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New Ascended Seeds not working as intended(I hope)

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I know the sale of new garden plots is disabled temporarily. But I already owned 2 and got a third plot yesterday with the chef 500 collection. After finishing the Chef collection last night at reset I made 1 seed pouch for each of the 5 new seeds that come with chef 500 and planted them in my garden. I noticed after I gathered them, the soil changes from the name of the plant to open soil. In the past Open Soil meant that there is no longer anything planted in that spot.

Please tell me that this is a a bug and we are not going to only get 1 gather per seed pouch and then have to craft more seeds, plant, harvest and start the cycle over every day. If that is how it is meant to work that is a ridiculous amount of work to have to do each and every day and quite expensive as well.

I'm going to leave the 5 open soil spots alone until reset tonight and go back and see if there is anything there as a test but I am not hopeful.

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Having to constantly replant is a bit tedious.

The fact that you have to salvage 25 dishes every time you want to plant a single seed makes me wonder how sustainable this is. If you just plant these in all of your garden plots you'll need 100 to 300 dishes a day depending on how many garden plots you have.

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@Pifil.5193 said:Having to constantly replant is a bit tedious.

The fact that you have to salvage 25 dishes every time you want to plant a single seed makes me wonder how sustainable this is. If you just plant these in all of your garden plots you'll need 100 to 300 dishes a day depending on how many garden plots you have.

That's why the harvested produce can be sold/bought. You're not MEANT to mass produce the ascended food. You can, if you wish, but it's getting unfriendly if you do.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Cronospere.8143 said:You can bypass this by gathering from other players home instance.If you have a good friend who also has 12 slots of these you can farm his plots and he can farm yours.Because you yourself didnt harvest your own home they dont become soil.

Yep, which seems like a major oversight. People is selling trips to their homes with grown ascended seeds.

That must have been a change along the way, the way this was working was you could either harvest your own garden plots or another's, but not both. Granted last time test this was close after they had first released the plots and haven't tried it with the in game earned one yet.

I think the point is you don't harvest your own plots instead you harvest someone else's and they have full ascended plants in every slot.

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@Ubi.4136 said:Guessing there are a lot of bugs atm. I never purchased the gardening plots, so I only have the one from the new achievement. BUT, the home instance gardener does not have ANY seeds., so I can't even use the one I have been given. So, they gave me a gardening plot, that I can never grow anything in, not even the regular seeds.

Because the seed collection is appearently ONLY triggered from buying a garden plot from gemstore. Seems like an oversight you dont get it from the free one.

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I Agree, as it is now is useless at least like Empty Rune Slots Chest of Sun's Refuge, you must craft 1 (one) seed, plant the seed, gather and then repeat? I could understand MAYBE if it could work like every other pouch of seed that do not disappear after you plant one seed, I could MAYBE accept You have to plant seeds EVERY Day (it's so strange but anyway) but really, if you have to craft every seed you plant EVERY day! i will not use it so much, thanks for the plot I will use it with my existing seeds :D

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@HtFde.3856 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:Having to constantly replant is a bit tedious.

The fact that you have to salvage 25 dishes every time you want to plant a single seed makes me wonder how sustainable this is. If you just plant these in all of your garden plots you'll need 100 to 300 dishes a day depending on how many garden plots you have.

That's why the harvested produce can be sold/bought. You're not MEANT to mass produce the ascended food. You can, if you wish, but it's getting unfriendly if you do.

Not sure about food for other things but at least for power DPS it remains about the same. The cost of the ingredients for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cilantro_Lime_Sous-Vide_Steak is about the same as the old price for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Sweet_and_Spicy_Butternut_Squash_Soup and for the same duration.

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@Vectara.2407 said:Friend of mine crafted the seed pouch, planted it but couldn't harvest the next day (wasn't online). The day after (so about 30 hours after planting the seed) it was gone. Does anyone know if that's expected too?Did they harvest somebody else's garden inbetween? We did get the impression that the game got messed up on keeping track of your harvests if you harvest somebody else's plot that you didn't have yourself (as in I harvested plot 3 of a friend while only having two plots myself, and found that my first plot was harvested/empty afterwards, but we didn't try to reproduce the effect). With the ascended herbs being account bound this will hopefully no longer be a problem, but I still hope development and qa will take another look at the garde plot, as planting/seed pouches still bugs out occasionally (bug reported).

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Why not just make a large batch 1 time? This is not tedious at all compared to some other things.

You want ascended food or not? Its not like its just a little better than its lower tier food, its like A LOT better. And theres a lot of very very cheap food to craft.

I just found out what food I want, and I bought the seeds and make a massive batch, I go harvest, plant new, done.

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So let me see if i got this right. You have 1 seed. Make a pouch. Plant 1 seed. Day after harvest 1 seed. In other words you got the exact same thing as you planted in the first place? What is the point of planting 1 seed that you then make into a pouch and plant?

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@Draco.5014 said:So let me see if i got this right. You have 1 seed. Make a pouch. Plant 1 seed. Day after harvest 1 seed. In other words you got the exact same thing as you planted in the first place? What is the point of planting 1 seed that you then make into a pouch and plant?

No you get leaf from the plant you harvest and no seed, to get the seed to plant again you have to go to the trading post or out hunting herb nodes in the game and be lucky to get the seed you want.

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@zipain.5276 said:Why not just make a large batch 1 time? This is not tedious at all compared to some other things.

You want ascended food or not? Its not like its just a little better than its lower tier food, its like A LOT better. And theres a lot of very very cheap food to craft.

I just found out what food I want, and I bought the seeds and make a massive batch, I go harvest, plant new, done.

This is what I do.

Tip of the day: Using item boosters and other farming boosts lets you harvest the varietal herb patches multiple times. The last time I made a batch, I planted 8 cilantro, and picked up 13 once I grabbed all of them. Planted 4 sesame, reaped 5.

That's several gold with of free loot. If you have a spare toon, park one near the home instance, give them an item booster and give them a sickle with the Glyph of Bounty. You'll get several gold of extra loot with every wave of cultivated herbs.

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