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We NEED Harsh punishments for Match Manipulators.


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Game Needs to do something with players going "AFK" but Moving around Base/Trash talking players on Map chat during the match yet refuses to continue playing.

Add some sort of system where if someone in base for over a 90 seconds they "dc" from the match till next round.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:I have seen cases where you blame someone for something they didn't do, and you can get the whole team salty at that person. It has even spread out to the other team.

Then make it 8/10 I'm not one to report someone for being bad. That means they just have to convince one other person. Besides, I think people reporting for hating on someone for being bad isn't a thing that happens extensively. People who grief on the other hand? It happens far far too often.

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Truth is, winning team doesnt bother to report. And anet doesnt bother banning ppl, specially in lower tiers that concentrated the greater numbers of toxic players (which is the main reason they're there btw, they afk and trash talking ppl after losing mid once, or seeing someone going far instead of mid in the beggining of the match).

This lower tiers also have lower populations, the most populated tier is gold 2, so banning silver players and below will make the match making even worse than its already is

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It's not that hard for Anet to program a verification on afk report to prevent false positives. Nothing will be foolproof, but what's going on now is worse than any alternative. There is literally ZERO policing relative to the amount of afkers. Players need to be responsible and report, but Anet needs to make it worthwhile to do so. Right now, people are indifferent because Anet has such a long track record of being indifferent. It's just one of the many decisions they've made that killed the PvP potential of the game.

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This is a daily occurrence now, it's not permissible, and is making my Ascension backpack that much harder to attain. There's two notable people queuing up around silver rank. One is the leader of a gaming group dedicated to throwing the match to record grief on Twitch. The other walks or sits in spawn, up until the point where the team gives up (when the score is about 10-475) then he starts fighting. Each has there own repeated catch phrase, in and out of match, in the same broken spelling and grammar. So, I must ask how in the heck do I deal with this issue other than not playing PvP.

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If you get caught manipulating a match at any point, any PVP related items you have gained on that account should be retroactively removed permanently, and that account should be stuck with dishonor for at least a couple of seasons.

Also, only accounts that have at least purchased core should be able to pvp in ranked matches during season, to prevent smurfing.

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@Solori.6025 said:Punishments need to be as severe as Zeroing the account. Take away gold. Mats. Titles. Gear. Everything.Or this ! But I said in 1 of the threads - too late. They should have been vocal long time ago. Look how many seasons it got a free pass. Its just too late, damage is done, players quit and unlikely that they will come back

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@SirPoopsalot.5830 said:This is a daily occurrence now, it's not permissible, and is making my Ascension backpack that much harder to attain. There's two notable people queuing up around silver rank. One is the leader of a gaming group dedicated to throwing the match to record grief on Twitch. The other walks or sits in spawn, up until the point where the team gives up (when the score is about 10-475) then he starts fighting. Each has there own repeated catch phrase, in and out of match, in the same broken spelling and grammar. So, I must ask how in the heck do I deal with this issue other than not playing PvP.

Is this really happening in lower tiers?

If so, wow. People must be getting bored.

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The more I get familiar with PvP the more this part of the game seems like it's in maintenance mode. There are very glaring problems even non dedicated/new sPvP players can easily point out. Common place hacking being one of them. It goes to show how little attention is paid to the mode

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  • 1 month later...

I'd say that this season is the season that Ranked officially became broken and completely dysfunctional in NA. Match manipulation was annoying at first, and then sort of started getting worse as the season went on, until it became extreme. But now it has actually broken the system completely.

You used to only have to worry about it if you were approaching 1650+. Now due to lower population, you start running into it at 1550ish or sometimes lower. There are too many people in on it at this point and the population isn't high enough to allow realistic climbing past a plat 2 level unless you're a part of the project or if the people who are participating are allowing you passage through the gate because they like you, or you are paying for a title. And it's even worse if those players have a reason to not like you when they are alting. In this case, you get the shit que sniped out of you. They don't even have to hard focus you with que snipes, they just throw when you're on their team or try hard when they are against you while they do alt phases. It's really obvious when this happens actually, because the players who are doing this will seemingly perform terribly when they are on your team, but then magically when they are against you, they perform like players you'd meet in the final round of an AT. Sometimes you can also tell who people are by their playstyle lol. Yeah the population is so low now, and players who have stuck around for 7 years are indeed identifiable by their playstyles, regardless of the toon graphics or name or account. GG stealth tactics boys.

This is all creating an effect where ratings are so low now, due to this gate of favoritism/buying/selling, and too low of a population to avoid these players, that as soon as you break into 1600 range, you are always against the high rated mains who are being supported, and never have chances of being with them to sort of 50/50 your gains & losses from the manipulations. In the past, you'd usually be on their teams as often as you'd be against them, which even though this is still stupid and boring, at least the rating lost from manipulations vs the gain wasn't as lopsided as it is now. At this point though, if you manage to creep up to 1600+, you don't land in teams who are being supported anymore. You just go against them and get to lose matches. If you aren't in their favor, staying bottom plat 2 or top plat 1 is actually difficult as hell now.

What I mean by this is how they pick & choose who they feel should play high or stay low. Sometimes they just like someone for whatever reason that is, and they will involve them in match manipulations without telling that person it is happening. There was one time that a guy on an account that I had never seen before that day, invited me to duo. He was performing well in matches that day when he was in my games, so I told him sure, let's give it a shot. We must have played 8-10 games in a row, and mysteriously every match we were winning with blowouts like 500 to 150 or less. And it wasn't because we were carry gods. It was because the other teams against us always mysteriously had players who seemingly were so bad, that every match was farmable to the point that it was "Easy". Trust me when I say, no carrying even needed to happen, it was so easy. So either the match maker was purposely stacking matches in our favor where we had all the high rated and the other team had all the low rated, or someone was match manipulating and I wasn't being told what was going on.

Whoever that was, I appreciate the gesture. But the game would be much more fun if everyone would just stop doing this ^^

Nevertheless, I get why you do it. I get it. I've had a couple conversations with a couple interesting people lately. I get it. I don't blame you. But that still doesn't make it right, and I'd much rather prefer that it all stopped.

It's in your hands to care, Arenanet. I mean at this point it's going to turn completely into theatrics. Between this match manipulation that is driving off player base, and the gradual decline in population due to game aging, we're losing too many real competitors. This will result in the win trade society being left all to themselves, vs. a bunch of new players showing up on the scene who don't yet know what's going on. The true skill of the leaderboard will be so lopsided and extreme, that you'll have a bunch of hard veteran players on the left and completely new players on the right, with no averages in between. The scene will turn into these players playing with their alts, to get & hold positions each season, helping each other get wins, and there will be very few real matches ever again, if any at all. Just clean up your damn game mode. Reenable 5 man ques. Simple fix, not hard to figure out. It would allow smart players to block themselves from the effects of match manipulation. It won't erase match manipulations, but it grants wise players the choice to not have to lose matches due to match manipulation.

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I'd also like to point out that what stirred all of this up so bad this season, was the new titles.

We have a lot of people working manipulations reeeeeeeal hard for new titles. Whether it's just to look cool, Rich players showing up for AT/Title hunting, people making profit off buying/selling slots to the those rich players, people doing it to bring their friends ratings to that level, or just doing it to set a gate so certain people can't be live on streams, the result is all the same. Lots of people running match manipulations.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:I'd say that this season is the season that Ranked officially became broken and completely dysfunctional in NA. Match manipulation was annoying at first, and then sort of started getting worse as the season went on, until it became extreme. But now it has actually broken the system completely.

You used to only have to worry about it if you were approaching 1650+. Now due to lower population, you start running into it at 1550ish or sometimes lower. There are too many people in on it at this point and the population isn't high enough to allow realistic climbing past a plat 2 level unless you're a part of the project or if the people who are participating are allowing you passage through the gate because they like you, or you are paying for a title. And it's even worse if those players have a reason to not like you when they are alting. In this case, you get the kitten que sniped out of you. They don't even have to hard focus you with que snipes, they just throw when you're on their team or try hard when they are against you while they do alt phases. It's really obvious when this happens actually, because the players who are doing this will seemingly perform terribly when they are on your team, but then magically when they are against you, they perform like players you'd meet in the final round of an AT. Sometimes you can also tell who people are by their playstyle lol. Yeah the population is so low now, and players who have stuck around for 7 years are indeed identifiable by their playstyles, regardless of the toon graphics or name or account. GG stealth tactics boys.

This is all creating an effect where ratings are so low now, due to this gate of favoritism/buying/selling, and too low of a population to avoid these players, that as soon as you break into 1600 range, you are always against the high rated mains who are being supported, and never have chances of being with them to sort of 50/50 your gains & losses from the manipulations. In the past, you'd usually be on their teams as often as you'd be against them, which even though this is still stupid and boring, at least the rating lost from manipulations vs the gain wasn't as lopsided as it is now. At this point though, if you manage to creep up to 1600+, you don't land in teams who are being supported anymore. You just go against them and get to lose matches. If you aren't in their favor, staying bottom plat 2 or top plat 1 is actually difficult as hell now.

What I mean by this is how they pick & choose who they feel should play high or stay low. Sometimes they just like someone for whatever reason that is, and they will involve them in match manipulations without telling that person it is happening. There was one time that a guy on an account that I had never seen before that day, invited me to duo. He was performing well in matches that day when he was in my games, so I told him sure, let's give it a shot. We must have played 8-10 games in a row, and mysteriously every match we were winning with blowouts like 500 to 150 or less. And it wasn't because we were carry gods. It was because the other teams against us always mysteriously had players who seemingly were so bad, that every match was farmable to the point that it was "Easy". Trust me when I say, no carrying even needed to happen, it was so easy. So either the match maker was purposely stacking matches in our favor where we had all the high rated and the other team had all the low rated, or someone was match manipulating and I wasn't being told what was going on.

Whoever that was, I appreciate the gesture. But the game would be much more fun if everyone would just stop doing this ^^

Nevertheless, I get why you do it. I get it. I've had a couple conversations with a couple interesting people lately. I get it. I don't blame you. But that still doesn't make it right, and I'd much rather prefer that it all stopped.

It's in your hands to care, Arenanet. I mean at this point it's going to turn completely into theatrics. Between this match manipulation that is driving off player base, and the gradual decline in population due to game aging, we're losing too many real competitors. This will result in the win trade society being left all to themselves, vs. a bunch of new players showing up on the scene who don't yet know what's going on. The true skill of the leaderboard will be so lopsided and extreme, that you'll have a bunch of hard veteran players on the left and completely new players on the right, with no averages in between. The scene will turn into these players playing with their alts, to get & hold positions each season, helping each other get wins, and there will be very few real matches ever again, if any at all. Just clean up your kitten game mode. Reenable 5 man ques. Simple fix, not hard to figure out. It would allow smart players to block themselves from the effects of match manipulation. It won't erase match manipulations, but it grants wise players the choice to not have to lose matches due to match manipulation.

Well said man

This is exactly what I've experienced at p1/2 you just bounce back and forth depending on if the match manipulators are currently playing. The only time you can get a non rigged match is weekend afternoon/evenings and if you're lucky during na prime time. Not even worth trying to climb if you don't participate

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This is a terrible idea. Most people aren't good enough to understand how to play the game properly let alone determine if a team mate is activily trying to lose a game. I've been accused of match manipulation for fighting off point. You really want an angry mob with that thought process handing out dishonor?

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