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Blish: Am I a joke to you?

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Hey commander you did get yourself inside Kralkatorrik from his mouth where he ate Balthazar's sword and the tracker attached to it and the power source attached to the tracker right?

The tracker functions fine which means the power source is also fine right?


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@Head Kracker.4790 said:

@Cardolan.9123 said:itI mean "him"

technically he didn't have a gender anymore since golem, so "it" is actually as appropriate as him in this instance if not a little demeaning depending on knowledge of the being and their prefrences.

Not sure about Blish himself but there's evidence that Gorrik certainly doesn't like people calling/thinking his brohter as an "object" or a "thing"...

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I hope Blish has been destroyed for good, since "simply" turning him off would probably cause him other nightmares.My guess is that since we will lose Taimi sooner or later, and Scruffy 2.0 with her, and since Gorrik said that he saved his brother... we will see a new Blish 2.0 in the future, eventually containing both Taimi and Blish's brains. I like both voice actors, and having a super-brained asuran entity is always useful. Plus, we are already used to hear them speak through a comm, so not a big change. The dual entity could create some funny moment as well, I guess.

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@"Urud.4925" said:I hope Blish has been destroyed for good, since "simply" turning him off would probably cause him other nightmares.My guess is that since we will lose Taimi sooner or later, and Scruffy 2.0 with her, and since Gorrik said that he saved his brother... we will see a new Blish 2.0 in the future, eventually containing both Taimi and Blish's brains. I like both voice actors, and having a super-brained asuran entity is always useful. Plus, we are already used to hear them speak through a comm, so not a big change. The dual entity could create some funny moment as well, I guess.

Maybe the Blish portion will stop the Taimi part from getting kidnapped or in beed of saving all the time.

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@Kal Spiro.9745 said:

@Samnang.1879 said:Blish is dead.

I ask again: what happened to his golem body? Not even dragons digest metal. Also, what happened to Balthazar's sword?

There is no reason to assume that they weren't digested. Broken down into magiparticles and absorbed

Probably, but it would have been more entertaining to discover the remains in Kralk's belly. :p

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It's a golem... just find the power core, the cerebral node and hop into a new body. That end was really rushed, worst than joko. Frankly, kralk belly is just empty, nothing, just like a giant animated rock to finally kill its "heart" pff kitten. If the tracker is fine, blish is fine. You can't state "hey a little weak thin anthena is well and a robot just 3x bigger isn't" the narrative team seems to have a very strange saddistic behavior regarding the more lovely characters: tonn, tybalt and now blishWHO WILL BE NEXT? ALMORRA??

Hell, I'm not In game of throne, at least some respect for the characters! When retrieving baltha sword, the story with blish telling he changed with Taimi to end it like a garbage. A garbage. WAS THE SAME STUPID ENDING AS TONN!!! "Oh... it seems not working, i have to reconfigure it.. Boom"

I WOULD BE NOT EVEN SURPRISED TO SEE HIM COMING BACK, because the story is quaggan level Boohh and doesn't mean anything: The commander dead? Nah nah rez it. Aurene dead? PFF rezzed. I'm now even expecting to see balthazar and scarlet coming as steve minions.... It's not well made, with huge holes within your lore and story. The teams should speak between them, each episode feels like it's made each time by a different person that doesn't even know what happened before. The greatest incoherence was clearly episode 2 -> 3 and 5 -> 6.

PLZ PLZ not even GORRIK seems affected by the brother.. lol okay commander I'm giving you the signal! Blish? Hmm who is it?


It's just breaking my nerves all those incoherences, just because we are the player, we have bad skills, bad damages and weapons whereas ennemies and now aurene are 100x stronger than us. Pact is now useless and outdated. Airships are now useless. Let's kill everyone every allies and only have Aurene -_-

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Blish is dead.He shut down his higher functions.I don't know how it works with spirits when they're transferred to a golem, but that thing was 100% down, the equivalent of biological death.Even if you collect him, power him up, and reboot him, Blish is no longer in there.It'll be a 100% new golem AI.which does leave over interesting question.IF blish is still in there, he'd be a fully reset individual, meaning he's not just dead, he's gone

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I guess the soul is tied to the crystal power core, it would explain the scene when he was shut down. On = alive, off = dead. For me if the core is revovered, the soul and memory too. Inquest used to fuse soul with golem for a long time now kinda a common practice. I should lead some researchs about soul transfer....

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As part of the questing for the legendary Vision, we get to read some field notes [Vision of Allies: Blish, in Kourna] which I read at the time as implying that Blish made a backup copy of himself - just prior to when we first encounter him and Gorrik. However reading it back, it could just mean he backed up his portal miniaturisation notes?


Inquest activity at the Rata Primus installation will be put on hold for the foreseeable future. This is unfortunate, as I was just beginning to determine how my portal technology could be miniaturized for personal use.

I backed up some data locally, but Gorrik insisted I create external fail-safe backups. That worked, of course, but it did not help that I had stored them all within Rata Primus itself. So when Rata Primus was overrun by Awakened and we were forced to evacuate, that complicated matters significantly. I am at the very least confident that my encryption algorithm cannot be broken without severely impacting the onboard data.

And when the time came, I felt it more important to download Gorrik's scarab plague data and everything that existed regarding research into Kralkatorrik. Saving all civilization is perhaps more important than my portal technology. Also, I could probably replicate my findings and do so in a more performant manner starting once again from scratch.


Taimi...thinks I look beautiful._

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