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WvW is now unplayable.... cannot buy mount without expansions.


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@charrboiledeggs.8164 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:I see no reason to accommodate a portion of the player base who do not spend money on this game.

The expansion has been priced as low as 20 bucks by itself. Considering what it's delivered for the price, I feel pretty comfortable leaving behind those who cannot be bothered to pay it.

The compromise? Offer the mount unlocked for 7-10 dollars a la carte.

youre literally making excuses for the game being p2w

You can farm the gems to buy the expansions via the buy gems with gold feature.It takes just a few days of farming in the silverwastes which is open in the base free game.

Therefore all features can be unlocked through use of in game gold. Therefore not P2W.

um........can't buy expansions with gems.

I could've sworn I bought HOT with gems a long time back. Maybe it was just a temporary thing or just my memory being bad.In any case I'm not against being able to rent Mounts in WvW with coin or even heroic badges or just opening up Warclaw for all players period.

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Prioritizes your spending more if you think this game is worth your free time. Whether it's cutting out a week of booze, getting regular coffee instead of lattes, or if you really are broke, it's a matter of putting a bit aside until you get enough to purchase. I've supported my family through some tough times and always found spending a little to buy an MMO saved a lot of money in entertainment costs. I even cut my cable once to buy a new game and support its subscription fees.

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@charrboiledeggs.8164 said:

@"Ryan.3675" said:Just getting back into the game. I cannot afford any expansions, and I want to play WvW, which is one of my all time favorite game modes. I cannot keep up to my group without a mount. This game is now unplayable for me. This is a very disappointing feature that has been added. Please make it so that people without expansions can use or "rent" a mount only in WvW. It is a game killer.

OH did you think gw2 wasn't p2w? Here's a shocker for you, buy expansions or get ran over in wvw and pvp by players with overpowered elite classes that can only be obtained via buying an expansion essentially making this game p2w.

There are several core professions that are excellent in PvP and in WvW. I've been roaming around on a Radiant hammer guard lately, and having a blast.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:The coms I follow don't use mounts. Why should they? With almost permanent swiftness? Mounts are only used by those who are running back - and since most classes have some speed boost option, you can do without a mount just fine.

Warclaw is not a game changer. It is cute little addition.

Ah cmon. Warclaw is a huge game changer. Extra speed in home territories, extra evades, extra hp bar... Sorry but it changed almost all aspects of WvW. And very rarely I see commanders that don't run with it. I mean the response to what is happening on maps is just to slow these days.

People here making comparison with pve games/modes. The most successful games these days are competitive pvp f2p games with cosmetic micro transactions like Fortnite, LoL. Add a p2w features in those games and you will very quickly see it fail.In the end WvW is a competitive mode or at least I hope they want to have it like that. Every p2win addition will only further reduce the player base. Myself I don't care how much the guy on the other side spent on the game, I would prefer we would all be on the same playing field so wins are skill based and not wallet based.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:The coms I follow don't use mounts. Why should they? With almost permanent swiftness? Mounts are only used by those who are running back - and since most classes have some speed boost option, you can do without a mount just fine.

Warclaw is not a game changer. It is cute little addition.

Did we just agree on something... Is the world ending?

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@Cuks.8241 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:The coms I follow don't use mounts. Why should they? With almost permanent swiftness? Mounts are only used by those who are running back - and since most classes have some speed boost option, you can do without a mount just fine.

Warclaw is not a game changer. It is cute little addition.

Ah cmon. Warclaw is a huge game changer. Extra speed in home territories, extra evades, extra hp bar... Sorry but it changed almost all aspects of WvW. And very rarely I see commanders that don't run with it. I mean the response to what is happening on maps is just to slow these days.

so rangers can't gank passing by lone zerglings while being out of range for any counter attack is a game changer? Rangers should be glad, because with warclaw there is slightly less pressure to nerf this profession into oblivion. For everybody else there is no real change.

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@iKeostuKen.2738 said:

@shiri.4257 said:p2w would have to imply that you are paying to win something. what exactly are you winning in wvw?

P2W implies paying for an advantage, not necessarily winning.

Don't really think most players feel like buying an expansion is P2W. Buying an expansion is all about keeping the game afloat. Remember Death Knights? The tankmage of WoW. Had to buy the expansion to be able to play them.

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@Kaiser.9873 said:

@shiri.4257 said:p2w would have to imply that you are paying to win something. what exactly are you winning in wvw?

P2W implies paying for an advantage, not necessarily winning.

Don't really think most players feel like buying an expansion is P2W. Buying an expansion is all about keeping the game afloat. Remember Death Knights? The tankmage of WoW. Had to buy the expansion to be able to play them.

Yep, you did. But blizzard didnt screw the balance of other classes to make it so you had to buy DK. Plus level cap increase separated the pvp for those who didnt buy the expacs on release. This game does neither of those.

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@Legendary Defender.5631 said:

@neven.3785 said:Prioritizes your spending more if you think this game is worth your free time. Whether it's cutting out a week of booze, getting regular coffee instead of lattes, or if you really are broke, it's a matter of putting a bit aside until you get enough to purchase. I've supported my family through some tough times and always found spending a little to buy an MMO saved a lot of money in entertainment costs. I even cut my cable once to buy a new game and support its subscription fees.

You're literally making excuses for the game being p2w

You seem to be confusing P2W (which GW2 is not) and B2P with a free trial (which GW2 is)

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with what others have said, warclaws should be available to all WvW players regardless of PoF ownership. They have enough problems with WvW retention, why create this barrier to interest more people.

And honestly I think introducing mounts into WvW was a bad idea. A very minority opinion I'm sure, but I don't like the fact you can basically be anywhere on the map in a matter of seconds. Might as well have put incontestable waypoints everywhere.

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Even if this game is P2W, it's irrelevant. If you need to pay to compete at the same level as everyone else who has paid, then so be it. Pay up. If you don't, don't claim you are unfairly treated because you don't get the same advantages as a non-paying customer. That's just ridiculous. > @Bishop.2690 said:

I agree with what others have said, warclaws should be available to all WvW players regardless of PoF ownership. They have enough problems with WvW retention, why create this barrier to interest more people.

Sure ... but the problem is that these people who didn't want to buy PoF are probably less likely to pay for mount access in WvW, so it's not really a solution (Less assume that there must be some sort of payment for this access). Basically, they just want what others have paid for ... free. And that's unreasonable and ridiculous.

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  • 5 months later...

I didn't like the way Anet implemented Gliders and Mounts in WvW.I would have preferred 1 or 2 dedicated maps in which to use them, keeping out the f2p profiles. I did not pay for the expansions to get benefits on WvW players.

I like the idea of a rental or something that puts everyone on the same level. The difference must be only in the equipment and specializations.

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@iKeostuKen.2738 said:Yep, you did. But blizzard didnt screw the balance of other classes to make it so you had to buy DK. Plus level cap increase separated the pvp for those who didnt buy the expacs on release. This game does neither of those.

That's not true, because the release of the DK completely destroyed the Lv.60 twink meta.

60 twinks were still extremely popular during this time and upon release, but the DK could basically start at level 60 and be an absolute powerhouse in battlegrounds compared to people who put hundreds of hours into their 60 twinks of another class. AV turned into nothing but 50% DKs just spamming death grip and within weeks the 60 twink population completely crashed and never revived.

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In many other situations I tend to be for upholding the models that involve paying and subscribing.

When it comes to the WvW mount that is a notable exception for two very important reasons:

  1. ArenaNet have shared as part of their vision for GW2 that old content should not be invalidated. The mount in a competetive mode does just that. It invalidates prior purchases (vanilla, HoT, being competetive).

  2. I may not be a friend of F2P options in general (I tend to find the negatives outweighing the positives) but since they went ahead and introduced them: The mount disqualifies the entire reason for having F2P options. It makes it so we only reap the negatives of F2P (alts, spies, pinsnipers, tacters, hackers, trolls etc., people with no investment in their accounts) without reaping the benefits (introducing new real players to the mode who want to sample before purchase). The mount drives those players away.

So, while I personally do not want the developers to waste any more time on the mount fiasco (and just leave it to rot which they have done with far more important things in WvW), they recently announced that the Q1 '20 work on WvW is yet again all about the mount. Then, any changes that does not include rental or freebie options to put all players on equal footing in this competetive mode is another failure of monumental proportions since it rocks the very foundation of this mode and makes the mode worse for everyone, not just the people without PoF.

In fact, I would just have made the mount baseline for WvW by now to not waste more time on building a rental system. Why would you even spend time on that? That is just stupid greed. Maybe they could sell a few skins off a free mount to the PoF-less instead. It may seem like splitting hairs but it is a pretty big difference between introducing a convenience item and an inconvenience item. One is a service the other is disgusting P2W practises even if it targets the low end rather than the high end.

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You not have to pay. Switch your ftp accounts that you use for spying with your main account that is hiding on a server that is trying to manipulate. Or quit being cheap and buy the game on your ftp accounts. Shake those razor blades and fish hooks out of your pockets.

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