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Do you want more mounts in the future?

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We have 4 land mounts, 2 aerial mounts, 1 height mount and 1 above water/sulfur/quicksand mount.

I'd like to see 2 more added

1 to achieve height, but not in the way SS does, I'd love a combo oakheart essence / stick to a wall and climb it mount...I want a SPIDER!!!


1 underwater mount, perhaps a dolphin :)

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Part of me says no. I do feel like its going to get too much. But I still hope against hope that underwater content will one day become relevant with new and vast areas to explore (like a "melted" jade sea, that would be the dream) and that would require an underwater mount at this point... also to get people more on board the idea.Also I have been wrong before... like how I didn't want mounts at all in the game, untill they were suddenly there.So mostly a no to more mounts, but with some room for maybe.

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I think more options to ingame pimp them. With like armor and utilities I am all for.But I think we have a good mount roster honestly.Maybe 1 more to fill 9 slots similar to professions but I'd say that would've been enough.An underwater mount is the only thing missing atm.All other movements are given.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:I think if we had a wall crawling spider mount and an underwater mount all bases would be covered.

I think it would be more beneficial after that to start building onto the mounts and their capabilities. Maybe also reworking Warclaw to have different pve functionality like stealth or something.

Honestly they could just give skyclaw the ability to actually climb as well as cling and although cool, a spider mount wouldn't even be necessary. I just like the idea of riding around on a giant spider. lol

And no idea about what they would do for an underwater mount. Maybe somekind of Leviathan or dolphin or something. Leviathan could be cool because they could make some crazy skins with it. Like an angular fish or whatever that thing is with the light antenna.

isn't the skyscale your wall-crawler? i mean i can attach myself to walls and launch from those just fine

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@CJH.2879 said:Yes underwater mount is definitely needed in this game (with preferably the options to both harvest & attack while still mounted). Seeing as underwater swimming/combat is one of the least favorite things to do in the game as is, these improvements (with the right implementation) could potentially turn that totally around and open up vast exploration/potential into a previously ignored area of the game.

Lets be honest people underwater combat is clunky (at best) & how many people truly spend that much time in or especially under water? I can't even name a few from any of the guilds I'm in nor other players on my friends list. Most people that I know or run into are always soaring above the clouds or running around on the ground itself. The only real reason to go into the water at all is to complete hearts, grabbing POI or vistas for map completions

Speeding through the ocean quickly (with excellent control/steering), harvesting & even attacking while mounted underwater would definitely entice people to both explore & re-visit those parts of the game with renewed interest. My only other suggestion in regards to any future mounts would be the wurm which could potentially burrow through or up to certain areas that no other mounts in the game can go through. ANET please just make sure in future that the collections are (reasonable to do), for any future mounts that you have in mind. (Find the right balance), cause you guys really did go from one extreme to another with this last 1 (the skyscale) vs previous mounts>> warclaw, beetle, griffon. Peace. =)

an easier solution would be to build upon existing mounts (through masteries, or upgrading them even further)

a toggle option for skimmer to go floating above water, or to go underwater would be a good start would be odd with the hummingbird skin, but ohwell rangers can use tigers underwater i have yet to see a tiger next to to a coral reef anyway

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@melandru.3876 said:

@"cptaylor.2670" said:I think if we had a wall crawling spider mount and an underwater mount all bases would be covered.

I think it would be more beneficial after that to start building onto the mounts and their capabilities. Maybe also reworking Warclaw to have different pve functionality like stealth or something.

Honestly they could just give skyclaw the ability to actually climb as well as cling and although cool, a spider mount wouldn't even be necessary. I just like the idea of riding around on a giant spider. lol

And no idea about what they would do for an underwater mount. Maybe somekind of Leviathan or dolphin or something. Leviathan could be cool because they could make some crazy skins with it. Like an angular fish or whatever that thing is with the light antenna.

isn't the skyscale your wall-crawler? i mean i can attach myself to walls and launch from those just fine

It doesn't crawl, it clings.

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There are too many mounts as is. I don't want endless new mounts added.

That said, I do think there should at some point be an underwater mount, but I would rather see the skimmer updated for that.

I am all for unique mount skins. I'd rather see current mounts get some unique skins that completely change the look, like the Hummingbird for skimmer. I didn't try to get that one because it looked like characters were going to fall off it because the saddle was so far down the tail, but in general, it was a great idea. More of that. ...Though how a hummingbird would look underwater, hm. >_>

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Having more mounts that have a meaning of usefulness then sure! I just love the fact that these are useful then just a flashy item.ArenaNet finally made something more of the word "Mount" then most MMORPG so having more with usefulness then LETS GO! ;)

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Yes but only a couple more at most.

Mounts in Gw2 need a utility to justify them and the 8 we already have do a pretty great job at not really replacing one another.

The only things I can personally think of that will justify new mounts are

1) Underwater mount. (Dolphin, Shark, Other)Self explanatory, need a faster means of travel underwater (swim speed infusions don't cut it and are stupid expensive, should work instead like Luck giving a small account wide swim speed boost after consuming a certain amount of them)

2) Introduction mount. (Horse, Warclaw could fill this if made available without expansion requrement)Mostly to help newer players keep up with mounted zergs running events and also encourage them to want PoF to obtain the faster and more useful mounts.

3) Climbing/Monkeybar function mount. (Gorilla, Sloth, Spider, Frog, Lizard, Other)Climbing across the ceiling or under a bridge is one function no mount currently has, I could picture this working great for cave maps similar to Draconis Mons or Jungle regions.Use would likely be limited to specified areas though, but there are ways the map designers could make a mount like this the only way to access treasure and locations that would be exceptionally hard to get to with a flier.A hole in the ceiling that you would have to monkeybar under then climb up a shaft to access a treasure chest for example, no way you're getting a Griffon or Skyscale up something like that.

4) Into the Depths Mount. (Wurm, Mole, Drill Golem, Other).Tyria has long been home to a vast network of tunnels and subterrainian locations that we simply cannot access in Gw2.Anet could make sealed off Subterrainian maps and locations that can only be accessed via a mount that could burrow it's way down into them.This could lead to a multitude of full underground maps, tunnel systems or just small box maps with treasure in them (think falling down a hole in Legend of Zelda) set in locations already used by existing maps, you could go to a location on the surface world, mount and dig down into a cave, fight your way to the end then dig back to the surface and be in a totally different region of the world, maybe even a few isolated Gw1 locations that you are unable to access on the surface such as Copperhammer Mines, Sanctum Cay, Ice Tooth Caves, Boreal Station, Wizards Folly Tower, King's Watch, Mineral Springs, Battledepths, The Mausoleum etc.

This mount could provide a lot of secret exploring, treasure hunting achievements for lost burried treasure, digging into ancient tombs for lost lore or even providing us with a new daily event bosses.First thing that comes to mind as an example is digging our way into a tunnel system in NW Kessex Hills which takes us out into a small map in the location of Majesty's Rest in Gw1, there we can rediscover the Mausoleum and are able to fight against the re-animated Rotscale again who could have a rare chance to drop a unique Rotscale weapon skin and then we get a timed raid in the Mausoleum for treasure while swarms of undead try to stop us and seal the Mausoleum or something.

Those are just a few ideas floating around in my head.

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There's still a few niches that could be covered with mounts:

  • A Carrier one that can carry up to other 4 players.
  • A speed diving one that can swim underwater extremely fast, but can't leave the water.
  • A Crawler one that can walk on giant trees, ceilings and walls with special surfaces like tree barks, vines and cobwebs , able to reach spots even skyscale can't reach.
  • A Digger mount that can move between different underground layers in Depths of Tyria maps and sniff hidden undeground treasures.
  • A Plane Shifting one that can switch between two phased states of certain maps (physical plane and mists/spirit plane), allowing you to do things like visiting ghosts that can't gain physical forms, see secrets and solve puzzles that require shifting to the mists, shifting to an alternate plane where a door is not solid, going through the door, then going back to the physical plane to fight a boss inside an enclosed area, or shifting to see how a wall turns into a series of stairs you can jump with a Springer.
  • A Spacefarer one usable when we finally go to the secret Inquest base on the moon. Probably a golem suit able to withstand the void of space. Of course, it'll have jetpacks!
  • A 'voltron' one that can be used in combat temporarily with 5 combat abilities, and that can merge with other 4 mounts into a large 5-person manned mount for a short time.
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Basically just a underwater mount like many mentioned before me. Unless they find another niche use that is very unique to a mount, I personally think we would be covered with the underwater mount in all areas. But hey the game makers might have some creative ideas I haven't thought off. If there never will be another (save underwater) I would not miss them.

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