold sinks for the sake of being a gold sink.
I personally think that most collections should be split from gold sinks completely. Time sink? Sure, but Anet needs to find other ways to take gold out of the game.

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