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The elite spec you want for your main

Invisible Kittens.6380

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@Yannir.4132 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:Dream spec for me would be guardian wielding a 2h spear/polearm. The weapon-skills would be a bit more pvp-focused having a balanced kit of mobility, offence and defence (either evades, blind, weakness, maybe a single block). It would be slightly weaker than the greatsword of course but would have the advantage of being a close-mid range weapon (ranging from 240-450 range on some attacks) and more versatile. The heal/util/elites would be useful for various different situations/game modes as is often the case.

I'd like if the spec brought something to the table that guardian doesn't currently have: the ability to deal with boon-loaded foes. This wouldn't necessarily have to be through boon-rip/corrupt, but there could be like traits where guardian's strikes allow them to ignore Protection, or maybe blocking a strike from a foe removes all of their might stacks, or burn specifically removes resistance.

As I recall, before the trait revamp in 2015, guardians used to have a trait in radiance that allowed them to remove boons from foes when they inflicted burning and that trait was removed. It would be nice if something like that returned in the future.

I'm gonna drop that ESpec suggestion for ya in the Guardian forum within a week. I've been working on an idea, that checks all your boxes, for a bit and I think it's ready for presentation. Just taking some time to actually write it down.


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GS rev x100So much potential. I have my two hand katana skin ready !

I imagine something that make you wield GS but you can’t switch weapon (see elem/engi) but instead you switch between rangef and melee with f2/f3 and have a f4 that makes you do something cool. (Based on legend... for exemple if it’s a norn legend it would be based on owl or bear, utility or tanking)

Spec that focus more on damage (either really bruiser or swift) as the other 2 focus on support/boon.

Let it be an other skilled high Dps with cool utility mechanics for PvE.I would NOt focus on PvP with it since herald alredy good/fun in this department.

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Shaman elementalist. Weilds a mace in each hand, has no attunement swap CD, instead has resources for each element which are consumed by weapon skills. It needs to feel like you're weilding the very brute force of the elements, as opposed to the "refined" tone we get in others weapons.

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A thief elite spec focused dual pistols. P/P thief is nothing but a mess and suffers heavily from the half-baked weapon combo system. Simple "buffs and nerfs" are not enough to fix this, the only way to "save" the weapon set is a compleate overhaul.

The espec itself should havily focus on dueling with a strong focus on mobility and sustainability over stealth (in that regard I wouldn't mind if the espec "permanently" applies the "Revealed" debuff to the user) and burst damage as thief already has a ranged espec that fits this bill.

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I want a Pistol/Pistol Warrior.

Its the only weapon type the warrior does not have, mid range (600) combat. Or even one handed ranged weapons.

Utility skills would possibly be summons, Kits or Gadgets.

Yes I know this almost sounds like a bounty Hunter spec, however I can see this being heavily fitting for the warrior class.

(Then I can finally make HOPE for the warrior)

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  • 2 weeks later...

For elementalist I would like to see something along the lines of Tempest, but more offensive and much more in line with GW1’s version of Elementalist where you had to focus on one or two elements max.

In GW2 it would mean that you forgo using two elements over the other two (or even play with one only for extra power). More specialization and less flexibility would mean more raw power in the specialized magic. That way I could really feel that I’m a true fire mage (or water, or earth, or air) - master of one element.

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@Omernon.9762 said:For elementalist I would like to see something along the lines of Tempest, but more offensive and much more in line with GW1’s version of Elementalist where you had to focus on one or two elements max.

In GW2 it would mean that you forgo using two elements over the other two (or even play with one only for extra power). More specialization and less flexibility would mean more raw power in the specialized magic. That way I could really feel that I’m a true fire mage (or water, or earth, or air) - master of one element.

This please!

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I mean, its fairly obvious that I'd like this since I'm the one who designed it. But truthfully it pulls a lot of design from GW1 necromancer that I really miss and adapts them to the new engine without reworking the whole class. Often one of the issues you see when most players ask for a minion spec is they add a ton more unique minions, either skills or replace the Shroud with 5 new minions and it lacks synergy with the existing mechanics the necromancer has outside of death magic, so the elite spec can only really be played one way without consideration of the other possible combinations it has. With the Deathcap, I accounted for alternative play styles and gave the player the option to use Specializations other than death. I've even seen players who didn't have a means to combo with shroud in their elite specs.

I'm Not so arrogant to say that My design is perfect. It has some flaws and I've modified it in the past. But the overall design is pretty sound. If an elite spec was to give us a dedicated Minion master, the Minions have to be spammable and need to function with the remaining other mechanic abilities. Players have been asking for more control over their minions and this is truly the only viable option to go with. Having 5 unique minions isn't the right move. Having 1 new minion that can be one of many of the same minion is the correct method.

This isn't the only thing I'd like to see mind you. I'd love to see more aspects of GW1 necromancer brought over to GW2. Like a Vampiric elite spec as well. And also a Shaman spec that functions more like a Ritualist.

What the necromancer has in terms of its design is:

  1. Spite: Reaper
  2. Curses: Scourge
  3. Death: Missing
  4. Blood: Missing
  5. Soul Reaping: Necromancer(kinda, not really)

I align it like that because this is how I feel the elite specs fit into old styles. Reaper is 100% new age Guild wars. There is nothing about it that is in line with the old style of necromancer. It is a complete departure from the necromancer's legacy. Scourge is very much in line with the play style of the Curses necromancer. But death and Blood's play style are both missing. Death had a suicide bomber style, minions and spreading disease. It was an extremely glassy play style that required a lot of effort from the user. Blood Magic was all about bleeding, life stealing and turning health into power. These are some themes I feel that the next elite spec should embody.

The necromancer is a Summoner spec. This shouldn't be forgotten. Scourge helps us to recognize that a bit better. But we need our Minions too.

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I present the Assassin from Cantha as the next elite specialisation. Inspired From Guild Wars 1 this will bring back weapon combos with a new mechanic for thieves called combos. Lead attacks, off-hand attacks and dual attacks will come with the new weapon set dual swords. Focused around knocking down the target with the lead attack leading into more powerful attacks with the off-hand like dealing extra damage when the enemy is knocked down and finally finishing off with a dual attack to deal more damage if all other combos have landed. Changes steal into a lead attack teleport which can be followed up with off-hand attacks and finally dual attacks. Utilities focus on weapon combos and conditions. These dual swords replace existing weapons as a stand-alone weapon set.

Dual swords:

1: (A) Autoattack begins with a lead attack called Leaping Mantis Sting (Range: 130). Hit target foe to cripple them.

(B) 2nd part of autoattack is an off-hand attack called Trampling Ox (Range: 130). If target foe is crippled knock them down (1 second).

© 3rd part of autoattack is a dual attack called Impale (Range: 130). If target foe is in down state stomp them (similiar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Finishing_Blow).

2: Teleport to target foe (Range: 900). Temple Strike: Inflicts Daze for 3 seconds (Costs 4 initiative). This counts as an off-hand attack.

3: Dual attack Combo skill. Starburst Stream: 16 hits: Horizontal slash, Uppercut slash and full circle spin, horizontal slash continuing spin, horizontal slash with both swords, downward X-slash, upward X-slash, 2 opposite direction diagonal slashes, lift swords up and turn away reversing grip, reverse grip downward X-slash, Corkscrew attack and shift swords into forward grip, downward X-slash, upward X-slash, Diagonal slash and spin, horizontal slash, uppercut slash with both swords, downwards vertical slash, downward diagonal slash and spin, downward diagonal slash, forward thrust and forward lunge. (Costs 10 initiative; Open to balance by Arenanet.)

4: Shroud of Distress: You have 75% chance to block but no effect unless your health is below 50%. (Lasts 3 seconds and costs 5 initiative).

5: Flashing Blades: For 5 seconds while attacking you have a 75% chance to block. (Costs 8 initiative).

Heal: Dark Escape: Take 50% less damage as long as you're not attacking for 5 seconds and heal over time.

Utility skills:

Iron Palm: (Range:130) Causes knockdown (3 seconds) if target has a condition. This skill counts as a lead attack and off-hand attack. (20 second cooldown).

Shroud of Silence: For 5 seconds your critical hits remove boons. (50 second cooldown).

Moebius Strike: (Range: 130) Gives you 6 initiative back If you have just used a dual attack skill. This skill counts as a lead and off-hand attack. (30 second cooldown).

Way of the Master: For 10 seconds you cause a new type of condition called Deep Wound (This lowers the person's health by 20%) for 3 seconds with your attacks. (40 second cooldown).

Elite skill:

Shadow Form: For 5 seconds Hostile spells targeting you fail and attacks against you miss. (60 second cooldown).



Minor: Steal becomes Wastrel's collapse: Teleport skill (1200 range) If target is not using any skill then target is knocked down. This skill counts as a lead attack. (Same cooldown as Steal affected by Trickery traits). Access to Dual swords and combo skills. Lead attacks must be followed by off-hand and then dual attacks.

Critical Hits: For each autoattack chain you finish you gain 1 initiative.

Sword Mastery: There is a chance that your autoattacks will gain quickness.

Assassin's Promise: Your utility skills cooldown is reduced by 20%. (This does not affect Shadow Form).


Minor: Starburst Stream now has a 20% increased chance to critically hit.

Critical Defenses: You gain Dark Escape on being affected by any crowd control (60 second cooldown).

Aura of Displacement: Wastrel's collapse has a shorter cooldown by 20% which stacks with trickery traits.

Assassin's Remedy: Your next 10 attacks you use remove 1 condition (30 second cooldown).


Minor: Gain Flashing blades for 5 seconds when your health drops belows 50% health (40 second cooldown).

Way of the assassin: Shadow form can be shared to allies for 5 seconds. (60 second cooldown).

Critical Agility: Shroud of Distress now triggers when your health drops below 50% health (30 second cooldown).

Way of Perfection: You are healed for every critical hit and remove a condition.

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A high risk high reward pure condi dps spec for the Necro, i.e.: Vampire. Where the shroud is actually punishing (eating away) the life pool instead of complementing to it in return for very high bursty condi dps.Although I do miss a real minion master as well, maybe it could be combined?

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Warrior: Chanter - Wields a staff, monk-like martial art stylish melee combat, with boon support "Chant" skills.Guardian: Avenger - Offhand sword, evade replaced by "Block", more of a tanky spec, blocking turns your #1 skills into Riposte skills. Lots of defensive skills.Necromancer: Bone Warden - Offhand shield, bone themed skills, defensive abilities, death shroud replaced by Bone shield, defensive skills galore.Elementalist: Stormborn - Only Air atunement, but can weapon swap, #1 skills redesigned for all weapons + shortbow. Mid range power dps sniper, with lots of cc.Thief: Darkblade - Sword offhand, shadow magic. Lots of aoe shadow magic, abilities damage everything inside "shadow field" that he can summon.Mesmer: Spellslinger. Pistols. Two of them. With Illusions. I don't think any additional details are needed.Ranger: Horizon Walker ( i know, DND plagiarism): Dual daggers, lots of teleport abilities, can stealth (move into another plane).Revenant: It could be any legend and can be called anything, but it should have a greatsword and should use magic while fighting with said greatsword. How about "Skald" who uses ice magic while swinging and throwing that good old greatsword around and forming the battlefield into a snowy wasteland? Yes.

What do you think? It gives some classes some specific niches, while also introducing more "tanky" specs other than chrono, and twists around the original concepts of the professions and turns them into something unexpected, because, after GS necro, anything is possible :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Atm I’m quite content with heral/ventari on zealot stats, since I most like to play support that isn’t designed to be spam based wichbisbwhat made me almost deleted my guardian due how awfull FB is designed...

Probably a GS for ravenent with some Norn legend or another support build legen with decent cc with a septer but I guess I would keep with the current legends setup.

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A Range Support e-Spec for warrior like Paragon in GW1 ..... use Staff for that! Or maybe a full dps Warrior e-Spec ..... for real berserker and spellbraker are a fcking Bannerslave joke. Its time to get rly good specs. (Maybe increase the dps of Berserker and Spellbraker (PvE only) so that you could use Banners on the real support Spec "Paragon")

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@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:I'm not sure which is my main anymore, but I have the most playtime on Engineer and Elementalist.

For Ele, I'd like to be able to use water offensively, in an ice-mage-style. There are a couple of damage-related water traits (Piercing Shards, Aquamancer's Training), but they don't really fit well with the rest of the water traits or spells. This wouldn't really need a whole elite spec to work - just a trait that converts healing from water spells into damage (with some appropriate modifier, and maybe some extra vulnerability/chill application or something).

For Engineer, I'd like some more imaginative/fantastical weapon/kit options. Thematically I think Elixir Gun is great, but the other kits are basically just real-world weapons with some poison/ice/fire ammo, and I'd like something that more obviously acknowledges the high fantasy setting. Photon Forge is a step in the right direction, but feels a bit too sci-fi.

@"Makuragee.3058" said:Simple Im an Asura/engineer main... I want... I... really...really want... ... A GOLEMANCER ELITE SPEC!!!!! One that work a bit like the necro minion one, by this I mean having my summon perma (well with an HP pool)... Yes I use golemancer rune since ever XD

This would be great! Even though my Engineer is a charr...

I'm also a Asura engineer ,but since not all are Asura I say we call it "Technomancer". It could get the staff as a new weapon(hopefully with some good skills) ,and use minions as suggested above. Use either steam creatures ,and/or clockwork knights for the minions. The elite spec collection weapon could be called "Lightning Rod" ,and the F1-F4 would act as they do now ,or give special skills directly linked to the minions. Lastly F5 should have some really neat functionality involving the mechanical minion theme. Just my two cents on the subject.

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I have time to put 3, here:

  • Warrior: A knight that uses a 2h Great Axe and places Turrets.
    • Theme: Medieval siege knight. Knights defend allies by keeping enemies from getting to them.
    • Plastyle: Tanking, control and support.
    • Weapon: 2h great axe. A new type of weapon. Knights would use them to pull enemies in, clump them together and mow them down, keeping them in range.
    • Turrets placed by would be fortifications that prevent enemies crossing them and block projectiles. They will leave an effect on the ground when destroyed. Knights would not be able to pick them up to reduce recharge like engineer turrets, but they will have a flipover skill to destroy them early.
    • A healing fountain that can be used by the knight and allies to recover health, lose conditions and gain regeneration. It loses a bit of its own health when used, and each person can only use it once every 15 seconds. When destroyed it leaves behind a water field that pulses a bit of healing and regen for 5s.
    • A spike wall that only deals damage and bleeding when pushed against it or when hit in melee range. When destroyed it leaves behind a pulsing area of spikes and splinters that deals bleeding to those standing in it, and torment to those moving in it.
    • A small battering ram or bouncer that deals damage and pushes away in the direction it's facing. When destroyed it releases a blast finishes and flings springs that push back.
    • A flaming brazier that deals burning to adjacent enemies and when hit. When destroyed it leaves a fire field that deals burning every second.
    • A magic fountain that recovers endurance and part of a profession's resource if the profession has it (e.g. thief initiative, revenant energy, druid astral force, holomsmith heat, etc). When destroyed it leaves behind a light field that pulses vigor.
    • An elite massive boulder that falls on the targeted location dealing damage and knocking down enemies. The knight can use the flip over skill while next t it to push it in the direction away from the knight. The flipover skill will be channeled, giving more speed and damage to the boulder the longer it's channeled, from 1s to up to 3.5s. The boulder will also gain speed and damage when rolling down slopes, but it will also lose speed and damage down to a halt if pushed up slopes. When destroyed it leaves behind a few rocks that can be grabbed and thrown to cause damage and knockdown
  • Thief: A Juggler with dual torches.
    • Theme: Circus juggler rogue. Jugglers can juggle everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.
    • Playstyle focus: Condition spam, control and boon manipulation.
    • Weapon: Torch. Jugglers would get both main hand and offhand torch.
    • Utility would be Manipulation. The utility skills would allow Juggling all sorts of things. Boons and conditions, projectiles, the jugglers themselves to get out of danger when disabled, their own health and enemy health with the healing skill. And even juggle enemies and allies in the air with the elite Manipulation, that would last 5 seconds, and during that time, as long as they are not interrupted, the juggler would be able to flinging allies and enemies within the area around one at a time, allowing them to grab an ally from the grasp of enemy or catch an enemy from between enemy lines back to trouble between your allies.
    • The torches would be medium-long range (900-600 units), and be all about juggling and burning:
      • Autoattack would be a bouncing projectile with a high arc that deals a short burning to enemies and might to allies as it bounces between them.
      • Skill 3 would be of course Fire eating. The thief 'eats' the flame of a torch, gaining might and losing a condition. The skill then flips over to "Fire Breathing", using the second skill breathes a cone of flames.
      • Skill 4 would be a line of coals called Firewalking, that deals extra burning and crippled to anyone walking over it with a speed boost.
      • Skill 5 would be Fire Ring, not to be confused with Ring of Fire, the thief jumps backwards, evading and leaving behind an area that can be entered and left safely if one jumps over the fire, but will burn heavily those who walk over the line, and even more those who stay in the circle after 3 seconds.
    • One of the Grandmaster traits would be for the Torch. It could make that last torch thrown bounce indefinitely between enemies and allies for as long as they stay within 360 units from each other.
    • Their steal skill would be changed to "Get Prop", and F2 would be changed to "Juggle Prop". Props would be juggling versions of stolen skills, used with different effects. For example, juggling ectoplasm would fling an ecto and make it bounce between enemies and allies giving 3 random boons to allies and 2 random conditions to enemies. Juggling an axe obtained from a warrior would create a large swirling arc of several axes that bounce between the juggler and the enemy, causing damage, bleeding and crippled to all enemies hit in their path.
    • All dual wield skills with the torch in either hand would juggle the weapons.
      • Dagger : Torch - The thief quickly spins around 6 times for 3 seconds while juggling a dagger and a torch over their head. Each spin has 0.25s of evade and hits with the dagger or torch alternatively, dealing bleeding or burning depending on what hits.
      • Sword : Torch - Throws the torch in the air, the dashes forward as the torch goes down, hitting the torch as it falls in the middle of the dash trajectory and juggling it during the rest of the dash, dealing torment to all enemies hit by the dash before the torch, and burning to enemies hit after the torch. The dash lasts 1s, and it evades for 0.75s, 0.25s after it starts.
      • Pistol : Torch - Throws the torch in the air, raises the gun and fires repeatedly at it, juggling it in the air. Embers fall from the torch in a line in front of the thief as it juggles, dealing burning to enemies below it.
      • Torch : Torch - Throws torches repeatedly at one enemy, setting them and their surrounding area on fire. The more torches hit the enemy, the more pulses the area lasts, and the larger it becomes.
      • Torch : Dagger - Juggles the torch and the dagger by throwing them between several enemies, dealing bleeding and burning alternatively as they are hit.
      • Torch : Pistol - Throws the torch ahead and shots at it, making it explode and dealing burning and blindness in an area.
      • Torch : Sword - There's no torch offhand for core thief. There should be, but there isn't. If there was, the thief would throw the sword at an enemy, immobilizing them, then cartwheel or repeatedly summersault to the sword to grab it while holding torches with both hands, dealing burning in their path.
  • Mesmer: A Banshee that sings and shouts at enemies.
    • Theme: Metal! ??Banshee are kind of like bards and minstrels, but offensive like Court Bards. They use their music to demoralize the enemy rather than to inspire allies.
    • Playstyle focus: Debuff, control and excellent riffs.
    • Weapon: 2h Great Axe. Same weapon as the knight, but held like a guitar. In the hands of a banshee, a 2h axe will get magical pink/purple guitar strings.
      • Most skills would be guitar riffs that attack be sending magical sound waves and notes to enemies, the sound effects will be those of an electric guitar.
      • The 5th skill would be different. It would be a melee attack that smashes someone over the head with the axe, dealing massive damage and knockdown.
    • Skill type: Chants and shouts. Chants would be similar to Herald facets. They can be activated to produce a lesser passive effect, and can be activated a second time with a second flip-over to a second skill with a greater effect and a recharge. Chants would flip over to Shouts. Banshee chants and shouts would be mostly offensive and control skills that debuff and hinder enemies.
      • The elite skill Finale will be a skill called "Mosh Pit" or "Moshing Time!", which forces enemies to dance in place.
    • Profession mechanic: Banshee wails. Clones no longer run all the way to the enemy to shatter, instead now the banshee and the clones will scream while facing the target, and their effects are now a cone in front of them, so the clones will only move close enough for the shouts to hit.
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