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How long does it take to gain 1000 levels in WvW for you at the moment?


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I recently got 1000 levels, after 9 months of playing. I play on and off, but I think 2 hours per day is a good estimate. I rarely ever use the paid EXP boosters unless it's double EXP week because I kept forgetting to keep it up. I usually have either the WvW reward track potion or the WxP one, and Spirit Banner and EXP banner up.

I'm just curious to know how fast people level in WvW, because I kinda want to get enough to craft the WvW legendary armor as a keepsake before I stop playing the game entirely. I remember before this, you can use the Tome of Experience to get those levels, so presumably easier to gain levels then.

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Try to get in the habit of remembering your boosters. You can move fairly fast then. The yellow 30 min XP boosters from the LA laurel vendor stack with your celebration/birthday booster, your GH wxp booster, food/utility booster/ and any banners floating around. You also can run a karma booster if youre following a K train tag while running these other boosters as well. Best of luck. ❤️

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@Kurowolfe.7396 said:I recently got 1000 levels, after 9 months of playing. I play on and off, but I think 2 hours per day is a good estimate. I rarely ever use the paid EXP boosters unless it's double EXP week because I kept forgetting to keep it up. I usually have either the WvW reward track potion or the WxP one, and Spirit Banner and EXP banner up.

I'm just curious to know how fast people level in WvW, because I kinda want to get enough to craft the WvW legendary armor as a keepsake before I stop playing the game entirely. I remember before this, you can use the Tome of Experience to get those levels, so presumably easier to gain levels then.

There have been good suggestions on how to get the rank.

Just know if you are looking for legendary armor from WvW, there are two tiers of it.

First tier legendary does not require a certain rank.

Second tier, the glowy shiny one with tentacles, does.

From the Wiki:WvW ComponentsThis armor retains the visual look of the Triumphant Hero's armor or Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor. You need to reach WvW rank 2000 if you want to obtain the full set of Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor. You can get a full set of legendary armor with Triumphant Hero's armor as well.

Also: some of the pieces of the rank required set can be crafted at 1500. The last piece requires rank 2000.

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At least now if you don't own HoT (specifically if you own PoF, no mention about core owners, and no I do not mean f2p) you will be able to use guild enhancements since you get HoT for free now. I'm surprised really, I thought they could've done something with the coding, but maybe it's that far dug into the spaghetti that the only other option was to make HoT free. I'm just making assumptions... This was at least one thing I was predicting would happen, that HoT may come free and it did. Maybe since I got that right, I should try my luck with the rng on bl chest hehe. In any case, at least now pof owners can make use of more guild stuff since they will have hot.

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Thank you for the answers! I guess I'm doing kinda okay in the scheme of things.

I used to play intermittently for 2 years before this in EotM without any boosters whatsoever as I was only doing it for the fun of it, got to level 200. Back when EoTM is still populated, learned a lot of lessons there that is essential in EBG.

Then early this year I decided to make Warbringer, that requires you to reach level 400, so I grinded a bit (having good WvW guilds and friends help tremendously). Got there, then felt like might as well make the legendary armor set a long-term goal.

I have slowed down a bit in recent months because WvW got kinda boring, with my aforementioned friends and guilds slowing things down as well, but I'll get to 2000 eventually. Hopefully before the game dies xD

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According to Gw2 Efficiency

Jan 1: 3,604Jul 1: 4,051Jul 31: 4,133Now: 4,185

So basicallyYTD: 581 (avg 72.65/month)Last Month: 82 (though I believe there was a wxp bonus week where I used Birthday Boosters)This Month: 52

That seems about right I usually only gain 1-2 ranks a day. So i would guess it takes about 14 months. And yes, I never really felt highly of a rank 1500-2000 req for anything.

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Took me a year and a half to reach level 333. Then I went Edge of the Mist, I made level 666 in three months. But that's only because in that first year and a half, I was a tower/keep/castle scout. I was not on the front lines, and sadly was not rewarded for that effort. If your an active player, and on a team that consistently wins at both body count and capping repeatedly, you could conceivably rank up to Diamond in 2 years from rank 1.

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@Kurowolfe.7396 said:Thank you for the answers! I guess I'm doing kinda okay in the scheme of things.

I used to play intermittently for 2 years before this in EotM without any boosters whatsoever as I was only doing it for the fun of it, got to level 200. Back when EoTM is still populated, learned a lot of lessons there that is essential in EBG.

Then early this year I decided to make Warbringer, that requires you to reach level 400, so I grinded a bit (having good WvW guilds and friends help tremendously). Got there, then felt like might as well make the legendary armor set a long-term goal.

I have slowed down a bit in recent months because WvW got kinda boring, with my aforementioned friends and guilds slowing things down as well, but I'll get to 2000 eventually. Hopefully before the game dies xD

Forgot to mention that if you just wanted the tentacle armor skin, that PvP has their own version too and is faster to acquire.

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You get approximately ~80-100 ranks a week if you play 12 hours a day without boosts while capping, defending, scouting and fighting things. Basically playing normal WvW; blobbing, smaller groups, scouting.

That is 84-105 hours for 100 ranks. 840-1050 hours for 1k rank without boosts. 420-525 hours with birthday boosters. Less for blob only players, more for worse players; my defense success rate is somewhere at 80-90 percentile and offensive success rate at above 60, granted I only go for T1 or above objectives instead of easy T0 towers.

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@"Threather.9354" said:You get approximately ~80-100 ranks a week if you play 12 hours a day without boosts while capping, defending, scouting and fighting things. Basically playing normal WvW; blobbing, smaller groups, scouting.

That is 84-105 hours for 100 ranks. 840-1050 hours for 1k rank without boosts. 420-525 hours with birthday boosters. Less for blob only players, more for worse players; my defense success rate is somewhere at 80-90 percentile and offensive success rate at above 60, granted I only go for T1 or above objectives instead of easy T0 towers.

Seriously, anet should have the title "I Have No Life" so we can severely push that in peoples faces :D

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The ability to farm ranks has absolutely cratered in recent years.

WvW xp points are dependent on personal activity so the more you do the more you earn

Problem is, back in the day, that meant you could tap 2-3 dozen players, per fight, with your Guardian staff auto in a zerg 5 days a week and reach Platinum+ in this lifetime

Loot stick is kill and daily guild raids are all but a thing of the past for most people

Expecting to reach legendary armor ranks starting from 0 today is a pipe dream for anyone who isn't surgically attached to their desk chair

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