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Whats preventing you from coming back to play Guild Wars 2 ?

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Arzurag.7506 said:Messed-up effort-reward ratio

Follow-up question: if you don't play the game, what's the point of still being on the forum?

Why not? Not playing the game does not mean we hate it and want to totally cut off from it. Maybe you.

Most of us stopped playing because GW2 got bored and not fun anymore with all the recent nerfs and senseless changes. Many are here to update ourselves on what is happening and hope that one day we see reasons to come back again.

Many still love this game. I do.

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Almost all if the Pve content in this game requires very little if any personal responsibility or carries any weight in failure. It's really hard to feel like you did something epic when you can hit tab 1 in open world, alt tab out to play a game of League, alt tab back in for full rewards. I should not be able to do that but the game does not require any more of me than that.

The lack of skill gated milestones. I want more achievements like dhuum cm or 8 orb liadri. Or at least let me use my buckets of LI to substitute some steps in legendary weapons.

Gemshop competing with end game rewards and heavily winning. I get the need to make money but the fact that everything goes to the gemstore ultimately makes me less likely to spend money not more because I feel the game is actively trying to squeeze as much money out of me as possible and each purchase feels less good because of that.

Lack of developer trust. Many of the specializations are lacking a cohesive theme and I question if some of the devs know how to structure a design document.

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@c space cowboy.2764 said:1.)lack of content in wvw/pvp.2.)lack of skill/class balance in wvw/pvp.3.)skill and server lag in wvw.4.)drastically declining population in wvw and pvp, that isnt being addressed by anet btw.5.)lack of communication from anet regarding wvw and pvp content/skills/updates6.)lack of rewards in wvw/pvp.

I concur with all of this+1

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For PvE

  • New LW content is designed to have poor replay-ability.
  • Lore/story and characters are uninteresting
  • New solo content is simple and easy, with arbitrary "difficulty/challenges" added as optional achievements
  • There is very little new organized group content, raid wings and fractals only released 1-2 times a year
  • "End game" emphasis is put on farming meta events which provide minimal rewards
  • Large focus on gem store, a lot of the new skins/cosmetics are put in the gem store instead of being part of the game

For WvW

  • WvW has Abysmal performance, skill lag, poor optimization
  • No content development has been put into this gamemode for years
  • WvW Balance has been disregarded since HoT
  • Overstacking servers makes winning or losing pointless
  • Power creep

For PvP

  • Barely any attempt has been made to introduce new content/gamemodes
  • Power creep
  • Most elite specs are terribly designed for balanced, fair pvp
  • Power creep
  • Horrible balance
  • Ranked leaderboard is a joke
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i play for loot. if i don’t get nice expensive loot for my time spend then i don’t play much. i want to get rewarded for the effort. in the beginning i played for fun but if you have always doing the same content then fun gets less and then with nice items it can be fun again.i log in and doing daily’s and something with the tp but not much more. the marked is ruined. marking gold isn’t easy anymore. and ppl undercut prices so much as if they don’t need gold. and have no patience. if an item is worth 350 gold then the undercut is 50 gold and then ofc the price is 300 and so further. and the greed is real. i can’t even afford gems with gold anymore. i remember the time when 400 gems was 100 gold. and yes it’s our fault. it’s balance. but that’s no excuse. but about the greed. all nice looking items are behind rng. i am so unlucky with bl chest drops. some guildy got three mount skins and a permanent bank contract from chest. i opened 25 chests without a 5th slot. anet wants ppl to gamble real money to get those skins and i hate greedy ppl. i think. make an xpack and sell it for money. i want exhalted shoulder skin. but never got it. yes you can buy it now but need 12 more statues so that’s 3 months and that’s 12 key runs with disappointed loot from chest. not wroth half hour story. event events like four winds and now this new event it’s all about gamble and rng.i play the division 2 at the moment and i get so many items. i also want the new raptor skin but it’s 20 euro.

this is my opinion. :)or anet must give me exhalted shoulder skin or the raptor skin as a gift. then i can be happy again and enjoy the game as before. and then i can say that they are not greedy but also care about me. and not my money. i bought 2x deluxe edition of the game when i liked to play. sure i would do it for a 3th expansion.but first a nice skin or expensive item.

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@"Randulf.7614" said:I haven't left, I'm not playing anywhere near as much - I used to play daily even when I had little to do in game.

  • Combination of there not being much to do beyond repeating content on alts. And the story is too poor for that
  • Episodic content is generally weaker than large scale content drops. And that applies to most games I've played as well as GW2
  • A directional shift by a team different from launch who seem to want to take the World of Tyria away from its roots. ( incl the ruination of Joko, the over-pushing of Aurene (who is now the central character according to the devs), a focus on touchy feely and so called shock factors which are adversely deteriorating the story)
  • Over reliance on unsuitable skins and effects which aren't marrying up well with the GW2 World.
  • A general lack of consistent comms by the devs or at least Game Directors who seem unwilling to engage with their community unlike most games I play or follow
  • Being worn down by the over reliance on rng, gambling mechanics and gem store. Sure these have always existed in the game and they need to fund the game, but eventually it becomes wearisome. I feel more and more we are less treated like gamers and more like something they can squeeze money from
  • A complete loss of every single friend who has played the game since launch
  • A realisation that I am missing out on too many other great games by focussing on one. Given how low the story has sunk, I've started to get back into a wider range of RPG's. So far almost all of which have been better at narrative and world building within their own contexts.Basically, all of this. In addition to three more things:
  • Difficulty level of the content. OW is too easy, while the instanced content have become to "challenging" (quotes intentional) for me to have fun. Anything occupying the middle ground has been either abandoned, or is suffering from difficulty drift in one of those directions.
  • Heavy-handed balance changes, that seem to often make the gameplay less interesting/more annoying for reasons that seem to be more tied to some thematic vision of devs rather than actual balance.
  • and the last, but the most important point - lack of feeling that this game still has a future. Expac abandonment and an almost total communication blackout about the future of the game causes the situation where i have nothing to look for. No expectations from the game whatsoever. Maybe the 30.08 announcement will change that, but honestly, at this point i sincerely doubt that. LS alone is just not enough to generate hype and long-term interest. And the Crystal Jesus Aurene Deus Ex Machina from the last chapter definitely didn't help.
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@BlueJin.4127 said:I’m not completely gone, yet, but I play significantly less. This game is an orgy of unhealthily bright flashing effects (I cannot even play Holosmith due to all the flashing effects) and an incomprehensible mess of visual clutter (despite having killed them dozens of times, I still don’t know what many of the champions even look like). And there’s the ridiculously long aggro range of PoF and beyond (600 pre PoF compared to 900 and 1200 in PoF and beyond) that makes it annoying to explore open world.

I suggest you start using f.lux then. It might help. Not only it’s healthier for your eyes on day to day PC use, but warm colors also change intensivity of the flashes, because the bright, white light is by far the most damaging one.

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@Omernon.9762 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:I’m not completely gone, yet, but I play significantly less. This game is an orgy of unhealthily bright flashing effects (I cannot even play Holosmith due to all the flashing effects) and an incomprehensible mess of visual clutter (despite having killed them dozens of times, I still don’t know what many of the champions even look like). And there’s the ridiculously long aggro range of PoF and beyond (600 pre PoF compared to 900 and 1200 in PoF and beyond) that makes it annoying to explore open world.

I suggest you start using f.lux then. It might help. Not only it’s healthier for your eyes on day to day PC use, but warm colors also change intensivity of the flashes, because the bright, white light is by far the most damaging one.

I use f.lux, but it doesn't affect GW2 unless I play in windowed mode (which I don't want to do for a number of reasons). Presumably GW2 Hook can be set up to have a similar, but more carefully controlled, effect - although as I understand it, it can have a negative effect on FPS.

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If I had to pick one thing, it'd be how they gutted turrets and left them for dead. It's symbolic. Remember the people who paid for the base game? I met a guy who did. He refuses to buy any gem store content or expansions on the principle that the base game is not good enough to deserve that monetary reward. He's felt this way for over 4 years now. And frankly, while I have spent quite a bit of money on this game, my main is a core engi and I usually only grab dailies. I see his point. I will never be meta enough for raids or pvp, the fact that some builds will never even be considered is the reason I don't play much. You don't get to play what you want how you want to. The game other players play is quite different to the one he and I do.

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I haven't stopped playing completely and that's thanks to my guild and raid team. Raiding every week is what kept me playing for a rather long time. What really made me semi-quit was the Requiem armor fiasco, where Arenanet rewarded early/fast rushers with quadrillion gold in profits. Now as an achiever I started finishing some LS again, got the Warclaw, working towards Skyscale and so on. But I've stopped spending cash on gems completely and won't buy gems again, since Arenanet never bothered to make gem purchases with cash more enticing. I'll buy gems again when Arenanet does a massive sale on them, not on gem store items, massive price reduction on gems themselves. Obviously only working when buying with Cash not Gold.

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@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:I’m not completely gone, yet, but I play significantly less. This game is an orgy of unhealthily bright flashing effects (I cannot even play Holosmith due to all the flashing effects) and an incomprehensible mess of visual clutter (despite having killed them dozens of times, I still don’t know what many of the champions even look like). And there’s the ridiculously long aggro range of PoF and beyond (600 pre PoF compared to 900 and 1200 in PoF and beyond) that makes it annoying to explore open world.

I suggest you start using f.lux then. It might help. Not only it’s healthier for your eyes on day to day PC use, but warm colors also change intensivity of the flashes, because the bright, white light is by far the most damaging one.

I use f.lux, but it doesn't affect GW2 unless I play in windowed mode (which I don't want to do for a number of reasons). Presumably GW2 Hook can be set up to have a similar, but more carefully controlled, effect - although as I understand it, it can have a negative effect on FPS.

In Windowed Fullscreen it should work too (in my case it does), unless you don’t want borderless as well.

Of course it won’t resolve the issue completely, but warmer colors should help a little.

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What always gets me every time I return to the game is the community's baffling mix of good people and sewer level toxic people. The toxic always drives me away eventually, until the memory fades...

The number of times I've been killed when I briefly AFK when doing the story (most recently for ~2 minutes in a "safe area") because someone has led a champion mob onto me; yum, PVP in PVE! There have been plenty of times when a kind soul has rezzed me when I've got myself killed, but the former outweighs the latter...

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New, fresh gameplay, game modes, mechanics, something big and groundbreaking that I can do with a group or pug with various level of difficulties.

Not just more of the same content, as in more fractals, not more new maps, not more of the same holiday events,

They need to give us stuff like all the other games constantly add. Endless horde defense PvE, solo/group arena (like ESO VMA for example), adding entire new layers to the gameplay, like BDO has with their worker node system, rifts in the open world that teleport you into procedural instances with other ppl where you can hunt down new items, hard mode for entire GW2 open world content, new gear sets with traits and effects that change how you play your class, I take any of that.

But what do we get? 2 hrs of story, another map and 100 more gemstore items. I don't care about that stuff, I think I've reached a point now, ehere I would not even return for another xpac when it's basically nothing more than 5 LS glued together.

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As @Randulf.7614 said, especially the three first points, I really feel like the game is going away from its origins. The new Ls maps and stories are far different from the originals.

*Some may hate those but I liked a lot those personnal story cinematics where 2 characters speak together with an animated background. Plus I loved the quests, the merier the better. Sure some are bad, som are very nice too. PS story was pretty clear with a goal nice development of zhaithan minions and will.

*But then came the other dragons. Mordry was the most kitten, a forest dragon where you feel 0 pressure from the forest. To finally break its mind, who got that idea?The worst is, even after that mistake, they redid it with kralky, now adding useless emotions, that's totally unvalid dragons nature and development. To finally destroy the heart. What's next, poking eyes? Open its belly? Joko was also wasted. And I have no more faith in story.

*It would have been way far more interesting to deal with each race origins + evil groups since lws2. And focus ourselves on the races of core tyria, the events and designs of core tyria maps.

*Well, it's dragon wars 2 now. Aurene character is out of control, overpowered able to kill dragons. Whereas characters would have needed to survive longer:Blish is a great example. Instead of letting him alive, you killed him and still pull the strings to play with Taimi. Seriously, it's enough, she must DIE or state that her disease is cured. I hate it, a character that have to die for now a season is still alive and one deserving to live is dead. Sbubbles poop non sense!

*Events reward seriously need a revamp.It's not normal that some maps are more visited due to farm, why we still have necro afk spots? Would not be the case if every map was equally rewarding.

*Now, season 5, after it, don't misunderstand it, will come season 6, and not the highly wanted fun expac.Will play the three first episodes. If nothing, I leave. Why?

*I can't hang anymore waiting 3 months to have episode, doing a festival for the million time, exploring for the 8th time the same map. Doing non-rewarding event. Enough of doing whatever thing to have just junk items, why wasting efforts for nothing? Legendary? Woohoo you just lost all your gold!

*To conclude, I love the universe i'm avid of knowledge and lore anything, any hidden place, panoramic viewpoint, easter eggs!! Only have them in core tyria. Don't let me start with events, in core maps you have events with a story behind them anywhere in map. How it is now? They are replaced by annoying bounties!! Go here, kill that, the end. Here is an example to compare it with:Just see event chains of temples and world bosses.

*I just don't want to continue with a game that doesn't care about anything I enjoy: guild halls, exploration (hard, seeking for any info about map and inhabitants), lore

That game as too much potential than I've ever seen, but always wasted by serious issues:-Awesome specs, bad balance-New maps, bad new story-Beautiful original maps and quests, la sealand and quests nerfed to the ground-cool armors in game, outfits-development of races, but just gemstore-other gamemodes, abandonned-developped dungeons with story, now sometimes new fractal added

A real end word:I've crafted a leggy gen 1 (predator) and now gen 2 (binding ipos).I want to shout my rant about condensed gifts of magic/might. Those are a pure joke. It cost way far more for a gen 2 than a gen 1, heck Anet, please uniformize the system, I just want to have quests like the predator and only have a regular gift of magic/might to create them. Condensed gifts shouldn't exist at all.

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Hope,Gw2 has very high potential to be one of the most valued MMOs, but the entire game is devlopped arround the gemstore.

Every aspect of the game is designed to sell something in the gemstore. Even balance changes are designed behind the background of selling gems. ANd at the end we get something like this we have atm. Everything could be genius but is just a an array of chaos.

A solution for this could be to designe the game fist, then devlope the gemstore items so we wont be in a shape like this.

The entire ls4 story was just an advertise for their gemstore items. And the story was designed likewise and it left a really bad taste.

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The lack of content, the missing feeling of time/reward, i.e. you grind some champions on the event just to get some useless green stuff that you salvage and put it in a bank. the destruction of my played spec (aka Chrono) and the lack of innovations. Everything just feels the same at this point. A new legendary is announced: Earn it in a raid? A dungeon? Nope...just farm mats and craft it and have fun completing a collection . New living world episode: Some evil emerges -> That evil is beaten but tada...next one is coming.
But the most important one is the destruction of Chrono. I don't want to play a new class, cause all the other classes feel "slow" for me. Necro especially. i played my mesmer since the release of gw2, even in Gw1 my main was a mesmer. But lost every bit of intrest in Gw2. Only thing i do is watching the forums for positives changes and log in once a week for a 2 hours Roleplay event. Thats it. Spend most my time and money now in Wow.

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Im comming back when its intented which is basically every 3 to 4 months for like a week or so. If i were to come back more often and stay longer id need heavily replayable group based content (i.e fractal cms and maybe raids) in a better cadence.

If i was a pvp guy id prob need more bakance patches to change the meta because the staleness would bore me to tears, also a 2v2/3v3 q

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Still here, but only doing dailies and guild WvW runs when I don't have anything going on irl. PvE at this point is not fun.

  • ANet instance technology and my internet provider dislike each other. Going through tedious story instances only to be booted out near the end is frustrating. Couple that with story's dependence on my interacting with NPC's that I have no empathy for or felt connection with means story is not a draw.
  • Large group events, which make up almost all of the remotely rewarding persistent world PvE content comes with headaches and vertigo induced by the particle spam that ANet did not have the foresight to design a solution that works when creating the game. One, maybe two, of these and I'm done. Most of the time, I just don't bother.
  • Doing the occasional dungeon with the guild can be fun. However, I don't adhere to whatever meta is meta enough to want to inflict unwanted plays choices on pug groups in dungeons or other instanced content.
  • I lost my interest in exploration due to ANet insisting that I can't do some maps at my own convenience. Instead, we have some exploration objectives on multiple maps that can only be unlocked after map events have been completed. Map events and I don't get along (see above), so I have to rely on being on the map when the objectives are available. Couple that with the fact that map completion rewards are not really rewarding, and my motivation to log on to potentially waste time is non-existent.
  • Finally, it seems to me that over the years GW2 has migrated further from being a game for "players who hate traditional MMO's" towards being a game for players "who love MMO's." Since I am one of the first group, I find a lot of what has been added to the game since launch has not appealed to me.
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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:I haven't left, I'm not playing anywhere near as much - I used to play daily even when I had little to do in game.
  • Combination of there not being much to do beyond repeating content on alts. And the story is too poor for that
  • Episodic content is generally weaker than large scale content drops. And that applies to most games I've played as well as GW2
  • A directional shift by a team different from launch who seem to want to take the World of Tyria away from its roots. ( incl the ruination of Joko, the over-pushing of Aurene (who is now the central character according to the devs), a focus on touchy feely and so called shock factors which are adversely deteriorating the story)
  • Over reliance on unsuitable skins and effects which aren't marrying up well with the GW2 World.
  • A general lack of consistent comms by the devs or at least Game Directors who seem unwilling to engage with their community unlike most games I play or follow
  • Being worn down by the over reliance on rng, gambling mechanics and gem store. Sure these have always existed in the game and they need to fund the game, but eventually it becomes wearisome. I feel more and more we are less treated like gamers and more like something they can squeeze money from
  • A complete loss of every single friend who has played the game since launch
  • A realisation that I am missing out on too many other great games by focussing on one. Given how low the story has sunk, I've started to get back into a wider range of RPG's. So far almost all of which have been better at narrative and world building within their own contexts.Basically, all of this. In addition to three more things:
  • Difficulty level of the content. OW is too easy, while the instanced content have become to "challenging" (quotes intentional) for me to have fun. Anything occupying the middle ground has been either abandoned, or is suffering from difficulty drift in one of those directions.
  • Heavy-handed balance changes, that seem to often make the gameplay less interesting/more annoying for reasons that seem to be more tied to some thematic vision of devs rather than actual balance.
  • and the last, but the most important point - lack of feeling that this game still has a future. Expac abandonment and an almost total communication blackout about the future of the game causes the situation where i have nothing to look for. No expectations from the game whatsoever. Maybe the 30.08 announcement will change that, but honestly, at this point i sincerely doubt that. LS alone is just not enough to generate hype and long-term interest. And the Crystal Jesus Aurene Deus Ex Machina from the last chapter definitely didn't help.

Basically, all of this.

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