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Please change the skyscale wall stick

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Having the sticking function with just the forward movement is causing a lot of accidents. When ascending a cliff, it's causing frequent accidental stick and jump off because of course while rising you are already hitting the climb button (default space), and you want to be hugging the wall so you don't miss moving forward. At least make it so you have to release and repress climb so that if you stick by accident you don't eat your dodge bar unnecessarily. It should not be possible to accidentally use up your dodge bar, as this turns simple ascents into tedious multi-attempt way to mot get where you want on time.

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Fully agree, the wall cling needs to be a hot key or something. I've gotten slightly use to ascending without accidentally sticking when I don't want to. But there are still times where I'm just trying to land on a ledge but it keeps clinging to the wall instead of landing.

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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:My question is how do you let go of the wall? I was eliminated once already because mount accidentally stuck to the wall and wouldn't let go and aggro a hydra that blasted me with no way to move.

Just let go of the key/mouse you use for forward movement all together and you will be unstuck. Alternatively, you can hold the space bar for a short time then let go to jump up and with some refilled flight juice. That uses Endurance just like dodge on an unmounted character. tl:dr Stop pressing whatever key/mouse button you use to move forward and you will release from the wall instantly.

I'd prefer stick to wall not be bound to a key as I like it the way it is. Just stop pressing the forward key and unstuck. That said, I can live with it either way.

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@Hitman.5829 said:(...) see the beauty scenery from the sky. everything looks better from the sky!You can still do that with just the Skyscale...

Why dont we ask them to make skyscale a fully flying dragon. I am tired of them giving us partial flying mounts. I just want to use my mount to fly around the mapsFor just flying around endlessly without a thoughtful design behind it, you can do it in games such as WoW or Perfect World.

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  • 3 months later...

@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:Having the sticking function with just the forward movement is causing a lot of accidents.

It is indeed super annoying. You get stuck on even small branches or thinner, barely visible textures a lot. It would be such a QoL update to be able to decide for yourself when you want to use that feature by having it bound to, let's say, the special action key.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:Having the sticking function with just the forward movement is causing a lot of accidents.

It is indeed super annoying. You get stuck on even small branches or thinner, barely visible textures
a lot
. It would be such a QoL update to be able to decide for yourself when you want to use that feature by having it bound to, let's say, the special action key.

A key maybe but the special action key is already overloaded, it's used in treasure hunts and various dynamic events, not being able to use your skyscale abilities because you're on a treasure hunt or in a dynamic event area would be far more annoying IMO.

Personally, I don't find it that I get unintentionally stuck to a wall all that frequently.

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@Pifil.5193 said:A key maybe but the special action key is already overloaded, it's used in treasure hunts and various dynamic events, not being able to use your skyscale abilities because you're on a treasure hunt or in a dynamic event area would be far more annoying IMO.

Ooh, you're right, I totally forgot that there are events where you need the key while mounted.

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Pls make most useful mount even more useful thx :p

That said, they did already adjust it so that it won't stick when you're moving down, so I guess maybe they could adjust it so it won't stick when you're moving up? So it only sticks on forward movement and not on a forward/vertical combo? Or maybe it only sticks if you're out of upward mobility? That would create some inconvenience too though. Idk, it's fine as it but I imagine I can live with anything they change it to . . .

Insert disclaimer on how I'd rather they be spending their time on other things here . . .

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Gop.8713" said:So it only sticks on forward movement and not on a forward/vertical combo?

It already does stick on "forward only" as well. That's still a problem.

I think you may have misunderstood the suggestion. Upon release, the skyscale would 'stick' to the wall whether you were ascending, descending or neither, so long as you were moving forward into the wall. After feedback this was altered so that the mount no longer sticks on descent, even if you are pressing forward. The OP's complaint was that the mount still sticks on ascent when you are also moving forward. So the suggestion was to change ascending to mirror descending so that the mount would only stick while moving forward when neither ascending nor descending . . .

Which would be nice I guess, as the first change was, but isn't really important, at least to me. In addition to all the current issues I'd rather they be working on, I'm going to say that based on past experience 90+% of the new issues that will be introduced this Tuesday will be more important to me than this, which is just QoL . . .

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@"Irreverent.3594" said:If it comes to that then it should be two options: current one and toogle. Then everyones happy.

Everyone says that, but then no one would be happy when "it didn't do the thing I intended, even though its acting exactly like its supposed to". Sometimes you want it to do something, sometimes you don't..... and when the difference is you escaping or getting dismounted and falling to your death, people still blame the game for not reading their minds correctly.

This is why something "simple" like a toggle eventually leads to contextual modifiers. Because its never as simple as turning it on or off.... theres this edge case where I'm out of flight juice, and the toggle is too far out of the way (because of the other 30 toggles you have), but I want it to do this specific thing, because I'm using flight based attack skills (coming soon) and have to time them, while also being chased by a rolling blizzard, and am flying toward an object where the collision mesh is different then visual mesh, and want to grab once, charge jump, then slide face the rest of the way up. .... Which is still wrong, because you were supposed to glide down to a spot at the bottom of the wall... but you being the player (and the player is always right), decided up and over was the solution, despite 5 previous failed attempts at.

You don't think stuff like this happens all the time? At least a dozen personal stories have situations where a particular type of build works against the player, Griffon and Springer gets used (and goes nowhere) because players are just used to going "over" things to bypass them, and a LOT of fights and JPs where you "forgot to untoggle" your toggle sets you back to the beginning... and could had been avoided entirely if you simply made this other way your normal reaction.

And people wonder why games have such complicated keybind menus now days. A few is fine. But games that continue longer then a year never stop at a few. Consider how many functions have been added to THIS game alone in the last 7 years. Especs and the Fbar, Special Action key, Mounts, Mount special actions, and Novelties, each with extra keys needed and half aren't even bound by default. And yet people still go on and on about wanting Consumable Hot bars, extra Hotbars, Inventory Hotbars, Mount hotbar, function hotkeys for toggles, and toggles for toggles so you don't accidentally toggle at the wrong time when reaching for another toggle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:My question is how do you let go of the wall? I was eliminated once already because mount accidentally stuck to the wall and wouldn't let go and aggro a hydra that blasted me with no way to move.

Just let go of the key/mouse you use for forward movement all together and you will be unstuck. Alternatively, you can hold the space bar for a short time then let go to jump up and with some refilled flight juice. That uses
just like dodge on an unmounted character. tl:dr Stop pressing whatever key/mouse button you use to move forward and you will release from the wall instantly.

I'd prefer stick to wall not be bound to a key as I like it the way it is. Just stop pressing the forward key and unstuck. That said, I can live with it either way.

Usually you have to hold (W) forward to cling, and in those cases, the suggestion to either let go of keys/mouse or perform a wall launch are fine.

But if persistently stuck to walls or thin trees, best to (S) move backward in order to un-stick. No wasted flight juice, and no lost altitude. Was very frustrating at first because my initial impulse was to try to steer away, and that wasn’t working.

Second thing, when you’re trying to get to something fast, or get away from something fast (hydras), resist the urge to immediately go forward again and re-stick.

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