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world boss - multi mapping advantage is not fair for all players!!

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Even if you can multi-map, you still gotta kill the boss, so reward is earned. I fail to see how my rig loading faster or slower has anything to do with killing a boss. If some people enjoy it, good. I do this event as a ''happening'' so the loot is pretty irrelevant to me. Just enjoy the event for what it is, an happy lively map chat, a lag fest and some crappy loot. If you want a loot fest, try Auric Basin.


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@Katastroff.1045 said:Even if you can multi-map, you still gotta kill the boss, so reward is earned. I fail to see how my rig loading faster or slower has anything to do with killing a boss. If some people enjoy it, good. I do this event as a ''happening'' so the loot is pretty irrelevant to me. Just enjoy the event for what it is, an happy lively map chat, a lag fest and some crappy loot. If you want a loot fest, try Auric Basin.


fail to see?logging into different map instance in 3 seconds gets you on the boss to kill it.... logging in 20 seconds to miss the boss.... times that 5x on several bosses, you can see it is massively advantageous.

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@EmmetOtter.8542 said:

  • You have a huge advantage if you have a fast PC, that has fast load screen times... even a SSD gives a massive advantage... - IS THIS FAIR?Yes. It. Is.

Why does it even matter what other people get?

Because its not a fair, how rich people are allowed a better chance though a better rig due to poor game mechanics... that can easily be made to be fair.

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@"finkle.9513" said:I find it absolutely ridiculous in this day and age in gaming that people are allowed to take advantage of these loop holes..Some people can get 5 boxes from a boss.

  • You have a huge advantage if you have a fast PC, that has fast load screen times... even a SSD gives a massive advantage... - IS THIS FAIR?
  • It is a dexterity competition, fastest clicker gets into he new map.... IS THIS FAIR?

SOLUTIONimplement code: "you can not kill same boss within 10mins"


Yes it is fair.

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The devs aren’t against it, so who cares? You can do the same thing on a shitty computer, you just don’t load as quickly.

Complaining that someone’s getting more loot for having a better PC than you is as irrelevant to the balance of GW2 as complaining someone’s getting more loot than you because they have more time to farm the event than you do.

If you want a faster PC either upgrade yours or make a new one, don’t whine that other people have a good PC and you don’t.

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The OP claims multi-mapping is a "loophole." No, it's not: you have to participate in each kill. The OP claims it's not fair that those with faster PCs (processor or load times) have more opportunities, except... even if it were, it's not new: richer people can buy more accounts, more character slots, and have always been able to map hop for kills.

I sympathize with the idea that everyone should have equal opportunity. I just don't agree that is something that ANet needs to be hypervigilant about. As long as the rules apply to everyone, as long as active participation is required, I'm happy for those who have the patience to multi-map.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:The OP claims multi-mapping is a "loophole." No, it's not: you have to participate in each kill. The OP claims it's not fair that those with faster PCs (processor or load times) have more opportunities, except... even if it were, it's not new: richer people can buy more accounts, more character slots, and have always been able to map hop for kills.

I sympathize with the idea that everyone should have equal opportunity. I just don't agree that is something that ANet needs to be hypervigilant about. As long as the rules apply to everyone, as long as active participation is required, I'm happy for those who have the patience to multi-map.

It doesnt matter about this or that... We are talking about this event... It is Factual that a fast computer allows for far better yield in multi mapping....I read that quote above from the Dev, and if I honest Im not so convinced they fully understood what was meant.. as there was quiet a debate after in the comments..But regardless what that Dev said multi map looting was not against TOS.Thats differant to saying its not a Loop hole, I think we are all quiet sure the ability to swap map instances where not designed to kill the same boss over and over due to time delays...

Its not fair.. Its as simple as that.

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@finkle.9513 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:The OP claims multi-mapping is a "loophole." No, it's not: you have to participate in each kill. The OP claims it's not fair that those with faster PCs (processor or load times) have more opportunities, except... even if it were, it's not new: richer people can buy more accounts, more character slots, and have always been able to map hop for kills.

I sympathize with the idea that everyone should have equal opportunity. I just don't agree that is something that ANet needs to be hypervigilant about. As long as the rules apply to everyone, as long as active participation is required, I'm happy for those who have the patience to multi-map.

It doesnt matter about this or that... We are talking about this event... It is Factual that a fast computer allows for far better yield in multi mapping....I read that quote above from the Dev, and if I honest Im not so convinced they fully understood what was meant.. as there was quiet a debate after in the comments..But regardless what that Dev said multi map looting was not against TOS.Thats differant to saying its not a Loop hole, I think we are all quiet sure the ability to swap map instances where not designed to kill the same boss over and over due to time delays...

Its not fair.. Its as simple as that.

And? How does one player having a greater yield (In this case an extra bonus box) harm other players? Is there only a finite number of boxes per boss kill?

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@finkle.9513 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:The OP claims multi-mapping is a "loophole." No, it's not: you have to participate in each kill. The OP claims it's not fair that those with faster PCs (processor or load times) have more opportunities, except... even if it were, it's not new: richer people can buy more accounts, more character slots, and have always been able to map hop for kills.

I sympathize with the idea that everyone should have equal opportunity. I just don't agree that is something that ANet needs to be hypervigilant about. As long as the rules apply to everyone, as long as active participation is required, I'm happy for those who have the patience to multi-map.

It doesnt matter about this or that... We are talking about this event... It is Factual that a fast computer allows for far better yield in multi mapping....Of course it matters. You might be talking about a single event. I am talking about the history of the game.And yes, I acknowledged that a faster computer helps with multipmapping. Similarly, one could drop US$1000 on the game and end up with 80,000 gems, which would also be a big advantage.

I read that quote above from the Dev, and if I honest Im not so convinced they fully understood what was meant.. as there was quiet a debate after in the comments..Since that particular dev is responsible for helping management decide what the rules are, I'd be very surprised if they didn't know the context. Read it again.

But regardless what that Dev said multi map looting was not against TOS.Thats differant to saying its not a Loop hole,How do you figure? The dev specifically says that swapping maps during the same WB appearance and participating again is worthy of a second box. What loophole is being used?

I think we are all quiet sure the ability to swap map instances where not designed to kill the same boss over and over due to time delays...I am quite sure that the delay in swapping has nothing to do with it. ANet engineers have always been working towards reducing that time, not artificially increasing it to prevent people from multi-mapping.

Its not fair.. Its as simple as that.Not everything in life is fair. In the context, the question is whether it's bad for the game to allow people to multi-map and I don't think you've made a strong case.

In a capitalist society, in which ANet publishes their game, people with more money have more opportunities. ANet isn't going resolve that issue by changing one mechanic (in fact, the proposed solution only addresses one such inequality and it wouldn't be cheap to implement). On the other hand, they have eliminated all sort of other inequalities present in other games: everyone gets the same loot from everything in GW2, after meeting a minimum participation threshold. Loot pickup is automatic (well, unless you haven't paid for one of the expansions). And so on.

If the OP wants ANet to change mechanics or rules for the next bonus event, I recommend coming up with a better argument than "it's not fair." Try to focus on how it would improve the game, not just how it's good for the OP.

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@finkle.9513 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:What's being fair have to do with anything in an MMO?

You realize MMO's are fundamentally unfair right?

This is about poor game design, something that can be fixed. Its about equality and fairness... why would you be oppose that?

Because the whole idea MMO's are fair and equal is nonsense. There are going to be fundamental differences between players that give them advantages. That's not poor game design, that's realities of things completely out of Anet's control. Here is some good advice:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:If the OP wants ANet to change mechanics or rules for the next bonus event, I recommend coming up with a better argument than "it's not fair." Try to focus on how it would improve the game, not just how it's good for the OP.

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@finkle.9513 said:

@Durzlla.6295 said:The devs aren’t against it, so who cares? You can do the same thing on a kitten computer, you just don’t load as quickly.

Complaining that someone’s getting more loot for having a better PC than you is as irrelevant to the balance of GW2 as complaining someone’s getting more loot than you because they have more time to farm the event than you do.

If you want a faster PC either upgrade yours or make a new one, don’t whine that other people have a good PC and you don’t.

I will repeat myself for youPlease dont presume what I have or dont have... but what I can tell you is I see lack of equality based on peoples wealth, I doesnt sit right with me that due to bad game design people with better computers are able to get more than those without... Its not Donald Trump running gw2!

Yes, and people with less busy schedules/have to work less overtime than others also get more than those that do.

MMOs, and the world, aren’t fair and balanced on a scale outside of the game. There are people who can not physically access the game daily, and thus are at a disadvantage due to getting their daily rewards less frequently, it sucks, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad game design.

So what if someone gets some more chests than someone else? It really doesn’t affect anything.

If this “haves vs have nots” issue was so major, then why isn’t there a complete uproar about people with better computers being able to dominate WvW and PvP compared to those running it on a potato? Because if your computer isn’t on the verge of crashing from a Zerg be Zerg cluster fuck you’ll be able to tag more people and thus get more loot. You gonna go to the WvW forums and complain about that too?

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Considering the many, many laments about the 'loot' in the Bonus Boss Chest, one has to wonder what opportunity is being missed.

I'm not sure the Devs should develop the game based on the lowest common denominator, either. Mid-range seems fair to me.(This coming from someone that played on an absolute potato for more than 6 years.)

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@finkle.9513 said:

@aspirine.6852 said:I dont see how this is unfair?And also like the first reply said, 2 x 0 is still zero. And that's what you will get this event.

good top end pc = fast loadsold slow pc = no loads

fast loads - 5 boxs per bossslow loads - 1 box per boss

rich get richer... simply not fair!

Welcome to the real world. If you expect fair in life you are in for a big disappointment.

That said, I find your complaint self-serving and silly. First of all, PVE is not a competitive game mode. Secondly, to argue that those who pay for a high-end machine should not gain any performance improvement as a result would be unfair in the reverse by your logic.

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Dude how does this affect you in any way? Boo hoo they can get their cool cosmetics 50% faster than you. So what? Why ruin the fun for others for no reason?

I'm not even one of the map jumpers but even I can see nothing wrong with what they do. You sound like a jealous and very unhappy person. Seek help...

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