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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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The movement on the mounts is disjointed. I'm used to my charcater being able to stop and turn on a dime and the mounts do not. Its slightly nauseating riding them.

We could certainly use more waypoints. Running on a mount or running on foot means were still running to get where the fun is. I do not find running to be fun at all. Those who do like to run can always do so, those who do not are not given the option.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying the content and new maps.

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Very much enjoying the new PoF expansion right now with my Ele main. Can't wait to bring in my alt Ranger once she's level 80, although I will take her thru HOT first to see the difference from my Ele.

There has been enough new content added within the past year that ANet should be able to give us Grandmaster Jeweler and Chef. Let's make that happen.

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Really enjoying the open world content this time around.

The Story was railroaded, lacked emotional impact, lacked player agency, underutilized the most interesting characters in the setting, had a really boring final boss fight, and an unsatisfying colnclusion that was so unsatisfying you actually attempted to lampshade it in the epilogue before showing me an advertisement for content I can't play yet that looks far better.

You can check my post history if you want more detailed breakdowns of exactly what went super horribly wrong with the story line here, but the TLDR version is that you replaced the story with a not stop train of lore exposition, and doing so removed all investment i had in it. I was completely checked out the entire time because the fate of the TYRIA is boring if I don't have anything personally at stake and I know TYRIA isn't going to end anyway. Previous plotliones had characters I had emotional stake in that may (and in some cases did) die or change for the worst. This one does not. It's boring. I cared more about the ghost lady that helped me recover myself than literally any other person or event in the entire plotline. A minor NPC had a better written story than every principal character, and in less words of dialogue.

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Love mounts.LOVE art direction; high 5, Art Team.
Disappointed by Weaver Sword.Irritated by yet more inventory clutter.Disheartened by number/aggro range of random mobs.Delighted by new variety of mobs, however.New guild hall is gorgeous.Legendary player clone boss hilarious, give whoever thought that one up a medal.

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tl;dr tastes great, less fulfilling

ANet did all the "little" things well: lore done thoughtfully, local color, plenty to do/AP, challenging mobs, mounts are much more fun than I imagined, story has less fluff than traditional. Easier HP/mastery, Story is harder solo (easy enough in teams).

But: where's the massively multiplayer? I don't see central activities/events that require coordination of 30-70 people. It's epic solo or small group, but not in a squad. Maybe we haven't found it yet or it comes later?

length: 95 characters

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-Maps were nice but zero replay potential.-Story was a trainwreak and a half, pointless twists and turns that led the story nowhere. You butchered GW1 lore literally and figuratively.-Elite Specializations were extremely underwhelming and uninspired. Especially Soulbeast...Removing the class mechanic that the whole classes skills/traits revolve around...how this was even put into consideration is beyond me.-Your terrible "goal" to declutter inventory, implementing unidentified gear and these 2 thousand different karma items we have to click on now.-The fact that you released CLEARLY unfinished product to us, tho I'm not really surprised anymore.-Only slightly redeeming thing was mounts which I was surprised about.

Overall a major disappointment.

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it all fell flat for me.

  1. setting wasn't interesting (Nightfall was when I quit GW1 because the setting was so dull).
  2. the elite specs felt lame compared to the ones from HoT (the 5 I have tried all feel clunky).
  3. the zones felt "artificially" large instead of actually being large (for example: crystal oasis and mount maelstrom are similar in size looking at them on the map; MM has 17 waypoints, CO has 3).
  4. there don't appear to be any guild hall upgrades to work for or new guild missions.
  5. mounts seem kind of d u m b as they just replicate things like the bouncing mushrooms and leyline gliding from HoT, except you can ride around on them (I know a lot of people love them though).

Sorry I don't have any actual constructive suggestions. I just came away feeling like I wasted my money and I'm kind of mad at myself for it.

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MAP: Amazing, Love the environment, the lack of Waypoints doesnt even bother me that much, since Im having a blast on the mounts.Story: Actually enjoying it, unlike HOT which i just kinda grinded through to get it done.Elite Specs: Not sure, I only tried Mirage and although its dps is subpar and offers virtually no group support, I still enjoy the whole feel of it. maybe Im just too casual in this game to care about dps, but im having fun none the less.

Complaints:Lack of means to gain new stats, and incomplete item discriptions is kinda disappointing, and speaks bad on the carelessness of ANet. sure most of us know what an inscription is, so we kinda just have a good idea of how to get some of the newer stat items, but too new people its an absolute nightmare.Really hate to bring it up again, but how is it WvW and PvP players can get Grievers gear with basically no effort if they sat on their tokens from their game mode, but the players like myself who are not great at either game mode, who just casualy enjoys the game, we cant get grievers whatsoever at this point. no inscriptions or anything with this regards, other than grinding and doing achievements to get exotic variants? just kinda annoying.

But all in all still having and absolute blast.

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I love the new maps, there is a high enough density of mob to give enough to fight without feeling that everywhere is too empty or feeling swamped. There is also room to move about during a fight unlike the narrow paths of HoT. I am hoping that there are plenty of small hidden places for those of us that don't mind getting off out mounts from time to time can find and explore.

I do find that everyone talks to your character the same regardless of the race of the character. As an altoholic I possibly notice this more than most, but while Kiel's remarks about Taimi having a teeny tiny body seemed fine when she was speaking to my human character, it did seem that my Asura necromancer should be getting rather more upset, she isn't exactly big herself.

And as far as that story goes, it is now 5 down, 31 characters to go,. I really wish it had been mentioned when looking at the purchase options that the Lily of Elon Pass was the only real way to get an alt into the new areas without doing the story or relying on friends to port you in; and I still haven't been able to find out if the Lily of Elon Pass bought with £££ is the same as the Amnoon VIP pass that is included in the Deluxe upgrade which can be bought for gems. If they are the same, can you please have a word with people about consistency of naming things.

There is no obvious word count on the forum and I can't be bothered to count and see how many that is, but that is more or a forum issue than a PoF one.

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Story. 9/10 i loved it, alot, much better than HoT, much better than the base games, and much better than any LW, please do more like this.

Exploration. 5/10 Not so bad here...only complaint i really have is the massive aggro range of the mobs, the lack of safe spots to take breaks or pauses ecspecially when a large portion of the towns/WP locations have enemies nearby., the lack of waypoints, 5 per zone would be nice and doesnt feel like to much, one in each corner, on in the center, its annoying as hell when im trying to find the last POI and i have to run across the entire map when i find it.

Enemies. 6/10 why in gods name did you add so many enemies that destroy , reflect or block projectiles? i play a ranger, i use a shortbow and an axe because our melee options arent to great. The variety of enemies is nice, and so too is the differences in skills that each enemy uses, would like to see more of this. I do have problems with how far away they will aggro however, it seems far to high.

Mounts. 7/10 Not sure what to say here. still get motion sick from some of the mounts so i cant use them for to long which makes Exploration harder for me, and its why it doesnt get higher than a 7.

Elite Specs. i can only speak for soulbeast here, but it feels like i have to give up far to much to make taking it worth while, If i want to keep my decent amount of condi damage now i cant give it up at all. The traits dont seem to synergies well with the base classes and it makes me feel bad.

What i really dont like however, is the lack of any meta events. Once i finish off the achievements and collections i want, i dont see a point in staying out in the area at all, which to me seems like bad design, its only a little over a week in and i hardly see players running around anymore.

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i finished the story, 100% map completion and got all mounts incl. the griphon ( all full mastery ). That was the fun part.Now it's boring. No Meta Events, Bounties are dull and not rewarding. Everything is to easy.Most of the collection needs gold, the rest is only small busy work, nothing special.

Thats one of the shortest and smallest Addon i have purchased for a MMO. There has to be more.Where a new dungeons and fracatals? Where are new metas and world bosses?What have you done the past 2 years? Spendig time on blackmarked Pets, Skins etc?btw. next time you release a expansion. dont release 2 days after new stuff in blackmarked.because that stuff should have been in the expansion.

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Wonderful expansion. Much better than HoT, in all respects save for a few.

To start, the storytelling, and instances in particular, are excellent. Your writing and story direction feels much more organic, and you seem to be leading the story in a direction that feels more like a sequel to GW1, rather than some totally new, irreverent thing, which is awesome. Special props for including character creation/story decisions in the story itself. My Kormir-blessed human having unique dialogue during SPOILERS was a breath of fresh air, as was Rytlock commenting specifically on elementalists, and then referencing my specific profession! Truly excellent work.

I haven't played every elite spec, but I've spent some time with Spellbreaker, Weaver, and Scourge, and I love them all. They all feel engaging, powerful, flavorful, but not overly so in any way (well, Scourge seems ridiculous, lol). I want to give a specific shout out to your excellent, and I mean really excellent, storytelling through mechanics. The spellbreaker, a spec themed on being related to the sunspears opposing Palawa Joko, has tons of boon rip... and the Awakened have the highest boon application, making spellbreakers uniquely great against them. It's great! It explains the choices you made, and really makes spellbreaker feel unique. Major props.

The mounts are fun, and I found progression for the mounts to be really balanced overall. The secret mount... costs too much gold. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but the maps themselves are not terribly conducive to farming gold, which means that getting the mount means that players aren't encouraged to play the content the mount is supposedly based in. I would suggest changing the cost to be lots, and LOTS, of trade contracts. Make it really hard to get, sure, but make it reward playing affiliated content rather than just using generic gold.

While the story was great, the ending really fun, the sequel-baiting is strong, and it's really frustrating to see the obvious continuation of the story and NOT be able to just go do it. Having a little hint of something leading to the next Living World Season is fine, but you should finish the story you have presented to the players, not go halfway and then cut it off.

Overall, though, it's great. I've had a lot of fun moving around, exploring, playing my elite specs, and encountering new enemy and instance types that stretch the boundaries of GW2 to make it feel more like the original game in tone. Overall, 8/10.

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Maps and mounts are nice (well griffon bugs and you drop down like stone). I just hope that new living story add meta events in maps because maps are awesome, but i feel like there isn't that much reason come back after you have done achs. Actually anet should try to keep all maps alive and only way to do it is add something to grind in every map.

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Positive:Story - it is by far better than the other expansion becuase it had more lore and we fought a god, but it felt short just like allways.Mounts - are the second best innovative addition right after the cain meta events we had in hot maps. They are unique and help in exploration a lot, if you guys would reduce the wps in core maps i wouldn't mind at all since mounts are much more better .Map design - really beautiful, huge, who does them know there jobs since i love all the maps design from all the gameSpecialization - most of them enjoyable but, some classes (deadeye) is preferable to go with hot or core builds for pve only.Negative:Content: no meta chains at all, no new dungeons or world bosses, nothing mmoish about this xpansion at ALL except for bountys(but they feel like hp runs in hot). If i had knew about this, probably i would have never preorder or bought Pof. The maps are just like the living world season 3 ones wich i was ok with them becuase hey they are just fillers, do them once and never again, but i never tought to see it in a expansion aswell and this was such a disappointment. I really don't understand why hot metas had so much hate from the 'casuals', but they made the game unique and lively like no other mmo. Not only because would bring people into the maps for 2straight years(at least for those who know how to use lfg) but mostly becuase the npcs where interacting and helping the players discovering the map and progressing the event like a story instead of being useless like all heart npcs wich now are even repetable, eehhhh. Now this gorgeus maps are really boring to play and most veterans will move back to the usual routine once they are done with collections and achievs(the same that happen to ls3 maps), this problem could have been solved with 2-3 new dungeons and maybe 1world boss since it's core maps style. Or made them into meta like hot/sw but not that hard just so casuals don't lame like they do.

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Love the new expansion! The story and maps are wonderful, beautiful things and a huge step in the right direction after HoT.Only thing I don't love is the consistent theme of all the new armor sets being crafted/account bound. I do love that you can do one full set of the Funerary armor through chieves, but having to hunt down recipes, and craft everything is really not fun. It'd be cool to see more event and collection type things that award us with armor/weapons, that way you keep people doing those events over and over.

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Not sounding mean but if I had to compare PoF to HoT, then PoF takes the cake and eats it too. This expansion has so far been a treat! I like all the little bits of conversation between characters, easter eggs like the hidden area in the pseudo open world dungeon in the desert highlands, or the lion king tribute. I like the bounty system and mount races. The story while not perfect is longer and meatier with a lot of questions that will hopefully be answered in LW S4. Mounts are amazing and bravo to you Anet for including the gryphon as a secret mount. Overall pretty good so far.

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As someone who has been a strong critic of HoT and the Living Story to date . . . I am in LOVE with PoF! I haven't beaten the story or explored all maps yet, but so far I am preferring the maps and story by a wide margin. The environments are exactly what I've been wanting to see in this game (Dry Top and SW for desert zones were extremely lack-luster and frustrating to traverse). It's so beautiful to look at, and mobs are easier to take on compared to HoT's intense maps. I also am very happy that HPs can be solo'd for the most part. Music is AMAZING! Finally, I thought I would hate mounts (and wanted GW2 to stay original, since I played WoW for years), but I have been enjoying them more than I thought I would, and have gotten more and more used to controlling the two that I currently have.

EDIT: In regards to enemies, I really am loving the variety. Forged are annoying to fight, though, and remind me of the Prometheans from Halo 4 and 5. But the Choya and others are interesting to fight and have great designs.

No glaring complaints on my mind at this moment, especially since I only played for one weekend.

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its the 2nd xpack and if we add both xpacks content all together in a single xpack, wvw was completely forgotten.so overall... mehhhits about time you guys decide...disband wvw game modeinvest some time and effort on this game mode..you had multiple full servers...multiple queued maps...multiple huge guilds..

you have barely 2 full servers (have some more with fake full status)you have maps queue on reset and thats ityou had to add server links to get enough ppl in a map to take a keep..you have massive guilds disbanding..you have huge ammount of players leaving game...

why is that??cause you keep adding specializations, items builds and condi damage balancing the game on PVE only.. but you never look into wvw game mode..wake up already

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So far my experience with Path of Fire has been much more positive than Heart of Thorns.

The good:

  • Much better map design (dreaded Tangled Depths / Verticality based maps).
  • After so long playing the story and not caring at all, I am finally paying attention to see where this is going. It is more engaging now and the smaller cast is much preferred.
  • Very nice QoL inclusions.
  • Mounts are great additions - kudos, they feel great to use and are very nice.
  • Getting Masteries. - Feels like a grind, but not painfully so. Think you got a nice balance there.
  • Holosmith looks amazing.

The bad:

  • Many events are not rewarding enough to motivate people to play - We are barely one week in and many events are simply not played (like races and other active events), this makes maps feel barren because people are simply not there due to the lack of rewards.
  • Weaver - I am truly trying to like this spec, but the sword, the traits and the stances really kill my motivation (please urgently do something about them - check feedback in ele forums). Sword needs a damage buff (power) and traits need to offer versatility and build defining choices (please don't just slap stats or %damage buffs, but add interesting stuff like so many other specs have done it so well, and give us options) and stances need a serious look into (Unravel is simply not an utility as is, and stone resonance and weave self need changes).
  • Besides the good and the new specs, I honestly admit that the game is lacking a bit in content (we got 1 new reward track in PvP and WvW - which needs to change from getting non sell-able skins for weapons to actual weapons, no new PvP maps, nothing new for WvW, and as said above, not much motivation for people to keep playing the maps). - This needs to be addressed.

I will close saying that I feel Path of Fire brought a nice breath of fresh air to the game and I am happy to buy gems and contribute to it, but I really wish you take a look at the "bad" above to improve the shortfalls of the expansion - I don't think they are very troublesome to address (exception maybe to the WvW one), and resolving them would really bring the expansion to a 10/10.

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My Best 2 points.

  • Love the Mounts, especially the raptor, and how much mounts bring to the game.
  • Love the large open maps, especially The Crystal Oasis, for their scenic nature, and how much attention to detail there is in them.

My Worst 2 points.

  • Enemies too tightly packed, combined with large aggro ranges, and short respawn timers makes navigating through or holding certain areas of maps aggravating.
  • Some areas in the personal story are a bit of a chore, such as the boss fight in Night of Fires, as it uses the old trope of boss with infinite reinforcements.
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Overall it's a great expansion. Damn near perfect. I like what you did to make it so the other content doesn't loose flavor. Vanilla has the world bosses, dungeon and fractals. HoT has the mega meta events and glidding. And with PoF you have mounts, mini metas and bounties. Story was amazing. Can't wait for the mount skins. I can see myself changing my griffin into a dragon and my raptor into a unicorn.

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I like it, and like that the mounts allow movement puzzles that aren't as fidgety as previously (i.e. way improved over character jumping puzzles).

Like new Scourge playstyle, though some competitive concerns, and wish base Necro would be improved and also Necro modified so we have a three-legged stool of distinct and viable playstyles in all game modes.

Hate mini-games like player jumping puzzles and the stupid Chef in PoF. (Also hate HoT points I simply can't figure out how to reach. Gonna try the Rabbit on them.)

Hated The Departed story which was LOOOOONG without break/save points and lots-o-dialogue meaning any disconect or "gotta run" moments are PAINFUL to replay.

Overall, high marks.

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PROS: Improved story telling, gorgeous maps, mounts are on the whole handled well.

CONS: While improved, still enormous plot holes. No mention of Rox, braham, Destinys edge. No Metas is a huge mistep, threadbare and mundane events, fps drops with too many mounts, huge areas with NOTHING in them, Sparse content compared with HOT, Dull and Grindy Heart Quests, ridiculous power creep with new Elites.

The expansion feels unfinished imo. 6/10

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