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We need FARMABLE Hardcore content ( FOW/UW from gw1)

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Currently theres no way of farming gold reliably by doing challenging content, its all limited to once a day/week when it comes to dungeons/raids. If I want to make tons of gold the only way is to farm sw/dragonfall and thats an easy 100g+ a day for minimal effort just zerging around. I dont mind if other people do this I just want an option to make gold by something else other than zerging the same map over and over.Guild Wars 1 had elite instances called Fissure of Woe and Underworld which were basically a harder version of the dungeons we have now and you could just keep spamming them for gold. And there were other instances aswell but those were the most popular ones. Theres too many times i find myself logged in and just running around trying to find something to do to make gold and theres like nothing to do after you ve cleared all the raids for the week so then I just log off and play Apex or other games.I understand they want to cap raids to once a week so people dont spam the same easy boss over and over but they could at least add other difficulties that also grant additional better/worse rewards.

We just need more instanced content and not just open world zerg content, also stop limiting it to once a week or a day, let people repeat the content and make it challenging enough so its not gonna be an easy task. Its fine if theres diminishing returns but dont make rewards complete 0 like in raids after you ve completed it once. Theres like literally nothing to do in the game cuz everything is capped to once a week or once a day. People do their daily and then they log off.. Im sure anet wants their customers to play the game for more than 15 mins a day? If so add repeatable challenging and rewarding content.

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You can easily play 30 ranked games and make 50-100 gold.

But that’s an aside. I think it’s pretty clear anet doesn’t want people to be able to endlessly farm a single instance to get rich.

Also, if the entire purpose of you logging in is to farm gold, then you probably don’t have much else going on in guild wars, which is more about you creating content for yourself, and less about anet handing you a farmable dungeon to trivialize grinding for items in game.

Think about it, if everyone could endlessly farm a dungeon for gold, we would have bots farming dungeons, as well as players, which would lower the overall value of gold, which would mean the cost of an item would theoretically stay the same.

If you have more time than things to do in guild wars, but want more gold, you could take that spare time, turn it into something that pays you, and use that money to buy gems and convert to gold.

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How would they do this then? I mean if it is instanced it still would be grinding/farming if it were for normal mats and stuff. And you probably can't just drop unique super expensive stuff there - cause others that don't want to to instances/raids would complain.

If the zerging around in some maps already gives just 100+ gold it might be better to limit that amount you can earn there a bit (diminishing returns). While slowly adjusting dungeons/raids a little bit.

Instead of saying "we make just a dungeon that also drops stuff worth 100g /hour - which you can farm endlessly".

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One of the main design decisions behind GW2 is that you should be able to get comparable rewards, no matter what content you choose to play. A side effect of this is that there simply is no content designed to be above-average lucrative, and especially no farmable content designed to be considerably more lucrative than playing a lot of different stuff in this game.

Some players like to farm. Some players are conditioned from other games to where they expect to gather most wealth by farming. Sometimes players figure out ways to benefit from unintended gameplay like the original AB multiloot or even further back certain event-fail farms in the original Orr maps. ANet has however shown many times that they are not comfortable with farms of any kind that do give above-average wealth to people farming compared to people playing a broader mix of content. If you expect them to set up any kind of map, instance, narrow set of events or whatever to allow people who enjoy farming that kind of stuff to get ahead of those that don't, then I'm afraid you are out of luck.

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Elite Dungeons are something I've wanted in Gw2 for a long time too.

Some say raids fill this role but I don't agree.. Raids are more or less just a timed super tanky boss run with instakill mechanics to inflate that dificulty spike..

Elite Dungeons in GW1 were large areas full of strong enemies/swarms, powerful bosses and quests that required preperation and endurance to overcome.Gw2 doesn't have anything that really compares to that experience.

I think the Elite Dungeon concept could be introduced to Gw2 quite successfully.Naturally party size would need to be limited to 10-20 people max, revive mechanics would need to be disabled or limited in the content (Die 3 times and it's permadeath or you get ported somewhere and unable to return like in the mordremoth battle.) as would build swapping which could be allowed only in specific safe zones until the group decides to contine.Enemies would need to be very diverse to warrant strategy and party building.

Things like condi/physical dmg resistence to encourage different playstyles and discourage raw DPS meta elitism.Weakness and resistence to specific conditions to encourage different kinds of condi classes.Enemies that slowly stack perma boons becoming increasingly powerful to encourage boon corruption, stealing and removal.Enemies that flipflop the power/toughness scale turning your DPS members into tanks and your tanks into DPS (that be a fun turn of events)

Stuff like that, it would be fun to have that classic experience in Gw2

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If open world meta events are so lucrative, it's due to volumes of stuff (blue, green, some yellow, the occasional exotic) plus mats, plus the occasional Amalgamated Gemstone, etc. What if ANet were to institute a system similar to the one they use to reward participation in core zone events?

Cap the exclusive rewards (e.g., Magnetite, LI's) as they are now. A second completion of a raid boss in a given week nets X "ordinary" rewards such as we see in open world metas (quality and quantity for time per reward). A third nets Y "ordinary" rewards, etc. Devise a cycle where players have to move from boss to boss to keep the rewards flowing (i.e., they can't farm easy bosses over and over).

Just a thought.

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@Skyronight.6370 said:Currently theres no way of farming gold reliably by doing challenging content, its all limited to once a day/week when it comes to dungeons/raids. If I want to make tons of gold the only way is to farm sw/dragonfall and thats an easy 100g+ a day for minimal effort just zerging around. I dont mind if other people do this I just want an option to make gold by something else other than zerging the same map over and over.Guild Wars 1 had elite instances called Fissure of Woe and Underworld which were basically a harder version of the dungeons we have now and you could just keep spamming them for gold. And there were other instances aswell but those were the most popular ones. Theres too many times i find myself logged in and just running around trying to find something to do to make gold and theres like nothing to do after you ve cleared all the raids for the week so then I just log off and play Apex or other games.I understand they want to cap raids to once a week so people dont spam the same easy boss over and over but they could at least add other difficulties that also grant additional better/worse rewards.

We just need more instanced content and not just open world zerg content, also stop limiting it to once a week or a day, let people repeat the content and make it challenging enough so its not gonna be an easy task. Its fine if theres diminishing returns but dont make rewards complete 0 like in raids after you ve completed it once. Theres like literally nothing to do in the game cuz everything is capped to once a week or once a day. People do their daily and then they log off.. Im sure anet wants their customers to play the game for more than 15 mins a day? If so add repeatable challenging and rewarding content.

Raidselling is a thing. I have a guildie who makes 300-400 mystic coins in one afternoon.

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