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every class have too high damage


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@bigo.9037 said:

@Lala.8752 said:seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

Stop using squishy amulets :)

But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@Lala.8752 said:seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

Stop using squishy amulets :)

But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.

No. The extreme ends of defense are OP cus they can't die to 1 player at all if they know how to kite. FB can live forever against 1 player running full glass if both are good. 2 medium dmg classes also can't kill 1 FB. That's why more people play straight up DPS so they have a better chance vs bunker builds. But more ppl running builds with 0 toughness also means they get 2shot by other players with the same build.

2shotting and 1shots have been possible since 2013 and probably even before, but that's when I started getting into the game.

Back then, we would just tell ppl complaining about getting 2shot/1shot that they needed to add toughness to their build, and that would solve the problem. Nowadays, people don't want to listen, but it's also because you need this crazy dmg to kill bunker builds.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:I wonder what would happen if we reduce the amount of stats amulets give by 20%.

Really they should probably shave down some damage multipliers by as much as half instead.

Stats are additive and something everyone has a choice in, multipliers are multiplicative and something that some classes have as much as 2 times more than others filling the same role.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:I wonder what would happen if we reduce the amount of stats amulets give by 20%.

Really they should probably shave down some damage multipliers by as much as half instead.

Stats are additive and something everyone has a choice in, multipliers are multiplicative and something that some classes have as much as 2 times more than others filling the same role.

Only if they also reduce healing from healing skills by the same amount. Cus toughness + healing / condiclear on bunker builds have the same multiplicative problem.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@"DanAlcedo.3281" said:I wonder what would happen if we reduce the amount of stats amulets give by 20%.

Really they should probably shave down some damage multipliers by as much as half instead.

Stats are additive and something everyone has a choice in, multipliers are multiplicative and something that
some classes have as much as 2 times more than others filling the same role

It's okay, you can say who that is. :smile:


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@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:It's okay, you can say who that is. :smile:


From there? Well when it comes down to high DPS side-noders and going strictly by the multiplier traits i'd say Holo, Herald, and SLB are the decidedly better side-noders. Holo and SLB's are just always there, and that's building off of great kits to begin with. Herald because they have so many, but more importantly; A power shatter mesmer sort of measures up the same way when trying to build for max damage, only you'd get more as Herald, and you'd get no LoS ports that give unblockables and even more damage on top of that.

I wouldn't put too much value on my opinion, as i'm certainly no professional, and not really all that concerned with balance to begin with, but; to briefly categorize the side-noders as I see them:

OP: Soulbeast, Holo, Scrapper, Herald

Balanced: Spellbreaker, Mesmer

Underpowered: Weaver, Core Guard?

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@Raiden The Beast.3016 said:Teef is doing noodle damage

BUFF teef, undo lazy mechanics from Anet side ...


Thief is fine in wvw , but in pvp in would it looses to classes that are overperforming in spvp.

Buff Teef

Nerf what is overperforming instead.

Would be best but we kno from past experience that isn't gonna happen. Powercreep is here to stay unfortunately.
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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"Lala.8752" said:seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

Stop using squishy amulets :)

But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.

Rock paper scissors is balanced. Flipping a coin is balanced. Would you do either of those things for fun?

"Balance" does not matter when every meta build is so overpowered that the game feels like a button mashing competition

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@Elementalist Owner.7802 said:

@"Lala.8752" said:seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

Stop using squishy amulets :)

But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.

Rock paper scissors is balanced. Flipping a coin is balanced. Would you do either of those things for fun?

"Balance" does not matter when every meta build is so overpowered that the game feels like a button mashing competition

this. 100x this :)

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@Elementalist Owner.7802 said:

@"Lala.8752" said:seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

Stop using squishy amulets :)

But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.

Rock paper scissors is balanced. Flipping a coin is balanced. Would you do either of those things for fun?

"Balance" does not matter when every meta build is so overpowered that the game feels like a button mashing competition

Sure who mashes the right buttons at the right time in the right place... That's the question. Every game is just mashing buttons, at least on pc anyway.

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Just no.... If you said that 1.5 seasons ago (so AT LEAST 3 balance patches ago) I would have agreed because all the meta was burst. It has been toned down so my guess is the same as everyone else, whatever you play you lack of defensiv options or it is your awereness on a situation that leads you to a quick death.You also have defensive "passiv traits" and defensive options/builds on different classes.

.> @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

Rock paper scissors is balanced. Flipping a coin is balanced. Would you do either of those things for fun?

"Balance" does not matter when every meta build is so overpowered that the game feels like a button mashing competitionEvery class/build should not/cannot be ready for a 1V1 VS everything. I have to disagree with you because most of those meta builds also have a weakness that an other meta build can exploit making teamfight and positioning also important. It is also possible to adapt your build (and recommended in solo queue) depending on the ennemy team.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@"Lala.8752" said:seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

Stop using squishy amulets :)

But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.

Rock paper scissors is balanced. Flipping a coin is balanced. Would you do either of those things for fun?

"Balance" does not matter when every meta build is so overpowered that the game feels like a button mashing competition

Sure who mashes the right buttons at the right time in the right place... That's the question. Every game is just mashing buttons, at least on pc anyway.

In good games you have to think about every action. In GW2, it mostly comes down to spamming as hard as you can. I don't think you understand how dumbed down the game has gotten since the HoT days... A bronze league player from those days could easily reach platinum now because skill is hardly a factor anymore.

Most of the former ESL players have quit the game and/or come out vocally about how faceroll the meta has become. This is not even a debate. This is common knowledge to anyone who knows what they are talking about. I know you casuals AKA GW2's target audience in 2019 like being able to roll your faces on your keyboards to win, but that is not how competitive games are supposed to work.

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@Elementalist Owner.7802 said:In good games you have to think about every action. In GW2, it mostly comes down to spamming as hard as you can. I don't think you understand how dumbed down the game has gotten since the HoT days... A bronze league player from those days could easily reach platinum now because skill is hardly a factor anymore.

Most of the former ESL players have quit the game and/or come out vocally about how faceroll the meta has become. This is not even a debate. This is common knowledge to anyone who knows what they are talking about. I know you casuals AKA GW2's target audience in 2019 like being able to roll your faces on your keyboards to win, but that is not how competitive games are supposed to work.

Some hours have passed and maybe you had time to consider what you wrote. I am right and if you disagree you are bad is what comes out of it.

In good games you have to think about every action. In GW2, it mostly comes down to spamming as hard as you can : The game has gone faster, so what? Can you really spam all you want? Can you really stay in range and sustain when so many classes have teleport/rush abilities? Can you really rush in on every class and take someone down before dying? Do you not care about the timing for stunbreaks or the positioning of aoe fields? I can think of some examples were I agree and miss the core days, like traps on ranger were thieves would not stand a chance (then with daredevil they walked in like it was nothing) but it also enabled different playstyles on the classes (like after Pof were reaper got a full rework for power builds [yes should have been like this at the start]). Also were all the meta fast? I do remember a lot of slow periods filled with bunkers (and it was boring).

A bronze league player from those days could easily reach platinum now because skill is hardly a factor anymore. : Sounds like everybody is plat or has reached it (which is false). Someone can reach plat once by playing the “strongest” of the meta (because yes it definitely happened) but will they stay plat every season? I am also sure everybody who was bronze back then and reached plat now could have improved or just played more than during core days. Also since you use plat/bronze as a reference how would you classify the ranking before the seasons were introduced (so during hot days)? I know a lot of people (including myself) who barely cared before that.

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