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Please tell me this isn't working as intended.. 1 shot for over 40k in less than a second..


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@Sovereign.1093 said:well, it the structure is claimed by enemy has bloodlust and has presence of keep, has damage food and sigil bloodlust, force, and that other damage sigil based on day and night and he is glass build, well... @,...,@

I'm not sure what you wanted to show by pointing out bloodlust, buffclaims etc. here, but doesn't matter how many dmg boosts x or y is stacked with, in paper vs paper these numbers shouldn't be allowed, ever. It's simply unacceptable. Vault have evasion on top of that, that's even more hilarious and just another reason in my list "Why I should quit WvW and PvP forever". Guys, it's 2019, just accept it finally that this game is unbalanced and these kind of memes should be just straight up deleted the moment someone discovered it. The max damage one should be capable of doing in full berserk against another full berserk while having every possible buff and damage modifier in game SHOULDN'T exceed ~80% of the lowest hp pool available (beep, lowest hp pool = 11,645).I really don't understand what's so funny in "lol 20k dmg from stealth and he's dead wahahaha" or "me gonna stunlock u foreva until u daed" or "me gonna fart 413274561345871568 condis and run away far enough to get out of combat and stomp you with a mount while you still die slowly to condis while stuck in combat wololo" or "lul, me evading and dealing damageeee and you can't do a kitten about it waaaaa" etc. Where is skill here? Where is "fun" here?How we even got here from almost somehow balanced gameplay to this joke?

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:well, it the structure is claimed by enemy has bloodlust and has presence of keep, has damage food and sigil bloodlust, force, and that other damage sigil based on day and night and he is glass build, well... @,...,@

I'm not sure what you wanted to show by pointing out bloodlust, buffclaims etc. here, but doesn't matter how many dmg boosts x or y is stacked with, in paper vs paper these numbers shouldn't be allowed, ever. It's simply unacceptable. Vault have evasion on top of that, that's even more hilarious and just another reason in my list "Why I should quit WvW and PvP forever". Guys, it's 2019, just accept it finally that this game is unbalanced and these kind of memes should be just straight up deleted the moment someone discovered it. The max damage one should be capable of doing in full berserk against another full berserk while having every possible buff and damage modifier in game SHOULDN'T exceed ~80% of the lowest hp pool available (beep, lowest hp pool = 11,645).I really don't understand what's so funny in "lol 20k dmg from stealth and he's dead wahahaha" or "me gonna stunlock u foreva until u daed" or "me gonna fart 413274561345871568 condis and run away far enough to get out of combat and stomp you with a mount while you still die slowly to condis while stuck in combat wololo" or "lul, me evading and dealing damageeee and you can't do a kitten about it waaaaa" etc. Where is skill here? Where is "fun" here?How we even got here from almost somehow balanced gameplay to this joke?

@,..@ well i used to riffle elite on my war for over 30k 1 hitting anything and everything.

the key is to kill them when they dont pay attention.

point here is, op being a mesmer, shouldnt have stayed afk :3

i for one am glad the game has mis balanced toons. else, theres always pvp.

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This is a game where damage and defense stats cover a big range, so if 2 full dps meet, 1shot is possible and if 2 full tanks meet, no one can win.While other call it unbalanced, I personally like that big range, you have so much flexibility in what you want to run. Go for condi tank against full glass spikers, go to full glass spike against healers and go for healer against condi tanks.... OR Chose a intermediate build to do fairly well against all of those.

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No just a few of us were attacking smc and yes this thief instant killed me with those attacks no animations nothing just dead one shot in less than a second. I have no reason to lie guys or I wouldn’t be posting here.

The funny thing he kept doing it to me until I finally got sick of it and logged. There needs to be some sort of dmg cap. I die a lot it’s part of the game but I at least want a dying chance lol.

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@SLOTH.5231 said:No just a few of us were attacking smc and yes this thief instant killed me with those attacks no animations nothing just dead one shot in less than a second. I have no reason to lie guys or I wouldn’t be posting here.

The funny thing he kept doing it to me until I finally got sick of it and logged. There needs to be some sort of dmg cap. I die a lot it’s part of the game but I at least want a dying chance lol.

what gear are you using? and are you base or mirrage.

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@XECOR.2814 said:

@"SLOTH.5231" said:One shot at full HP 17kHP no time to react over 40k dmg in less than a second and don't kitten tell me it's a L2P issue. I don't mind dying but this is complete kitten.

The one shot was backstab. There were 6 hits for your 40k. Likely not in 1 second but ok.

You are running a Mesmer with greatsword. A power weapon. So likely you are running fairly glassy.

So, a boosted up hit from stealth to a glassy class? Yes. It’s working as intended.

Just because he is zerk doesnt mean any kitten dmg number is justified.

Yes, it does, As @Sovereign.1093 noted, if that is his keep, then there are several other modifiers added.

Sure toning some down would be great.

But maybe, just maybe, that cloth armored, low health profession could add just a little bit of armor. Likely, looking at his HP, he is running mostly all mauraders: that comes with a risk.

Popping like a gorged tick is the payoff.

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presence plus claim is 200 stats. plus bloodlust thats 230. if your power is 2000, thats 10% bro. now add bloodlust 10$ also force 5% and day night 7% and food 3%, 5%

30% or 600 stats.

i kid you not. do not fight zerkers in their keep 1v1.

oh i forgot the runes.

ok probably roughly 700 to 800

note also the debuff and self boons from thief.

also this is based if thief got 2k power. if 2.7k, assume 1k+ addition on power and roughly 50% more damage and probably atleast 2 x or more on a crit based on modifier. of course this happens if you let him be.

let me test my old school war on rifle

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@SLOTH.5231 said:No just a few of us were attacking smc and yes this thief instant killed me with those attacks no animations nothing just dead one shot in less than a second. I have no reason to lie guys or I wouldn’t be posting here.

The funny thing he kept doing it to me until I finally got sick of it and logged. There needs to be some sort of dmg cap. I die a lot it’s part of the game but I at least want a dying chance lol.

what gear are you using? and are you base or mirrage.

Mirage Marauder trinkets and armor. I died from many thieves over the course of 7 years this is the first time this has happened like this instantly dead not a fighting chance in hell.

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@SLOTH.5231 said:

@SLOTH.5231 said:No just a few of us were attacking smc and yes this thief instant killed me with those attacks no animations nothing just dead one shot in less than a second. I have no reason to lie guys or I wouldn’t be posting here.

The funny thing he kept doing it to me until I finally got sick of it and logged. There needs to be some sort of dmg cap. I die a lot it’s part of the game but I at least want a dying chance lol.

what gear are you using? and are you base or mirrage.

Mirage Marauder trinkets and armor. I died from many thieves over the course of 7 years this is the first time this has happened like this instantly dead not a fighting chance in hell.

presence of the keep bro. :/ and dd probably using the best gear and food and that buffs.

in a full buff my war has 4.8k power and nearly 3k armor as pure zerk.

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@Baldrick.8967 said:Working as intended. Thief will hit you with 6-9 skills within 0.1 of a second and claim they have muscle memory'd the skill chain- but really it's just a macro as Anet didn't bother putting cooldowns between thief skills so they can fire off as many as they have initiative for.

Please explain what 6-9 Thief skills can hit you within 0.1 seconds. You should use skills from the usual effective builds, but I'll actually accept a response using completely ineffective and irrelevant skills. In fact, if you want you can also pretend like the Theif can slot 10 utilities for this exercise.

Are you aware of what a cast time is? Can you tell us which initiative-based skills can be fired off at the same time as another within 0.1 of a second?

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So apparently the only consolation to OP people could give is that they didn't get two shot as badly as they could have....

Perhaps they should L2p and listen to the gET mORE dEFENSE crowd. If the OP took 15k damage in one hit with base armor, then if they get 4000 armor, then they'd take only 7500 damage instead and probably die anyways in a few seconds or possibly the attacker gets bored and leaves, because OP now does no damage and cannot roam because everyone just gets on a mount and goes trolololol.

Or perhaps they need more situational awareness. When they see a thief cast a smoke field, they know the thief will stealth and maybe attack them. Eventually. A smart player would just get on a mount or leave. Smarter players join a zerg and press 1, while the smartest players realize they have better things to do like, I dunno, stare at a wall or something.

PS It's not really a thief problem either. It's more that the game is balanced around dpsing down bosses with millions of health, and apparently when dealing with players that don't have millions of health, stuff kind of breaks down!

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

same with my guard if my hamme 2 ji smite sword trap doesnt down u, i run away too.

I ran into this before...deadly...what is the build as I need to find a counter lol.OP: I run Marauder/Valk myself and can typically eat a burst for 17k, although if my reaction time is fast enough, I can typically turn it around after

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"SLOTH.5231" said:One shot at full HP 17kHP no time to react over 40k dmg in less than a second and don't kitten tell me it's a L2P issue. I don't mind dying but this is complete kitten.

The one shot was backstab. There were 6 hits for your 40k. Likely not in 1 second but ok.

You are running a Mesmer with greatsword. A power weapon. So likely you are running fairly glassy.

So, a boosted up hit from stealth to a glassy class? Yes. It’s working as intended.

Are you seriously defending this? None of what you said even MATTERS. It's freakin 40k lmao! I hate how players have accepted this as NORMAL.

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:

@"SLOTH.5231" said:One shot at full HP 17kHP no time to react over 40k dmg in less than a second and don't kitten tell me it's a L2P issue. I don't mind dying but this is complete kitten.

The one shot was backstab. There were 6 hits for your 40k. Likely not in 1 second but ok.

You are running a Mesmer with greatsword. A power weapon. So likely you are running fairly glassy.

So, a boosted up hit from stealth to a glassy class? Yes. It’s working as intended.

Are you seriously defending this? None of what you said even MATTERS. It's freakin 40k lmao! I hate how players have accepted this as NORMAL.

Check the previous posts it is not 40 k. Or at least check the picture. There is only one char that can do one shot 30k+ dmg (as far as I have seen in wvw) and it is (or was) norn-form-soulbeast. Thief damage is, although not healthy, quite normal and necessary to burst down other overperforming dps builds. This is caused by a bad game balance and a heavy power creep that includes cc chains. And mesmers burst damage is not that bad either when you compare.

And OP, as a burst profession player yourself, you should not make unnecessary claims about others. If you claim that you were one shotted with 40 k dmg, show the proof. Otherwise please at least use the truth. Perma invis malicious backstab deadeye is not good, we all know that. But demanding nerf and balance are two different things.

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