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How many of you WvW mains are from 6 years ago?


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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@Whiteout.1975 said:So what I'm getting from this thread so far... Is that GW2 is for old people ? <3

hearing my guildmate say that to me because her kid said that to her made me laugh.

now it makes me wonder.

I've heard it as well in the past lol. But now... Further evidence such as Warclaw to help them cross the street suggest's it's true ?

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Didn't vote in the poll because I don't consider myself a "WvW Main". These days, I play some WvW every day I log in, which is pretty much every day. How much depends on what's going on. Could just be some dailies, could be several hours.

When GW2 started I barely looked at WvW for the first year. I started to get into it before the first tournament and became heavily invested from then on until Path of Fire came out. During that period, which was maybe 3-4 years, I played more WvW than any other game mode and I played it on two (sometimes three) accounts.

What drove me was server pride. As that declined, so did my interest. I'm not interested in fighting other players per se, only in that they need to be killed to maintain the supremacy of my homeworld. Now no-one, not even me, cares much about home worlds, I can't really see much point in the game mode. Couldn't care less what guild does what. Been in a guild of maximum four people, mostly two, for seven years, which suits me fine. I am in a much larger guild that does WvW as well but even that hasn't done much organized play for a long time.

Future of the mode is bleak even if ANet does ever get around to the alliance restructuring. As someone who also plays GW2 PvE I would say that has sufered almost exactly the same decline. It was good once. Now it's not and hasn't been for ages.

Just waiting for something else to come along, really.

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  • 1 month later...

@Whiteout.1975 said:So what I'm getting from this thread so far... Is that GW2 is for old people ? <3

6 years is a long time and people change, priorities change.For myself at least, I'm still playing the mode out of habit and as a past time.Unfortunately there is currently little to be competitive about in this mode so a lot of it is just setting personal goals and just being casual.

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I didn't immediately start playing WvW when I got the game, so I'm not counting the time before that. Roughly speaking, I dropped into EBG right after the end of the last tournament. A week or so later, I went to the borderlands...and basically never left.

The thing I miss most is definitely the emphasis on combo fields, but I'd love to see the amount of AoE pared down as well.

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@"Sovereign.1093" said:before the fights

the old players will understand the combo fields.fire x blastwater x blastlighting x blast

bomb here bomb there bomb everywhere

stab 1, 2spin to winpin snipe, pull the pin, bomb the pin, see that target? focus him focus him. pull him to the back of our zerg!!! (dh/engi/ mesmer/rev/scourge pulls)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX-pFJ5hwbY


ah kitten skill lag.

pvt pvt pvt or get off.

zerker? go pve.

move as one

stack stack!!!

/squadinfo /supplyinfo supplies? 5

gold for upgrading sm

repair costs for dying

players now are so lucky. wvw is easier. now if the devs would only return the competition.

Big waterBig waterBLASTBannerBannerBANNER!!!!*@$%/#!÷

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@Ultramex.1506 said:Was only in it for legendary armors, hooked ever since.

I think this is a great example of what anet can do to attract more PvE players to enter and give WvW a try.It is probably going to be very hard to attract new players to a game that is 7 years old.It would be better to attract them from the PvE group.And it would be good for the PvE players to experience a new end game mode too apart from the stories and masteries.It’s a win win situation.

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My first death in wvw those many years ago was because I jumped down too many stairs coming out of the keep and went splat. I was on my way to a huge fight in bay. Took a portal -- not really understanding where it was taking me -- and ended up in a mesmer bomb that took us into the middle of a full scale battle on the champion dias. I quickly died again and after running back this time purposely took the portal to my demise. Died literally 100s of times since and nothing has deterred my coming back.

WvW is one of those thing. I drop in for my daily at 7 p.m. and berate myself at 2 a.m. when I force myself to get off cause I have to be at work at 8 a.m. I don't know why I like it. I just do. Being there gives me anxiety, heartache, adrenaline rushes (when my sneaky cata work), laughter (especially when I actually kill a roamer), joy, camaraderie, a sense of belonging. When I have had to take life breaks, logging on to EB feels some times like coming home.

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@Eros.6801 said:I miss the old day when EoTM is still a thing and training ground, zergling there sometimes can be pretty fun. Only if Anet consider fixing EoTM, gives it some sort of unique reward i think it would become an old style WvW without mounts, glider(?).

I never considered eotm real wvw experience, and probably never will.

Its certainly not what made wvw.

Stack for speed, blast fires before the fight, HAMMERSTUN!, regroup, blast waterfields, who put that kitten lightfield into the water?!

Ps. I rarely play these days, but when i do its wvw, or stuff i have to do to get gear for wvw, and a little bit pvp for daily, but i get cancer by just playing one round of ranked.

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