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In my opinion


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Just to be fair...... mobile games sectors of many companies make hand over fist way more then most of their other properties combined. If we're being honest.... the main reason many publishers even keep console titles running is to keep BRANDS relevant; letting them license it out in all directions. They then start leveraging that branding to crap out mobile games on the backs of a brand's name, while usually doing nothing to help further it in the process.

So trying to use Mobile games as a litmus test for how good a game is doing, is exactly the kind of disingenuous idiocy thats causing so many brands to get dumped onto shoddy licensing deals and blatant cash grabs.

And since we're using this flawed logic of the Chinese market...... thats ACTUALLY starting to happen. Language hasn't become a demand yet, but there is clearly entire movies being written (NOT adapted, WRITTEN and APPROVED) in a way to avoid "offending" the Chinese Government. Its not even an issue of what the people want; its what the Chinese gov deems acceptable for its people.

And since the Chinese Market is bigger then the RU market, why both? Your own argument practically justifies this position, despite attempts to hold it up as a source of victimization. There are way better arguments to be made in support of your cause, yet you're relying on "they don't make enough money, ergo they need to spend more money to service my market" as the solution to both your problem and theirs. Also, the book example is pretty bad, considering where Literacy is a complete barrier for entry, but movies have the ability to convey its story entirely visually if required. Bad movies rely on exposition dumps to advance the story. Action centric movies ultimately don't. Even character driven plots can be carried visually, even if its dialog heavy, by showing the audience the right things.

And while we're on the topic..... Most Chinese movies never leave the Chinese market, and even of those most don't get a theatrical release in the West. Outside of Hong Kong's long history with Cinema, its only been in the last 6 years or so that China has actually stated putting a big effort into crafting movies targeting an international audience, rather then merely exporting big budget ones aimed mainly at their domestic audience. And really the only reason they are doing this is to try and prove they are better then Hollywood, with huge investments and massive projects. Its ironic that its likely not even being done for the money, or for making good movies; but merely to prove they can usurp Hollywood.

Anet's problems run much deeper then simply marginalizing potential markets. They're having issues with their existing market share, and is been frequently fumbling with strengthening it for years now. Having seen what happened to Tera, Guildwars hasn't gone so far as directly pandering to an audience for profit motive...... but theres long been an air of mismanagement in their design and development projects, and a spotty understanding of its broad audience. It goes far beyond what you're accusing it of. Localization is around 5th on the list that require energy to pull them out of a decline..... shuffling that to the top without addressing universal issues (such as waning interest in game modes, and declining longevity of Openworld content blocks), is openly inviting people into that struggle. The major significant value in that is being able to experience whats left of the game before it dies off completely- and thats not a very optimistic prospect for the game itself.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:The comments in this thread are a bit extreme...

"You dont like Swiss Cheese? dont eat any dairy or beef then because clearly it aint for you"....

It's not only the Swiss Cheese, though. It's the whole dairy section, except maybe the butter...And how can anyone be more extreme than OP who started out by stating that the game is dead and ends the post wanting "FREE" stuff? The body of the post may have SOME merit to it, but, for a marketing person, he or she didn't bookend it well.

Because he stated that was his opinion...

He also said dead on ideas, not overall just dead. So arguing a point that you made up or misread doesn't help anyone.

but by all means, disregard the entire post to focus on a personal opinion.

I think in my comment I gave my opinion on the whole of OP's post. Are you saying it's less valid than OP's because it disagrees with it?This is off-topic now, by the way. I stand by my opinion. OP is welcome to his/hers. If Anet are listening, they should hear both.

I didn't say any of that and have no idea what you're trying to argue right now.

You're welcome to stand by your opinion but my opinion is that reading the first few words incorrectly and then reading the last few words incorrectly and basing an argument off it doesn't provide anything substantial..

I think you did say that when you accused me of disregarding the entire post and focused only on OP's personal opinion. The entire post is OP's personal opinion.

In my opinion this game is in some sort of self-destruction mode.

At the moment, this game is dead; not dead of people, not a desert game, but dead of new and great ideas to transform potential into awesomeness. And this is Anet fault.Anet think to much, develop to much in the wrong directions, wasting time and money in things that will not save this great game, but only extend the issue.

I don't know how to read this any other way than that the game is heading towards total annihilation. The word 'dead' is used twice in the affirmative with a sprinkle of 'self-destruction'. All facilitated by Anet, as they apparently don't have a clue what they are doing. I mean, they've only been in the business for 20 years.

Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!I'm not sure what I misinterpreted there: OP is sore that what they bought on launch is now 'free' for new players and all OP got is a T-shirt...Well, the T-shirt might be underwhelming, but rolling HoT and PoF into a single purchase was a good - and timely - marketing decision. I'm sure OP sees that.

And my favourite line right from the middle:

How to turn PvP great again? Easy! NEW MAPS, NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATION.What could be easier than designing new maps and trait systems?The whole post is full of easy solutions like this: new maps for all game types, regular new elite specs, mechanics that are brand new to the game and that the engine might not even be capable of handling (ship warfare, Battle Royale), new expansion...It's good that OP has ideas and some are even interesting. Anet might even get some inspiration from them, who knows? But even if so, you wouldn't see any result in game for a long time. These solutions demand serious development time, time the game doesn't seem to have, if I am to believe the impending doom.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:The comments in this thread are a bit extreme...

"You dont like Swiss Cheese? dont eat any dairy or beef then because clearly it aint for you"....

It's not only the Swiss Cheese, though. It's the whole dairy section, except maybe the butter...And how can anyone be more extreme than OP who started out by stating that the game is dead and ends the post wanting "FREE" stuff? The body of the post may have SOME merit to it, but, for a marketing person, he or she didn't bookend it well.

Because he stated that was his opinion...

He also said dead on ideas, not overall just dead. So arguing a point that you made up or misread doesn't help anyone.

but by all means, disregard the entire post to focus on a personal opinion.

I think in my comment I gave my opinion on the whole of OP's post. Are you saying it's less valid than OP's because it disagrees with it?This is off-topic now, by the way. I stand by my opinion. OP is welcome to his/hers. If Anet are listening, they should hear both.

I didn't say any of that and have no idea what you're trying to argue right now.

You're welcome to stand by your opinion but my opinion is that reading the first few words incorrectly and then reading the last few words incorrectly and basing an argument off it doesn't provide anything substantial..

I think you did say that when you accused me of disregarding the entire post and focused only on OP's personal opinion. The entire post is OP's personal opinion.

In my opinion this game is in some sort of self-destruction mode.

At the moment, this game is dead; not dead of people, not a desert game, but dead of new and great ideas to transform potential into awesomeness. And this is Anet fault.Anet think to much, develop to much in the wrong directions, wasting time and money in things that will not save this great game, but only extend the issue.

I don't know how to read this any other way than that the game is heading towards total annihilation. The word 'dead' is used twice in the affirmative with a sprinkle of 'self-destruction'. All facilitated by Anet, as they apparently don't have a clue what they are doing. I mean, they've only been in the business for 20 years.

he specifically says on ideas.

Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!I'm not sure what I misinterpreted there: OP is sore that what they bought on launch is now 'free' for new players and all OP got is a T-shirt...

you missed the sentence building up to those words apparently

Well, the T-shirt might be underwhelming, but rolling HoT and PoF into a single purchase was a good - and timely - marketing decision. I'm sure OP sees that.

Im sure thats what they wanted, for their players to go "why buy now when its free later"... As a player, I think this is great knowing I don't have to buy future installments because eventually they will be free anyway.

And my favourite line right from the middle:

How to turn PvP great again? Easy! NEW MAPS, NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATION.What could be easier than designing new maps and trait systems?The whole post is full of easy solutions like this: new maps for all game types, regular new elite specs, mechanics that are brand new to the game and that the engine might not even be capable of handling (ship warfare, Battle Royale), new expansion...

we get new maps all the time but they dont add a queue button for it.

It's good that OP has ideas and some are even interesting. Anet might even get some inspiration from them, who knows? But even if so, you wouldn't see any result in game for a long time. These solutions demand serious development time, time the game doesn't seem to have, if I am to believe the impending doom.

Im well aware of anet delivery schedules, Im still waiting for Swiss and Alliances and its been what? 2 years? 2 years of "its our top priority, we are working on it and soon."

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@"Menzo.2185" said:In my opinion this game is in some sort of self-destruction mode.

I know, it is just my humble "one" opinion and this will not change anything for good, but... I need to say a few things with my bad english.At the moment, this game is dead; not dead of people, not a desert game, but dead of new and great ideas to transform potential into awesomeness. And this is Anet fault.Anet think to much, develop to much in the wrong directions, wasting time and money in things that will not save this great game, but only extend the issue.Some Examples? Built Templates, untimely release of the WvW mount, just and only new maps for LWS, boring and tedious achievements to get a new and ugly skin... I can continue.This is not a great way to do marketing. Anet needs to go back a few steps and rethink what made this game a well-commented and desired game for many in the past. And only then, take the correct and consistent measures to bring back that feeling. But remember ... don't listen to the streamers, maybe they don't know what's best, maybe I, who have a marketing degree, don't know either.

Some ideas that I think is the right way to go:

  • PvE (OpenMap) doesn't have to be changed, it's ok ... not great, but it's good.

  • New Fractals and Raids should have a consistent schedule, every 3 or 4 month. not never or "when we finish it".

  • New elite specs every 2 years, it's a good amount of time to bring something new and fresh to the game. A new breed/race can also be something new and fresh. Or, instead of new elite specs, you bring to us a maritime expansion, not underwater (maybe... also underwater); an expansion with boats, ships, fishing and waters to sail. In addition to that, new elite specs don't always have to bring new weapons. You can use the same weapon with new skills assigned and new lore to that. QoL way of thinking.

  • Remember that PvE people regularly have something new to do. But people who are here for WvW and/or PvP have been bored for years by the lack of new content and forced to leave.

The flagship of this game has always been the combat system. So why turn the professions a brainless and face-rolling class? If you want to make the game easy-friendly, don't turn every class into one-shot professions, lessen the damage of every skill in every class or increase everyone's life. Because now, almost everyone can one-shoot everyone from 1200+ range. This is ridiculous, annoying, unfun... let people have a chance to fight back a perma stealth condi thief, a OP power mirage, the new OP ridiculous necro god, the immortal warrior that turn back to u, stun and bye bye. This is not a GREAT COMBAT SYSTEM anymore, this is trash/troll/annoying combat system. To go easier on Raids, create different modes (easy, medium and hard) with different drops (skins) or diff. probabilities of drops.

How to turn PvP great again? Easy! NEW MAPS, NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATION.

Why don't u bring some Battle Royale elements to the WvW? Any. This is the new trend, bring to us something.

How to turn WvW great again? Some ideas of mine

  • New maps every new season (each 2 or 3 months). Every BL must have the same map or a RNG map (isn't balanced to be stuck at RBL forever) or one huge map to rule us all or thematically change the old maps each new season/relink. Like: Alpine Halloween, Super Adventure Desert... It is fun, new and fresh.
  • New and meaningful mounts for some specific purpose, as elephant mounts to tear down walls.
  • New BLs with floating Keeps n Towers. Flying Mounts to get there or mushrooms to go there.
  • Water combat Maps, with ships (10ppl), frigates (whole blob).
  • Remove the Centaurs, Quaggans, Skritts... from all Borderlands and EBG. Or make them more useful and meaningful.

There are many creative possibilities for you to follow, all of which bring more people and more money into the game.And don't go back to the wrong ways again, like releasing old expansions for free and giving the old players who bought the game a t-shirt skin. Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!

very well said


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@"sephiroth.4217" said:he specifically says on ideas.Ok, not dead yet. Just dying. Potato, potata...

Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!I'm not sure what I misinterpreted there: OP is sore that what they bought on launch is now 'free' for new players and all OP got is a T-shirt...

you missed the sentence building up to those words apparentlyExcept I didn't?

Well, the T-shirt might be underwhelming, but rolling HoT and PoF into a single purchase was a good - and timely - marketing decision. I'm sure OP sees that.Im sure thats what they wanted, for their players to go "why buy now when its free later"... As a player, I think this is great knowing I don't have to buy future installments because eventually they will be free anyway.It's the same thing that happened when they made the base game free to play. Don't buy the next expansion then, if there ever will be one. And anyway, if you buy the game now, you are missing out on 3 full seasons of Living World that you may or may not be interested to play, but if you do you have to buy those. On full price they are not cheap.And my favourite line right from the middle:

How to turn PvP great again? Easy! NEW MAPS, NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATION.What could be easier than designing new maps and trait systems?The whole post is full of easy solutions like this: new maps for all game types, regular new elite specs, mechanics that are brand new to the game and that the engine might not even be capable of handling (ship warfare, Battle Royale), new expansion...

we get new maps all the time but they dont add a queue button for it.Remember the Desert Borderlands? Notice the plural. Those were a blast.

It's good that OP has ideas and some are even interesting. Anet might even get some inspiration from them, who knows? But even if so, you wouldn't see any result in game for a long time. These solutions demand serious development time, time the game doesn't seem to have, if I am to believe the impending doom.

Im well aware of anet delivery schedules, Im still waiting for Swiss and Alliances and its been what? 2 years? 2 years of "its our top priority, we are working on it and soon."That just proved my point: anything that gets into the game today is the result of possibly years of development.
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@"Menzo.2185" said:In my opinion this game is in some sort of self-destruction mode.

I know, it is just my humble "one" opinion and this will not change anything for good, but... I need to say a few things with my bad english.At the moment, this game is dead; not dead of people, not a desert game, but dead of new and great ideas to transform potential into awesomeness. And this is Anet fault.Anet think to much, develop to much in the wrong directions, wasting time and money in things that will not save this great game, but only extend the issue.Some Examples? Built Templates, untimely release of the WvW mount, just and only new maps for LWS, boring and tedious achievements to get a new and ugly skin... I can continue.This is not a great way to do marketing. Anet needs to go back a few steps and rethink what made this game a well-commented and desired game for many in the past. And only then, take the correct and consistent measures to bring back that feeling. But remember ... don't listen to the streamers, maybe they don't know what's best, maybe I, who have a marketing degree, don't know either.

Some ideas that I think is the right way to go:

  • PvE (OpenMap) doesn't have to be changed, it's ok ... not great, but it's good.

  • New Fractals and Raids should have a consistent schedule, every 3 or 4 month. not never or "when we finish it".

  • New elite specs every 2 years, it's a good amount of time to bring something new and fresh to the game. A new breed/race can also be something new and fresh. Or, instead of new elite specs, you bring to us a maritime expansion, not underwater (maybe... also underwater); an expansion with boats, ships, fishing and waters to sail. In addition to that, new elite specs don't always have to bring new weapons. You can use the same weapon with new skills assigned and new lore to that. QoL way of thinking.

  • Remember that PvE people regularly have something new to do. But people who are here for WvW and/or PvP have been bored for years by the lack of new content and forced to leave.

The flagship of this game has always been the combat system. So why turn the professions a brainless and face-rolling class? If you want to make the game easy-friendly, don't turn every class into one-shot professions, lessen the damage of every skill in every class or increase everyone's life. Because now, almost everyone can one-shoot everyone from 1200+ range. This is ridiculous, annoying, unfun... let people have a chance to fight back a perma stealth condi thief, a OP power mirage, the new OP ridiculous necro god, the immortal warrior that turn back to u, stun and bye bye. This is not a GREAT COMBAT SYSTEM anymore, this is trash/troll/annoying combat system. To go easier on Raids, create different modes (easy, medium and hard) with different drops (skins) or diff. probabilities of drops.

How to turn PvP great again? Easy! NEW MAPS, NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATION.

Why don't u bring some Battle Royale elements to the WvW? Any. This is the new trend, bring to us something.

How to turn WvW great again? Some ideas of mine

  • New maps every new season (each 2 or 3 months). Every BL must have the same map or a RNG map (isn't balanced to be stuck at RBL forever) or one huge map to rule us all or thematically change the old maps each new season/relink. Like: Alpine Halloween, Super Adventure Desert... It is fun, new and fresh.
  • New and meaningful mounts for some specific purpose, as elephant mounts to tear down walls.
  • New BLs with floating Keeps n Towers. Flying Mounts to get there or mushrooms to go there.
  • Water combat Maps, with ships (10ppl), frigates (whole blob).
  • Remove the Centaurs, Quaggans, Skritts... from all Borderlands and EBG. Or make them more useful and meaningful.

There are many creative possibilities for you to follow, all of which bring more people and more money into the game.And don't go back to the wrong ways again, like releasing old expansions for free and giving the old players who bought the game a t-shirt skin. Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!

In my opinion this game is in some sort of self-destruction mode.I agree with you here.

I know, it is just my humble "one" opinion and this will not change anything for good, but... I need to say a few things with my bad english.At the moment, this game is dead; not dead of people, not a desert game, but dead of new and great ideas to transform potential into awesomeness. And this is Anet fault.

I kind of agree with you here but I think the esports is also partly to blame here, that is allot of pressure.

This is not a great way to do marketing. Anet needs to go back a few steps and rethink what made this game a well-commented and desired game for many in the past. And only then, take the correct and consistent measures to bring back that feeling. But remember ... don't listen to the streamers, maybe they don't know what's best, maybe I, who have a marketing degree, don't know either.

Yes but other things need to be fixed first before they can focus on new trailers. If guild wars 1 was your first mmorpg nothing will bring back that feeling, that is just a feeling of almost everyones first mmorpg, but we can easily get a bit closer to it thats for sure. Yes do not listen to streamers it is a mistake ive been seeing in mmos for the past 5 years or so. Or those experienced in mmorpgs and I do not mean just 2 or 3 lol.

Some ideas that I think is the right way to go:

  • PvE (OpenMap) doesn't have to be changed, it's ok ... not great, but it's good.
  • New Fractals and Raids should have a consistent schedule, every 3 or 4 month. not never or "when we finish it".
  • New elite specs every 2 years, it's a good amount of time to bring something new and fresh to the game. A new breed/race can also be something new and fresh. Or, instead of new elite specs, you bring to us a maritime expansion, not underwater (maybe... also underwater); an expansion with boats, ships, fishing and waters to sail. In addition to that, new elite specs don't always have to bring new weapons. You can use the same weapon with new skills assigned and new lore to that. QoL way of thinking. > * Remember that PvE people regularly have something new to do. But people who are here for WvW and/or PvP have been bored for years by the lack of new content and forced to leave.

I think its more then great, my issue is core open world is to easy while the open story and variety is amazing. other then that should not be their focus in my opinion until they other things are done first.

I rather have new expansions every year while making dungeons valuable again, fracts and raids should be added every 5. A new race every year and a half and a new class or elite every expansion. Again just in my opinion. If the underwater can have underwater cities, dungeons, and fractals i dont see why that would be an issue. Maybe in a magic bubble.

Yes a few new modes would help pvp in many ways and attract more players.

The flagship of this game has always been the combat system. So why turn the professions a brainless and face-rolling class? If you want to make the game easy-friendly, don't turn every class into one-shot professions, lessen the damage of every skill in every class or increase everyone's life. Because now, almost everyone can one-shoot everyone from 1200+ range. This is ridiculous, annoying, unfun... let people have a chance to fight back a perma stealth condi thief, a OP power mirage, the new OP ridiculous necro god, the immortal warrior that turn back to u, stun and bye bye. This is not a GREAT COMBAT SYSTEM anymore, this is trash/troll/annoying combat system. To go easier on Raids, create different modes (easy, medium and hard) with different drops (skins) or diff. probabilities of drops.

Yes but then we are leaning more towards roles and I personally do not mind but many others might, there are ways to go beyond just the trinity though and that to me is what makes mmorpgs interesting

How to turn WvW great again? Some ideas of mine

  • New maps every new season (each 2 or 3 months). Every BL must have the same map or a RNG map (isn't balanced to be stuck at RBL forever) or one huge map to rule us all or thematically change the old maps each new season/relink. Like: Alpine Halloween, Super Adventure Desert... It is fun, new and fresh.
  • New and meaningful mounts for some specific purpose, as elephant mounts to tear down walls.
  • New BLs with floating Keeps n Towers. Flying Mounts to get there or mushrooms to go there.
  • Water combat Maps, with ships (10ppl), frigates (whole blob).
  • Remove the Centaurs, Quaggans, Skritts... from all Borderlands and EBG. Or make them more useful and meaningful.

I do not play much wvw so I cannot speak on this but I love all of these ideas, just amazing all of them really.

There are many creative possibilities for you to follow, all of which bring more people and more money into the game.And don't go back to the wrong ways again, like releasing old expansions for free and giving the old players who bought the game a t-shirt skin. Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!

I personally would like to see gems for vet rewards, more promitions is always a good thing but I disagree with free expansions. We already get living seasons free if you login, I would rather they release other kinds of things for free though personally.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@thepenmonster.3621 said:One thing I've recently learned from these forums is that WvW is the only mode the game has.

Wait what?

Ahh.. you were going for the /S with that.. got it.

Yes and no. The "why the game is dying" threads here and on Reddit are
  1. Please don't nerf my build in PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.
  2. Please nerf other build that beat me in PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.
  3. Please force more players to play PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.
  4. Story isn't PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.

I dig. I know I'd be hella salty if the devs said Icebrood Saga is going to be all fractals.

And I'm always serious about this;

I am down with the "Give me free stuffs" idea and anyone leaving can feel free to mail me theirs.

I'm waiting for Cellofrag to get pissed because he couldn't flip a sword on the TP and leave. I will gladly accept his stuffs for my personal skritt stash.

I hear you.

It would be nice if the developers actually understood that there were other modes than PvE modes.

Frankly, the balance in the game truly started to break with Raids.

What they should have done from the start is have true skill splits between PvP, PvE and WvW.

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@"Menzo.2185" said:"Don't listen to the streamers, maybe they don't know what's best, maybe I, who have a marketing degree, don't know either".

Perhaps I will upset you, but I’ve recently been a streamer and talked about the same things that you are talking about in your post. So not all streamers are the same ... It's sad, but nobody (like you) will hear me. Me, because Anet is not interested in a Russian-speaking audience. Recently, we wrote a whole appeal and held a meeting in the game. The answer is ZERO. But they won’t hear you, because you’re the same drop in the bucket as the other players. It is only through pushing one's interests that one can push through. But who will take it? This does not interest anyone ...But your idea is great! Good luck!

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Anet and Devs read threads and sometimes implement suggestions but they almost never answer: Imho there isn't a proper group of persons with the aim of popping around threads or answering concerns. Gaile Gray had that role. See, we don't even have AFC in the subforum anymore. So this is the core of the issue, they do communicate, but they are no peoples anymore to gather back the feedback or answer.

Many peoples came with great ideas:~Expansion design/concept~New possible specs~Adding new maps in WvW/PvP~New events/mechanics/gamemode~how to balance classes

I'm sure they've read all those threads even when we speak about the lore. But nobody had time to answer simply because they are 700% on the next ls episodes and 300% on gemstore.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:he specifically says on ideas.Ok, not dead yet. Just dying. Potato, potata...

Give us at least free gems!!!!!!!!I'm not sure what I misinterpreted there: OP is sore that what they bought on launch is now 'free' for new players and all OP got is a T-shirt...

you missed the sentence building up to those words apparentlyExcept I didn't?

Well, the T-shirt might be underwhelming, but rolling HoT and PoF into a single purchase was a good - and timely - marketing decision. I'm sure OP sees that.Im sure thats what they wanted, for their players to go "why buy now when its free later"... As a player, I think this is great knowing I don't have to buy future installments because eventually they will be free anyway.It's the same thing that happened when they made the base game free to play. Don't buy the next expansion then, if there ever will be one. And anyway, if you buy the game now, you are missing out on 3 full seasons of Living World that you may or may not be interested to play, but if you do you have to buy those. On full price they are not cheap.And my favourite line right from the middle:

How to turn PvP great again? Easy! NEW MAPS, NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATION.What could be easier than designing new maps and trait systems?The whole post is full of easy solutions like this: new maps for all game types, regular new elite specs, mechanics that are brand new to the game and that the engine might not even be capable of handling (ship warfare, Battle Royale), new expansion...

we get new maps all the time but they dont add a queue button for it.Remember the Desert Borderlands? Notice the plural. Those were a blast.

Djinn, Eternal, a few 2v2 maps and so on.

It's good that OP has ideas and some are even interesting. Anet might even get some inspiration from them, who knows? But even if so, you wouldn't see any result in game for a long time. These solutions demand serious development time, time the game doesn't seem to have, if I am to believe the impending doom.

Im well aware of anet delivery schedules, Im still waiting for Swiss and Alliances and its been what? 2 years? 2 years of "its our top priority, we are working on it and soon."That just proved my point: anything that gets into the game today is the result of possibly years of development.

Its not years of development... it's been on the backburner to a tonne of Living Stories and PvE content.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:Djinn, Eternal, a few 2v2 maps and so on.So there have been several attempts to bring new maps to game modes other than PvE. Well, there goes another one of OP's arguments...Its not years of development... it's been on the backburner to a tonne of Living Stories and PvE content.It might not seem to be a priority for many reasons. The few that comes to mind at the moment are:

  • it is much harder to implement than you think;
  • they don't think it would attract the amount of players that would justify the time and manpower (i.e. money) spent on it;
  • despite how the non-PvE community would like to perceive, the game attracts more players to general PvE than to any other modes.

It could be any combination of those or none of them, but ANet surely have their reasons.

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@MikeG.6389 said:So there have been several attempts to bring new maps to game modes other than PvE. Well, there goes another one of OP's arguments...

There was an attempt, singular, to bring a new map into WvW, with heavy elements of pve, that the majority of players rejected as garbage, because despite saying so, they have no idea of what to add to WvW because they dont know what the players actually want.

To this day, very few guilds actually enjoy desertbl.Of all the servers I, and my alts, have been on, only 3 or 4 guilds I've played with actually knew how to traverse it properly.

There has been hundreds, if not thousands of threads offering suggestions on what to add to WvW.

Too late now.

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Largely agree with your point about a consistent cadense in every bit of content, tho i consider the time windows you provide to be kinda small for them to be realistic*.

Id say a new wvw and pvp map every 6 months and the same for each raid/fractal.

Bit yeah, consistency is key, if i want to learn a diff language (like french) im not gonna achieve it if i dont have a consistent cadense in my aproach to studying it.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:Djinn, Eternal, a few 2v2 maps and so on.So there have been several attempts to bring new maps to game modes other than PvE. Well, there goes another one of OP's arguments...Its not years of development... it's been on the backburner to a tonne of Living Stories and PvE content.It might not seem to be a priority for many reasons. The few that comes to mind at the moment are:
  • it is much harder to implement than you think;
  • they don't think it would attract the amount of players that would justify the time and manpower (i.e. money) spent on it;
  • despite how the non-PvE community would like to perceive, the game attracts more players to general PvE than to any other modes.

It could be any combination of those or none of them, but ANet surely have their reasons.

No one is arguing that except you. Just about everyone is aware this game went PvE focused some time ago, It's surprising that not a lot people know this game was apart of ESL at one stage.

What started as a joke has turned into this, apologies if you or anyone else took it personally.

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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:It would be nice if the developers actually understood that there were other modes than PvE modes.

My advice; If PvP/WvW players want to get more money put towards those modes, PvP/WvW players need to convince everyone else it's a fun time with cool people. It needs to be sold the same way guilds are being sold. "You help us retake the Eternal Battlegrounds, we'll help you take down Kudu."

What they should have done from the start is have true skill splits between PvP, PvE and WvW.

Yup. They should be unrelated. And there will never be that class balance everyone wants until then.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:What started as a joke has turned into this, apologies if you or anyone else took it personally.No apologies needed. This was sort of just a debate: you defended your position, I tried to defend mine. As far as I'm concerned, this is what a forum should be used for.Besides, you should only take an opinion personally if it's about your person. No issue here.Have a great day.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

My advice; If PvP/WvW players want to get more money put towards those modes, PvP/WvW players need to convince everyone else it's a fun time with cool people.

Agreed. I have been ganked in WvW more times than I care to count that I hate that mode. Could I work to get better? Probably, but I want to play a game for entertainment, not as a second job. I get it that this mode is entertaining to some players (especially those who gank me!) and when I choose to go there for a daily, I do so with the understanding that I am placing myself at that mode's mercy.

For me, I have never experienced a fun time or cool people when I've been in WvW.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:What started as a joke has turned into this, apologies if you or anyone else took it personally.No apologies needed. This was sort of just a debate: you defended your position, I tried to defend mine. As far as I'm concerned, this is what a forum should be used for.Besides, you should only take an opinion personally if it's about your person. No issue here.Have a great day.


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@MikeG.6389 said:What could be easier than designing new maps and trait systems?The whole post is full of easy solutions like this: new maps for all game types, regular new elite specs, mechanics that are brand new to the game and that the engine might not even be capable of handling (ship warfare, Battle Royale), new expansion...It's good that OP has ideas and some are even interesting. Anet might even get some inspiration from them, who knows? But even if so, you wouldn't see any result in game for a long time. These solutions demand serious development time, time the game doesn't seem to have, if I am to believe the impending doom.

Right? That's the one point that always gets me with these rants and suggestions: Why can't they just do XYZ?!? How hard can it be?? This attitude as if Anet has a magic machine that just allows them to insert random ideas, press a big red button and they instantly get all these demanded features perfectly coded into their game in no time. Like, this is not how it works. This is not how anything works. It takes time to program new features into a game and design new maps and other fancy stuff some people demand. And it's not like Anet is twiddling their thumbs - we know they are working on new episodes for the Icebrood Saga, we know they're working on the Alliance system for WvW (which, yes, takes longer than anticipated and probably eats up all their WvW resources, but still) and we know they've been working on the build templates (which, yes, also took longer than expected and didn't turn out the way many wanted, but still) which will come out soon.

So while I think a lot of the criticism with regards to mismanagement are probably true many offered solutions aren't really helping at all. From what I can tell the teams are working hard to get their backlog of overdue features done while still maintaining regular story updates. Anything beyond that will just take even more time. So while some people may think their genius idea that will save the game from its deathbed is something Anet has somehow never heard of (which is unlikely seeing how similar these threads are and have been for years) there is still the issue of them needing probably a year or two or even more to actually implement it.

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@Thalimae.3406 said:

@MikeG.6389 said:What could be easier than designing new maps and trait systems?The whole post is full of easy solutions like this: new maps for all game types, regular new elite specs, mechanics that are brand new to the game and that the engine might not even be capable of handling (ship warfare, Battle Royale), new expansion...It's good that OP has ideas and some are even interesting. Anet might even get some inspiration from them, who knows? But even if so, you wouldn't see any result in game for a long time. These solutions demand serious development time, time the game doesn't seem to have, if I am to believe the impending doom.

Right? That's the one point that always gets me with these rants and suggestions:
Why can't they just do XYZ?!? How hard can it be??
This attitude as if Anet has a magic machine that just allows them to insert random ideas, press a big red button and they instantly get all these demanded features perfectly coded into their game in no time. Like, this is not how it works. This is not how anything works. It takes time to program new features into a game and design new maps and other fancy stuff some people demand. And it's not like Anet is twiddling their thumbs - we know they are working on new episodes for the Icebrood Saga, we know they're working on the Alliance system for WvW (which, yes, takes longer than anticipated and probably eats up all their WvW resources, but still) and we know they've been working on the build templates (which, yes, also took longer than expected and didn't turn out the way many wanted, but still) which will come out soon.

How about a bunch of little black buttons?

jk :)

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