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Just went to POF zones again

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

You are assuming I agree to the sentiment that the maps are empty and specifically empty due to mob difficulty: I do not, with either notion.

You migh also have noticed how the very first premise of this thread is that the PoF maps are empty (with an assumption given after as to why), maybe my response was in relation to that? Just a thought.

it doesnt matter what you agree on, the OP clearly states, that he finds it annoying...your feelings on the matter doesnt change that the fact , that HE doesnt like itits not the first thread on this issue either.

Yes, I don't have to agree. I merely pointed out the TC incapability to use the LFG which would solve his primary issue of feeling that the maps are empty.

Using LFG is not a solution. And honestly, even with LFG, there is not much going on in most PoF maps. And well designed maps do not require LFG to work. Cursed Shore, I do not need to group to do any events. It is crystal clear what the events are, where they are located and the flow of the map gets people to participate in them. Same with most HoT maps, LWS3 maps, SW. That is how good maps are supposed to be designed. Not empty map that you need to use LFG to do any event worth value. I think the bounty system is one of the worst designs ever. And it is good that Anet abandoned that concept later in LWS4.

As for the OP, I disagree regarding map aggro/mob population. For me, things are fine. If you know how to use raptor you skip everything while very rarely getting hit.

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:For the first time in a while. Surprise, surprise, they seem pretty much empty empty. I wonder why? Maybe the fact that whereever you go there are 10,000 mobs with 20,000 aggro range completely destroying your ability to enjoy doing anything in them?

It's such a shame such fantastic environmental work is being wasted in this way.

Or because it is currently a Boss Rush event, and there are no World Bosses in PoF maps?

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Just a couple of days ago I ran a lvl 12 ranger through Crystal Oasis and Desert Highlands to get an Iboga then through Verdant Brink to get a Fire Wyvern. My baby ranger died just once in all of that. At the moment it charmed the juvenile Iboga a full grown momma Iboga took my poor ranger out with one shot. The Verdant Brink run was completely successful and my ranger got through that one unscathed. So yeah, there are trash mobs all over the place but those maps are maneuverable. For what it's worth, all three maps had people on them when I was on them.

Of course what I was doing was just running through as fast as possible, not trying to gather resource nodes. I have had the gathering/trash mobs problem like the op's on other maps though. Currently I need a lot of rugged leather so I have a lvl 80 herald camped out on the Fireheart Rise map equipped with a full set of gathering tools using the leatherworker glyph. The trash mobs there are so irritating that I hate farming that map. Most often I'm running from node to node, unable to mount, and trailing a whole passel of assorted critters. As some give up and drop away, new ones jump in to join the hunt. I do a lot of open world pve roaming and generally gather from every node I see. For me, Fireheart Rise is the worst gathering map in core Tyria. I don't know what demented game designer thought endless trash mobs were fun but I certainly don't think they are. (Oh, and I do know Mount Maelstrom also drops rugged leather. I farm both.)

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Tbh, the only Path of Fire mobs that annoy me are those with a ludicrous range that manage to dismount me. After a year of practice, I've learned how to properly dodge or bypass such mobs. I just dont find metas there appealing, I revisit the areas mostly for leisure.

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:For the first time in a while. Surprise, surprise, they seem pretty much empty. I wonder why? Maybe the fact that whereever you go there are 10,000 mobs with 20,000 aggro range completely destroying your ability to enjoy doing anything in them?

It's such a shame such fantastic environmental work is being wasted in this way.

You are right.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

  • PoF maps aren't empty.
  • It's not hard to navigate the maps, with or without aggro. If anything, it's easier to do so than in HoT because there's more room to maneuver.
  • Dragon Bash just ended; the new Boss Rush began. That's drawing a lot of attention.

Well, you are also right.

In my opinion, although the design of the maps is OK, the degree of population is low. You can find always 2-3-5 players on every map, and in certain moments even a squad doing a certain event, but if you just enter a map hopping to do a non very known event, you can have the surprise to not find someone else doing it.

Yes, now with the mounts you can navigate the maps easily. The problem is if you want to gather something or if you want to walk. This is the moment the aggro range and the number of the mobs starts to remind you that you are not welcome there. =)

@Chichimec.9364 said:Currently I need a lot of rugged leather so I have a lvl 80 herald camped out on the Fireheart Rise map equipped with a full set of gathering tools using the leatherworker glyph. The trash mobs there are so irritating that I hate farming that map. Most often I'm running from node to node, unable to mount, and trailing a whole passel of assorted critters. As some give up and drop away, new ones jump in to join the hunt. I do a lot of open world pve roaming and generally gather from every node I see. For me, Fireheart Rise is the worst gathering map in core Tyria. I don't know what demented game designer thought endless trash mobs were fun but I certainly don't think they are. (Oh, and I do know Mount Maelstrom also drops rugged leather. I farm both.)

As a suggestion - try Sparkly Fen (the map of Tequatl). If you start from the North East and if you do a tour of the map you can get a LOT of rugged leather. To not turn this into a chore I used the fact that you should be in the map with around 30 min before the Tequatl event starts and I used this time for gathering. In 30 min you can cover around 75-80% of the map. The mobs are not so ..... PoF-ish. =)

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:For the first time in a while. Surprise, surprise, they seem pretty much empty. I wonder why? Maybe the fact that whereever you go there are 10,000 mobs with 20,000 aggro range completely destroying your ability to enjoy doing anything in them?

It's such a shame such fantastic environmental work is being wasted in this way.

I think there are more reasons than that but upon thinking about it, the enemy concentration can be pretty dense and littering a map with mobs can be a nuisance sometimes, I'd like it much more if there were fewer stronger mobs, ones that actually tested you a bit.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

I get your complaint. If I wasn't able to kill them as I went I'd be angry too.

Groups make mobs even more trivial than they already are. Don't forget OP also complained about maps being empty, only that their reason as to why seems rather lazy.

lol...i have killed enough of them, to know what they are

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@"Westenev.5289" said:Am I to guess your ideal map would make for a very empty battlefield...?

Surrrrre, that is exactly what I meant.ulLVRC6.jpg

I have done map completion on every map, including PoF's, on more than ten characters, so this is hardly about shying away from combat. The point that was being made was about the density, aggro range and short respawn times, but hey.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Never understood why people are so ticked off by mobs in pof, its not different from hot. Its just much more flat and making it easier to seem overwhelmed when its not. Ive never had issues with mobs there.

Unlike some others above, I can give a non-snarky answer. It has to do with how the mobs are set up.

In HoT, the winding jungle makes it so you only encounter a few enemies at a time. Most enemies have one or two big gimmicks, and they're actually pretty frail. Their aggro range is also quite short. This means that most enemies in HoT are pretty easy to deal with: either you kill them before they kill you, or you deal with their one big gimmick. This makes Berserker Builds good for HoT.

PoF went with a different route. Instead of fighting relatively few enemies, you'll fight many. They have long aggro range, and are spread out over a wider area. While some have a gimmick, many of them just sit there and attack you from afar. This setup is particularly punishing to berserker builds, because you no longer have the option of killing enemies first, and that damage accumulates pretty fast. But, if you're in a build with good defenses, then PoF isn't as hard as all the OP one-shot mechanics that HoT has.

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You can dodge most of the enemy attacks using the mount's dodge/jump skill.

Main reason I don't go to PoF maps that often is because the metas are either nonexistant or bash 1 boring (Serpent's Ire). They require minimal player organization and effort to complete compared to HoT metas, which I do play frequently. I have very rarely seen a PoF meta fail if there is even 1 tag up with people just attempting it. Compare that to Auric Basin or Verdant Brink metas, which require multiple organized tags and players who clearly need to know at least the basics of the mechanics to succeed at the metas.

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@Cristalyan.5728 said:In my opinion, although the design of the maps is OK, the degree of population is low. You can find always 2-3-5 players on every map, and in certain moments even a squad doing a certain event, but if you just enter a map hopping to do a non very known event, you can have the surprise to not find someone else doing it.

What map in this game can you enter hoping to do a not-very-well-known event and expect to see others doing it? Even in 2012, I didn't find that to be the case and then, every map was new.

Yes, now with the mounts you can navigate the maps easily. The problem is if you want to gather something or if you want to walk. This is the moment the aggro range and the number of the mobs starts to remind you that you are not welcome there. =)We have mounts that can evade. We can easily go around mob-infested areas. It is possible to entirely avoid aggro in all but a few areas.

And again, I find that far easier to do in the newest maps (and especially the original four PoF maps) than in HoT or LS3 maps.

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@Cristalyan.5728 said:

@Chichimec.9364 said:Currently I need a lot of rugged leather so I have a lvl 80 herald camped out on the Fireheart Rise map equipped with a full set of gathering tools using the leatherworker glyph. The trash mobs there are so irritating that I hate farming that map. Most often I'm running from node to node, unable to mount, and trailing a whole passel of assorted critters. As some give up and drop away, new ones jump in to join the hunt. I do a lot of open world pve roaming and generally gather from every node I see. For me, Fireheart Rise is the worst gathering map in core Tyria. I don't know what demented game designer thought endless trash mobs were fun but I certainly don't think they are. (Oh, and I do know Mount Maelstrom also drops rugged leather. I farm both.)

As a suggestion - try Sparkly Fen (the map of Tequatl). If you start from the North East and if you do a tour of the map you can get a LOT of rugged leather. To not turn this into a chore I used the fact that you should be in the map with around 30 min before the Tequatl event starts and I used this time for gathering. In 30 min you can cover around 75-80% of the map. The mobs are not so ..... PoF-ish. =)

Ah, an excellent suggestion! I especially like the idea of combining the gathering with TT. Thank you!

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